Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Disinfecting of Parliament Building in Pictures


The Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ) yesterday disinfected Parliament building following an increase in positive Covid-19 cases recorded from Members of Parliament and some members of staff.

The association has pledged to continue with their humanitarian gesture in a bid to bring the pandemic under control and supplement government’s efforts in addressing the matter.

Association member Mr Ismail Khankara when he led a team who fumigated the parliamentary area including the chambers said having COVID-19 strike the place where laws are made is a big threat and requires concerted effort to ensure that the pandemic is brought under control.

Mr Khankara who disclosed that the association has spent about K700,000 on the disinfection exercise of various public places however beamoned the laxity among members of the public in adhering to the safety measures adding that the gravity and impact of the pandemic on the country’s socioeconomic sectors is huge.

The Association of Indian Community in Zambia Member Mr Ismail Khankara standing in the parliament Chamber during the disinfection Exercise

Disinfecting of Parliament Building following the increase in COVID-19 cases
Disinfecting of Parliament Building following the increase in COVID-19 cases
Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ) disinfecting Parliament building following an increase in positive Covid-19
Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ) disinfecting Parliament building following an increase in positive Covid-19
The Association of Indian Community in Zambia Member Mr Ismail Khankara  with the team disinfecting the Parliament Building
The Association of Indian Community in Zambia Member Mr Ismail Khankara with the team disinfecting the Parliament Building


  1. While disinfecting Parliament Building by the Muslim Community is welcome Ministry of Health should ensure that all MPs and Parliamentary Staff are tested and those who are Covid-19 Positive are quarantined b4 they go back to their constituencies. If this is not done then these MPs risk infecting people in their constituencies.

  2. Kekekekeke, Indians to the rescue, when you even have ZNS. Who the fvck is the minister of Lusaka province? Whoever is minister of Lusaka must be thrown away. Please spray the ministers in the next cabinet meeting.

  3. Let’s see how qualified and creative our ministers are. Death is knocking on your door step. Think about all the things you have decided to politicise and let’s see if you can add this one to the list. This is a sign from God that people in charge should start executing their jobs diligently. It’s not much to ask is it? channel resources the right way and start doing your jobs to save this country.

  4. God has his own way of doing things. He is in control right now. This is time to repent. Mwapya shikulu is around.

  5. Mr. Khankara has done such a commendable job during this pandemic – he is more deserving of a Presidential Medal of Honor on African Freedom Day — unlike many undeserving people like the nurse who became a General when only a qualified Medical Doctor is supposed to head military medical services.

  6. At the same time we hope the sprayers were also given holy water to spray so as to get rid of the evil spirits of the upnd from our parliament.

  7. For sure , where is lusambo and miles Sampa ????

    You are embarrassing us… had to take Indians of Zambia to show incetive to fumigate parliament ????

  8. Remember Mr Ismail Khankara is not even christian.
    He is helping the so called “Christians” who have lamentably failed to control covid-19.
    These “Christians for Lungu” are experts at stealing and holding national days of prayer.

    • They just busy pushing for a Zambia is a Christian nation clause to be included in the constitution. Just one question would Americans or British allow such to happen in their congress or parliament? I thought such security sensitive places , its the military that should have been doing the fumigation.

  9. Disinfecting the Parliament Building is commendable but test, trace and quarantine the MPs and Parliamentary Staff. This should be done b4 MPs return to their constituencies and families. Lets follow the WHO Guidelines in eradicating this disease.

  10. If the well looked after MPs with the latest technology at their disposal are not safe, what about the pupils and students in our schools ??

  11. Thank you to our Indian community for the help. Indeed you’re grateful to be living in Zambia and have been very active in the fight against Covid-19. Thank you once again!!

  12. Mr Kankara…flash buses is a true and Patriotic Zambian than Chishimba Kambwili,Lungu and all these thieving bandit pompwe politicians….it shows you we dont need Politicians to better our lives…just us…the community…Well done Mr Kankara…Kankara for Zambian President 2021

  13. AICZ ought to be applauded for their considerate deed. But, where is the Ministry of health in this – shouldn’t the Ministry be leading on Covid 19 prevention and care? Politicians etc., need scientist’s advice & lead – where are they?

  14. Where are the COVID-19 donated funds being spent, by the way? A breakdown if someone could, please? I ask because of this latest noble act by private citizens to disinfect Parliament and the fact that ventilators were not working when one of the MPs died at Levy hospital.

  15. After fumigation shut it down parliament n come n fumigate again when you’re about to open. Forget Bill 10 , life is too precious.

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