Patriotic Front (PF) leader, Michael Sata, has declined to comment on insinuations from some sections of society that he will not need UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema, in the 2011 tripartite elections.
Mr Sata who refused to give his position on the matter said in an interview that the issue is too petty for him to comment.
He said he could not involve himself in dealing with such petty political matters which are better placed to be dealt with by his juniors in the party.
Mr Sata said he could not comment because he is too senior to deal with such a matter.
The PF leader said also said he is too senior to comment on delay by Police to deal with a case involving Gender Deputy Minister, Lucy Changwe, in which she is being investigated for bouncing a K10 million cheque.
[QFM ]
Yah Yah Yah, Mr Sata dont answer questions being coined by the MMD in order to cause confusion in the PACT. You need UPND and UPND needs you. U need each other to completely kick out MMD. MMD is on self distruction auto pilot doomed flight. No need to fall into their trap.
“Mr Sata who refused to give his position on the matter said in an interview that the issue is too petty for him to comment.”
I take this as a metaphor.What he meant instead is the matter is too hot for him to comment cos it will spell the instant collapse of the already collapsing Pact.
Its tricky.VJ has already finished the ground work and if you ask me,the elections were over yesterday.
Just admit that you no longer need are just too aloof and you are being misled by the coverage tht you are receiving from membe such that you now think you have already won the 2011 polls.just wait for your shock
Do I sense arrogance Mr. Sata?
It seems the PF vuvuzela (Post) has got you on an ego trip.
Wake up and smell the Coffee!
You are sinking and fast.
Sata is a liar! He is busy commenting on RB’s wife in Mpulungu for giving 20pins to the locals and he wants us to believe that he can’t comment on HH and 2011? It is by God’s providence that Sata will never become President of Zambia in his lifetime. Imagine what type of Government it would be when he cannot discipline criminals like Mark Mushili, MP for Ndola Central who is a trickstar and crook? If Zambia is a serious country, Sata should never become President because even Chama Chakomboka the late was more sane and trustworthy! HH has been caught napping and his political career is over because UPND will get rid of him as he does not own the party to be making decisions which have reduced the party to a shell. Sata and HH are immiscible, water and oil and now HH smells of oil!
How can an aspiring leader say that issues relating to the future leadership of the nation are a trivial matter? Well, let him think he can do it alone and see what happens. I think that Sata should not under-estimate HH as he could turn out to be a spoiler. HH is still able to jeopardise Sata’s ambitions to become president as the numbers just dont add up to guarantee Sata a victory on a PF ticket alone as he always comes a poor third in Southern, Western and North-Western provinces.
It is now clear that HH has taught Mr PF/Sata MC same good manners on how to behave over the PACT issues through the media.
On “Mr Sata who refused to give his position on the matter said in an interview that the issue is too petty for him to comment… could not involve himself in dealing with such petty political matters which are better placed to be dealt with by his juniors in the party… he is too senior to deal with such a matter” the only sad thing is that Mr PF/Sata MC is sending a message to UPND 2011 presidential candidate HH that what HH said on Radio Phoenix that PF needs UPND and vice-versa in order to manage to dislodge MMD from power in 2011 means HH as is junior to Sata — a very sad insinuation.
I hope the mighty UPND Group has taken note of this.
#7, your thinking capacity is very whobbly. Who are u to precipitate God’s plan, by saying “it is God’s providence that Sata will never be President os Zambia”? You talk about criminals, how do you account for Dr. Solomon chiMusonda, is he not a criminal who walks free with RB?:-?:-? who is Mpombo and Changwe, are they not MMD committing criminal offences. think twice before you vomitt your madness.
balekeni ba sata. if he had responded, pipo will still try to build or finish him. we zambians are too stupid. we have have been taken for a ride by rupiah and co. but we seat down and watch. i am not a supporter of ba sata, hh or any other opposition party. the bottom line is we need a new broom to clean the mess for e.g. in the judiciary.
ba george (veep) balilubana bad kind and here we are as zambians watching. they are so many bad leadership examples.
ishita ikafika
it makes very sad reading to see george backpeddling in his stance
So-called pact is nothing but a Horse and Rider marriage of convenience now on its deathdead gasping for air. Inherently Sata hates the people of Southern, Western, North Western, Eastern, some parts of Luapula and the northern such as those in Mpulungu, Muyombe. With his vuvuzela Mmembe they held incorrigible hatred for Iconic Corporate Executive Mwanamubotu Kambela Anderson Mazoka all the way into his Grave. He hates to see any tangible development in any party of Zambia or sons of Zambia from others parts excelling except those from his village. Not stunned with his bitterness with the Namwala infrastructure breakthrough.
“Meanwhile, Major Chizhyuka distributed a copy of a letter, which was written by PF resident Michael Sata then as national secretary of MMD to then president Frederick Chiluba that the late UPND president Anderson Mazoka should be made ineffective”.
““Mr Sata insulted the people of North-Western, Western, Southern and Eastern provinces hoping that one day he can be president by insulting others. You can’t be president by insulting others,”
“He has insulted everyone, he has insulted the people of North-Western, he has insulted you and he has insulted the President as an Easterner. It is not possible to be president by creating enemies,”
And speaking at the same rally, Major Chizhyuka reiterated that PF leader Michael Sata had insulted the Ila people of Southern Province by describing them as dogs in 2005 and that he had not apologised.
Maj Chizhyuka, who spoke in Ila, reiterated his call for Namwala people to reject UPND and its leader Hakainde Hichilema for associating himself with Mr Sata who had insulted the Ila people.
“Today, Mr Sata has not apologised to Chief Nalubamba, Musungwa and the Ila for insulting them.
“To see HH wanting to embrace Mr Sata today, it is at this point that I differ with HH. I told them that the pact is like ‘a Chilingalinga’ (a Tonga word for a snake with two) heads with no direction,” Major Chizhyuka said.
At the rally, Maj Chizhyuka distributed a copy of a letter, which was written by Mr Sata then as National Secretary of MMD to then president Frederick Chiluba that the late UPND president Anderson Mazoka should have been made ineffective.
He said he helped to found the UPND because he thought at the time the party would take development to Namwala.
He, however said President Banda had already done what needed to be done and urged the people of Namwala to support the ruling party.
Maj Chizhyuka also said the people of Namwala had given President Banda 21 head of cattle to appreciate his leadership and support for the area.
There is no way on earth can hateful Sata take another Zambian for VP other than having his brother in-law Telesphore Mpundu, Frank Bwalya, Willie Nsanda, Kambwili or a Muzungu he respects than himself. Ichilema is dreaming to think he could be liked by Sata who naturally hates Zambians from any part outside his village and dialect. Remember his pledge to exterminate and expell all North Westerners to Angola, Westerners to Namibia and easterners to Malawi and South Africa stands. He told Mwanawasa that he was a Malawian speaking ifitundu because he could not speak his (Sata) dialect. Have wondered why he has no friends? Only Idi Amin could have fitted in his instability.
“some sections of society” what section are those? Every moron that fears the pact will say anything to blackball the pact. Run morons run !!!!!!!!
hey @ba senior citizen do you work ku lusaka times i said so bcoz u ar like the news reporter writing the news…comment does not mean bringing ur issues how can you comment like have to change even yesterday you did the same……go go pact…what mr sata did is very wise….first think before you say any thing.
#4 naya mukunga sata and his vuvuzela the post have realised HH is a stumbling bloke and they have avoided him at all cost. HH is a troubled man but cant realise how irrelevant he has become. Guy scot hinted on what pf thinks of upnd but HH has ignored the timely advice. HH will rumble and rumble but all in wilderness with no press coverage as the post will never give him space in the paper but will do so only in negativity. sata is lead story daily in the post with photos of his ugly face
The Zambian budget for 2011 will be announced in 9months’ time.That is when we will know how money will be stolen.Death does not choose,even if it is not good to wish someone death.Come 2011 we will definately have a president.Let us wait and see.
We saluate the President for his wisdom. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ often answered the pharisees in similar manners. Thats the way to answer people who ask questions whose answers they dont need. Basically he told the interviewer that he can do better by asking better questions in future. Zambians decided to have a PACT hence the PF-UPND PACT was formed. We need it. Who is this dull jornalist still asking such a question? Thats why MC is going to plot one he understands issues.
HH is the man bane, take or leave it. HH is the man, sober in thinking and action. VIVA HH. AGE is on his side, he is educated too, and has kangono. Let’s try him not those that have been around in government for donkeys years. They can never make better leaders, if they were bad leaders yesterday. Let’s try others. Why should I trust someone who only left MMD after he was not picked as successor, he never resigned with all the bad things he is now pointing out, hypocrisy isn’t it? HH is the man. If not HH, then Milupi or this Chipimo JR.
You never know with the Pact. Please put us in the know to help us decide where to put crosses in next year’s general elections. Simply clear the air, enemies shall always be there, no need to blame them.
# 20 You are saying that SAta is ugly, is HH handsome I don’t think so. When he grows old he will look even worse than SAta. In any case, ugly, hundsome and beautiful as long as he is able to deliver thats all we want. Their work will make them look beautiful. RB looks more ugly beacause of the ugly things he has been involved in
i agree with u mwenda njangula. if the was a way, i wud prefer new blood in state house but as things stand now milupi and chipimo ur very new on the scene.the pact is the only hope at de moment to take out this soya beans from state house. 5 years for sata after that HH takes over.But be carefull HH they should not do what THEY did to the late Harry Mwaanga Nkhumbula, DRIBBLED BY KK
CONGRATS BA SATA! For once am happy with the answer you gave the journalist on this issue. This is an MMD cobweb and you refused to be caught in it!! You can even see from the bloggers here. Most of them castigating you are MMD, unhappy because they could not catch you in their pourous trap! We need each other in this fight, VIVA PACT!! Ba MMD muleichindika, leave the president alone! He has better thing to think about!
Sata’s juniors = UPND.
Sata has done well to keep his counsel and not comment. His choice of words could have been better though as he risks appearing arrogant. What he is trying to get across is that commenting on this issue will only cause division – its better to let the issue play out naturally and for him to only show his hand once he is sure of the outcome. Saying PF does not need HH does not do his chances of winning any good.
#26 Nkani: Just be real. HH is handsome, full stop. You can’t compare him to Sata now or the younger version of Sata. Just ask the ladies and they will confirm that he is more handsome than RB and Sata.
Well done president Sata for that response, HH, you are next, they will try to ask you such a question as well, please give them a similar response. Let them die of hatred for you guys.Ala you make me feel good guys.The PACT, keep it up. Remember MMD and their vuvuzelas, times of z, daily mail and this LT are panicking, so they will make sure they twist every little story they get from you, just to distabilise the ever shining PACT. MMD kuyabebeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Viva southerners >>>>>>all eyes ,ears,noses,mouths,heads tuned to southern prov.
I LIKE IT ..!!!!!
Thanks Boss that is the way to handle such questions. To hell with MMD propaganda tactics trying to disturb our beloved PACT.
@ Kaka, I don’t blame your judgement of facts. The fact that MMD has failed to deal with its thieves does not give PF a chance not to deal with its thieves. Herein must come the difference. Let Sata do what RB is not doing. Period! Talk is cheap and Sata timuziba nzelu zake. His PF was having meetings at Kapoko’s Best Home Lodge at the expense of Kapoko or the Zambian people and to this date Sata has failed to condemn Kapoko. Abash Sata’s politics of placation! I will prove you right come next year that God has not given Sata to lead Zambia. Ask God and not me why Sata claims to have been dribbled twice by Late Levy and RB. God will never condemn Zambians to Sata’s leadership neither should Zambians themselves!
Please educated blogers!!! Let us not be fooled by these fake headlines by LT… purely intended to portray the Pact as having problems… this is totally shyt and digraceful journalism
Don’t fool and involve God in matters like these… you people only start remembeing there is God when you are sick and taking tablets to prolong your lifes! mmd is a finshed product.
We hate Sata,yet we cannot ignore him,We label HH has being a tribalist,yet we cannot ignore him,We accuse our current President to be corrupt,yet we cannot ignore him! In short,Zambia can only move forward if we realised that only team work willl move the country forward! So let just wish all those who may wish to contest the Presidency good luck.
# 31,you are being petty.
I thought the answer sata gave was very appropriate and evry person who is PF/UPND should be happy. I sympathise with Nkani who should be happy with this, but unfornutely the MMD’s devide & rule has swayed them into hatred for PF. only people like Senior Citizen (as usual SC’s one-dimensional thinking is expposed) should write what u ‘ve written. CS is shallow- he is supporting Chizyuka today coz he is siding with MMD. SC is critisizing Sata now, but can shift like a pendulum if satasaid he has joined MMD. Such is the character of some bloggers & dont expect UPND guys to throw mad at Sata. But i understand, coz that is what MMD pamphlets (LT, Times, daily) have achieved- write that UPND is junior so that UPND believe, feels inferior & later attack PF: the pact has collapsed. VJ at work!
#39: I am just responding to your petty minded friend #26.
Presido Sata , great response to these MMD-thugs. For sure Presido you are too senior to be connered by a dull MMD-sponsored scribe. Well done HIS EX Presido Sata.
If they come next time just invite them for cup of tea..and send them with smile back to the dull MMD-thugs. Just like on this MMD blog, all the MMD bumlickers are really dissapointed and dont know what to say next. they are working on how to divide the weak souls in the PACT. They will not achieve it.
Thank you your EX Presido Sata….
2011 here we come with ba Sata
Stop this nosence of saying HH is educated and Old Micheal is uneducated, bcos they both have degrees. Period!
# 44, what degrees does Sata have? Maybe from Matero. No rational person can support Sata, only tribalists.
#45, you are wrong, did 44 talk about tribalism? you are the one who is a tribalist. Tribalism is in your blood. you were born with it and you will die with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 26 i noted your posting but hold reservations on Sata to deliver. I ‘ve always argued that putting an old (smoking) vehicle in front of a new one hoping to arrive at the same time does not work. This logic extends to national development. How can sata develop what he never did during their time? what new things is he gonna bring? is that the change? Even if we give him his boat he will fail to paddle it across the Luapula river. If you cant settle for HH then identify a young PF leader. Highly developed nations are led by those below 60. Voting sata in justifies returning RB,…Viva HH. Young generation.
#27 are you alive to the fact that old people want to possess and become desports. After Levy’s demise RB said he shall rule for only 3 years there he is aspiring for 2011. Equally Sata cannot be relied upon if he failed to pave way for a Challenge from Chishimba and others (so called rebels). Sata shall become a lethal dictator and possible change the constitution for life presidence. I urge the young to rally behind HH.HH.
#27 are you alive to the fact that old people want to possess and become desports. After Levy’s demise RB said he shall rule for only 3 years there he is aspiring for 2011. Equally Sata cannot be relied upon if he failed to pave way for a Challenge from Chishimba and others (so called rebels). Sata shall become a lethal dictator and possible change the constitution for life presidence. I urge the young to rally behind HH. or any body young from the pact.
If UNIP is still wamuyayaya then MMD will be.
Tonga chicken left in the cold…. very wet ,cold and NO blacket, ya ya ya. once a snake always a snake, ask KK and ask kafupi, they will paint diferent forms of snake sata,,, you start everything together, he will leave out when tables turn
I hope there is stil chibwantu left for you my boy
Actually MMD is does not exist bcoz UNIP is not only in state house but also on the grassroot. William is one of the ring leaders drawing from state to reform the by air vigilantees. Cant u see.
On “Patriotic Front (PF) leader, Michael Sata, has declined to comment on insinuations from some sections of society that he will not need UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema, in the 2011 tripartite elections,” it is nice that Mr PF/two-university-degree holding-claimant Michael Chilufya Sata has told his PF cadres that he will not undermine UPND 2011 presidential candidate and UPND Group any more.
What Mr Sata MC knows about HH over the upcoming elections is too powerful for Mr Sata MC to demean his possible President of Zambia in 2011.
In light of this, I am appealing to MMD cadres, and ULP, ADD, NAREP members to join in the winning band of HH as President of Zambia in 2011 even though these cadres/members can elect their party MPs for constituencies.
Be blest all…
Actually MMD does not exist bcoz UNIP is not only in state house but also on the grassroot. William is one of the ring leaders drawing strength from state to reform the by air vigilantees. Cant u see.
Actually MMD does not exist bcoz UNIP is not only in state house but also on the grassroot. William banda is one of the ring leaders drawing strength from state to reform the by air vigilantees. Cant u see.
Fellow Zambians, especially voters, I am urging all those that are aggrieved true blue MMD members to rally behind UPND 2011 presidential candidate HH for Zambian President in 2011. True blue MMD members across the country are frustrated by the failed UNIP-MMD system that has taken over the leadership of MMD.
Real MMD remnants, in the names of late UPND leader Anderson K. Mazoka and former UPND vice-leader Bob Sichinga, left the Mr Chiluba-corrupted MMD of Michael Sata as MMD National Secretary to form the National Development focussed UPND. Therefore, all Zambians who appreciate what the late Mazoka MMD did for National Development of Zambia are being called upon to do the right thing of supporting Real-Change-Leadership of HH’s Presidency of Zambia.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
I wish we had a retirement age for politicians.
From the daily news stories that are diffused in Zambia, it is clear that the UPND is the most popular party and its leaders are enjoying both bad and good reporting. As a matter of fact, it is also clear that the most important people in our Nation are the People of Southern Province going by the amount of coverage these people get in both the private and public media.
Therefore, what the People of the Southern Province do has a bearing on the whole Nation. Since the People of Southern Province are busy supporting the coming of new hardworking ZAmbians of the calibre of HH, I am asking the other people of Zambia to follow their leader in this case to support the winning UPND Team in the 2011 elections.
As a Person from the Southern Province, thanks you for the consideration…
There you are guys, do you need further proof that Pact is dead from Sata’s point of view? By stating that he leaves such comments to his juniors, Sata is confriming that he agrees with Guy Scott’s recent analysis of UPND in the Post. You have to think with your feet to argue this.
Now that the pact is in the mortuary, The next cabinet for the new govt is as follows:
Sata President
Guy Scot VIP
Given Lubinda Minister without Portfolio
GBM Defence Min
Willie Nsanda Finance
Mumbi Phiri Commerce
Kambwili Agriculture
Cosmo Mumba Broadcasting and govt spokesperson
Jean Kapata Health
The snake. Sata Cobra. The message is clear. Your tribalism and foolish superiority attitude of your tribe will make you to know that Zed is not Northern Province alone. 3 times losing. Your suppoters cry even naked in shock. Muzanya. Mwajaila maningi uka walala. Instead of working with influential people like Lubinda to take you to state house, you decide to hate their tribal origin.Tell the nation, you signed the Pact and it is you to endorse the withdrwal signature. You are fooling yourself and your supporters. VIVA RB.VIVA MMD
PF needs UPND and vise vesa please lets not fool each other on this one. Am neither PF or UPND but have read enough to see that we need change. And that change can only come with good leadership of the TWO.
#31 how narrow minded ignorance is indeed bliss for you. ne ?
People must come to terms with reality, The fact is UPND is a very small small party. Accept the facts, the party with the highest number of supporters provides the president. Get a leaf from the british elections you Tonga brothers and sisters, David Cameron who is the new prime minister obtained more votes than Nick Clegg who is the deputy prime minister, so if you respect your intelligence and mental status, accept the fact that on your own as UPND you are a million miles away from defeating MMD while PF has a 95% chance. Democracy is not about age, education etc it is about the superior figures and not the size of your buttocks and number of cows you have.