Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Cabinet decides not to lockdown Zambia despite rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths


Cabinet has agreed that the country will not be under lockdown, but that all citizens must strictly follow the health guidelines. Cabinet also agreed that sensitisation on COVID-19 must be scaled up.

According to the Cabinet meeting chaired by President Edgar Lungu, Cabinet observed that the numbers of positive cases have continued to rise because citizens have relaxed on wearing face masks, social distancing, washing hands and sanitizing.

Cabinet has called for all Zambians to be agents of change in the protection of lives.

Cabinet has also agreed that the remaining school classes that have not re-opened, including colleges and universities, shall remain closed.

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya, in a statement issued to ZNBC News this evening says Cabinet will assess how the pandemic evolves before a decision is made on re-opening schools.

Ms. Siliya further said Cabinet made a number of decisions, among them the approval of the Banking and Financial Services (Amendment) Bill, 2020 for publication and introduction in Parliament during the next sitting.

She said the implementation of the Bill, when enacted, will provide for the repayment of funds collected by an unlicensed person.

Ms. Siliya said Cabinet also approved the Public Procurement Bill, 2020 for publication and introduction in Parliament during the next sitting.

Among other discussion were the approval of eleven members of the Board for the Zambia Qualifications Authority.

Also discussed was the approval of a twelve-member Board of the Copperbelt University Governing Council in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013.

Ms. Siliya said Cabinet felt the need to have in place the Board as currently, the Copperbelt University is operating with an interim Governing Council which has resulted in delays in making timely policy decisions.

She further said Cabinet approved a fourteen-member Council of the Mulungushi University Governing Council in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013.

Ms. Siliya said Cabinet also approved the revision and extension of the implementation of the New Financing Strategy for the three public universities for the period 2021 to 2025.

Also approved was the ratification of the Revised Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States in order to promote academic freedom.

This is meant to strengthen and promote inter-regional and international co-operation in recognising qualifications.


  1. This is the end result when you have incompetent and lazy people in govt…you saw cases rising in RSA but you continued as if all was normal, now with the low temperatures I am sorry but you can not escape from inevitability. We told you you fooooooools the lazy one even stopped the announcing of covid-19 cases.

  2. It is not financially viable to do so. This is expected when you.relax restrictions. It is happening everywhere and is called a second wave. It is common with pandemics. Why don’t you diasporans concentrate on helping your adopted countries. Over 40k.people died in uk and yet you were quiet because you cannot criticise your whlte masters. Imbwa imwe. Leave us alone. You ain’t voters or zambians

  3. It is not financially viable to do so. This is expected when you.relax restrictions. It is happening everywhere and is called a second wave. It is common with pandemics. Why don’t you diasporans concentrate on helping your adopted countries. Over 40k.people died in uk and yet you were quiet because you cannot criticise your whlte masters. Imbwa imwe. Leave us. Kz

  4. What is the ranking of CBU and Mulungushi University? Can any serious parent send their children to these institutions?

  5. The objective of a lockdown is to stem the spread of infections. But Zambia’s economy cannot survive a lockdown because the fiscas has be sucked dry by money hungry leaders. So the ultimate sacrifice is to sacrifice innocent souls as though they have not suffered enough under PF. COVID19 has exposed the shortcomings of a clueless and ilegitment government.

  6. good decision cabinet.

    People need to move the country forward.Just encourage citizens to exercise in order to have a strong immune system.

    If people will be stopped from moving then then country will be gone.So far God has given ba Lungu wisdom to govern this country.He has made right decision for the country.Good decision govt

  7. Zambians should have not followed America and Sweden’s lead, of not adhering to social distancing and sanitizing. Prayers for the nation and people let’s be intelligent.

  8. Look at how thick Dora’s fingers are, they look like sausages! Just the shear size of her too looks shocking, if she was a wild animal she would no doubt pass for a hippopotamus! I mean, she must be ashamed of herself for such massive saturation from stolen wealth.

  9. Zambia’s cabinet has unwisely chosen to sacrifice Zambian lives thru the rising Covid 19 cases.

  10. The Govt is failing to contain the Covid-19 Crisis becoz it has been politicised. To contain this pandemic the Management of this disease should be led by Science rather than Politics. Countries which have managed to contain this pandemic have dedicated the Management of this disease to Health Experts rather than Politicians. The PF Govt is using the Covid-19 Crisis to attain Political Objectives as opposed to fighting the disease. A Public Health Covid-19 Task Force should be appointed to manage this Crisis. Until this is done Covid-19 infections and deaths will increase to unsustainable levels. The writing is on the wall.

  11. Indeed the economy must continue to be driven. Fighting Covid-19 requires money. Homes still need food, utility bills must be paid, children need to be taken care of, life must go on while the battle continues.

  12. Zambians have started dropping dead on the streets from coronavirus..First video is already making rounds on Zambian social media!

  13. Cancel 2021 elections.
    De-register all political parties
    Dissolve parliament
    Dissolve cabinet
    Appoint interim governing body
    Introduce 24hrs curfew
    Total shutdown!!!!!

    Just imagine, total sanity, no Covid cases.
    Just thinking loudly……

  14. The one who needs to be locked down is Dora Siliya, she is seriously asymptomatic and by not social distancing is seriously spreading COVID-19.

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