THE long-awaited Chipata-Mchinji rail line is set for launch today amid high hopes that it would spur economic development to the higher pedestal.
And President Rupiah Banda has said First Lady Thandiwe Banda is not campaigning and distributing resources to Mpulungu to campaign for the ruling MMD ahead of the parliamentary by-election.
President Banda described the rail line as critical to the economy as would reduce the cost importing goods from the Far East.
Mr Banda said the long term plan was to connect the Chipata-Mchinji rail line to the Tanzania Zambia Railway in Central Province to transit to Tanzania.
“It is such an important thing for us to have another rail line. Also the distance from Nacala to Chipata has been cut by 800 kilometers and also from Chipata to Lusaka, it is just about 500 kilometers. It will be of great economic value. That is not the end we hope to build the rail to join Tazara.
The president said this on departure for Chipata at City Airport that the rail line would be used to transport agriculture produce.
Mr Banda said it was important that the country should have another rail link especially that it would join the Nacala rail line which links Malawi and Mozambique.
He said the start of another rail line would cut the distance to Mozambique and Malawi by 800 kilometers and would become the shortest route to the sea.
“It makes it cheaper for us to bring in goods from Asia. It is the shortest route to the sea. I hope the Government can find resources to build a dry port,” Mr Banda said.
He also announced that Mozambican President Armando Guebuza would attend the launch of the rail line.
And Mr Banda said political leaders accusing the first lady of campaigning in Mpulungu did not have any programme and spent time on petty things.
Mr Banda said the first lady had been to Isoka, Mbala, Mpulungu and other parts of Northern Province where there are no by-elections.
He said she could not deny an opportunity to meet the people of Mpulungu because of a by-election and that she did not have money to distribute to the people of Mpulungu.
“At first the argument was that she was giving things in Mpulungu. Why deny Mpulungu just because there is a by-election. They want to look for faults. Where would she get the cash from,” Mr Banda said.
He said the first lady was in Northern Province to help the needy with materials and cannot segregate on the basis of a by election.
[Times of Zambia]
Hope it boosts the countries economy. We also need to place emphasis on developing locally manufactured good rather than always depending on imports. The country should consider building a rail from Chipata to the west to connect Zambia to Wavis bay and Benguela. Good start and good job!
From Choma-Namwala road launch to Chipata-Mchinji rail launch.The Cobra must be writhing with envy.
#2 vj rigger sata especially under 5 HH is gnashing his teeth in rage and chifukushi as H.E.RB continues to score points at will. this project started under camarade KK then FTJ and ba mwisho ba Levy they all failed but it has taken one bold RB to complete. HH calculator boy as sata refers to you this aint a dream its reality. zoonda uzalema chi RB nicha development look in two years how much he has achieved ma rabo bank zamtel, choma namwala, chalala roads, hospitals in all districts, schools, ndola stadium. lusaka hospital. give this man another 5 years then you in formassive development
#2 and #3 are you normal? when was this project started and who started it ? that now you want give credit to the ***** RB. people like you are not WORTHY to be Zambians.
Imagine #4! The project has been on paper and on the ground for over 20 years! To reach TAZARA it might take another 20 years unless you put Sata in power who is an action oriented man, you will never see development in Zambia!
That rail line should reach Lusaka and go to Mongu and to Luanda. TAZAZA should also go from Kapiri to Mongu and to Luanda, then that will be development imwe fi short sighted people!
#2,3,4 Its not him who started these projects you I.D.I.O.T If projects were accomplished within 2 yrs as has been RB`s tenure,the Levy would have done wonders.FTJ would have even built aboy 20 fly over bridges all over Lusaka city looking at the 10 yrs he stayed as president. Stop snoring and wake up!!
#2,3,4 Its not him who started these projects you I.D.I.O.Ts If projects were accomplished within 2 yrs as has been RB`s tenure,the Levy would have done wonders.FTJ would have even built aboy 20 fly over bridges all over Lusaka city looking at the 10 yrs he stayed as president. Stop snoring and wake up!!
#2,3,4 Its not him who started these projects you I.D.I.O.Ts If projects were accomplished within 2 yrs as has been RB`s tenure,then Levy would have done wonders.FTJ would have even built aboy 20 fly over bridges all over Lusaka city looking at the 10 yrs he stayed as president. Stop snoring and wake up!!
BA RB you are GREAT!
i think z is too big to develop at once. It must be subdivided into several countries then development can happen.