Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Chitimukulu will be a Guest of Honour at HH’s inauguration as Zambian President in 2021-Garry Nkombo


United Party for National Development UPND Mazabuka Central MP, Garry Nkombo says the Chitimukulu will be an honoured guest at Hakainde Hichilema’s inauguration as Zambian President in 2021.

Addressing a press briefing at the UPND secretariat yesterday morning, Hon Nkombo noted that it was unfortunate for the PF to start accusing the UPND of planning to dethrone Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people saying the party neither had the power nor the machinery to do so.

Nkombo recalls how he, together with late Kalomo MP Request Muntanga and UPND deputy secretary general for administration Patrick Mucheleka stood up to defend his right to the Mwine Lubemba throne when late President Michael Chilufya Sata sent 500 police officers to guard the Royal Palace to prevent him from becoming the Chitimukulu shortly after assuming office in 2011.

He also stated that as a party that holds the role of traditional leadership and the guidance it brings to the peoples of Zambia in high esteem, the party had resolved to stay away from meddling in traditional affairs because it does not have the roots to determine who should ascend to a particular throne of a particular traditional establishment.

Hon Nkombo also reminded His Royal Highness of the meeting that he (Nkombo) had with him at which the former assured the Chitimukulu of the UPND’s support for traditional leadership in the country as well as its resolve not to meddle into affairs of traditional leaders in the country.

He has since called on Zambians to ignore assertions from certain sections of society, particularly from the PF and its surrogate political parties that the UPND had hatched a plot to dethrone and degazette him one on office.


  1. “Freedom of styupidity” coming from Sosala. I guess people even stopped reading his articles. His hallucinations may indicate that he owes PF & GBM huge amount.
    “Ukuteka imbwa mano, kubula mano wapangula ichiti imbwa yaya”. once start showing annoyances, his subjects will stop taking cases like child abuse.
    The only case Chitimukulu can now preside on is witchcraft, because he is witch hunting on Mucheleka.

  2. How would you dethrone him when you don’t belong to the bemba ng’andu clan, the late president and abena nka… were against him becoming chitimukulu maybe they are of bemba royal bloodline. This chitimukulu should not turn family feuds into national feuds, let him learn to keep fyamu family mu family.

    • Sata was not a Bemba so he cant be Ngandu clan. He was a Bisa. May be Nkandu Luo but I knew her husband who was also Bisa

    • Sata was not a Bemba so he wouldn’t be from the Ngandu clan. He was a Bisa. Maybe Nkandu Luo but I knew her late husband who was also a Bisa

  3. If mucheleka calls GBM uncle and GBM calls chitimukulu uncle , in 2012 there was another kerfuffle, awe bane family feuds should not be turned into political feuds.fyamu family should remain my family.

  4. But who says HH will be president of Zambia? Presidency is won on the ballot paper and not the mouth. And it seems most Tongas are not very intelligent , like Nkombo is portraying now. How do you hold a press conference to tell all Zambians that HH will be sworn in president? Is that normal? By what criteria is going to br sworn in?

  5. This Bemba chief is a problem himself and no wonder Sata blocked him.

    He is danger to national security and I remember a certain man in the political circles who threatened to denounce this Chitimukulu.

    He must be dethroned and join politics.

    PF must go!

  6. Upnd has a lot of members on drugs. Look at how they hallucinate. Now they believe they have won the election. Come 2021 they will be running to courts petitioning their failure. The problem with upnd is the arrogance of its leaders. They think they can win an election by hallucinating on social media and writing to the EU. Useless opposition who are wasting our time. A party that has had the same leader for decades. You can laugh mwe

  7. If chew with the thieves do it as your last time because time to account is coming.

    Your ill-gotten wealth shall be investigated and we have already assembled a team of able judges to prosecute and fast track all cases involving corruption and looting.

    PF must go!

  8. Kikikikikikijukija
    2011? You defended Mwine Lubemba in 2011 you say?
    Times have changed.
    You pushed Chisanga Patrick out’a UPNDEAD.
    You pushed GBM out’a UPNDEAD.
    You pushed SAKI out’a UPNDEAD.
    You pushed Carnisius out’a UPNDEAD.
    You pushed Kapita out’a UPNDEAD.
    Next it’s CKINSULTOR. Used them and dumped them for not delivering upndead to plot one.
    When you strategize all the time, it is with the bemba vote in mind. Because you have tribally garnered the SP vote. With a spell, there is no change in stance in SP. If only wishes were horses.
    Evil-ally you think the target this time is the Bemba chief. May people in NP and Muchinga deny h² tge vote too.

  9. it will be chaos even for one minute reading and hearing position papers from upnd leadership no wonder most zambians donnot trust then to assume office in 2021 it could be replace this one this chief director replace this road and building replace this district replace this investors replace this bill shift this ministry and functions arrest and punish these replace state house and jet simply undoing everything votes are won in reverence and in bipartisanship

  10. MP Garry Nkombo has put records strait on classical beliefs about our traditional leaders. They are held in high esteem on account of their position in the nation and for that reason, need to be honoured at any inauguration to come next. Nkombo rises the bar above petty politics espoused by some party cadres and their leaders who have lost our founding fathers moto of “One Zambia One Nation”. In the same vein, our traditional leaders have to demonstrate that respect accorded to them by embracing all Zambians in the One Zambia One Nation spirit. Well said Hon G. Nkombo.

  11. I have never heard UPND condemn Chief Mukuni when he insult PF and it’s leadership. He publicly confess that he belong to UPND. For UPND it is ok. For Chitimukulu is wrong. This is double standard. When HH was at mukobeko he camped there to give hime support. Let chitimukulu show support to chilufya…

  12. Be hopeful and optimistic even after
    Ten attempts.Look at SATA who knew
    He would rule zambia?Before you go
    In a match you have to show your confidence. So let’s not give up as you
    Never know how Zambians will wakeup on voting day.

  13. Flashback – the tomf00lery of the u5 scoundrel h².
    Lusaka 2006— MAZOKA will be watching you as you cast your vote, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema has told the electorate.
    And Hichilema said Lozis and Tongas are inseparable and they should never allow United Liberal Party (ULP) leader Sakwiba Sikota to align them with Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata, a Bemba.

  14. Anyways, “Like butts, the UPNDEAD will forever remain behind”, LPM.

    What a spell! Visit his grave to undo this curse.

    Sounds like Dununa Reverse.

    What can we say?

  15. Chief Chitimukulu will be guest of honour at HH’s inauguration only in Garry Nkombo’s wildest of dreams. Where does Nkombo get the idea all Zambians want HH as President? Dream on Garry!

  16. The statement “Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the bemba speaking people ” is wrong. Chitimukulu is a chief of the bemba and NOT of the bemba speaking. There is a big difference between the two.

  17. Anyways, “Like butts, the UPNDEAD will forever remain behind”, LPM.

    What a spell! Visit his grave to undo this curse.

    Sounds like Dununa Reverse.
    What can we say?

  18. I am bemba but i have no respect for this ka thief,sorry chief.All sober minded bembas should work together to save ourselves from this disgrace of a chief claiming to be speaking on our behalf whilst pushing his useless agenda,this f00l should go together with PF.Teti kaletusebanya ifi, nikanani ka swine aka…

  19. Which Bemba are you insulting our chief *****. Just be a Tonga under Bantustan party and vote for your HH, all voters from SP you vote for HH under special instructions from Senior Cadre Mukuni and us we’ll vote for ECL instructions from Mwinelubemba

  20. Mailon

    You are not Bemba.
    You’re riding on a failed project.

    The watermelon hogwash.

    u5 politics tactics.

    Mailon you shall remain behind forever like butts.

  21. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Chitimukulu has really lost it… completely lost it!
    The UPND are just being nice and mature about all those hallucinations from Chitimukulu because they could have easily called him on it.

    Imagine if all that stuff was written by another Chief elsewhere, how much noise and anger it was going to provoke? Dethroning… that’s the worst accusation a chief could allege against an individual, let alone against a political party. Litunga would never utter such nonsense publicly, even if it were true… because that is actually a declaration of war against a people! Not even the BRE would utter such in public against an individual or group of people.

    Chitimukulu (if he was wise) could have used his surrogates to utter the rubbish on his behalf. Him public stating that means, he could…

  22. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …Chitimukulu (if he was wise) could have used his surrogates to utter the rubbish on his behalf. Him public stating that means, he could never walk away those words… and trust me it will be a stain in the relationship of political parties and traditional chiefs in this country.

    WIth all the corruption and bribes Chitimukulu has received from the PF, he is scared sh!tless.

    He is definitely a fraud and if the Bembas don’t discipline him and tell him he is out of line, I would be very surprised… I think his own people need to get rid of him because he is bringing their tradition into ridicule.

  23. Garry Nkombo epitomises the arrogance of UPND politicians. I was on a long queue at Absa Bank Manda Hill branch and he just walked in and went straight to the manager’s office who he seemed to know and got his money. He walked out of the bank arrogantly without even telling those on the queue why he had to jump the queue. I cannot just imagine what it would be like being governed by people like him.

  24. Mailon true, that chitimukulu has become a disgrace with his yapping. He is being shallow, naive and seems to have forgotten the people who stop by side, the little bribes he’s receiving seem to cloud his mind

  25. Late Sata(MHSRIP) didnt want this kamafellow to be chief. He really sidelined him because he had information that this kamachief is troublesome and a real disaster. He is useless to say the least. He is even too dull to know that PF is using him to create enemity with HH because they know he is rubbish and can buy rubbish stories like overthrowing him from the throne.

  26. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Chief is insecure, corrupt and has no integrity whatesoever!

    Litunga, the real King he sure isn’t!

  27. Garry and UPND , pay this corrupt chief no mind ………

    He has no principles , look how he treated GBM for standing up against sata to protect him

  28. I think it is time GRZ stopped having anything to do with chiefs. Like the Tanzanians, we should ditch these anachronistic institutions. They are too dependent on money from the state.

  29. Gary Nkombo likes predicting the future He always flops: “If HH loses this time Iam quitting”
    Now he tells us: the Chitimukulu will be an honoured guest at Hakainde Hichilema’s inauguration as Zambian President in 2021. Ha hi Ho He!

  30. @the observer you are right about little garry . He suffers from small man syndrome. You know people a small tool downstairs tend to behave like that as they have a complex


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