Sunday, September 8, 2024

Misrepresentation of facts regarding Bill number 10 is a danger to national unity


CONSTITUTIONAL amendment Bill number Ten advocates team leader Chishala Chilufya says misrepresentation of facts regarding Bill number 10 is a danger to national unity and should be dismissed with contempt.

He says it is sad that some opposition members of parliament have been giving out false information to the people and are now shocked that people have started receiving correct information on the ground.

He adds that the awareness campaign is unstoppable and will ensure that all corners of the country receive the correct information with regards the Constitution amendment bill.

Mr Chishala further states that if it takes the team to use the boat or air to reach out, he will ensure that it happens so that the hate and tension some people have planted in citizens is removed through correct information.

He was speaking shortly after conducting awareness programs across the Zambezi River in Zambezi district in North-Western Province.


  1. PF’s corruption cannot end now you even have the so called paid bill 10 constitutional advocates .shame shame up on the PF ,its leadership and all its corrupted supporters ,including some bemba chiefs shame shame up on you all , know that God is with us and nobody shall be against us the well meaning zambians

  2. Its hunger, people like these know they can make money promoting a bill that will keep PF in power.

  3. Those 4 d!cks can’t even find a plastic bag to keep those toilet papers in? Those are lazy examples of d!ckheads. How such abled men be seated without helping paddle a canoe? I bet they can’t even swim.

  4. Wht national unity can PF talk about? They hv divided the nation to a point where tribal pride has come to threaten Zambian pride so much so that one chief has suggested an all-Bemba school where applicants from other provinces would be ineligible.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly. One just has to watch the interview of his honour given lubinda where he showed how ignorant the interviewer and callers were on bill 10. The upnd think acting ignorantly over bill 10 will help them win 2021. They are decampaigning themselves

  6. There is nothing in bill ten toilet paper to put food on our tables except to provide a life line to the thieving terrorist party

  7. This is just a ploy by PF to start campaigning for 2021. Why would anyone be campaigning for bill 10 as if there will be a referendum?

  8. It’s the PF that are misleading the people on bill 10. The PF are telling the people that the reason they have not been able to support women, youths and the disabled is because bill 10 is not a law. They are telling the people that the reason they have been hard on the opposition is because bill 10 is not a law yet. The PF must explain to the people if there are any hindrances in the current constitution that hurts the chiefs, youths, women and children. The PF must also explain to people why the same constitution they used to go to the 2016 polls without any repercussions can turn out to be bad today to warrant its change. Why have the PF not allowed the opposition have the same freedom to go to the people and explain the lacuna in bill 10. Campaigns they the PF do it alone while…

  9. On Watchdog and upnd media, Bill 10 is dead. Their supporters are in jubilation. In reality, upnd has just been kicked in their nuts by PF in the recent by-elections in their strongholds and when Parliament opens, Bill 10 will be tabled again. Most people who oppose bill 10 haven’t even read it!!

  10. Bill 10 can only be resurrected in Parliament so why campaign as if Bill 10 is going to be a Referendum issue? The Campaign should be directed at MPs rather than ordinary Zambians. PF didn’t have the 2/3 Numbers in Parliament to enact the Bill 10 into law in March 2020 and in the September 2020 Parliamentary Sitting PF there is no guarantee that PF will garner a 2/3 majority vote. PF should forget about Bill 10 and start re-imagining how to win 2021 Elections. Its in the interest of PF and Zambia for 2021 Elections to be free,fair and credible for the Country to be governable. The writing is on the wall.

  11. Never in Zambia’s history has any proposed constitutional amendment generated this much heat and so little light. It’s not a referendum but a bill before parliament. Why then are non-MPs so concerned with it? Why print t-shirts as if it’s a matter for the public to decide? This matter is about MPs agreeing wht’s good for Zambia and not wht’s good for a political party.

  12. They get paid $3 and a t-shirt each and they suddenly become bill 10 advocates!! Come on. These semi-illiterates represent the worst of Zambia. Poverty brings out the worst in this country.

  13. This habit of renting unintelligent hooligans to lobby Lungu’s mischievous Bill 10 stink and will fail. Mr Godfrey Miyanda did the same with the new POA and he was the first to fall victim to his creation once out of power, the Act bit a juicy big junk from Miyanda’s stinking backside leaving him dancing “fwemba” like a cantankerous donkey that he is!

  14. It’s too rich of an *****ic stooge like Kainyokolola Zulu to call anyone ignorant, I mean, what manna of masalamusi are these really.

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