Sunday, September 8, 2024

UN in Zambia shuts down offices after Covid-19 positive cases among staff


The United Nations in Zambia has announced the temporal closure of all its offices in Lusaka for a period of 14 days effective 3 August.

In a statement, the UN says the closure will facilitate necessary additional preventive, protective and tracing measures following a rise in the number of cases in the UN family in order to mitigate and prevent contamination risks in its premises.

It said throughout this period of temporary closure, the UN in Zambia will continue operating on a full-time telecommuting arrangement as per normal working hours.

The UN has been operating on a reduced physical footprint for all its premises since the activation of its Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Notwithstanding, all UN agencies continued their operations in support of Zambia’s development and humanitarian priorities, in particular the implementation of the Government COVID-19 Multisectoral Contingency and Response Plan, with many of its personnel working under partial or full-time telecommuting,” the statement read.

“While the UN in Zambia introduced strict measures in its premises and facilities, including temperature checks, hygiene and sanitation stations, wearing of masks and physical distancing to prevent the contamination in the workplace, a cumulative total of four UN personnel and three UN dependents had tested positive for COVID-19 as of 1 August 2020.”

It said it stands in solidarity with the Government and people of Zambia as it has done over the past 56 years, and will continue its support to the COVID-19 Multisectoral and Contingency Response Plan, the implementation of the 7th National Development Plan (7NDP) and all efforts to help the country recover from the impact of COVID-19.


  1. Very wise decision to make. Life comes first. Please take the necessary precautions. It is not worth it risking your workers government we support you

  2. God help us all.we also need answers to the chroloquine matter, what’s the motive of The American government of allowing many people to die when there is an answer to it.

  3. Whereas the UN takes precautionary measures, the Zambian government leadership doesn’t care much about the extent of spread. President Lungu is carelessly campaigning; holding mass rallies as if he and his hordes of thugs are invincible and immune to the Covid. Very irresponsible leadership

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