Wednesday, March 12, 2025

It’ll be very difficult to unseat PF because of the unprecedented development Countrywide-Antonio


The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says it will be very difficult to unseat his party because of the unprecedented development it has rolled out countrywide.

And Mr. Mwanza said the opposition UPND is fooling itself if it thinks PF has lost ground.

Speaking during 5 FM radio’s Thursday Edition of the ‘Burning Issue’ Mr. Mwanza said the only place where HH thinks he has beaten PF is on his social media meme postings which he spends time making while PF is on the ground demonstrating leadership and the developmental projects that have been rolled out.

While on the program, Mr. Mwanza took time to explain developmental projects in the agriculture, education, health and mining sector that the PF has delivered to the people of Zambia in line with its manifesto.

He said when time to vote comes next year, Zambians will distinguish between development and meme makers and vote wisely.

He said Zambians are able to read between the lines and they can’t be wasting time on an opposition political party that has no manifesto.

He urged the opposition to stop relying on tribalism, hatred, bitterness, propaganda and fakebook memes as the way to campaign in 2021.

Mr Mwanza said that it will be very difficult for any political party to upset PF because even by looking at facebook pages of UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and President Lungu, Mr Hakainde’s page is full of childish memes because he has no manifesto.

“But when you come to the Presidents page he will be telling you of the projects he will be commissioning,” said Mr. Mwanza

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwanza has told the UPND to stop politicizing the National Registration Exercise because it’s everyone’s constitutional right.

He said there was nothing wrong for the ruling party to encourage people to obtain NRCs.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwanza has taken a swipe at Hichilema for being stubborn despite being taught politics sometime back.

“When Hakainde Sammie Hichilema came to join UPND he found us, I was in UPND with Mazoka and we worked very hard to make sure that he wins the convention of 2006 twalebasambilisha ama apolitics there was nothing that he knew he was coming straight from the boardroom trying to go in a campaign with a suit and a tie, I told him where we are going is not for suit and tie ama suit nama tie kusha ku boardroom,” Mr. Mwanza responded to one of Hichilema’s callers who wanted to disrupt the program.


  1. “….Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says it will be very difficult to unseat his party because of the unprecedented development it has rolled out countrywide….”

    If that was the case , why does lungu use unpresidented PF cader and police violence against opposition ??????

  2. Very very true. We let our work speak for itself. I have been advising the party structures to avoid confrontational politics with the upnd, even when the upnd provoke them. This is because there is no need to do so as this election is ours. I am 400 percent certain we have won. This is why upnd are panicking and acting like headless chickens running in all different directions. As I have said, if pf lose I will run naked from mandahill to arcades. Let hh also agree to do same if he loses.

  3. “….Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says it will be very difficult to unseat his party because of the unprecedented development it has rolled out countrywide….”

    If that was the case , why does lungu use unpresidented PF cader and police violence against opposition ??????

    If there is so much development , why does lungu ban opposition from carrying out party mobilisations ????

  4. Any other party in power other in than pf , having just spent billions, would not even bother campain, but let the development campain for them ……

    But not lungu and pf , forcing them selves onto Zambians by banning and brutallising the opposition at any opportunity….

    What is lungu and pf afraid of ????

  5. You are out of touch with real reality my dear fool. Anyone could have achieved what the PF administration has achieved with borrowed money. If I were you I would just shut it. You are going to jail next year…you think people will eat roads and shopping malls. Open your eyes. Poop drop.

  6. The boy has to eat. The salary will come from such unrealistic talk. Forgive them father. The nation is economically dead and even before Covid came and here is the boy talking to eat.

  7. Hahaha , Zambia’s debt overload , the sinking Kwacha ,declining GDP growth ,higher inflation and dwindling forex reserves .That’s truly unprecedented negative developments by PF.

  8. Other unprecedented negative developments by PF include cholera epidemic,illegal land grabs , uncontrolled Covid 19 cases and runaway corruption.

  9. All these Belly !di0t’z like “ka @nt0nyo” don’t even believe the lies they are spouting, just taking to eat.
    The buzzword on their hungry parasitic lips is “P.F, unprecedented development”.

  10. Ahmmn, am not sure! Drive on the great north road between Serenje and Mpika. Then go to Kasama- Mbala all the way to Mpulungu. Those plastic roads have melted away. Leaving drumholes.

  11. The love for money is what is driving Mr. Antonio Mwanza to say what is saying. The words are being spoken from the mind not from the heart. This is not Antonio we knew. I wish the people of Zambia could seek God’s will for the leader, not peoples wills. Remember why President RB lost the election. God knows who will be the next president either by God’s will or by design of the people (will). If we let God’s will to prevail we will have the best president.

  12. The perception of many Zambians is that the PF runs a very wasteful Govt, very corrupt and outright kleptomaniac! The only reason reason that the wind of change isn’t blowing is because the front-runner Mr Bally has no political stamina and tact to ignite it, besides his leadership rating is very low just like his integrity. PF might win next year’s election not because of what Antonio Mwanza is talking about. Nkongole development has just distressed people, inflated tenders and political violence are just a few of PF sins. If any clean charismatic leader comes on the scene the PF will be humiliated

  13. Antonio meant to say ‘unprecedented corruption’. Nothing that Antonio says can be believed. We all know he’s an opportunist, sangwapo. Can you really believe someone who, when resigning from opposition to join ruling party says “I don’t want to grow old in the opposition”

  14. “The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says it will be very difficult to unseat his party because of the unprecedented development it has rolled out countrywide”.

    The above statement is LIKE actually accepting defeat. The fact is You can succeed with difficulty. KKKKKkkkkk…….

  15. GUYS We are out of Zambia. Your country has made big strides in development.


    We thank you

  16. No Antonio there has been unprecedented corruption under PF. We understand Antonio. That’s how he feeds his family by being a praise singer for the PF but deep down we know where he truly belongs

  17. PF Bandits 1 year to GO. How much is mealie meal? Has loading shedding? How much is fuel ? How is the economy doing? Government workers been paid?Ba Bandit lungu know third term .bye bye

  18. So, what has mr Mwanza achieved so far, still a vuvuzela and political prostitute from UPND to FDD and now PF and dumped. Mr HH on the other hand is not only a successful businessman locally and internationally but president of a party to form government next and consistent with his lifestyle. Mr Antonio Mwanza is an outsider in PF like GBM and others hence being sidelined of any responsible position in the party – Failure politically.

  19. If PF believes this “unprecedented devt” has made PF popular why are they desperate to pass Bill Third Term into Law? Bill 10 died on June 4, 2020 and was cremated on July 21 when Parliament adjourned sine die. Minister Lubinda has threatened to resurrect the dead Bill Third Term when Parliament resumes in September 2020? If PF are that popular why are they preventing Opposition Parties from holding meetings and campaigning? The Corrupt PF is scared of losing the 2021 Elections and is busy scheming how to rig the Elections. Becoz of failing to fulfill Promises,Corruption and misgovernance PF knows it has lost popular support among Zambians nationally. The only way PF can win 2021 Elections and retain Power is to rig the Elections. If PF Election Rigging machine fails then ECL…

  20. Njala yakunyokola Antonio. Trying to compete for the best asslicking prize in PF.You have an uphill battle to compete with Monday Chanda, Bowman ,.Tayali. and Kamba.You ate really trying to look relevant. The Boat is becoming a titanic and you are in denial. PF is like cholera at the moment

  21. Iwe chimbwi do you know what development means
    These development is nothing if you keen inflating cost of the projects and leave zambians with horrible debt
    you keep working on roads every single day -creating even more debt
    Be responsible and stop being in your cacoon thinking zambians appreciate the rot you have caused this country
    Zambia can only be develped by Zambians and not the chinese or who elsve pig you bring
    Get out of your slumber you moron
    God save our nation from these corrupt minnions

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