Sunday, September 8, 2024

DRC announces that Zambian troops have been withdrawn from their territory


Zambian troops occupying two villages in the southeast Democratic Republic of Congo have withdrawn after regional mediation led to a breakthrough in a long-running border dispute, the Congolese government has announced.

Fighting broke out in mid-March between the Zambian and Congolese armies when the Zambian soldiers took control of the villages at Muliro-Kibambe in Tanganyika province.

One soldier was killed on each side.

“On the date of August 4, 2020, our competent services and all Congolese and foreign officials observed the effective retreat of the Zambian troops,” government spokesman David-Jolino Diwampovesa Makelele, declared Thursday.

The pullout was made possible by the work of a joint diplomatic mission from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which visited DR Congo on July 22-29, the spokesman said.

The team effort “led to the recognition by Zambia that the border territories of Kalumbamba and Kibanga, which it had occupied, belonged to DR Congo,” he added. “This was the result of a misunderstanding.”

“At this time, the Congolese population concerned is jubilant, particularly in Muliro. People are starting to move back on to the territories formerly occupied by the Zambian army,” the minister added.

The joint commission sent by the 16-nation SADC ordered the installation of temporary border posts while waiting for the manufacture of permanent and durable markers, Makelele said.

Zambian Defence Minister Davies Chama said Friday he would travel to DR Congo’s capital Kinshasa next week, but declined to comment on the troops’ withdrawal.

“Very soon we will be in the DRC handling those matters,” the minister told AFP.

A treaty signed in 1989 by DR Congo and Zambia resolved a dispute inherited from the colonial era concerning the delimitation of land and lake borders between Lake Mweru and Lake Tanganyika, a distance of about 200 kilometers (125 miles).

Border clashes broke out nonetheless between the Zambian and Congolese armies in 1996, in 2006 and in September 2016. The disputed area is easily accessible from the Zambian side, but on the Congolese side, access is made difficult by a swamp.

Source AFP


  1. But the Zambian Defence Minister Davies Chama looks Congolese, especially with that Gandire Express head of his, he could be Kabongo Ngoi or Mutubile’s brother. So we can’t send s Congolese to negotiate this disputes with his fellow Congolenyos?he is conflicted.

  2. But the Zambian Defence Minister Davies Chama looks Congolese, especially with that Gandire Express head of his, he could be Kabongo Ngoi or Mutubile’s brother. So we can’t send s Congolese to negotiate this disputes with his fellow Congolenyos?he is conflicted ?

  3. There should have been a ka friendly match at least for 6 months or so. Congo has a lot of indesciplined soldiers and they surely deserve to be given proper lessons. They are also very rude towards Zambians. I do not support the withdraw of Zambian troops. In any case when u look at Zambian map, u will clearly see that part of our land is in Congo. One day we shall fight to redraw the Zambian map with Congo. Go boys go! Cock the guns and advance!!!

  4. For me Davis Chama should be considered for running mate. He is mature and a stable hand, he does not rant like Kampyongo and Bowman and there are no scandals linked to him. Davis Mwila, Kampyongo and Bowman should be sent into the diplomatic service.

    • Now I know you are not patriotic. Sending the worst of PF as our ambassadors will give Zambia the worst reputation. The whole world will hate us. Bowman!? Ambassador to where?

  5. Teacher Mr – You are right: the way the French ate into British territory with Katanga Province defies all logic. What were the British thinking about, or how weak were they at that time to allow such a dangerous demarcation? Better to start thinking about resolving that mess now than leave it to future generations to take it up. Madam Chihombori talked about it not too long ago – and lost her AU job. But we can’t bury our heads in the sand and Congo DRC needs to be proactive rather than think that all is well.

  6. Boza Ba DRC!! At I jubilation by DRC population. If they are so jubilant, why do they like crossing into Zambia as refugees?

  7. We have enough Kasai tribes already in this country to try going out there capturing territories full of these stinking “natolelefye” thieves. The ideal plan would be to cede Luapula to Congo Katanga, I mean, bonse ni ba Kaboke.

  8. Peace and love always wins. Ubuntu is an African ideology. The diasporans are gnashing their teeth as they hoped a war would break out. They think their hh will win because there is a civil war. How pathetic are these hyenas

  9. Peace and love always wins. Ubuntu is an African ideology. The diasporans are gnashing their teeth as they hoped a war would break out. They think their hh will win because there is a civil war. How pathetic are these hyenas. Kz

  10. Peace and love always wins. Ubuntu is an African ideology. The diasporans are gnashing their teeth as they hoped a war would break out. They think their hh will win because there is a civil war. How pathetic are these hyenas. Kaizar

  11. Kainyokolola,
    Ka sakala wena, do you even have a single idea of what gnashing one’s teeth means? Stop nzelu za “kulimobesha ta” kach.ikala iwe, kunya!

  12. KZ so u would call a war between Zambia and Congo a civil war? Kwena muli ba Presidential advisor for sure!!! The results are there for all to see and glaringly speak for themselves.

  13. If there is war Zambia can’t match DRC,it is what we are ignoring.Congo is among Top 10 armies in Africa so diplomacy is better to resolve all our problems.

  14. Iwe @1,2 & 8 Njangwamuloty, Your IGNORANCE and HATRED will Kill you!! Some lessons for you: THE PEOPLE YOU FIND IN LUAPULA, NOTHERN, PART OF MUCHINGA,NORTHERN PART OF CENTRAL, COPPERBELT AND NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES, TRACE THEIR ORIGINS TO DRC, KATANGA PROVINCE IN PARTICULAR!! THAT IS A GOOD 5 PROVINCES INCLUDING THEIR WEALTH, MINES, GOOD RAINFALL AND THE MAJORITY OF ZAMBIA’S POPULATION. In Katanga you find all the tribes you find in these Provinces!! What has emboldened some tribalists to talk about North Western Rhodesia are mines they see in NW Province. Be reminded that Tribalism as you love it, can be used against you! The Lundas, Koande’s are more related to people of Luapula and Northern and even share some names. You examine even their diet and some similarities in their…

  15. …Continued..The Lundas, Koande’s are more related to people of Luapula and Northern and even share some names. You examine even their diet and some similarities in their culture! IF KATANGA HAS TO CUT OFF FROM DRC TO JOIN WITH ZAMBIA, SOME TRIBES HERE WOULD DIMINISH IN MINUTE MINORITIES WHILE OTHERS WOULD GROW EVEN BIGGER!! SO STOP YOUR TRIBAL TRASH AND COMMENT ON SUBSTANCE!!

  16. “Zambian Defence Minister Davies Chama said Friday he would travel to DR Congo’s capital Kinshasa next week, but declined to comment on the troops’ withdrawal.“Very soon we will be in the DRC handling those matters,” the minister told AFP. – IF THE PROBLEM IS RESOLVED WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE ADDRESSING IN DRC?? THE AGREEMENT KK MADE WITH MOBUTU IS INCOMPLETE, WE NEED TO REVISIT IT, YOU EMPTY TINS!! Bring Historians, Specialists in International Law and Abitration and will you see a different posture from DRC and the international community. YOU WANT TO LET GO WHAT IS NORMALLY YOURS, MAY BE DUE TO YOUR CORRUPTION!!

  17. Well explained @zambiaisours.The stinking ***** Njangwamuloty was born with tribal hatred instincts in his DNA.Will forgive the embecile for now as he suffers from Namazai encephalitis and should just continue licking septic tanks and leave the Bemba people alone.I think this rainball Lizard called Njangwamuloty was brought up in a primitive village and had no exposure to urban life.Shame upon this tribalist Black sepernt ……..Chatile chakwe. Aba ichipe ukufina. Those are called amalumbo for him

  18. Do you really think that you can win against RDC army?
    Big mistake, we just don’t have time to waste in a war you will leave those territory as it’s not yours!
    Are you so jealous of how the drc land had high grade in copper,cobalt and… than yours?
    You need drc more than drc needs you

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