Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Some MPs have Deliberately Misled the Public on the contents of Bill 10


Bill 10 advocate Prince Sindoyi has expressed disappointment that some Member of Parliament have deliberately misled members of the Public on the contents of Constitutional Amendment Bill number 10.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr Sindoyi said it was unfortunate that some MPs had deliberately decided to misled citizens on Bill-10 0f 2019 to an extend of reducing themselves to rumour mongers to gain cheap political mileage.

Mr Sindoyi disclosed that he has been participating in a campaign to promote Bill-10 in the three Provinces said that it was established that some Mps have alleged that there is a clause that seeks to block any Zambian Citizen who has never served as a councillor or MP from contesting for the office of the President.

“The following are some of the falsehoods which have been propagated by some cheap politicians and opponents of the Bill that we found especially in North-western Province; they have alleged that there is a clause that seeks to block any Zambian Citizen who has never served as a councillor or MP from contesting for the office of the President,” Mr Sindoyi said.

He explained that the opponents of Bill-10 have been lying to the Zambian people that the clause is targeting to block the UPND leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema from contesting the 2021 general elections.

Mr Sindoyi urged citizens to ignore this falsehood with the contempt it deserves saying the republican constitution cannot be made to target one individual when there are so many politicians in the country.

He disclosed that people have been told that Bill-10 has a clause that is proposing to extend President Lungu’s term from the current five to seven years.

Mr Sindoyi also disclosed that people have been told that Bill-10 is proposing that once a serving civil servant retires government can only pay his or her retirement package after 10 years.

He said that the lies and propaganda that have been told which he said are too numerous to mention were found on the ground that has been generated with a spirit of hatred against the bill and government.

Mr Sindoyi stated that despite the negative perception that has been created over the Bill the team of advocates managed to clear the air on these falsehoods.

He also disclosed that the team of advocates has managed to interpret the Bill in seven local languages.

Meanwhile, Mr Sindoyi has assured members of the public that the Bill is still active and has not died as being claimed by some opponents of the bill following the adjournment of parliament due to covid-19 cases that were recorded at Parliament.


  1. look at this level of despration by the PF that they have to hire these fellow criminals to mislead the nation and you see
    that there foolish media would also not allow others to say the truth , look at them .

    This is gone gone thank God for his miracles on this Bill and more to come

  2. I don’t beat about the Bush, I think you meant to say UPND MPs. It’s a well known fact. But when they lose election they will cry ati constitution needs changing. Nivipuba ivo

  3. I don’t beat about the Bush, I think you meant to say UPND MPs. It’s a well known fact. But when they lose election they will cry ati constitution needs changing. Nivipuba ivo. Kz

  4. Bill Third Term is as dead as a Dodo. PF should strategize how to win 2021 Elections without ECL and Bill Third Term. Surely there is life beyond Bill Third Term. Bill 10 died on June 4,2020 and was cremated on 21 July 2020. May Bill Third Term’s Soul Rest in Peace.

  5. Sindoyi Sindoyi, if people have heard those lies about Bill 10, then tell them the contents of the very Bill, rather than repeating what you claim that they’ve heard… Start with point 1 till to the last point of the contents. Tell them what is wrong with the clauses in the current Constitution that you want to be repealed and be subjected to subsidiary laws (as prescribed) – WHERE, WHEN AND WHO WILL BE THAT AUTHORITY TO “PRESCRIBE” IF NOT ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE (MP’s) who are by Law the legislative organ of GVT?? TELL first what’s wrong with every article of the Constitution, then we can agree if to amend or not. As for Bill 10, ni BEANS

  6. Sindoyi Sindoyi, if people have heard those lies about Bill 10, then tell them the contents of the very Bill, rather than repeating what you claim that they’ve heard… Start with point 1 till to the last point of the contents. Tell them what is wrong with the clauses in the current Constitution that you want to be repealed and be subjected to subsidiary laws (as prescribed) – WHERE, WHEN AND WHO WILL BE THAT AUTHORITY TO “PRESCRIBE” IF NOT ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE (MP’s) who are by Law the legislative organ of GVT?? TELL first what’s wrong with every article of the Constitution that you want to be amended, eg: ART 47, 51, 52, then we can agree if to amend or not.

  7. There’s no way that this particular bill can suck all the oxygen in the room generating so much energy and interest among its proponents! The urgency attached to this bill is to say the least amazing! If the legislature with people’s representatives can’t agree on its contents of what use is there trying to convince the citizenry? The nation at large is being fed with selective articles according to the proponents or messengers views! If it can’t be understood in the same light among representatives then its a waste of time, energy and money to keep pushing it rather forget about it and attend to more pressing issues. The desperation of wanting it passed speedily smells fishy when the whole Constitution is proving wishy washy!

  8. The truth is PF is desperate to have HH’s name removed from the Ballot Paper as a Presidential Candidate for UPND in 2021 Elections for whatever reason. PF knows that most Voters would vote for Bally(HH) for a change in 2021. Attempts to disqualify HH from standing in 2021 are ongoing. We hope God will protect HH from any harm from his enemies so that he can stand as a Presidential Candidate in 2021. He is our only hope for survival .

  9. Young man you and your colleagues are doing a very good job. Your opponents here are busy attacking you and yet they have not read the Bill. They are the same people spreading falsehoods fed to them by their MPs. Keep it up, do not be distracted.


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