Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bowman Lusambo erects billboards to raise Covid-19 awareness


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has erected Billboards in Kabushi constituency in what he described as an effort to raise awareness on the dangers of Covid-19.

In his facebook page Hon.Lusambo said its important have to continue sending correct messages in order to stop the spread of Covid-19 in our communities.

“As a leader and one of the survivors of Covid-19, it is my responsibility to remind the people to do the correct thing and mask up, social distance and sanitize their hands.”


  1. Alarming levels of madness in Zambia now. Unemployment all over and somebody is busy with bill boards, no plan what so ever

  2. These are signs of lack of leadership…he has got filthy rich from corruption now he thinks he is too smart and wants a statue…the moron can’t even put his mask on properly.

  3. Sad to see personal bill boards littering our cities and towns. Zambia should not encourage this method of revenue collection. Some citizens in Zambia carry tags of corruption and others are appearing in courts for thefts. Councils should not subject the public to see some thieves on billboards as a way to cleanse their characters. Zambians can not forget those who have caused much suffering in their midst.

  4. You cannot make this stuff up! Just love the way PF has escorted and is still escorting itself out of the hearts of more and more Zambians and out of government!! The audacity of it all! What is 2 million?!? In a country where 40% of the population is below the poverty line?!?

  5. Zambia is OK, it’s not mad. It’s Lungu & his people who have acquired questionable money & now they are busy flushing it. We have all seen Kaiser Zulu’s behaviour. So now this 2 million-pocket money man is displaying his ugly wife & kids. Some mislead him that they look good on public display.

  6. The billboard has focused on his ‘imposing self’ with the mask down!…not a good message.

    And why his family?? Is this the 1st family in Zambia, so as to be the ficus of this fight? I thought the President and his family are the country’s 1st family. So strange!

  7. It was not necessary to take or draw a picture of the Lusambo family. Just the covid message is enough. I guess Bowman Lusambo has become such a celebrity that his family’s picture will capture the attention of the masses

  8. Corruption scandals:scandals 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals:scandals 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Unbelievable! What an egomaniac narcissistic sycophant. This dude’s ending won’t be good.
    Why couldn’t he have used an ordinary family to be on that billboard?
    And why isn’t he not wearing the mask properly? And who the funk wears masks in their own home sitting on a couch with their family? There’s everything wrong with the billboard.
    Finally cN someone tell him to stop with this “Lusambo family” nonsense. He’s dragging his innocent kids into his bull**t life which isn’t fair to them.

  9. I hear they are are changing the names of “Ngucha” (Lu( ngu Cha) gwa) to some other name. Please take note of these gas station. That’s where we will be buying Petro once PF loses

  10. Diasporans will always complain and whinge like a pregnant hippo. Any individual is free to pay for any advertisement of their own. My bro has used his money to raise awareness so what is the issue ? Even you if you want you can go and pay to have your ugly wife or husband on a billboard. No one is stopping you. Let us stop being petty. This is why you lose elections. You clowns

  11. Corruption scandals:scandals 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals:scandals 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Unbelievable! What an egomaniac narcissistic sycophant. This dude’s ending won’t be good.
    Why couldn’t he have used an ordinary family to be on that billboard?
    And why isn’t he not wearing the mask properly? And who the funk wears masks in their own home sitting on a couch with their family? There’s everything wrong with the billboard.
    Finally cN someone tell him to stop with this “Lusambo family” nonsense. He’s dragging his innocent kids into his bull**t life which isn’t fair to them. What a douche!

  12. I am frustrated. Each time I try to type ‘Lusaka’ the autocomplete gives me ‘Lusambo!’
    God forbid!

  13. Who saw the Video clip of Lusambo claiming people steal to secure their futures ???

    And another one implying the Kaunda children are dull because they did not loot when their farther was president ????

    Such is the audacity of this low life thief who is trying hard to normalise stealing and lawlessness

  14. Mask over nose and mouth please. Your chins are not for masking…but your NOSE and MOUTH.

    Somebody please stop this comedy.. we can’t be joking with covid…so disgusting.

  15. She is ugly….
    Kabushi is the first PF seat lost. Even adopting that piece of sh!t is an insult to democracy.

  16. Yaba what a Zed we live in today were even taking our children to school is insignificant as opposed to letting them be cadres. Total Maddness.

  17. The people Lungu has subcontracted such as Lusambo and Kazier Zulu don’t get like Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko who has been heckled by workers on a visit to a factory as anger mounts over his disputed re-election.
    Workers chanted “leave” and booed the long-time leader of the ex-Soviet state as he insisted he would not allow a new vote after allegations of ballot fraud.
    Strike action spread to state TV, with staff walking out on Monday.
    Opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has suggested she could act as an interim leader.
    Police violence towards opposition supporters, as well as the alleged poll-rigging in the 9 August vote, fuelled a big protest rally in the capital Minsk on Sunday.
    Mr Lukashenko has led Belarus since 1994, maintaining close relations with…

  18. MIsuse of stolen tax payers cash by the puffed up scum bag .The money could have been better used buying desks for schools in Some rural area which has no toilets than promoting selfish egos

  19. Did he get clearance from the Copperbelt Provincial Minister, the Party Central Committee and other Party organs? Is he aware that all Bill boards are regulated by respective councils and that the councils are legally mandated by law to charge for bill boards? Who is paying for this bill board? Lusambo must not take his bubble gum ambitions too far. I heard him on radio last week claiming that he is more senior than HH. I guess he is more senior in thieving and looting otherwise what is there to admire the current leadership when they have failed to manage the economy! Who knew that the Kwacha would be at K18.30 to a USD around this time. Total failure.

  20. When there is no leader this what happens even aunty Dizzy did it….do you honestly think old man Sata would tolerate this nonsense

  21. What an animal zoo this lungu has turned Zambian leadership into….. ………

    This is shameless illusions of grandouis by this thug…….even going as far as trying to equate his family with that of our founding farther , KK……

    Who gives a monkies who the lusambo family is ????????

    I would rather pay attention to excrement then who ever the lusambo family is….

  22. Dislike the man all you want but don’t speak ill of his family, it’s just low and shows your lack of proper upbringing.

  23. Even KAIZER ZULU, has failed to defend such stupidity ha ha ha ha!!!!. This behaviour de-campaigns the PF everyday. I am told some Minister are so embarrassed of Lusambos behaviour, but they can not say anything because Lusambo is in the Edgar Lungu inner circle.

  24. @Tarino, Sata would have never tolerated such nonsense, he would have been told to bring it down, but then again Sata would never have appointed Lusambo as Minister.

  25. That is PF regime symptomised by Lusambo’s character of arrogance and ridicule to poor majority Zambians – KZ talk to me

  26. I already posted a comment on this. Is it not showing above? May be it was moderated by this websites pathetic system. Anyway this is what I said;

    Diasporans will always complain and whinge like a pregnant hippo. Any individual is free to pay for any advertisement of their own. My bro has used his money to raise awareness so what is the issue ? Even you if you want you can go and pay to have your ugly wlfe or husband on a billboard. No one is stopping you. Let us stop being petty. This is why you lose elections. You clowns

  27. It seems lusaka times moderates the word wlfe. I don’t know why but very strange. Anyway, tarino is back blogging and surprise surprise my clone has disappeared. Tarino it is so obvious and sad that you need to resort to cloning me because you have failed to debate with me.

  28. It seems lusaka times moderates the word wlfe. I don’t know why but very strange. Anyway, tarino is back blogging and surprise surprise my clone has disappeared. Tarino it is so obvious and sad that you need to resort to cloning me because you have failed to debate with me KZ.

  29. Those pictures, Lusambo seems to be equating himself to Lungu why? Every scruff who steals now seems to think he can be presido too!!

  30. The Kabushi constituents and Ndola electorate at large must first demand proof from the municipality leadership that the bill boards have been appropriately paid for then address the impunity of one Lusambo taking them for granted and imposing the supremacy image of himself as Kabushi savior! Wasted education in a leader of “Die Hard” cadre mentality! Zambians deserve better!

  31. CDF was released last week and this buffoon has used the money for constituency development for his self promotion.

  32. I will attend lusambo’s criminal trial and when it’s over follow him and whisper in his ear; “Everyday for the thief, one day for the owner”. ##save this comment and remember my name##

  33. Mephistopheles August 17, 2020 At 4:56 pm

    “….Dislike the man all you want but don’t speak ill of his family, it’s just low and shows your lack of proper upbringing…..”

    This shows your lack of perception

    Tell the stone thrower not to shove his family down our throats in the public arena if it doesn’t want any attacks on them….

  34. Who does this Lusambo THUG and his damn family think they are? Why do illiterates overrate themselves so much? Lungu needs to understand that you’re only as good or bad as whoever markets you!!!
    That billboard must be removed in national interest!!!

  35. Quite honestly, this is proof that the position of Provincial Minister is irrelevant and must be abandoned. I have watched with great dismay how Lusambo struggles to make himself relevant – it’s clear he has no job description. Good leaders NEVER advertise themselves; it’s their work that markets them

  36. Pamaka fye. How can you be upset about someone using his own personal income to place a bill board. Very pathetic the politics of opposition. Nomba you wanted him to put a picture of your ugly family. Voestek!!!

  37. That’s why I must marry a woman who is courageous to confront head when IAM doing wrong things. She should say hey I will not be part of the nonsense u are advocating not a woman who will always follow u when u insult elders, demean people, bully people expose your ignorance in public she is just there quite or praising u that u are a ? .

  38. Iwe Ka zulu usapota namafi pantu it is PF smearing faeces on the bill boards.You should learn to keep quiet sometimes. Let him Lusambo go and erect these excreta at his house. Lusambo is a pubic louse and does not fear anybody at all .The quack and Kaponya does not deserve to be a minister.He has no boundaries and qualities required of a minister .He is a typical kaponya thug from chipulukusu with no ethical boundaries.As minister he doesn’t even know his job description well and does not know where is office is . This maladministration reflects back to the appointing authority who is the president of zambia .Really this country has gone to the dogs . Shame on pf

  39. When this guy dies i have to attend his funeral. I want to smirk over his cold body and say “you thought you were invincible”?

  40. This is how he attracts international responsibility: everything is fine, we are fighting with Covid, so laid back and trust us. But this is just a picture… who knows what happens behind.

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