Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Towers are putting more money in people’s pockets-Kafwaya


Transport and Communication Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya says taking mobile phone services to rural areas is helping put more money in people’s pockets.

Mr Kafwaya observed that opening up mobile phone connectivity in rural areas is transforming livelihoods of the people and creating new business opportunities for villagers.
He stated that farmers are now able to source and negotiate for better prices for their produce on the phone without needing to travel to the district centre and thereby saving them time and money.

Mr Kafwaya who is also Lunte Member of Parliament was speaking on Thursday when he commissioned two Zamtel network towers at Baselio Moseni and Shibwalya Kapila in Lunte District in Northern Province.

The two network towers are part of the seven that have been erected in Lunte District from the GRZ Communication Tower project phase II.

Mr Kafwaya said the promise of putting more money in people’s pockets is now being fulfilled by the availability of mobile phone services in remote areas as villagers can now communicate with the rest of the world without having to leave their vicinity.

“This is what we mean when we say we are putting more money in your pocket. That money you would have spent to travel by bus to go to town to make a call we now stay in your pocket and be used on other things,” Mr Kafwaya said.

He thanked President Edgar Lungu for spearheading development to all parts of Zambia and ensuring that no one is left behind.

“As the people of Lunte, we thank His Excellency for bringing development to all the areas including Lunte, this is a President who does not want to leave any one behind. The use of these towers is not based on segregation, anyone can use them. You the people of Baseli Moseni are now just like your friends at Shibwalya Kapila, at Zacharia Chanda, at Mukupa Kaoma, at Mulenga Kapesa and at Chitoshi who have these towers,” he stated.

Mr Kafwaya declared that the days of people having to climb hills to make phone calls are now gone.

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta revealed that the telecommunication firm has so far erected 717 towers that are now operational.

“It is worth noting that in Northern Province alone, we have constructed 127 sites with Lunte District receiving seven (7) sites. Zamtel is contributing towards improving the livelihood of the people particularly in rural areas as they are now able to undertake Business activities with people from different parts of the Country,’ Mr Mupeta said.
“We would like to call upon the people of Lunte and Baselio Moseni in particular to come on board and work with Zamtel as customers and Agents of various products and services. This is one way of empowering our people as they will now venture into business by partnering with Zamtel.”

The Zamtel CEO said his company has noted the massive economic potential that Lunte District has especially in the area of agriculture.

He said the coming up of infrastructure such as Communications Towers will help increase the production of various agricultural produce as farmers will be able to communicate with suppliers of inputs.

“Farmers can also receive payments for their produce on our Mobile Money platform, Zamtel Kwacha. This is a convenient and secure payment option which also helps reduce the handling of cash. We also believe that investments in infrastructure development will also create a number of business opportunities for the people in the surrounding areas,” he said.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya follows proceeings during the launch of a Zamtel tower at Shibwalya Kapila village in Lunte District

Zamtel staff handing over mobile handsets to villagers at Shibwalya Kapila. The phones were procured by area Member of Parliament Mutotye Kafwaya.

Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta delivering his remarks at the launch of a Zamtel network tower at Baselio Moseni in Lunte District
Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta delivering his remarks at the launch of a Zamtel network tower at Baselio Moseni in Lunte District


  1. Dreaming of more money in the pockets has been a PF pipe dream.

    This is a failed regime which has run out new lies in New normal erra. The regime has been exposed with nakedness ineptitudeness.

    PF must go!

  2. Cell towers transmit and receive wireless signals to and from cell phones. Current studies suggest both short-term and long-term health risks within 300-400 meters of a cell tower, including cancer and other symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and sleeping disorders

    Ba Onion Mumenso

  3. Do the towers belong to Zamtel or Infratel?
    Hon. Kafwaya needs to understand that no amount of towers erected will be equal to the losses Zamtel is making. Yes, you can keep saying more money is in people’s pockets right now but it’s useless if Zamtel is worth sh!t.

  4. Excellent empowerment of our people. This is what we were voted in for and good to see we are sticking to the promise. Kz

  5. Very true. Mobile money has replaced banking for low income earners and the rural population. This is development.

  6. Comment:pf cant go,ask me why?they deliver develoment in all parts of this nation,what comes next is to vote them again and again.

  7. The one good thing about president Lungu, is that he does not use the useless slogan of more money in your pockets. That was the worst slogan president Sata could have ever come up with. Zambia needs people that are not tied to the PF or UPND to liberate it.

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