Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Vice President Inonge Wina is recovering from Covid-19


Vice President Inonge Wina is recovering from Covid-19 and the condition is stable. Health Minister, Dr Chitalu Chilufya disclosed this during the routine Covid -19 update in Lusaka today.

And, Dr. Chilufya said the ministry has opened a clinic to enable them review people that were affected by covid. He said the country has the capacity to test for covid-19 in all the ten provinces.

Dr. Chilufya said the government is in discussions with stakeholders on the need to explore various testing platforms as part of the measure to halt the further spread of the pandemic.

He said the ministry has also started assessing some labs both from the private and public institutions so that they can be included in the database as a way to strengthen laboratory logistics.

Dr. Chilufya said the supply chain for reagents and other supplies for testing for Covid-19 have been hampered due to the global demand for commodities.

And the country has in the last 24 hours recorded 204 new Covid-19 cases, 2 facility deaths of which One is from Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching hospital while the other is from Kasama.

The country has also recorded 505 discharges while 52 patients are still admitted in levy with 37 on oxygen while 2 are in ICU.

And, Pathology and Laboratories Services National Coordinator Aaron Shibemba said the country has four testing platforms for Covid-19 to enable a quick release of the results.

Dr. Shibemba said provinces have the capacity to test for Covid-19.


  1. Sorry to the evil upnd supporters and diasporans. Your prayers for her death are not being answered because our God is a very powerful God. Amen

  2. Sorry to the evil upnd supporters and diasporans. Your prayers for her death are not being answered because our God is a very powerful God. Amen. Kaizar zulu currently looking at the election predictions

  3. Inonge just needs to die end of!

    This that happened in Mali, I am afraid will happen in Zambia, if Lungu does not tame his clueless ministers and if he and his insensitive ministers keep om behaving badly. Kaunda was hounded out , for all his goodness, wasn’t he? Lungu smell the coffee, mate!

    Lusambo, Kampyongo, Tasila, Dora( and her son) et al. remain treats to the well being of a great Nation. Lungu, come out of you high horse and sort things out. You don’t need Seer 1 to tell you what to do. You have minimum intelligence to work things out, mate!


  5. Trust corrupt Chilufya at your own peril he will eliminate you like Putin’s poisonous assisins …this old hen Bo Inonge needs to retire ASAP never mind 2021 …at least this time we didn’t waste precious funds flying her to RSA for treatment then reside in a five star hotel for three weeks so that the selfish old hen can recover in luxury.

  6. I wonder if she was really sick. It has just become very hard to believe what comes out of a factory of lies. Thank God am not fooled.

  7. Tarino shut up and stop being my fake clone. Don’t you have respect for the elderly? She is not dying… we in PF are shielded by God from your evil prayers.

    And yes we have the bestand safe healthcare system in Zambia when it comes to COVID-19 compared to South Africa or some of your adopted countries. We will be here for many years enjoying our hars earned wealthy. Kz

  8. Comment above is tarino talking to himself. How can a fake call out a fake Haha. Ah I am even confused now. The fake me above is claiming that there is some one cloning him.

  9. Chitalu Chilufya is the shame face of PF corruption. Unfit to be in the public eye – may be the entire PF is unfit because of pandemic corruption that has engulfed the nation – hear Lusambo mocking poor people.

  10. Ministry would do well to give us regular updates on covids symptomatic as per Zambian scenario more so because there re people who have had much like respiratory conditions long before covid

  11. This useless lady should pass on the button, shouldn’t she? Lungu is incompetent and corrupt. He aiso store from an unsuspecting widow.

  12. Ba LT Surely dont you have stories… i am beginning to suspect that this Fake KZ is one of your Editors. I know someone who met the Real KZ and he denied being this LUNATEEK on this blog… Now coming to the story surely BO KUKU BO inonge does not add value to our current dispensation. His disaster contribution to the country was to coordinate the ascendancy of one ECL. How i wish my old man Mr Wina would wake up TODAY, The Wina i knew (Mr Discipline)…Heads would roll. Anyway PF will discard her in a few months so that she retired PEACEFULLY having contributed to our MESS…. Once more FAKE KZ , You are a re a LUNATEEEEEK! Who ever taught you how to BLOG committed a SERIOUS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!!

  13. Now Lazy Lungu has appointed a fellow dancer and hardcore whisky drunkard Mvunga as BOZ governor…really laughable…

  14. Let her recover and retire.When is
    She going to enjoy her retirement? Let her give chance to
    Young generation. Good luck Mama.


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