Saturday, October 5, 2024

Zambians in the UK wish the Veep a quick recovery from COVID-19


Zambians in the United Kingdom have wished Her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, M.P., Vice President, a quick recovery following her being diagnosed with Covid-19.

Zambians Together president Elias Phiri relayed his wishes for a speedy recovery to Her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, M.P., Vice President on behalf of himself, and Zambians based in the United Kingdom during a diaspora-wide digital Town Hall meeting organised by the Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom in partnership with Zambians Together and graced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe.

“As Zambians in the diaspora, we are sad to hear that the pillar of the nation her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, our Vice President has taken ill. On behalf of myself and all the Zambians based in the United Kingdom, I wish her a quick recovery,” he said.

And Ambassador Lombe informed Zambians abroad that the Vice President was stable and under very good care. “I can report to you that she is stable and under very good care and we wish her a quick recovery,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary also extended heartfelt condolences to Zambian families across the world who have lost loved ones at the hands of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He expressed sadness that COVID-19 was robbing the nation of irreplaceable human resource and urged Zambians both home and away to be careful and to take measures that are required to ensure that they are safe so that they can participate actively in the developmental agenda of the country.

He said COVID-19 was an invisible enemy that everyone is contending with and appealed to all Zambians to exercise caution and to be careful.

“COVID-19 is robbing us of irreplaceable human resource and I can only encourage all of us to be careful, take the measures that are required to ensure that you are safe so that you can participate and actively engage as nationals of Zambia and participate in the development of the country. Let us all embrace technology in whatever we are doing. Technology is at the centre of everything we are doing and the COVID- 19 has shown us that it is possible to have virtual engagement just like what we are doing now. We must use technology and ensure that we can use this vehicle,” he said.


  1. I have been in the UK for more than 20 years and I have never heard of this organisation . These are PF affiliated chaps who form their own Tuntemba then you start talking as if you are representing Zambians. Just say on behalf of yourself, not Zambians in the UK. That is wrong. Do not bring Zambian mentality to the UK.

    • I have been here since 2004, and not once have I heard of this body nor have they communicated with me about anything even though the HC have my contact details.

      They should learn to be selective in their use of language. It must be Zambians in the UK who participated in the said event who probably collectively conveyed that wish to the Veep.

  2. Certainly not on my behalf. Don’t say all UK diasporians. No wonder you people have no respect of yourselves. Kaizer Zulu is busy disparaging you day and night then you go and lick his ar**.

  3. We thank you so much my brother. More blessings your way. It is not shocking to see some of the comments above from evil upnd supporting diasporans. These cockroaches are even proud to say they have lived in UK for 18 years cleaning toilets. I hope with that 18 year experience in toilet cleaning you are now a toilet manager.

  4. Hello…
    To all those saying you have never heard about them the Zambia Together Team … Now you do so make some enquiries to have an informed position.

  5. The problem we have in diaspora is a lack of patriotism, especially from those that have an affinity to the upnd. On many occasions we have invited the upnd network to our meetings and they have been shunned. In fact I have email evidence in the form of correspondence between myself and Larry mweetwa. We represent genuine patriotic zambians.

  6. Speak for yourself because I did not .Maybe fuc3ing KZ did . You people have allowed a situation whereby rats have taken over a ward at Kitwe central Hospital and think you deserve respect

  7. Just another ‘clique’ of people who frequent the Embassy, and have connections in the Zambian Government.

    They are speaking on behalf of each other, not the majority of UK Zambians who seek to keep away from the Embassy for its unfriendliness.

    In any case, my own ‘best wishes’, were conveyed at the start of Ms Wina’s illness.

  8. Elias Phiri August 24, 2020 At 9:52

    “…The problem we have in diaspora is a lack of patriotism,….”

    You ka Phiri , if you support the looting of Zambia keep that to your self and your tarven group, why should anyone support a corrupt theiving violent leadership in order to be called patriotic ???

    Are you looking for a job with PF ???

    Musulla obe….

  9. “…..The problem we have in diaspora is a lack of patriotism, especially from those that have an affinity to the upnd….”

    Ka Phiri , why should people who don’t support a corrupt theiving violent GRZ be called unpatriotic ???

    If you are eating or want to eat from the looting going on , don’t include others…. some of us have principles.

    Mu.sulla obe…..

  10. Spaka, there is no need for insults. It is easy to act that way anonymously on the internet. I humbly appeal for you to attend our meetings and have constructive dialogue. I understand you may feel let down by the government but this is not the way to approach issues. I know the psychology of people like you. You feel the reason you moved here is due to pf. However, majority of migration due to economic factors, occured prior to pf assuming power. In fact the stats show that since 2011 Zambia has recorded the lowest levels of emigration. Your anger is being addressed to the wrong government.

  11. Elias Phiri

    “….In fact the stats show that since 2011 Zambia has recorded the lowest levels of emigration. Your anger is being addressed to the wrong government…”

    I came here way before this corrupt theiving GRZ but now have to send back triple the money to support more relatives who can’t find work despite lungu plunging Zambia into a $17 billion debt trap……….the people are taxed to the bone in Zambia.

    One of my friends child , a mental patient was burned to death in Lusaka , together 50 innocent civilians because of lungu overseeing a gassing campain of our people and you expect me to be patriotic to lungu ????

    Musulla obe for sure……speak for your self.

  12. Elias Phiri

    “….In fact the stats show that since 2011 Zambia has recorded the lowest levels of emigration. Your anger is being addressed to the wrong government…”

    I came here way before this corrupt theiving GRZ but now have to send back triple the money to support more relatives who can’t find work despite lungu plunging Zambia into a $17 billion debt trap……….the people are taxed to the bone in Zambia.

    One of my friends child , a mental patient was burned to death in Lusaka , together 50 innocent civilians because of lungu overseeing a gassing campain of our people and you expect me to be patriotic to lungu ????

    Musulla obe for sure……speak for your self.

  13. Speak for yourselves not me…people are dying in hospital in filth and rats you are worried about some selfish old hen who is stealing a living by wasting taxpayers money just sitting in the office.

  14. Elias Phiri

    “….Your anger is being addressed to the wrong government…..”

    Which GRZ plunged Zambia into a $17 billion debt trap ?

    Which GRZ gassed its own people resulting in 50 lynching deaths of innocents ???

  15. # Kaizar Zulu – You piece of sh,…from the same toilets you enjoy writing about. FYI, I am a better, qualified Civil Servant in the Queen’s land than you maggot! You resident of Chimbokaila in waiting.

    Ati ba Private Secretary ku Zoo! Your days are numbered. Stealing from the poor Zambians does not make you intelligent but I can assure you that one of these fine days, you will wish you never said all those horrible things to the hardworking Zambians in diaspora.

    The fact that you are a civil servant and paid from the sweat of most hardworking Zambians and that you are ECL’s personal secretary one would conclude that these are actually the views of the President. It means that ECL does not respect Zambians doing jobs at lower echelons.

    KZ, May I please remind you to familiarise…

  16. /# Kaizar Zulu

    May I please remind you to familiarise yourself with the terms of your employment as civil servant (Personal Secretary). Please read your job description and comply. This is a free polite advice.

  17. Elias Phiri, your comment above is an implication that you spoke on behalf of the PF in the UK. You are the people who don’t see Zambia in the diaspora but party colors. Why are you attacking the UPND?

  18. Venus M August 24, 2020 At 1:48 pm

    “…Elias Phiri, your comment above is an implication that you spoke on behalf of the PF in the UK. You are the people who don’t see Zambia in the diaspora but party colors. Why are you attacking the UPND?….”

    This is typical wako ni wako syndrome that is destroying Zambia. As long as it is his tribes men destroying Zambia , they are ok with it…..

  19. Just shut it! We have had in the past worked with the best and unbiased staff in the High Commission Office in London.

  20. Look, I have extended an invitation to you all all irrespective of tribe or party affiliation. The only ones who seem to be going on about party politics are yourselves. I spoke about patriotism and not PF’sm. The two are very different. Your insecurities are beginning to show. Is it difficult to engage us so that we work together to benefit zambians? It is both saddening and embarrassing that a gesture of good will wishing a human being well, has angered you this much. Very disheartening. Whilst majority of us diasporans work together there is a small minority who think they are better than the rest. It is clear to see from the above who those are. I cannot force you to work with us. The choice is yours.

  21. Look, I have extended an invitation to you all all irrespective of tribe or party affiliation. The only ones who seem to be going on about party politics are yourselves. I spoke about patriotism and not PF’sm. The two are very different. Your insecurities are beginning to show. Is it difficult to engage us so that we work together to benefit zambians? It is both saddening and embarrassing that a gesture of good will wishing a human being well, has angered you this much. Very disheartening. Whilst majority of us diasporans work together there is a small minority who think they are better than the rest. It is clear to see from the above who those are. I cannot force you to work with us. The choice is yours my brothers and sisters.

  22. Elias Phiri, you are a PF right? Be a good player. If you are not open to criticism, you are a fake card. You can’t lead.

  23. Elias Phiri

    Your rebuke stems from the fact that you wish the old VP well , why should the people she torments with her lies and support of oppression of democratic freedoms wish her well ???

    Will that make the tormented patriotic ?

  24. Not all Zambians in the UK are included in this group of well wishers. Most of us are very proud of our Zambian heritage, however we do not want to be associated with corrupt and irresponsible people such as the ones in the government of today.
    Is’t it an embarrassment to be reading such comments from this KZ insulting those he thinks are cleaning toilets in the diaspora? It just shows what a disrespectful individual he is, whether or not he is an impostor or the real KZ !!! Does he have any respect for those with jobs beneath him, his house helpers, garden workers, market traders or even poor Zambians? This is why these people have no shame about the corruption which leaves the majority of Zambians in poverty. Even the employed Zambians are struggling and this KZ does’t even care…

  25. You angry diasporans need to learn respect. You are a bunch of ignorant little boys and girls. In fact I wonder what Elias phiri is doing abroad because we can use the calibre of men like him in our country. He is level headed and patriotic. Those claiming he is pf, I can confirm that this gentle giant is not member of our party. Stop being too political you upnd diasporans.

  26. People this is not KZ but a childish trolling UK based impostor maybe part of this group of bootlickers in the article.

  27. Firstly, this guy is clearly drunk and in a bar, the best he should have done if he is a President or representative of this Zambia Together PF branch would have been to gett rid of the pint glass behind him. Secondly, we have a politically affiliated cockroach having an erection over this matter which now questions the credibility of this organisation and finally, Mr Phiri must be too drunk to listen to the themes raised by most bloggers here, they don’t know you or have never heard of your existence, can you please review this and present a CV of all your achievements as an organisation rather than responding simply because you have given Kaizer Zulu an erection. Next time, Mr Phirir, next time you go at the Bar, leave your phone at home instead of embarrass yourself like this, I…

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