Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Privatisation Ghost Hungs On HH’s Head: He Should Show Remorse


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

We are concerned with the discomfort that has come into the public domain by the desperate Presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema following a well-enlightened presentation by the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) President Edith Nawakwi.

We attentively followed the intellectual puzzle being put by Ms. Nawakwi who arguably is among the voice of reason that exists in our highly polarized opposition politics.

We are in dire need to appreciate the truth on how Mr. Hichilema betrayed the allegedly fiduciary obligation when he was entrusted to render his expert guidance on the conduct of the privatization process which later turned to be a fraud after a clique dubiously enriched itself. In the eyes of the enlightened political observers, the privatization ghost will perpetually hang on the head of Mr. Hichilema for as long as he continues to exhibit his usual arrogance on this matter of public interest.

RAMCOZ is among the strategic national assets that were swallowed in the vast dry ocean with the involvement of Mr. Hichilema. Just like Ms. Nawakwi, we have given Mr. Hichilema a fair chance to redeem himself by avoiding the self-denial and sheer arrogance he has adopted when dealing with this matter of national significance. The plunder of national resources which was chiefly informed by the expert views is unforgivable. We need answers on what criterion was used to sell RAMCOZ which later resulted in the suffering of many families which solely depended on the once flourishing company.

It is a fact that the decision was made with the dependable professional guidance of HH when RAMCOZ was put in receivership to recover the non-performing dues which were owed to another state-owned enterprise, ZANACO. It is therefore illogical for the person who has this discredited past cannot show remorse for these predatory behaviours which sent many families into their premature death.

We know RAMCOZ was the heart and soul of the Copper belt and above all the FOREX earner for our nation. We, therefore, can not close our lips or fold our hands to let this issue die a natural death let alone have HH suffer the political consequences next year.

As a person seeking public office, HH should refrain from mocking the intelligence of the families which were left destitute after this undertaking. There is a strong and well-founded suspicion that the key participants of the privatization process may have connived to undervalue the strategic assets to their advantage and to the detriment of the nation. This obscurity will only be cleared by the Commission of Inquiry.

As regards his insistence to be reported to the police or any other law enforcement agency, we remind HH that unethical behaviors is not limited to criminal activities. It is about omission to adhere to the minimum rules and standard of behaviors governing professional conduct.

We do not hold any malice or ill will against HH, ours is to aid the patriots to make an informed position as we go into elections next year. We are of the opinion that the Commission of Inquiry is established into the sale of RAMCOZ as we dearly need to know the procedures and criterion that was used to dispose of it.

As things stand, we will not relent and exclude HH from the privatization conversation. Clearly, the incoherent and angry responses that come from Mr. Hichilema’s lips conceal the ills of the privatization agenda whose net result was to enrich a few who later on had unexplained wealth.



  2. Explain the sale of The Post Newspaper assets, what happened to that company? Where are the The Post trucks?
    How much Lewis Mosho has been paid, and how much did he pay the ZRA.
    Publish all transactions…. On Monday.
    Mwanawasa went through the HH & Chiluba era, Mwanawasa didn’t jail HH, but called a brilliant young man, whom he wished to work with in government.
    Let’s deal with The Post Newspaper, KCM and Covid-19 donations.
    We need see transactions next week.

  3. His major faults, no contrition, no remorse, just a lot of pomposity, a lot of attitude, no inspiration. Sorry, not fit for the presidency.

  4. “We were told by advisers, who included the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank that for the next 20 years, Zambian copper would not make a profit. [But, if we privatised] we would be able to access debt relief, and this was a huge carrot in front of us, We had no option,” said then Minister of Finance Edith Nawakwi.#1999

    Just from reading Francis Kaunda’s book: Selling The Family Silver on his chronicles during the Privatization of the Mines.

    Nawakwi is framing an innocent person to hide her misdeeds during the Privatization Process. Unfortunately, Zambians are too lazy to read facts for themselves. They will believe anything. Remember how Zambians killed innocent people on mere suspicion of gassing without verifying facts. Zambians will believe Nawakwi’s lies on HH…

  5. Ni same Whatsapp group. They all know how they have legally beat the system and have the balls to ask us to take them to court if we have evidence as if that makes them any clean. Something can be done legally but be morally bankrupt, case ya Whatsapp group iyi.

  6. The only way to get to the bottom of this is to work backwards. Let’s start with the corruption killing people now due to lack of medication in hospitals then move to Liquidation of the post and KCM, then work further backwards towards Fire Tenders, inflated Road and infrastructure projects, then to investigate the miraculous riches PF leaders are cadres have without viable businesses. Then we can conclude with Nawakwi and Chiluba’s Privatization Mess! For us to be on the same page, we must READ!

  7. Puleeze. Research the facts first. Get evidence before you show your ignorance.
    One person wants to appear clever but his batakoz are uncovered.

  8. This is a waste of time. How can you call yourself as an enlightened political observer when all you are doing is claiming there are so called privatisation ghosts over HH to try and disadvantage HH as the country goes into elections next year. Why dont you deal with the living ghosts hanging over PF leaders. You want to look for old privatisation ghosts? Unfortunately there are no ghosts. Only naive people like you who believe and think witchcraft will improve your lives can talk of privatisation ghosts over HH’s head. Who was supposed to question HH in case he betrayed fiduciary obligations? Why didnt your privatisation ghosts question HH if he betrayed the so called fiduciary obligations? Your ghost keeps failing because what HH says is the truth. Nawakwi and your lies have short…

  9. The money Nawakwi got after selling ka Antonio Mwanza AKA Zambian citizen on LT y TY to lungu has now finished and she needs more money from lungu

  10. UPND chaps always are full of insults.Please tell us where HH got money from if it’s not from selling Zambia’s assets?U need to explain instead of lying and defending your leader.He stole and he gonna spend big next year coz he gonna lose.You think souls will rest bcoz of selfish individuals?He will pay for killing our sisters and brothers in copperbelt.No vote for him

  11. If HH did something wrong, Mwanawasa would have arrested him. Its too late for this argument. Let’s talk about the 48 houses and fire tenders.

  12. Moscow (op), if you now think privatisation killed your sisters and brothers in the copperbelt, direct your anger to the government who decided to conduct a national privatisation in the manner it was done. Why do you now want a consultant HH engaged by government amongst many other consultants and lawyers to individually be responsible for the outcome of a government privatisation programme? Dont fool people. Clever people know this is just a way to decampaign HH. Though you do invite insults, I dont have time for insulting you or any others who may have a divergent opinion. I will however not accept naked lies aimed at disadvantaging your political opponents!! Lets discuss substantive issues based on facts and evidence!!

  13. was Bally the only zambian present at the time of privatisation? here is kudos saying he never participated in privatisation when most zambians aquired government pool houses and council houses and yet someone will be screaming he never participated, don’t tell me you have no relative who aquired a council or government pool house.

  14. As I have said in a previous post, HH claims or professes to be some sort of genius and perfect being. If that is the case, I am sure he is clever enough to provide us with paper trail of his valuations for each zambian asset he touched vs the price sold and which of those assets he subsequently purchased. Why does he keep yapping his mouth and not providing us with solid evidence? Why go through all the stress of being accused if you have evidence to the contrary ? I think kutumpa uku.

  15. Let’s establish some kind of “Truth and reconciliation Commission” over the privatization saga that took place during the reign of the MMD and continue to the current administration under the PF regime how certain procurement and tender procedures have been handled. Many people can not agree to take this route because they have soiled hands many politicians both in the ruling PF and past administrations. Yes our assets were sold for a song because Zambians are the most unpatriotic lot. A Zambian would be happy even if he is the only living well in the entire Country while the majority are wallowing in poverty. What we need to understand is that the truth shall not always remain hidden and one day it’s bound to come out. We can only cleanse our society of evil if we confess and…

  16. You have to be big to get to be mentioned in Panama Papers, the Great Mwene Mutapa Cayman Islands man is a thief par excellent. I commend Edith Nawakwi for her brevity, Kadansa is a dangerous criminal

  17. Kaizar, go to the Government and get all the documents where HH was involved. HH did the work for the Government and his valuations of assets were provided to the Government. The valuation were not for HH. Why do you fear the solid evidence from the government that engaged HH as the consultant? If the government has evidence against HH over the work he did as a consultant during the privatisation programme, why dont they bring this evidence. This is wasting our time bwana!!! Mbufubafuba oobu!!

  18. Conti. and the Commission should consider granting amnesty to those who avail the truth and pardon them once they apologize to the Zambian people. All hidden activities including the recent gassing saga a few months ago should be explained. The Country shall continue being haunted by these evils till we confess and move forward.

  19. Iwe ngoma with no brains, it is not my job to prove that hh is innocent. The onus lies on him to evidence it to the zambian people who are asking for answers from him. He is not a private citizen but rather vying for public office. The choice is his. He can bring this all to an end with evidence. I am sure he would choose that option. However the fact that he is not doing so, leads me to believe that he may be found wanting.

  20. Is it english which is so difficulty to understand? Why do you find it easy to attach HH and fail to say a single word about huge sums of money being stolen by the present government? Is it because the names that are involved are like Chilufya, Chitotela, or simply names from a certain region? All the corruption taking place right now, are nothing to you, but what matters to you is something which happened years back, by a known government and persons among them Nawakwi? By the way what words do you have for Nawakwi? For she clearly states why they sold what they had to sell, according to her they were under pressure. Why are you blazing with all the fire wanting HH to be found with a case? Unfortunately, He was ,not in government, and if you feel he had that power to sell government…

  21. Kaizar Zambian people can get the evidence from the Government that engaged HH. HH has explained his involvement in the privatisation exercise. So are you saying the government archives are not well kept to waken up the ghosts over HH’s head? This is just a waste of time Kaizar. I am sure HH has other priorities than wasting time on providing evidence to Zambian citizens on behalf of the government. I thought the evidence from the then sitting government should be more credible than what HH would provide. You want to go into another orgy of disagreements on which evidence is valid between HH and the government which approved his valuation reports? Waste of time bwana!

  22. I take offence to be part of citizens that hardly understand basic things in life. Which party/government was in power during privatisation era.
    So, the affirmative answer to the above should invoke and demand answers Zambians deserve over privatisation of the 1990s.
    These former ministers are still alive except Chiluba Kafupi is no more. Chief Dr Matthias Mphande and Valentine Chitalu, Edith Nawakwi, Francis Kaunda and his mate Kabwe are still alive, so lets get it over. and focus on Covid-19.

  23. HH showing remorse for what? Company Valuation is a Professional job. HH’s Company was given a Mandate by the Asset Owner(Govt) to so the valuation. As soon as the Company finished the Valuation Report it was handed over to the Govt. It was now up to Govt to sale the Asset. Edith Nawakwi as Minister of Finance at the time should explain to the Nation what the Govt did with Report? Its not the Role of Valuer to sell the Asset. The Asset is sold to the buyer by the Owner thru a Willing Seller/Willing Buyer Agreement.Edith Nawakwi and Alex Chikwanda should be held accountable for the Privatization of Mines. Period.

  24. firstly it was Grant Thornton that did the valuations and not HH as an individual. If Grant thornton didnt do a good job why are they still top of the market. secondly the remorse must be sought from the government that undertook such a program and the people who were in that government like the late Sata RIP, Edith Nawakwi and also the lawyer who never paid eye to financial detail in advising the government of that day to go ahead and sell the assets Mr Lungu himself.

  25. Nawakwi’s lies and ghosts are coming to haunt her. She was the finance minister responsible and she went ahead to sold our mines now she wants to blame the one who was valuing them. Total irresponsibility just like PF until a doctor dies that’s when they admit that there is no medicine in hospitals. We are not going to develop if those in power keep pointing fingers at others

  26. So the basic check if you’re a fagg*t is to get a pen, stick it up your ass, if it feels good then you’re quite a fag. Voila!


  28. Let us call a spade a spade we Zambians we have a big problem,some now are even thinking bally will pay there bills,feed their children, paying their Rent and many more others.whatever the economical problems copper belt is facing is as a result of privatization,were some whom people are thinking today will pay there bills and fix it were the master minders of this same issue started above.

  29. @John mwamba , MEANING??? I mean ,have the political rules of engagement changed…This is Democracy and people are competing. Are you suggesting that we do away with POLITICS (No President , No Nothing)…DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN THAT SKULL

  30. For sure, even more selling of a plot does not involve an individual.
    It surprised me to know how sleepy some of the zambians can be. I don’t belong to upnd but this is a straight forward issue.

  31. In my almost half a century life time, I have never seen a remorseful pompwe.
    Once a pompwe always a pompwe.
    Pompwes must not be presidents in Zambia more so when we have prior knowledge of one’s thievery behavior or their pompweliness.
    You talk about remorse, the nigga wants to steal some more.
    To counter this story, kleptomaniac h² ‘ll enters defense Modus Operandi. Soon you start hearing the witchhunt and bitter allegations against ECL.
    Only new borns will vehemently defend crooked and gullible munyama h². Ndipo uyu muntu nioputsa bati! Shaa!

  32. You do not need to have Grade 7 qualifications to know that MMD are responsible for undervalued the mines they sold with impunity. Blaming consultants is a lazy and crafty excuse for Madam Nawakwi for not having consulted the specialists at Ministry of Mines and ZCCM. It is un Christian to lie to the people of Zambia for their conduct in selling Zambian assets. Today there is no revolving fund after houses were sold. Is she also blaming HH? Dishonest is that stops Zambia to grew economically. President Lungu as a lawyer pendent his signature when those mines were sold. Nawakwi is not pointing that. Such nonsense will not help Zambia to grow.

  33. Bloggers, have you ever wondered why only Mr. Francis Kaunda was jailed in regards with the selling of the mines. Why only Mr. Kaunda? What about others on the government side of selling the mine? It is unfortunate that only Mr. Francis Kaunda was jailed. Zambian government and people of Zambia seems to believe on the lies which is crafted by some greed people within the government. Today, you can see greed People going on naming innocent people for the purpose to receive something in return. I would rather stick to the truth than hear say. If HH had stolen he could have been jailed long time ago. What is long with some of the bloggers? How many times is HH going to explain about selling of the mines? Even though I supported PF. I am not going to buy the nonsense of blaming HH for the…

  34. Stop wasting time on this and start telling us who gassed the nation? Who burned markets? Who owns 48 magic houses?

  35. Its a political genius move for the PF guy who is managing to divert attention to privatisation that happened more than 20 years ago and forget the 48 houses, Ambulances (which first lady went to collect but never arrived at huge cost), fire tenders, mukula and too many to mention. People of Zambia do not be fooled by the PF they are trying to get you to look away from their current thiefing. The Presidents daughter spend K2 million ($110,000) buying land in Kitwe when she earns K12,000 per month as a couunsellor

  36. Too bad, so none of the top two contenders should seek election 2021. None of the is good enough, if scrutiny, demonstrated performance, and fuc.k ups are critical measuring sticks.

  37. If Bally, a 28-year old at the time, indeed sold so many companies on behalf of Government of the likes of Nawakwi single-handedly then he must be a genius. And he was boss of grant Thornton – an international private company? We need such a genius as President nit those who just steal from poor widows.

  38. The issues now being raised about HH’s role in Zambia’s privatization process are pertinent ones despite the passage of time. If HH, now aspiring to hold the highest office in the land, was able to pull a fast one on Zambia LTD during privatization by enriching himself, what guarantee is there that he will not do the same when he assumes the Zambia Presidency? HH never acted in Zambia’s interest when he was engaged to act on behalf of Zambia in the privatization process. Therefore, there is no guarantee he will act in Zambia’s interest when he is engaged as President to act on behalf of Zambia. By the way, why does the bozo get angry when asked to explain? Only the guilty ones behave the way HH behaves in relation to the issue.

  39. Doesn’t our hardworking humble President say his Ministers are innocent until proven guilty by courts of law. HH is guilty even before tried- double standards.
    I pray, God should intervene.

  40. This is an interesting discussion. While we are at it, let us also find out about the Ambulances, fire Tenders and one thousand dollar bicycles. The KCM saga and over $145, 000, 000.00 KCM owes Zesco and CEC. I don’t want to cry about history when the same things are still happening now. The 48 miracle houses. We have never has this kind of pilferage of public funds before.
    That is not to say that HH should not account for his actions. Also Mrs Nawakwi can’t come out clean. She was the presiding minister and definitely she is to blame for some of the wrongs as she had the authority and ability to stop. If she was so incompetent as to allow that waste, why should we entrust her with our country’s resources.

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