Tuesday, March 4, 2025

COBUSU “Finance Minister” arrested for theft


Police in Kitwe have arrested Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) Finance Secretary Bright Chanda aged 25 for allegedly stealing K95, 990 from the union bank account.

Copperbelt Police deputy Commissioner Bothwell Namuswa said Chanda who was one of the two signatories went on to forge the other signature for the Dean of Students Dr Alisala Mulambya the other signatory when withdrawing the money.

“I want to confirm that we have received a report of theft by servant and forgery which occurred at 03/03/20 and 19/06/20 at Zanaco Kitwe Business Center Kitwe and Zanaco Manda Hill Lusaka. One arrest has been made and more to follow,” Commissioner Namuswa stated.


  1. Its in the blood, even the so could future leaders have been corrupted. If Nawakwi, Lungu and HH are thieves, what kind of role models do the young people look up to? Our leaders have poisoned the land.

  2. Now this is becoming dangerous. See the current thieves are old and low energy. Now if we get the younger, high energy ones we will soon go into melt down of tremendous proportions. We will be the most prolific country in the history of the world with sustained corruption… please curb everyone NOW.

  3. Great job. we hope this young man will learn from this lesson. It is shocking that considering how dilated his eyes are, he cannot see how bad his actions were at the time. This boy must have been smoking malawi gold. Rumour has it, its tarino’s son he left in zambia. Let us learn to take care of our kids and teach them right from wrong. this boy probably watched his parents steal and grew up to think it was right. The same for HH- I fear for his kids growing up with a father who is crooked to the core

  4. @ Kaizar Zulu, hahaha I Can’t stop laughing at your comment lol. By the way, I wonder where Tarino; is he’s missing in action here. Meanwhile, indeed the young man must undergo the justice system to enable him learn that embezzlement and fraud come with a hefty cost to pay!!!

  5. Looks like thieving and lying has become 2nd Nature to Zambians.This will remain so until we get exemplary leadership from Top – Down. We’ve set standards so low that in 10 Years time this chap will be holding a high position in government and will not have to account to anyone for this theft.

  6. The boy is challed bright Chanda. Clearly he was not bright enough, even with those eyes, to see that he had a bright future. I just hope he is not eyeing another opportunity to steal once this is over.

  7. This should be a lesson to all. The problem we are having in Zambia is spread across all age groups, even young children who are selling tomatoes on the streets are taught by their parents to be dishonest and sale rotten tomatoes and bad cassava to unsuspecting customersso that they make a profit. A mindset change is needed. It is hard for people to overcome this “get rich at any cost” attitude when everyday wealth which should be channeled to development and narrowing the class divide is used to drive flashly SUVs on pot holed roads, this wealth is then flashed in peoples faces making them all want it by any means.

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