Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Japan hails Zambia’s recovery


Outgoing Japanese ambassador to Zambia, Hideto Mitamura has hailed Zambia’s remarkable economic and political recovery in the last three years.

Mr Mitamura said this has led to the change in perception of Zambia by European and Asian investors.

Mr Mitamura said when he officially bid farewell to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern African COMESA Secretary General, Sindiso Ngwenya yesterday.

Reflecting on his 3-years tour of Zambia, the ambassador observed that it was shocking to see how Zambians have peacefully resolved its challenges in both the economic and political fronts.

He noted that Zambia is changing economically and that the interest of investors who left the country is once again shifting back to the country.

Mr Mitamura has,however, called on government to consider venturing into agricultural projects because of the vast unused land that Zambia possesses.

And COMESA Secretary General Sindiso Ngwenya has commended the Japanese government for their new approach of assistance to Zambia of not only giving aid but also building strong trade relations between the two countries.

Mr Ngwenya noted that Japan has played a critical role in the area of infrastructure development in Zambia which puts the country on the continental market in the area of trade.
[ QFM ]


  1. It is great news that Japan has hailed Zambia’s economic progress. This is positive news.

  2. We will be waiting for you Mitamura san. Time to come and chill, you know, the sake, the sushi and them all. I am sure you missed them. Anyway, plenty of beers waiting for you.

    I just hope the taxes I pay to the JP govt. were well spent out there.

  3. Iwe chi nambala wanu, so called capitalist. It’s actually to the contrary. Most business executives that I have talked to here and those I have been with on trips to Zambia say exactly the opposite. Mitamura san is just being polite. That’s how it works here.

  4. More impressive.

    Kwacha among top 10 African currencies

    By Business Reporter

    THE Zambian Kwacha has been rated among the top 10 currencies in Africa and among the leading 85 in the World.

    According to Xe.com, a currency update service, the Kwacha is among the top 10 African currencies along with South Africa’s Rand, Dinar of Algeria, Egyptian Pound, Kenyan Shilling, Mauritius Rupee and Nigeria’s Naira.

    Others are Dirham of Morocco, Tunisia’s Dinar and Pound of Sudan.

    The Kwacha is at K4,910 to the US dollar and is among the top 10 in Africa according to the recent currency update service website.

    Xe.com is a Canadian online foreign exchange company and is said to be one of the most popular currency sites based on independent, third party site rankings…

  5. cont from #4

    Xe.com is a Canadian online foreign exchange company and is said to be one of the most popular currency sites based on independent, third party site rankings.
    Source: Times of Zambia

    @ #3 Moderator

    I’m guessing it is just difference in perceptions. However FDI has grown substantially this year so I am not sure what to make of your encounters.

  6. 5, You shall tell by their fruits. These are Zambians who only see the small negatives but they are inexplicably blind to the big positives. When all the statistics, the bumper maize harvest, the stable kwacha, the performance of FDI, the number of mines opening, the schools, health centres and roads being constructed, the peace in the country, the World Bank, the IMF, the Japanese ambassador and others, and every other source of reliable information are all pointing in the same positive direction, the Japanese ambassador must be telling lies in the name of oriental politeness. And these are Zambians who are supposed to project a positive image of the country, like patriotic citizens of other countries do. A shame really to call such as citizens of Zambia!

  7. Moderator@3. So you talked to 3 business exectives and 2 of them disagreed with Mitamura. Well, I guess you are a great researcher or is it statistician?

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