Monday, March 3, 2025

EFZ Calls for the suspension of Sexuality Education Until Consensus is Reached


The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia(EFZ) has said that Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) must be withdrawn and a family-centred sexuality education approach that secures Zambia’s posterity must be quickly drafted.

In a statement released to the media EFZ said that while it is observed that in the early process of piloting the CSE programme in Zambia, direct references to sexual orientations such as homosexuality were resisted by participants and therefore removed, EFZ maintains that a fundamentally liberal ideological thread is identifiable and EFZ is concerned about the subtle and pervasive integration of this into other subject matter.

Below is the full Statement



Proverbs 11:14

“A nation falls through a lack of guidance, but victory comes through the counsel of many.” (ISV)

A representative team of the EFZ Advocacy Group, Protect Zambian Children Coalition, made a fervent presentation to the Ministry of General Education, on Thursday, 24th September 2020, re-enforcing the message of the EFZ Press Statement (18th September, 2020) on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), appealing for the suspension of the program, which has already been widely introduced in our schools in Zambia.

Therefore, we wish to express deep gratitude to the Minister of Education Hon. Dennis Musuku Wanchinga, MP, who took time to hear and accept our submissions against the continued implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) program in its current format in schools across the country.

We are also grateful that Hon. Wanchinga took the opportunity to include the Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Hon. Rev. Godfridah Sumaili, MP, who joined us in the engagement accompanied by the Permanent Secretary from Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Rev. Dr Howard Sikwela.

Further, we are grateful that following our initial presentation Hon. Wanchinga, arranged a meeting with a team of his senior technocrats at the Ministry to discuss the background and context of the CSE programme with us.

As we reflect on the rich interaction with the Ministry of General Education, we have taken special note that there are other implementors of CSE, such us specialized Civil Society Organisation (CSOs). We particularly note that the majority of these CSOs are heavily funded by foreign organisations, whose track record is known and skewed towards liberal ideologies that have long threatened Africa’s moral, cultural and religious values.

Numerous parents in our churches have raised concerns regarding the unfettered access these CSOs have to our communities, as they target out-of- school young people with a dedicated CSE curriculum distinct from the school-based one. A good number of CSOs offer a range of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH& R) services that parents feel equally need fresh scrutiny and reassessment by from key stakeholders.

This is against the backdrop of recalling that some known funders of these programmes have in the past been named and undeniably linked, for instance, to the procurement of hundreds of illegal abortions, as a case in point, in one of Zambia’s provinces a number of years ago.

While it is observed that in the early process of piloting the CSE programme in Zambia, direct references to sexual orientations such as homosexuality were resisted by participants and therefore removed, we maintain that a fundamentally liberal ideological thread is identifiable and we are concerned about the subtle and pervasive integration of this into other subject matter. CSE and/or SRH & R cannot be pursued so wantonly at the expense of the moral, cultural, religious and legal standing of our country.

Therefore, CSE must be withdrawn and let us quickly return to the drawing board for the drafting of a family-centred sexuality education approach that secures Zambia’s posterity, more assuredly.

In this respect, we are glad that a number of CSOs in their latest Press Release do acknowledge the need to engage in wide consultations with key stake holders such as parents, religious leaders traditional authorities, parliamentarians, and many others, who were left out in the initial Pilot conducted in three districts of Eastern province and the eventual roll out that followed, alongside the signing of the East and Southern Africa (ESA) Commitment.

Therefore, we reiterate that CSE in its current design remains a fundamental threat to the well-being of our children, adolescents and threatens the moral fibre, cultural and religious standing of our country.

We take strong exception to the assertion by some CSOs that objections advanced against CSE are allegedly unfounded, ill intended and not evidenced based. How can the voices of parents, we represent and to whom the children belong, be ill intended? Can CSOs claim more concern for the welfare of children that the parents who have raised them? We put it on record that some of the parents who have voiced concerns are employees of the ministry of education.

We stand on firm ground with evidence from independent reviewers demonstrating a high failure rate of school-based CSE programmes internationally. We insist that well corroborated evidence must inform policy.

While it is acknowledged that Reproductive health related problems such as unwanted pregnancies, early marriages or HIV and other challenges facing adolescents may be closely linked to “insufficient knowledge about sexuality and reproduction”, it is a category error to claim that CSE is the ‘sliver’ bullet solution, especially in the manner it is currently couched, locally and globally.
It is a known fact that this remains contestable space by families world-wide and that cannot be ignored.

Let us sit around the table

Zulu et al (2019) in a study done in Nyimba, found that:

“CSE had limited legitimacy in the community and was met with resistance from teachers tasked with its’ implementation. In order to enhance ownership to the CSE program, local concerns about the contents of the curriculum and the parent-teacher role dilemma must be taken into consideration.”

The Church, like other stake holders, is equally concerned about the rise of teenage pregnancies, sexual immorality, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) including HIV, child marriages, and other vices. Our long standing commitment to continue making contribution towards support of all national efforts aimed at reducing or eliminating the vices speaks for itself, by virtue of the significant programmes currently undertaken in church run institutions as well as in some congregation-based programmes.

It is also our intention to engage the Ministry of Health directly, seeing they are implementing the other key Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH&R) programmes where similar concerns around wanton provision of contraceptives, and abortions to adolescents in various facilities around the nation is being offered.

We await a final word from the Ministry of General Education and the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs on the way forward on the subject at hand.

Proverbs 11:14- “A nation falls through a lack of guidance, but victory comes through the counsel of many.” (ISV)
May God bless our great nation!

Signed: ————————————–
Bishop Paul E. Mususu- EFZ Board Chairperson


  1. Greedy and love of donor money- that’s what is driving homosexuality themed lessons. Get your act together Zambia and uphold your values.

  2. How did we become such prudes? Functionally sex is about reproduction and (alongside dolphins) pleasure. It is the pleasure part that results in wanton unwanted conception and therefore problems such as unsafe abortions and related illnesses. Our children must know that. Sooner or later they will be confronted with this especially as their hormones run riot during adolescence which is precisely when these behaviors run out of control. What is so special as to find consensus? Hormones are NOT religious for FFS!!!

  3. The government and key stakeholders are listening. We are working on this with all parties involved. We ask you all contribute maturely to this debate. Amen

  4. Aaron Chansa has weighed in on this issue. I’m yet 2c a reasoned reply to him. Prayer and religious moral teaching hv not been weeded out from the school system. Why are they not helping young people not to indulge? We hv a problem for which we need to find a solution.

  5. Everyone of us should ask ourselves. What would I want to have been taught to me as a child growing up concerning sexuality and gender issues? What did I miss? If I had known, would I have gotten pregnant or make someone pregnant? Would I have the same view about gays if I had been given information? Would that information have made me gay? The Bible has to be interpreted in context. The fact that Jesus said nothing about smoking does not mean that He condoned smoking. The jews had their own culture in which 12 year olds could get married. We don’t. We have to interpret the Bible in principle. The Bible says, ‘people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.’ So, education is the principle we get from this. People must be educated.

  6. “…(CSE), appealing for the suspension of the program, which has already been widely introduced in our schools in Zambia.”
    So who designed this subject? Was it designed in Zambia by Zambian authorities or as usual was it forced on us by the west with a conotation of aid? How is the subject going to accelerate the production of engineers, doctors, teachers, etc, in Zambia. African governments in general and Zambian in particular MUST be very careful withi these financial handouts which come seemingly as freebees.
    Let us design and introduce subjects in our early learning schools to universitylevel such as Tourism, Product Design, Hiegyne and Health and Business Starting Up and Skills. This is because these will have positive and immediate impact on new generation attitude on…

  7. …This is because these will have positive and immediate impact on new generation attitude on keeping self and surroundings clean, development of local tourism, designing and engineering. CSE will not serve a purpose for Africans, however, it will enhance and fast-forward the recolonisation of Africa with the chaos it will bring.

  8. I think Politicians, Religious bodies and their Leaders, and just the older folk in general are missing the point of this sexuality education. We are where we are now (in terms of abortions, teenage pregnancy, high STDs etc) because the traditional and/or “morally correct” approach is just not working in a 21 century world. Children are now exposed to far more sexual content than ever before and we are powerless to control that. So why not change the approach and teach the children about this sexual content and sexual situations they find themselves in. We must empower them with the knowledge so they can make better decisions when they inevitably find themselves in these situations… So would you older folk rather ban this type of education and satisfy yourselves that “our morals are…

  9. Throw this out. who needs that in school so that teachers can use that to sway children. I would rather the government and other stake holders encourage parents or Guardians in home to teach their children or dependents kwamana.

  10. Can EFZ and others who claim to be morally right here, provide adequate answers to these questions : (a) Where is the curriculum based on Africa’s moral, cultural and religious values which addresses the current high incidences of early pregnancies, HIV Aids and unsafe abortions? (b) If children in Zambia and Africa were being given education or orientation based on Africa’s moral, cultural and religious values, why is this education or family based orientation failing the children and youths in avoiding early pregnancies, HIV Aid and unsafe abortions? (c) Where has EFZ and others been to just now wake up and claim that foreign liberal ideologies have long threatened Africa’s moral, cultural and religious values? Stakeholders who have time to discuss this issue should address these…

  11. In our culture and according to our values, as soon as a child attains puberty, she can be married. We can marry as many women as we can (polygamy). Meanwhile, a woman is not allowed to have more than one husband (banned polyandry). Women must stay at home and look after the husband and children. A wife must please the husband at all times. These are our values and traditions. They are obnoxious and we have rightly discarded them. We have adopted western values and cultures more than anything else. Just look at the President’s daughter’s wedding- from dress to church and reception. I would have expected ‘We are finished’ Lungu to wed in a chitenge.

  12. Excellent news. The West is totally messed up concerning sexual orientation. No body knows what family means any more in the West, The bible is clear: one man, one woman and their children FULL STOP

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