Thursday, December 19, 2024

Kavindele welcome but…


Former vice president Enoch Kavindele talking to journalists in Lusaka

THE MMD is ready to embrace former Republican vice-president Enoch Kavindele provided he follows the right channels, party deputy-national secretary Chembe Nyangu has said.

And Mr Kavindele said his decision to run for the number two party position at the MMD convention was aimed at assisting the ruling party realign itself as a formidable force ahead of the 2011 general elections.

Mr Nyangu said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that Mr Kavindele should have just followed the right channels to talk to the party hierarchy about his decision to come back to the party instead of rushing to the media to announce his decision.

“There is, however, no problem, we welcome him back following the amnesty that the ruling party has extended to our former members and those intending to join our party,” Mr Nyangu said.

Mr Kavindele in an interview earlier reiterated his decision to contest for the vice-presidency in the MMD.

The position has been vacant after late president Levy Mwanawasa froze its election.

“I want to assist the MMD, the party has had problems of late and hence my decision to contest for the position of the vice-president at the forthcoming party convention,” Mr Kavindele said.

The former vice-president was quoted in yesterday’s Post edition saying the MMD organisation had suffered as a result of not having a vice-president to support the president and so he intended to contest for the position at the convention to avail the required support.

Mr Kavindele said his decision was in response to calls by party members that he gets involved in the organisation of the party ahead of next year’s general elections.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Kavindele has strategy.He wants to revive his railway deal with RB which was denied to him by LPM.And to do this,he has to do something for RB.

  2. If I were him I would have just concentrated on Business and just support the MMD just to get contracts, coz once he gets into Politics with MMD they will just finish him completely.

  3. This is good news as more people are showing interest in joining the MMD.

    The good thing about the MMD is that positions like “vice president” can be contested for democratically as is evidenced from this statement “I want to assist the MMD, the party has had problems of late and hence my decision to contest for the position of the vice-president at the forthcoming party convention,” which is better than other parties were the Vice President is appointed (undemocratically) or other parties which have 4 Vice Presidents.

  4. EK is broke very broke. I understand his desire to get back to MMD and say sweet things because RB is as corrupt as he is with the Pepsi deal & railway line that went burst

  5. MMD Deputy-National Secretary Chembe Nyangu is a junior compared to Enoch Kavindele! He is a junior in stature, experience, wealth, education and not only in respect that EK has natured over the years that he has been in politics! Which is not even a record that he can dream of! Even for him as a junior official, I believe he should leave it to the higher echelons of the party to make comments on leaders of MMD. Whilst I am not a member of MMD, it is these star seeking individuals or elements that make MMD a ‘stay away’ from party! A novice (such as this chap) will comment on matters far beyond him in understanding. Because, he was appointed by a leader who was also appointed, it becomes a vicious circle that culminates into a circus.

  6. What political influnce does Enock still have? He was recently rejected in his courtyard in 2006 when he stood as an independent after being the longest serving MP for Kabompo East.
    He just wants to join the party for looting purposes

  7. These characters lambast the PF president and yet they keep the same spectacle in their own party. This is why original thinkers such as AKA, Mbita et al have been placed in far-fetched places where they will not espouse their original concept of MMD as a democratic movement! I shudder to this what even William Banda will say about Kavindele (bearing in mind it will be like Kalu commenting on Pele) which is no- comparison!

  8. If he wins at the convention chances are that he will be the next republican Vice- President, the next step would be for him to take over peacefully while RB is in the air. That is if he does not change his mind at the convention at the eleventh hour and go for Presidency itself. All the best E.K

  9. When is PF holding it’s ‘convention’ again? PF has been in existence for nearly ten years, I wonder how many conventions the party has held in all that time? Wonder what type of person would want to ELECT a party that does not practice internal democracy – a fool?

  10. upnd has four unelected vice presidents while pf has seen four secretary generals come and go all appointed by his higness the cobra. kavindele still thinks he can rule one day. better he goes on his knees eat his vomit and beg for business from HERB

  11. # MB,

    I’m made to believe you know nothing about the MMD Deputy-National Secretary Chembe Nyangu. FYI, ask VJ card holder # 3, Suresh Desai the longest National treasurer, Peter Machungwa, Mbita Derrick Chitala, Aka, and Dr.Kalumba.You will then learn that Mr. Nyangu is one of the seasoned members of MMD from the early years with a membership card # in the first 30 continum.After MMD ascended to power he served in the diplomatic corps for many years in different missions before returning back to partisan politics.Get your facts right to spare these self embarrassments.

  12. kAVINDELE SHOULD JUST BE VERY VERY CAREFUL WITH THE LIKES OF Copperbelt MMD information secretary Chiko Chibale, who has threatened to lead an MMD crack squad to Western Province to manhandle Mongu diocese, Bishop Paul Duffy. Clearly, these are the thugs who even shot at HH. They will certainly hound him out.


    To them, its thuggery everywhere. At funerals, at conventions, in markets, at bus stations, literally everywhere. They now want to extend it into our church premises without any shame. Nangu bupondo, awe bwachilamo.

  13. EK
    What a shame Ba kulumpe ! A forty-night ago you were busy calling RB and his sinking MMD all sorts of names. Today you want to be his vice party president, you hypocrite ! Anyway we all know that you are broke. You no longer cant motgage your building at great north road roundabout and you want to benefit from the ZAMTEL sale shares. Has Dora given you a taste of her thighs ?
    Outdated politician.

  14. #7,MB, I don’t know where you got your data about EK’s educational level because I hear the man has a Certificate in English.He has money quite alright but EK is not an intelligent man,unfortunately!

  15. ek is not educated. he is a self made businessman who relied on his mulamu the late savimbi to do business selling angolan diamonds

  16. On ““There is, however, no problem, we welcome him back following the amnesty that the ruling party has extended to our former members and those intending to join our party,” Mr Nyangu said” this is good and I hope Kavindele will pull a surprise at the convention to contest the MMD president seat.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33

  17. This Guy is upto winning the third mobile operator contract, for his Vodacom, Good for me coz i will come to work for this company since im already inthe corporation. Thomas@ Vodafone

  18. Maestro
    He wont contest the presidency cos he has declared his intentions for the vice-presidency.This is a well thought move knowing that if he goes for the top job,he will be bruised.These are unwritten rules of the game.Ask PF,they will shed more light!!

  19. Mr. Kavindele has financial problems and desperately needs to revive himself, after all that name calling, he wants to go back to MMD (under the guise of wanting to assist), what a guy. How can he be trusted?

  20. The opposition supporters above are an embarassment to us Zambians. When Kavindele spoke out we did not hear anyone refer to his financial position, he goes back home to MMD he is a bad man shame on all of you, the problem is most of you are eagerly waiting to reap Zambia off through any connection you currently have in the opposition. Am telling you now, that as long as your intentions are not pure, you people will not form government. Leave Kavindele alone he has made his choice, just like you have yours to be lead by uneducated Sata.

  21. # Kanswe or Mwata or Senior Citizen.

    Dont lie about Chembe Nyangu.You dont know a thing but you keep hullucinating because you support MMD.Chembe Nyangu has been in eastern province for along time that is Petauke , Nyimba. learn to tel the truth.

  22. Kavindele is finished, broke and desperate. His bank accounts are overdrawn in Hundreds of Millions and cannot pay the money.

    He is not a formidable politician and wants to be MMD candidate 2016.
    Frankly speaking the man is a crook

    He needs to concentrate on supporting the many number of children he as fathered in Zambia, USA, UK & South Africa.

    By going to the media first, he’s tasting the hot waters. Should MMD not pick him as VP, he will start his stinging attack calling RB all sorts of things. Surprising, that he now wants to help RB.

  23. But ba opposition, why don’t you talk about and analyse the credentials of the people who want to contest for the positions in your own parties? Especially the long awaited PF convention. Or is it that you find solace in practising politics on MMD because you have no chance in the PF? Not surprising anyway, since the non-competition rules of the Pact have disadvantaged so many people who wnated to contest something. This MMD must be a mighty force for it to send shivers through your spines and make you people fart whenever it coughs. But Chembe says you can join ka, osa sauka na SataN iyai.

  24. # 23 u are correct 100%. EK has the right as an individual to quit or join any party just like anybody else. Most politicians in Zed cling to politics for financial again and/or to protect their dented past or bloody hands. EK broke? Nobody has evidence to support any speculations. If EK is broke then tell me who is genuinely rich/wealthy among the politicians. They all play the same game. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. EK has strategic flexibility, a rare genome for competitive advantage.

    “Mr Kavindele in an interview earlier reiterated his decision to contest for the vice-presidency in the MMD.”
    1. The preposition ‘FOR’ is unnecessary.
    2. To reiterate is to repeat. One cannot be repeating something they have not said before.
    3. There has only been one interview, so ‘earlier’ should not relate to interview but to time with respect to the later reply from Mr Nyangu.
    Should read:
    Earlier, Mr Kavindele, in an interview, declared his decision to contest the vice-presidency in the MMD.’
    Mr Kavindele revealed his decision to contest for position of vice-president in the MMD during an interview ealier.
    We should either write good and correct English or use another language with which we are familiar.

  26. Someone wrote a comment on this topic to the effect that Mr Chembe Nyangu is too junior to make a comment on Mr Kavindele’s political intentions. Now isn’t Mr Nyangu THE Deputy National Secretary of MMD, i.e. THE Deputy Chief Executive Officer and therefore entitled to make comments on behalf of the party? Now if Mr Kavindele was quite comfortable to report his political intentions to a Post reporter (not even to Mr Mmembe or a senior editor but a JUNIOR reporter), why shouldn’t Mr Nyangu be senior enough to pass a comment on a POST story written by a junior REPORTER who interviewed our very own KAVINDELE no less? Good night folks, see you tomorrow with more blogs.

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