Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Continue praying to help actualize the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation-Sumaili


Minister of Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili has urged the church to continue praying for national peace and unity and help actualize the declaration of the country as a Christian nation.

Reverend Sumaili said the church has a critical role to play in ensuring that there is peace and unity, adding that where there is unity, God commands a blessing.

The Minister said this in Solwezi today when she ministered at Open Doors City Mission Pentecostal Assemblies of God church.

“We are looking to you as a church for spiritual guidance because you are the salt and light of Zambia, so speak into our lives as leaders and direct us in all matters of nation interest so that Zambia is lifted to prosperity,” she said.

Rev. Sumaili said government wants to see peace and unity in the country among all citizens regardless of political affiliation.

“We do not want to be divided by politics, we want to see peace and unity and that people are living as one regardless of political affiliation”, she said.

Meanwhile, Rev. Sumaili has donated 100 pockets of cement to Open Doors City Mission Pentecostal Assemblies of God church towards construction of a building.

Earlier Church Elder, Getrude Kyenda thanked President Edgar Lungu for creating the Ministry Of National Guidance And Religious Affairs and for gazetting 18th October as a Day of National Prayers.

Elder Kyenda assured that the church will continue praying for national peace and providing spiritual guidance to national leaders.

She further thanked Rev. Sumaili for donating 100 pockets of cement towards the construction of a 3,000 seater church building.


  1. Wasn’t declaring Zambia a Christian nation not supposed 2b enough as God was then expected to do the rest? God is to give Zambia good leaders who always invoke God’s name and ask for help from above in running public affairs. How then did we get in a debt trap? Where was God as our leaders were getting it so wrong? Did someone forget to ask God’s help? How was that possible because cabinet meetings always start with prayer, as do sittings of parliament. I’m buffled. We’re supposed to be God’s own country.

  2. This is really a waste. Refrain from stealing. You cannot steal and then pray. It cancels itself out; you are treading water! Be pragmatic, progressive and virtuous. Is that too much to ask? In fact, unbundle that Ministry and assign its mandate to some poverty alleviation outfit. At least there we may see some progress.

  3. The most hypocritical woman ever seen……..

    just like lungu quick to call for prayers yet they watch and glee over PF brutal attacks on anyone percived as not supporting lungu……

  4. Please pray especially you sinners in upnd. Even those demon possessed diasporan upnd supporters. Devil out!!!

  5. Thank you Madam Minister, May God continue to Bless and protect you and your work from the mouth of the Lion and the Mouth of the Dog. Your call is indeed straight from the Bible and we will heed it.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

  6. @ Nemwine If only we could mull over our decisions a little more deeply we would realise how we love cheating ourselves. The people who left this religion with us do not declare their countries Christian states. But they continue to be far more prosperous than us. Indeed since they havent declared themselves christian and we have loudly done so why isnt God taking advantage of this opportunity to show them the consequences of declaring and not declaring Christian states by rewarding Zambia with miraculous economic growth that surpasses these evil countries? After 1991 God should have transformed christian state Zambia into the most developed country in the world. Every world citizen would have had no choice but bow to the power of the christian God

  7. I doubt this fool even knows what the so called “actualize the declaration of the country as a Christian nation” really means when she is part of a cabal raping Zambia! This Christian nation stupidity must come to an end, now!

  8. Madam advise the President to STOP this growing trend.
    His mentor, Robert Mugabe’s the former Zimbabwean leader died a “very bitter” man according to his nephew.
    Mugabe, led the failed state of Zimbabwe for nearly four decades until he was ousted by a coup in 2017.
    “Imagine people you trusted – people that were guarding you, looking after you – [turning] against you,” Leo Mugabe said.
    “He was very bitter and it dented his legacy,” he told the BBC from his uncle’s rural home.
    “It was not an easy thing for him to take,” he added.

  9. Madam advise the President to STOP this growing trend. We will have no choice as peace loving Zambian’s but to seek the intervention of the ICC (International Criminal Court) in The Hague. These are crimes against humanity.
    Watch “PF Thugs At It Again In Munali Constituency.” on YouTube

  10. LOL!!! My country will continue to be poor and backward because and their leaders still believe in talking snakes and some old dude in the sky sending his son on a suicide mission. I’m glad I left. And I’m not coming back!! Too many deadbeats!

  11. Religion is being abused by these people. Just work and stop asking people to pray for things which do not make sense

  12. LT, you have done the article for the public to comment, stop blocking the comments of good reasoning. PF is destroying this country through the use of religions as was done by the past powers before independence

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