Saturday, October 12, 2024

Motion to suspend the Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Parliament Fails


The Motion to suspend the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) moved by ruling Chembe Member of Parliament, Dr. Sebastian Kopulande has failed in Parliament as government has dealt with the matter.

Last week, Vice President, Hon. Inonge Wina announced in Parliament that Government had taken the concerns of stakeholders on CSE and had suspended the programme until a multi-sectoral technical working group reviewed the curriculum and textbooks to be used.

When the matter came to Parliament on Thursday afternoon, Government Ministers and other MPs stated that Hon. Wina had guided on the matter and the motion was overtaken by events.

Minister of Education, Dr Dennis Wanchinga, said the CSE programme has been formulated since 2013 and the curriculum will continue to be improved to ensure that it was age-appropriate and recognized cultural sensitivities.

He welcomed the action by the Vice President to set up a multi-sectoral committee to review the curriculum and ensure that all concerns were attended to.

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Dr. Martin Malama urged government to attend to the concerns raised by stakeholders.

He also welcomed the initiative by the Vice President to review the process and attend to the concerns.

And Minister of Justice Given Lubinda said the PF party was democratic and has allowed members to critique government policies.

And Hon Sumaili said Zambia remains a Christian nation and will not allow programmes that would derail its values.

She said the motion by Dr. Kopulande was overtaken by events as the Vice President had guided on the process to be undertaken to ensure that CSE complied with the national values that the country upholds.

Hon Wina announced last week that a multi-sectoral committee will be set up to respond to concerns of CSE.

She also announced that the process will be undertaken and supervised by the Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Hon. Godfridah Sumaili.

Chembe Member of Parliament, Dr. Sebastian Kopulande, had moved a Private Member’s motion urging Government to suspend the teaching and implementation of CSE in schools countrywide until adequate consultation and harmful elements of the CSE were removed.


  1. I understand Vladimir Putin mocks Africans for trying to be more Christian than those who converted them to the religion. Yes, it’s embarrassing in African culture to talk about sex in inappropriate situations but wht’s our answer to 12-yr olds who are indulging and getting pregnant instead of concentrating on their Pythagoras theorem?

  2. This is what happens when you fail to preserve your traditions and culture. You start looking outside yourselves for answers that lie within. Why not introduce “bana Chimbusa” as part of school curriculum? Parental guidance has always been an integral part of our culture and there’s always that one “wise man or woman” in every family who is trusted to offer personal oratory counsel. It’s the African way of imparting knowledge and wisdom, not this CSE madness. If bana Chimbusa was good for our parents and grandparents, then it’s good enough for our children.

  3. Homework could be a problem when we parents didn’t follow the same syllabus. Children will do it on their own at home.

  4. If you read the curriculum closely, a lot of material is useful. However, what many of us are missing and which I consider dangerous are the comments and intentions or outcomes that are are expected under the Human Rights section of each item. This is where concepts of accepting homosexuality are being advanced by simply promoting acceptance for gender differences, the idea that gender is what you feel and not the accepted maleness or femaleness based on physical attributes etc. It is the subtle way for our children to accept liberal lifestyles that is being introduced that we need to critique.

  5. You educate or sink. It’s a binary option. Africa hates knowledge; that’s why it sucks! It’ll continue to be last in everything because it’s people despise knowledge. The entire continent is a waste of space!

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