Saturday, October 12, 2024

There is need to give room to reform old pieces of legislations such as the Public Order Act-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says there is need to give room to reform old pieces of legislations such as the Public Order Act. The President has noted that the Public Order Act is a law that was inherited from the British colonialists and was good for the British government then.

President Lungu adds that reforming old laws is an area in the law reform process which can be cooperated extensively with what is trending.

He says reforms are the only way the country could match modern democratic trends as existing by global standards.

President Lungu was speaking at State House yesterday, when the United Kingdom (UK) Minister for Africa, James Duddridge paid a courtesy call on him.

“Law reforms are of importance in this country and right now in parliament we are trying to process the law so that it meets the expectations of the people in terms of liberties to assemble and to speak,” President Lungu said.

And the President acknowledged the historical relations between Zambia and the United Kingdom that created a special bond and strategic partnership between the two countries over many years.

President Lungu expressed gratitude for the UK’s generous support to Zambia in various sectors such as education, social protection, conservation and health including in the fight against the CIOVID-19 pandemic.

“The Zambian government values its special relations with the United Kingdom under the Common wealth which espouses the values of democracy, human rights, sustainable development, peace and security and good governance among others,” the President stated.

Meanwhile, the President reaffirmed the Zambian government’s continued commitment to further strengthening the relations and cooperation with the United Kingdom at bilateral and multilateral levels, for the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries.

President Lungu also bemoaned the COVID-19 pandemic which he said has affected countries worldwide including Zambia and the UK and that with countries working together, the pandemic can be conquered on a global scale.

The Head of State further observed that Climate Change has also continued to be a challenge amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Zambian government is committed to the values espoused in the Commonwealth Charter, we are grateful to the UK government for the able manner in which it has steered the affairs of the Commonwealth in its capacity as chair in office,” said the President.

President Lungu also informed the UK Minister for Africa that various government agencies and ministries are making progress in preparations for the 2021 general elections.

He assured that the government will support a free, fair, transparent and credible election, which would reflect the will of the Zambian people.

“You are coming at a time when we are just getting ready for the 2021 elections. This election is very important for us. We want it to be free, fair and credible,” President Lungu stated.

And Mr Duddridge hailed the excellent historical relations between Zambia and the United Kingdom.

Mr. Duddridge also announced additional funding to support Zambia’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, nutrition programmes, Small Medium Enterprise Development and economic growth.

“I look forward to getting to know more about the country and the challenges in exchange with your views on what’s happening. I also look forward to a more mature relationship of trade and prosperity and transitioning Zambia into a middle income country, opportunities of more trade, opportunities of doing business directly with the UK and opportunities for increasing revenues,” the UK Minister said.

President Edgar Lungu and United Kingdom Minister for Africa James Duddridge putting on the facemasks
President Edgar Lungu and United Kingdom Minister for Africa James Duddridge putting on the facemasks
President Edgar Lungu talks to United Kingdom Minister for Africa James Duddridge
President Edgar Lungu talks to United Kingdom Minister for Africa James Duddridge


    • Ala mukwai there’s need for plenty of other old pieces of legislations such as the defamation of the President Act. The President should note that the defamation of the President act is a law that was inherited from the British colonialists and was good for the British government then.

    • Ala mukwai there’s need for plenty of other old pieces of legislations such as the defamation of the President Act to be reformed. The President should note that the defamation of the President act is a law that was inherited from the British colonialists and was good for the British government then.

  1. Seeking to change the public order act through bill 10 is something the PF want so that they don’t suffer or have a dose of their own medicine when they are back in opposition.

  2. I agree with Cosmos actually, just proper wearing of a mask something even primary school childrrn have now learnt is a challenge for this president and his ministers. The only minister who has consistently worn a mask correctly is Dora Siliya,the rest including the useless Minister of Health think it is a chin guard.The worst is Malanji.That says a lot about the calibre of this government.

  3. @Nemwine.3.
    I agree with you.Does President Lungu really think he can mislead the UK minister on the POA?.He is speaking to the man from UK as if he is from Mongolia which has no embassy in Zambia.

  4. This is the same speech president Lungu gave to now UK Home secretary Priti Patel when she visited Zambia in 2016 when she was overseas minister. President Lungu lavishly said Zambia is a democratic nations where elections are held freely. However, Zambians have experienced violence never known before not even with colonialists. Political repression of opposition parties and arbitrary arrests without charges has continued in Zambia. We w urge Mr Duddridge to pay attention when meeting with opposition political parties. Zambia currently is repressive, undemocratic and is potentially under dictatorship rule.

  5. Four years of PF rule and you have done nothing about a law you complained about while in opposition. Now you are talking seeing that you may be out of power again.
    Why does Lungu always talk to Zambians through foreigners?

  6. Lungu is not a dull person. I’m ready to defend him to the hilt on this one. The trouble is most people think it’s only dumb persons that are immoral, commit crimes etc.

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