Saturday, October 12, 2024

Commission of Inquiry key to conclude privatization process-Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina says there is no witch hunt regarding the proposed Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization process.

Mrs Wina noted that setting up the Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization process would help expose a lot of issues that were done unjustly, illegally and subjected many Zambians to suffering and poverty.

Speaking during the Vice president’s session in Parliament today, Mrs Wina said there is need to bring the matter of Zambia’s privatization to conclusion once and for all. The Vice president noted that the privatization exercise took place about 30 years ago and there is need for the case to be put to rest.

Mrs Wina was responding to a query on why government has not set up a Commission of Inquiry on gassing as pledged instead of the proposed inquiry on the privatization process.

She explained that government has been unable to set up a commission of inquiry on gassing because the matter is before the courts of law.

Mrs Wina stated that one gasser has been convicted while others suspected to have been behind the gassing incidents are still before the court.

Meanwhile, the Vice president has urged Zambians to take the voter registration seriously to ensure that they get registered as voters.

“ECZ didn’t just wake up to demand a new voter’s register,” said Mrs Wina.

Ms Wina said several factors have necessitated the compilation of a new voters register in line with the audit of the 2016 general elections as well as electoral observer mission’s views.

Mrs Wina stressed that it is also paramount that deceased voters are removed from the voters register.

And the Vice president has dispelled reports that civil servants in certain areas around the country have abandoned their work and are busy campaigning for Patriotic Front(PF).

Mrs Wina said anyone with evidence pointing to civil servants participating in partisan politics should report to relevant authorities.


  1. I agree with the mother of thy nation. The people want the truth and for all this to be put to bed. Of course with repercussions for all those that gained unfairly. Only the guilty will be afraid of this inquiry. We hope to seize all illegally gotten assets for the benefit of all zambian. One Zambia one nation. We are tired you people

  2. The country has no money and yet we are still wasting time with such matters. I would be happy if HH can be made to answer but then we should also bring President Lungu to answer for his role. Also, there is clearly fraud involved in the way our politicians increase their wealth 10 fold in a few years. Can we have a Commission of Inquiry to look at this phenomenon?

  3. The fear of one man causing all this panic. When is the enquiry on his networth from 2 million to 23 million in one year being constituted. Let the Youths also petition this…

  4. does it mean that zambians who bought council houses, government pool houses and mine houses should explain how they bought those houses. kaili the houses moved from public to private hands,especially yama K10.

  5. One gaser is convicted” end of quote. Follow up question why did they gas citizens, was it just for fun? Or did someone send them to do it? And who sent them.
    Did Zambians get those answers if not, then the country is hoodwinked

  6. Civil servants bought houses at give away prices must explain. People like Josephine mapoma bought government flats despite not being sitting tenants. How ? Bring on the commission, we have the evidence.

  7. Set up a commission of Inquiry on gassing also, we want to know the vampire s who killed 50 innocent Zambians ok.

  8. Inonge wina’s Motel used to get contracts from government through corruption. What is she talking about?

  9. Madam Inonge, sorry I didn’t bother to read your full story. However, after the commission of enquires’ findings are done and concluded, can you tell the nation how quick and best the zambian economy will pick up and improve?
    I thought there could be better things you could do now to better the lives of many suffering zambians!!!/

  10. “…..Mrs Wina stated that one gasser has been convicted …” ?????

    Was this in the media or is it a state secreate ???

  11. The enquiry into Privatization is not cheap, will cost lots of money which could be used for current needs or build industries than waste money on the enquiry that will yield nothing. The ministers who were part of Privatization failed to apply due diligence in selling the mines & industries. The answer to enquiry about privatization is known. Why waste money on the enquiry. Hon. Nawakwi confessed that the IMF forced Zambia to sell the mines and other industries at a give away. No one in the world can blame a consultant for advisory information. It was up to the government to accept the offer or reject it. Most Zambians have not learned from Clive Chirwa, former CEO of Zambia Railways how he won the case.

  12. A government that has run out of excuses for it’s failure to deliver, begins to look for scapegoats. There are numerous pressing issues that would have necessitated a Commission of Inquiry, other than this dead matter that is aimed at eliminating an individual from the political race. This matter has been explained on numerous occasions with evidence, but the dunderheads in PF think this is their last straw to ensuring ‘an unopposed path to retaining office’. There are reports, including Parliamentary, that were concluded years ago over privatization. But of course PF people either can’t actually read or suffer from what a lot of people in Zambia suffer from, indolence.

  13. This commission of inquiry is nothing credible other than wanting to deepen the smear campaign on one HH! It will never conclude as more questions will arise from those that will appear before the commission with their statements and those that have passed on will never be heard as what role they played and what they could have shared will never be heard! Imagine if one of those that had a role to play testifies that he/she was instructed in confidence by one long dead official then to sell a property to only Bidder Q as FTJ says he wants it that way then where next does the commission seek collaboration of this submission? The Kangaroo Commission would call HH as its first and last candidate for “selling the mines” then wind up the sittings and get paid. If done before elections expect…

  14. We all have our different interests on this one. Mine is on those who benefited from the sale of Zambia Airways with all its many assets abroad. On the convicted gasser, I missed the part where he explained why they were gassing us. What was the purpose of the gassing?

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