Saturday, October 12, 2024

Newly formed Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multipurpose Economic Co-operative starts distributing Donations


In a bid to economically empower co-operatives across the country, the newly formed Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multipurpose Economic Co-operative (ECL MPEC) has donated money, tailoring machinery and other equipment to various co-operatives of Kanyama constituency in Lusaka District.

ECL MPEC National Coordinator Evelyn Banda said the donation is in line with President Edgar Lungu’s desire to see a better Zambia where citizens engage in meaningful social and economic development.

Ms. Banda explained that her organisation is supplementing government’s empowerment programmes that are being implemented by various ministries aimed at fighting poverty in communities.

She was speaking during the handover of assorted equipment, building materials and K 20,000 cash to be used as a ‘’Revolving Fund’’ to various co-operatives in Lusaka’s Kanyama constituency yesterday under the theme: ‘’ Increasing Economic Cooperative – Building Zambia Together.’’

‘’Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has inspired all of us to consider every Zambian as a candidate for success. Every Zambian deserves a shot at becoming better,’’ she said.

‘’This is based on President Lungu who has consistently challenged every Zambian to not to leave anyone behind as we pursue the dream of a better Zambia in prosperous middle income country by 2030.

‘’ it is therefore, befitting for us to actualise the words of President Lungu who said and I quote-We must get up each day to do something productive for a better tomorrow. Something to improve ourselves, our families and our communities.’’

Ms. Banda pointed out that people of Kanyama have heeded President Lungu’s clarion call for women, youths and people living with disabilities to form cooperatives so that they could be empowered economically.

She appealed to all beneficiaries to put the equipment to good use so that they can also equally empower other cooperatives.

‘’It is gratifying to note that even people with disabilities have taken it upon themselves to join hands in projects that are viable and progressive in lifting the economic standards of our people.

‘’It is befitting to note that the ECL MPEC has started with Kanyama because of what we witnessed groups of dedicated people who are doing it for themselves and decided to give a little push in achieving their goals.

Tailoring machinery and other equipment being donated to various co-operatives of Kanyama constituency
Tailoring machinery and other equipment being donated to various co-operatives of Kanyama constituency

And speaking at the same function, Kanyama Member of Parliament Elizabeth Phiri, said the Patriotic Front (PF) led administration will continue with its pro poor policies and programmes in a bid to reduce suffering of the people.

Mrs. Phiri who is also Minister of Gender, said President Edgar Lungu, Ministers and other senior government officials owe to the Zambian people for entrusting them with the mantle to lead the country.

‘’President Lungu, all Ministers, MPs, Councillors and other senior officials know that you are our bosses and we are your humble servants,’’ she said this amid a round of applause from the audience.

‘’In order to empower you as our bosses, initiatives like this one and others, are being rolled out to you in your various localities so that there economic development at community level.

‘’You are aware that I donated a personal house to be used as a community centre that is being run by Kanyama Community Development Trust and is being used for various income generating activities.

‘’The centre is used for tailoring, peanut butter making, smoking of food and other businesses in value addition so that our people can better their livelihoods.’’

The Kanyama Parliamentarian explained that the K 20,000 will be a revolving fund where cooperatives will access the fund with a minimal interest so as to benefit others.

Earlier, Lusaka District Commissioner David Silubanje disclosed that his office has recommended hundreds of cooperatives to enable them access the Youth Empowerment Fund being disbursed by the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development.

Mr. Silubanje said President Edgar Lungu’s government views cooperatives as a vehicle of transforming the economy.

‘’ My Office has recommended hundreds of cooperatives for youths, women and individuals in order for them to access economic empowerment,’’ he said.

‘’ I want to encourage Lusaka residents to come to my office and inquire on a number of government programmes that can benefit them as an individual, group and entire community.

‘’ As the Lusaka District Administration, we are tapping in the vision of Central Government of ensuring that all Zambians get empowerment programmes so that there’s community development.’’

Tailoring machinery and other equipment being donated to various co-operatives of Kanyama constituency

The Lusaka District Commissioner further disclosed that over 15,000 small scale farmers will benefit from the 2020/2021 Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) as a way of contributing to both household and national food security.

‘’ These empowerment programmes and others are meant to help our women, youths and the general citizenry become economically empowered.

He stated that the government is in a hurry to better the standards of living for all Zambians regardless of their political persuasions in the spirit of ‘’One Zambia, One Nation,’’ under the leadership of PRESIDENT Lungu.

Mr. Silubanje reiterated that President Lungu is a President for all Zambians who wants to see a better, prosperous and united Zambia pulling in the same direction for a common good.

The Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multi-purpose Economic Co-operative (ECL MPEC) was formed about a month ago with a sole aim of empowering existing and new cooperatives with equipment and seed capital.

The Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multi-purpose Economic Co-operative donated sewing machines, solar smoker cabinets, building materials,groceries and farming equipment and K 20,000 cash to be used as a revolving fund.


  1. My advice to the beneficiaries is that, when they bring please don’t even hesitate, get and put it to good use. But never forget what you have been through, until just few months before elections.

  2. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Unbelievable! If this isn’t corruption and bribery then I don’t what it is. First of all, this is the stuff that the ECZ should be stumping out which is clearly meant to buy voters. 2nd this guy shouldn’t be donating and distributing money and material things under his own name. Is this from his own personal money or it is government money?
    3rd, there are various govt agencies, including the disaster recovery program under the vice president’s office that should be doing this. And lastly this isn’t the way to develop a country through one off handouts. People need proper economic policies and enabling environment that help them earn their own money… not this rubbish!
    Surely when can we move this country forward from this stoneage period barbaric behaviour?

  3. Elections also bring too much desperation. If they could have been empowering people from 2012 when they took power, & not focus on stealing from roads & fire tenders, there would be meaningful empowerment. Not these campaign stories that will end immediately after the vote.

  4. But my president is a loving president. A man who thinks of others before himself. Others even claim that he stole during privatisation but wasted his money hence why he not as rich as hh. But what they fail to realise is that my president put his country first before his pockets. Meanwhile hh had to be forced to donate during covid. And when he did donate his tuma ebu soap, he ensured it was caught on camera

  5. This culture of “donations” by the government using tax payers money must stop.

    Why not enable the recipients to be self sustaining?

    The culture of begging by Zambians and Africans must stop.

    We have no shame or pride.

  6. Naming the fund after a sitting President rings ‘desperation’ and campaigning. Is this personal money or tax payers money at work? Expect more of such ‘gestures before 2021.

  7. Naming the fund after a sitting President rings ‘desperation’ and campaigning. Is this personal money or tax payers money at work? Expect more of such ‘gestures before 2021 elections.

  8. I am advising the recipients of these wonderful donations to sit down and plan what to design and sew.
    According the economic and industrial times now- it would be very wise for the recipients of these sewing machinery to come up with brand names and start designing and sewing industrial workware using toughned materials and abundant Zambia’s natural leather, office curtains and other industrial materials. They should also start designing and sewing uniforms for schools, health institutions, military, police and others.
    Before you even start these things above, please, identify and elect office barers such as directors in various divisions/departments such as production, finance, human resources, procurement, sales and marketing directors/departmental managers. Employ qualified…

  9. Kikikikiki, only Lungu has money to donate but GRZ is broke to even fail repair pot holes to a road leading to state house

  10. @Kaizer Zulu, what will happen to you ECL gets tired of you & Bowman sucking his d***? Stupid lot in state house including Lungu.

  11. To the f00l above, if you are used to sucking your ugly fathers small penIs and licking his smelly behind, do not assume it is something we all do. Burn in hell

  12. To the f00l above, if you are used to sucking your ugly fathers small deek and licking his smelly behind, do not assume it is something we all do. Burn in hell

  13. Kaiza do you have kids born of you coz anyone who is comfortable with insults is a lost soul! To anyone who advocates for violence does not not know about the undefensables ie babies kids you have a filthy mouth. I do not agree with a lot of chagwa ideas but they ways of being civil and claim what is yours!!! You need lots of blessings and teaching if I were you I would face my demons!!!! Be good cao.

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