Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chishimba Kambwili Found Guilty and sentenced to 12 Months in Jail


National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Dr. Chishimba Kambwili has been jailed for 1 year.

This is in a case where Kambwili was charged with three counts of forgery, uttering a false document, and giving false information to a public officer.

It is alleged that in October 2013, with intent to defraud or deceive, Kambwili allegedly forged a ‘No change return’(companies form 71) purporting to show that it was genuinely signed by his son Mwamba when it was not.

Lusaka Principal resident magistrate David Simusamba has since jailed Kambwili 1 year for forgery and another year for uttering a false document.

Magistrate Simusamba ruled that the accused person was behind the fictitious person called Mwamba Chishimba and therefore found him guilty of the charge

Kambwili has however been acquitted of the charge of giving false information to a public officer.

The two sentences will run concurrently, meaning he will only serve a year.

Magistrate Simusamba further said the excuse that the accused signed under a power-of-Attorney when Mwamba Chishimba was fictitious can not stand.

His lawyer, Musa Mwenye State Counsel pleaded with the magistrate to exercise leniency on Mr. Kambwili as he is a family man.

Dr Kambwili was accused of tampering with evidence in a case in which the latter was facing three counts of forgery, uttering false documents and giving false information to a public officer.

The Zambia’s Economic and Equity Party (EEP) Leader Chilufya Tayali, who was a key state witness said during the trial that it was for a fact that Kambwili uttered with the documents which were the board resolutions signed by the accused as chairman of the meeting that sat to utter the records at PACRA.

Mr. Tayali has maintained that the fact that Kambwili had chaired that meeting confirmed that he caused the alteration of the documents even though he did not physically file them at PACRA.

“By the fact that he chaired the meeting that resolved. I confirmed that he chaired because the board resolutions were filed with other documents at PACRA which counsel brought out when I was being cross-examined,” he said.

“Sometimes, like in this case, people made a resolution to file documents at PACRA but they did not themselves to PACRA to file the documents. However, they sent someone else to go and file. And from my knowledge, this agent acts on behalf of the people that have sent him. Therefore in as much as they did not go to file physically by themselves, I concluded they filed in the documents to utter the records at PACRA.”

The EEP Leader further said he had lodged the complaint against Kambwili because the records from PACRA that he was shown by the police, were different from what he had testified earlier in magistrate Simusamba’s court.

Mr. Tayali added that he was concerned because if anyone went to PACRA to get a print out of the records, they would be different from what he had testified earlier.

Mr. Kambwili has alleged that it was State House victimizing him through EPP leader Chilufya Tayali, adding that the EPP leader reported him to State House that he uttered documents at Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) in 2013.


  1. May God make it easy for him. My advice to him is that if indeed he’s 100% sure that he did it, let him not appeal because the Higher Court will interfere with the sentence and that might either reduce or increase the sentence. The bad thing is that CK and his lawyer tried to scandalize the Magistrate at the last minute. That might go well with the Judiciary. If there’s an institution that defends itself and its own, it’s the Judiciary. You may wish to recall how the Chikopa Tribunal was shot down. Humble yourself

  2. May God make it easy for him. My advice to him is that if indeed he’s 100% sure that he did it, let him not appeal because the Higher Court will interfere with the sentence and that might either reduce or increase the sentence. The bad thing is that CK and his lawyer tried to scandalize the Magistrate at the last minute. That might not go well with the Judiciary. If there’s an institution that defends itself and its own, it’s the Judiciary. You may wish to recall how the Chikopa Tribunal was shot down. Humble yourself

  3. Your brother Chilufya on the other hand will not see the inside of prison despite overwhelming evidence before the learned judges …

  4. We knew it. Loud mouth always lands you in trouble. Insulting a sittng president will send you to jail. Accusing the very magistrate handling your case of soliciting a bride can only end like this. Now with a jail record he will be disqualified to stand as president for life.
    Next we await the privitization swindler.

  5. PF members of lungus gang are aquited on grand looting chargers …..some cases of PF members stealing from Zambia are classed as PF internal matters

  6. That is a lesson about throwing stones when you stay in a glass house. Whether State house is victimizing Kambwili or not, the fact still remains he is guilty of a crime. Next we move to Nawakwi, YALI vs HH in privatization. If there is a case to answer in the Privatization saga, people need to pay. All the cases need to be analyzed individually including those that involve people in PF.

  7. Big lesson also to all those with fake G12 certificate…time is coming….am surprised his taken it like a man…knowing his character

  8. CK used to be like ECL at his peak. He was even perpetuating tribalism and giving zero airtime to opposition in public media. He also interfered with private media which he thought was sympathetic to opposition. But today, everything he destroyed has worked against him. ECL & PF will suffer the same fate when their time comes. As for HH, there shouldn’t be wastage of money on commission of inquiry. You trying to fix the man so why don’t you just hurl him to court on the matter so we see where it will take this PF govt to.



  11. Kambwili now a convicted criminal so he can not stand as president whether he appeals or not. This he should have known already because he is part of the people that amended the constitution to that effect. There is an African story that talks about why the hippo has no air on its body. The hippo was being across a burning forest by two large african birds. The birds told the hippo not to speak during the flight because the hippo was using its mouth to hold on to the stick that the birds were using to carry the hippo. Kambwili spoke and fail in the fire.

  12. Is he already in? Anyway, he has now the best opportunity to decampaign pf in prison. Have his lawyers appeared? Kambwili could have humbled himself but instead went for judiciary destruction accusing judges of corruption bcos someone wrongly advised him. HH is happy because he had a problem in choosing a running. Mate. Now that CK is out of the equation , he has no pressure. Is it the end of NDC?

  13. No wonder he went apologizing about what he said about the President, he was going to be given a 5 year sentence for this one.

  14. @14 ZAMBIA FIRST, so as first offenders the privatisation prisoners-to-be should just be warned as first offenders, to you, yeah?

  15. The Lord works in amazing ways, he will put thieves on one side giving them nolles after nolles. Then smack them when they least expect.
    Watch this space!

  16. One year in the COOLER will certainly see him loose some weight, overall, will be very good for his health!!! Enjoy!

  17. Ba Kamvwoli, your case was obvious by the way you acted during court appearance. You always fainted or had a flimsy excuse.

  18. The same machinery he designed and built has turned on him. Forgery is a crime wherever you will go, this will help stop the would be offenders.

    The sentence for me is too light, 5 years could have been better.

  19. The same machinery he designed and built has turned on him. Forgery is a crime wherever you will go, this will help stop the would be offenders.

    The sentence for me is too light, 5 years could have been better. Anyway, half a loaf is better than nothing.

    All the same, this is good news.

  20. Just appeal you will come out since even the magistrate who convicted you already has a complaint pending against him with the JCC.

  21. What? 1 year for forgery! Kambwili is so luck. Dare not appeal unless you groynds are strong because Higher Court may hand you down 5 years.

  22. Leniency cannot work with him . He misbehaved a great deal during trails. Pretending to be dead, pretending to be sick, insulting the judges etc then ati leniency

  23. Let him save the sentence so that he can reflect on his conduct. At ba Presidential candidate. In Chingola who was CK?

  24. This is a political hack job! Lungu could not wait any longer. It’s all to do with 2121. Which case is worse between corruption and forgery? Tayali is living on corruption money. The time to account will come for those paying his bills. With Powers of Attorney one has powers to file documents depending on the Powers given. Lungu thinks he’s clever. He now thinks he has solved half his political problem. Now you will see them trying to amplify the saga on Privatisation on HH. It will backfire big time and will be end of his rule and PF.

  25. It’s always sad to see a fellow citizen caged. However, the law needs to be respect and no one man is more special than another. If any zambian before the courts would have been arrested based on the same facts then there cannot be sacred cows. In fact, those in public eyes and who have held public offices are held to a higher standard. I pray for you and your family. I am sure he will pull through in 12 months.

  26. So ba CK with his presidential ambitions ninshi pa fita atini. Will the NDC Vice President now take over the reigns of the NDCR? Nomba elo lwanya!!

  27. So ba CK with his presidential ambitions ninshi pa fita atini? Will the NDC Vice President now take over the reigns of the NDC? Nomba elo lwanya!!

  28. A person who is servin a jail term or who has served a jail term of more than 3yrs is disqualifed ? He can still appeal and be on the ballot, the law must be respected by all.

  29. People please, there’s a difference between TRAIL and TRIAL. Bushe amasukulu muyako yashani?

    Now on Tayali, my prayer is that nothing catches up with him. These things turn around and can seriously bite one’s behind. Watch this space.

  30. Ka shiiit ka Tayali promised his paymasters a couple of years ago that he could wire Kambwili legally without harassing him he said it live on facebook, now he is rejoicing – will even celebrate more once he receives his payment from PF. That boy Tayali will have a sad ending I tell you once that protection removed and Lungu leaves office worse than Chanda Chibwi. As for CK I have no sympathy for him he was too pompous not put his house in order only god knows how much of our tax funds were syphoned through that company.

  31. Zambia is beautiful.
    The funny thing is that those who call others CORRUPT are the ones in the very thick of it.
    Yangu, it is like one finger pointing at you and the remaining others pointing right back atcha!

  32. This is Lungu at work. Remember Lungu always used surrogates when he wants something. That’s in his DNA, remember Mtembo Nchito? Remember Lungu’s 3rd term eligibility? Remember the burning of markets? Remember bill 10? And now remember Nawakwi’s privatisation of companies and the impending setting up of the Commission Of Inquiry? He gets Tayali to stoke up stuff at PACRA and appoints a cadre Magistrate to hear the case! Where have seen a judge passing judgement before completion of a case? Was he convicted beyond reasonable doubt? I don’t think so. However Kambwili is also full of himself. He thought he was also law into himself. He can appeal and get acquitted. Also Kambwili is not that smart. He has involved himself in matters he shouldn’t be and is not fit for any leadership role…

  33. Pf has now fully surrendered CopperBelt to UPND by loosing the last bunch of sympathizers. Watch out how Roan and Chingola will react next year!
    Next will be HH to be eliminated from 2021 elections. Zambia need new independence next year through the ballot. Let’s unite and vote out these leaders. HH or any opposition who will survive be voted into statehouse. Let all well meaning Zambians campaign amongst ourselves for an opposition leader. Cadres can not outnumber the civilians.God is on our side!

  34. Selective justice – whether guilty or not – and timed to try and rule him out of 2021. The same political sadism is being pursued against HH using the dead privatisation issue. If anyone cannot ‘see’ this orchestrated campaign by a despicable selfish thieving regime, they need to be labotomised.

  35. Indeed this serves to remind us all that no one is above the Law. Let’s be careful what we engage ourselves into. Too bad though that he’s going to miss out on next year’s elections, he made so much noise with his political party.

  36. Indeed no one is above the law, this case has been adjourned for so many times but today it has proved to ruin some ones political career learn to humble yourselves learders

  37. Pf your days are numbered this mediocrity will come to an end,if the law should be respected it should be to any offended rather than excersisng the low on others whilst others are being over looked to their offences no wonder you are going come 2021.

  38. That just excatly how Satan used a snake to deceive Eve. Eve in the garden of Eden thought it was a snake tell him to eat fruit.When in actual fact there was a real hiding monister behind the snake. Tayali has been used by that disguised person. Any sane Zambian can see through who he is behind Ck incacceration. Wake up Zambians you are now in the hands of ruthless leaders who dont have a heart for the Christian Country.The way you cast your vote for unchristians leaves much to be desired.In 3days they will call you to come for there prayers

  39. Zambian whitchunt is not taking the country anywhere. Pf will never be in power for life, they’ll one day become ordinary people and the same house awits them. It’s an absolute sad reading for Dr CK to be called a prisoner today. God have mercy for us.

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