Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lusaka Stock Exchange enters global market


Thomson Reuters, the global information group has announced the commencement of the supply of real-time data from the Lusaka Stock Exchange (LUSE) to increase equity trade opportunities for its local and global clients.

The global information group Public Relations Manager for Middle East and Africa Candice Sgroi said in a press release today that the introduction of the real-time market data for investors and traders using Thomson Reuters Eikon would include the bid and ask price, volumes, and market depth.
[pullquote]“Armed with the real-time information, Thomson Reuter’s clients will be able to make effective trading decisions and increase the equity trading opportunities,” Ms Sgroi said.
Ms Sgroi said the other real-time market data would also include latest trades and other related information on equities.

She disclosed that more than 20 securities were listed on LuSE and the market data that Thomson Reuters used to provide was previously updated once a day after the market closed.

Zambia’a Stock Exchange is the latest African Exchange that Thomson Reuters has switched to real-time data, following Kenya’s Stock Exchange, the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and the Ghana Stock Exchange.

Ms Sgroi pointed out that Thomson Reuters is the first Information provider to bring real-time data from the LuSE to investment professionals throughout the world.

“Armed with the real-time information, Thomson Reuter’s clients will be able to make effective trading decisions and increase the equity trading opportunities,” Ms Sgroi said.

She said the global investors who want to invest in Zambia now have enhanced accessibility to LuSE data thereby reinforcing market transparency.

“Thomson Reuters is proud to be a part of this historic moment for the Lusaka Stock Exchange which underpins our commitment to Africa and to introducing more real-time data feeds to other African stock exchanges as the financial markets develop,” reads the statement.


  1. Indeed this is good news and I hope real time trading will also be available. I also hope this improves the liquidity of LuSE. The Volumes have really been pathetic and nothing to talk about really. I hope this now brings in the much need foreign cash from foreign investors seeking hi yield opportunities in emerging markets. I keep an eye on liquidity to just see how this will affect the market

    PS: Message to LuSE can you guys be more transparent in ZAIN/CELTEL shares. You can’t suspend shares for such an indefinite time. Your credibility is on the line and the world is watching you. More so with this real time expose. Time to pull up your socks.

  2. Positive news which should aid the markets function more effeciently (English meaning, not Economics meaning).

    Credit where its due, to say that the volumes have been pathetic is at best naive and at worst a little miguided. Within the context of the Zambian Economy, and for LUSE the growth rate is perfectly within acceptable standards. Unless of course we are comparing to the major, long established exchanges. These things take take, and they require a certain level of disposable income, but more importantly, a certain level of economic activity which could facilitate participation by local institutional investors. The level of percieved political risk, the regulatory framework etc, all these are issues with an impact.

  3. Great news! Information flow though seems to be slow, for example on the suspended Celtel shares. Brokers should also put their houses in order, I had pathetic experience with one of them, it took me more than a year to have them consolidate (put them in one account) shares I bought in one company at different intervals.

  4. Good news, hope daily share prices data can now be readily available for download so as to aid analysis.I agree with Freedom, liquidity is terribly low, this should help bring in more flow on LUSE. The Cetel issue is simply criminal and unacceptable. Just look at how other shares have performed, for example Zanaco, since Cetel trading has been suspended. The new owners of the Zain must compensate shareholders for loss of business since this hold-up seem to be at their instigation.

  5. Good news, hope daily share prices data can now be readily available for download so as to aid analysis.I agree with Freedom, liquidity is terribly low, this should help bring in more flow on LUSE. The Cetel issue is simply criminal and unacceptable. Just look at how other shares have performed, for example Zanaco, since Cetel trading has been suspended. The new owners of Zain must compensate shareholders for loss of business since this hold-up seem to be at their instigation.

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