United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema’s special adviser Douglas Syakalima has said “it does not take a rocket scientist” to discern that PF has killed the pact between the two parties.
Mr Syakalima said the party would go ahead and field a candidate in Chilanga Constituency as agreed by the joint working group of the pact.
[pullquote]“Anyway it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to discern that the PF have killed the pact. “How can they say we have failed to agree yet the working group already decided?” he asked.[/pullquote]
“There is no official correspondence to the effect that they (PF) have withdrawn from the pact, so we shall proceed as agreed by the working group comprising the two parties that we field in Chilanga and they field in Mpulungu,” he said.
He said unless the PF believed that they had killed the pact then they would proceed to field a candidate in Chilanga. Mr Syakalima was reacting to a story in The Post that the PF and UPND had failed to agree on Chilanga.
“Anyway it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to discern that the PF have killed the pact. “How can they say we have failed to agree yet the working group already decided?” he asked.
UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said the UPND would proceed on the agreed position in the pact. He said going by the last election UPND was more popular in Chilanga than the PF. The PF has declared that it would proceed to field a candidate in Chilanga.
On Sunday, the Patriotic Front (PF) has resolved to contest the Chilanga by-election, disregarding its agreement with the United Party for National Development (UPND) to field one alliance candidate. PF Lusaka provincial publicity and information secretary Stanley Chiumya said his party resolved to contest the Chilanga by-election on Sunday at a meeting presided over by the party’s secretary general Wynter Kabimba.
[pullquote]“Further when you look at the statistics for 2008 Presidential elections, we got more votes than the UPND which goes to show that we are more popular than UPND,” he said.[/pullquote]
He said his party resolved to contest the Chilanga seat because it is convinced it is more popular than its pact counterpart, the UPND. Mr Chiumya said Lusaka Province is a stronghold for the PF as the party currently has seven out of the 12 parliamentary seats. He said according to the 2008 presidential by-elections, the PF got more votes than the UPND in Chilanga.
“We resolved two days ago to contest the Chilanga, reasons being that PF is more popular in Lusaka Province. “We have 12 constituencies in Lusaka of which seven are for the PF and five are for the ruling party. Going by the statistics, PF is the right party to file a candidate in the Chilanga by-election. “Further when you look at the statistics for 2008 Presidential elections, we got more votes than the UPND which goes to show that we are more popular than UPND,” he said.
syakalima you thought you would out think sata but to your chagrin he has showed you he is a step ahead of you. hh and upnd now suffer a media blackout rendering you irrelevant while sata continues to enjoy massive media coverage. you thought age and degree would isolate sata making hh automatic choice for the pact but again sata is a step ahead. he has two degrees from funny schools.
Sata called HH much “under 5”, one honestly wonders how much sleave Zondwe has to smear on HH’s face for him to realise that this PACT of theirs is very dead. This is agony for HH, as we all clearly know, Western province is entirely gone to Milupi leaving HH with only the South. In the 2012 polls, HH will curve out an even lesser share of the spoils. It’s the tribalistic wave which propelled him to the apex of the UPND that is now drowning him.
i belong to the pact alliance but for these confusions i prefer that the MMD wins that chilanga by-election so that shame would go on winter kabimba. why are pipo like this? failing to share even constituencies?
God forbid and i would rather the this pact breaks up becoz if we allow them to grow upto government, they wud be war in this country…Winter is a bad seed who is destroying Mr. Sata and the Pact atlarge. All in all, its viva PF, Viva HH !!!!
Sata called HH much “under 5”, one honestly wonders how much sleave Zondwe has to smear on HH’s face for him to realise that this PACT of theirs is very dead. This is agony for HH, as we all clearly know, Western province is entirely gone to Milupi leaving HH with only the South. In the 2012 polls, HH will curve out an even lesser share of the spoils. It’s the tribalistic wave which propelled him to the apex of the UPND that is now drowning him.
Its fun. I remember people like Senior Citizen, myself and others predicting on this fora that the Pact is a non starter when it was just formed. A lot of people thought we did not fully understand politics. They tried to bring in a lot ‘knowledgeable’ arguments to defend the Pact. They thought we were blind and they were wise. Now see what is happening on the political arena. Sometimes its good to analyse things professionally and not because of your political inclination. You will always miss the point if you did that. Anyway, the truth is that our prediction was outrightly right. Pact is dead. It never existed and maybe I should write an article on “The Pact that Never Existed gives hope to Zambians”. lol
Freeman on earth
Senior Citizen and his league of spin doctors have been accurate because they are the same kamucheka designing, managing, directing, handling, and executing this multi billion kwacha anarchy project in the pact. They have held on to Winter Kabimba who has been their stool since the days he was with Ben Mwila. They have eaten the pact structures like cancer knowing everything in PF-UPND. That is how evil kamuchekas are.
To all loggers, listen to UPND deputy Secretary General Cornelius Mweetwe on 106.9 MHz FM.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
I think HH is a smart guy. He has gone on holiday and not allowed himself to utter unnecessary comments during this period of confussion. This is how you can tell who a leader is. Leaders should not open up there mouths unnecessalily. HH is smart. It is amazing that sata has continued to utter bad statements against his friend. Now we know how he behaves that he cannot change. He did the same with Sakwiba. Zambians careful with Sata he is not staright.Either I go with HH or RB.
Come 2011 either RB or HH. Yours disgrantled pact supporter.
#8 Sorry we need serious men of substance to talk. This mweetwa guy is not still too junior and has no command yet…….Come 2011 RB or HH. Disgruntled pact supporter.
That serpent of old called lucifer the satan is at it again..HH run while you still have time you do not need pipo like satan around.i knew you can not trust the satan. he just spits vernom anyhow.i will always support start guys like HH
UPND please please the PF/UPND PACT is dead and buried. Your party can still make it in 2011. Get into an allaince with level headed people like Mr. Milupi, General Miyanda and even Mr. Chipimo. The presidency should not be the defining factor in serving the Zambian people. This is time for campaigning on what you will bring to the Zambian people unlike wasting your precious time trying to bring to life the dead and buried PACT. Tell us where we are and where you want to take us in the next ive years
# 4. Thats the way to go. as a matter of fact we have started already a process of decampaing these people until the sit on the round table to resolve these issue otherwise Vasco da Banda takes it again in 2011
“Pact,Nation cant be led by an under-five-Sata” according to PF’s vuvuzela’s headline.Now this Sata old man,who the hell are majority voters coz most of his age mates are dead.If he is still relying on illiterate frustrasted voters,Maan he is getting it wrong.
May be thats why this man does not make it to plot one.We re busy complaining that MMD keeps rigging against him.Maybe God who searches all hearts is saving us from danger,cos as a matured person he is not supposed to behave the way he is behaving. HH here comes out more matured than the grey haired man.does grey hair really stand for wisdom, not with sata.He is banking on the popurality of yesteryear.vintu vichinja
am very dissapointed with bamudaala ba sata..the post newspaper story is disheartening. plz HH and all peace loving zambians dont comment or reply to mr. sata’s remarks.
#15 you have spoken very well. It cud be God avoiding the nation from putting Satan in power. He is a real vernous serpent who changes like a chameleon. Infact he is more unpredicable than a colour changing chameleon. God help Zambia ooh. Thank you # 15 you are my igwe ooh.
These guys should just spli instead of wasting their time on slugging each other off
They can use this time to re-organise themeslves
This is so dissapointing. UPND and PF, why cant you agree? Just imagine MMD in power for the next 5 years. You two PF, UPND will still be the opposition and you will still be talking the same issues you have been talking about in the past 10 years ie president Banda’s trips abroad, investors mistreating Zambias, copper going without dollars coming back to Zambia, Chiluba being free despite office abuse, william Banda’s behaviour etc. Its so disheartening and it only spells one thing to me – GREED. For once UPND & PF throw away your greed and focus on the plea of the Majority Zambians who are suffering. The other thing is SATA and HH, you are surrounded by job seekers who see the PACT as a threat to appointments coz for each PACT position, they are two positions PF & UPND. SAD INDEED.
Though I beg to differ with Sata’s assertion that Zambia needs an experienced president and not an under 5 as he put it. Here we have Banda who has even more experience than Sata messing us up real big time. If you examine Sata’s so called experience, you will find it wanting. Why did Levy hand him over to Anti-Corruption when he was at Health? Why did KK fire him? Why did FTJ render him portfolioless? As MMD SG, he failed to take down notes. This aren’t the kind of experience we want, awe twakana ba Zondwe.
It is a shame to any noble minded Zambian to served under that kleptomaniac creature of the Ituri Forest called Chabala Kafupi Titus Mpundu Chiluba. To have done so in numerous portfolios is an even worse form of mercenarism and I hope someone will tell Zondwe that we as Zambians frown upon this stinking CV of his. As for HH, one wonders how much face space he still has remaining for Zondwe to keep on smearing under five excrement on before he realises this Pact of theirs is doomed. It’s this impotence and lack of spank that makes this Tonga castrated bull too wet for president.
As it was in the beginning ,is now… It’s like the Catholic prayer which is only addressed to the Holy Trinity is becoming applicable even to the Zambian political leardership. This is all because of greed and selfishness. Groups of people failing to come together for the common good because of trivial issues.
I wish I could go somewhere where I could live progressively. What is wrong with us?
As it was in the beginning ,is now and ever shall be… It’s like the Catholic prayer which is only addressed to the Holy Trinity is becoming applicable even to the Zambian political leardership. This is all because of greed and selfishness. Groups of people failing to come together for the common good because of trivial issues.
I wish I could go somewhere where I could live progressively. What is wrong with us?
The last statement for #21 is full of hate and should not be taken serious. The wise will tell you that there is wisdom in Silence. I find HH full of wisdom refraining from responding to pyscho Mata’s hateful and unreasonable statements. HH please focus on the substance not petty hate. It is a pity The Post is also losing truck by spearheading such unreasonable headlines. If they thot they were doing going for their candidate Sata ,well am sorry they have lost it. I gues even people under HH will not vote for sata but rather for RB. These hateful statements are rather bad. Recall, Obama was talking good of Hillary clitton. Simple for him not to lose the clitton supporters to John. Ba post wake up. Now they are on Kalusha Bwalya for the past month. It is all against Kalusha Bwalya…
HH an under 5 leader pwaaaaahahahahahahah….
even in marriage when a husband gets more money than a wife for the seak of the chart 20m and 1m , the husband will not go out to say my wife gets this , unless a shalow minded man . Respect is very important to one another , PF has had no respect to UPND which is regarded as a small part , You judge the two leaders Sata and HH you are able to tell that HH has wisdom than SATA , SATA is loved becoz he is vulger and is tyrant .
PF claims to be more popular than UPND . When PF have more than 20 rebel MPs out of 43 MPS and UPND have 25 MPs out of 1 REBEL MP . Now who has more MPs ?
Guys, did you see how Sata was kneeling down to greet a man who was obviously disinterested in yesterday’s post?
Now this talking overdrive! The man needs to slow down. He looks more of a clown each day. Thanks to his megaphone.
sata and wynter we are not going to eat yo popularity.popularity is nonsense,madness.u have been popular for years now have u been in govt be for?PF stop that popularity nonsense and focus on development and on the pact.
I am heartbroken that the PACT is now irretrievably DEAD. However, i shall still vote for the the split opposition even if i know deep down that MMD’s Vasco Da Banda will bounce back due to divided opposition
HH and UPND made a serious miscalculation by aligning themselves with Sata and PF. It is like they wanted the Republican Presidency at all costs and were ready to go to bed with anyone to achieve their objective. What a shame! Statistics can some times lie, UPND should just have continued strengthening their party instead of going to bed with Sata & PF. This way, they could have remained a force to recon with and could have amased enough votes in 2011 to form government. Just what type of government would they form with PF MPs like Kambwili, Davies Mwila, Mumbi Phiri, GBM, Mwimba Malama and others? UPND you are too smart with mingle with Kaponyas. Do not be preoccupied with going to plot 1, you can still make a meaning contribution outside govt. God bless mother Zambia.
Senior Citizen, you hater of the pact with your fellow MMD mafias as kamuchekas have killed worked our dream of change. You worked tirelessly to wreck the pact for a status quo because of your greedy. The pact was our hope. Nombo muyelya ichitumbi cha pact because this is what you wanted to the pact. You even knew that calendar of this crisis. Since you posted the article below, things have worsened in the pact.
Senior Citizen wrote:
September 24, 2010 at 10:17 am
SAD BREAKING NEWS!!!!! How you knew all this?
Finally the pact has today Friday September 24, 2010 in the year of the Lord officially crumbled without a divorce cooling period considered. All announcements follow this tip. Tired of PF bullish tactics and abuses, poor HH has curved in to the pressure of his base which has tenaciously threatened to impeach him if he doesn’t withdraw from the Horse-Rider marriage of convenience with Sata.
Senior Citizen wrote:
September 24, 2010 at 10:17 am
“If they have failed a simple political pact, they cannot manage to run a country of over 12 million people in diversity? The pact has been nothing but a circus of doom from day one until its crumbling today” Wrote Senior Citizen on September 24, 2010.
Senior Citizen wrote:
September 24, 2010 at 10:18 am
President Banda and the ruling MMD are very saddened at the turn of events in the embattled pact. RB passionately wished the pact had stood the test of time for the sake of our bourgeoning democracy. But alas, the two tribal warlords could not just accommodate reason and leadership spirit in the pact.
We are all in mourning at the turn of events this soon. RIP pact!
it is true that some pipo where not meant to be leaders. SATAn has just mised an opportunity to rule this country and will soon blame his vuvuzela and his thugs for misleading him. we have said from time to time that past glory don’t pay. u say HH is not being covered by the PF vuvuzela but the man is busy on the ground. a few days ago he was in central province the guy will shock u great support indeed. while Satan is busy making statements for his vuvuzela to cover, the man is making progress on the ground. iam from Chilanga, PF is no where apart from a few street kids here and there. UPND will win Chilanga followed by MMD. MMD will win in mpulungu wait and see. this Sata has been losing in southern, Western, North Western, central and eastern provinces yet has done nothing to amend.
God bles Zambia , both POST and PF have killed the pact , from the on set of the pact the post has been bias toward Sata , when Sata insults the Post is quick to report when HH makes agood statement the post will not report . News which come PF is news when it is UPND it is irrelevant .
MMD played the Degree Trum Card on the PACT. They knew if Sata was barred from standindg on account of having no degree, Sata was going to allow HH stand as president under a powerfull PACT. MMD knew that Sata still wanted to President so they removed the CLAUSE knowing that Sata would now not allow HH to stand and thus cause a rift in the PACT. Only sad thing is Zambia is the main loser.
Sata is an ***** who will never rule zambia,wisdom and age does not always go together. HH is young and has wisdom while sata is an old fool .This man represents old generation if he was a computer he could be pentium 1 with very low memory. Any progressive countryn has shifted to young men who thinks better and fast and driving their countries to greater hights.
as for media blackout, its health for HH becoz it gives him time to get to the grass roots while others are busy making news in Lusaka. MMD is on the ground, why is dora quite? she is busy in mpulungu and PF thinks they can get Chilanga and mpulungu at the same time. this is the highest level of selfishness and arrongacy ever. Lusaka province is no longer for PF as they are claiming and dreaming even the rotten MMD has made inroads. William banda is on the ground conveting PF souls into MMD and come 2011, it will be a shock to those who think that lusaka is full of Bembas. even as we cry for the failed PACT, there is hope for this country. Watch
Ba Sata bena bapuba sana. Bunda fye bwakubosa inshinta fye yonse ukwabula namano. Do you ever stop talking and once in a while reflect on the effect of your spit? Now you have turned around and start insulting the young people who have been giving you the all heartedly support. What has happened to wisdom and respect to your fellow human being?
7 Nkaka, what a miserable comment, crying over milk that you spilt yourself.
Mr Syakalima, Special Advisor to HH, what kind of special advice did he give to HH? What kind of advisor is he that could not see the fact that this Pact could and would not work? Even kaponyas knew this as they were touting the Pact on LT, after all they are planted on LT and paid aren’t they? I shudder to think that by some heavenly intervention had HH just happened to pop up in State House, and Mr Syakalima became the President’s special advisor.
We thought things have changed for the better. This PACT is a total let down. We have all been behind it and where ready to vote them into government and now this fighting. Who will save us from this devil called MMD? Zambians think again or else the suffering will continue. UPND and PF please think again.
Todays post gives sad reading. I can assure you only kaponyas are celebrating that HH bamulasa– All well meaning Zambians are sick. Sata is never to be trusted. He is a serious back stubber this old man. Off late he has been throwing a lot of rubbish towards HH his friend with the help of his vuvuzela the post.
Well Zambians are not stupid..We shall see whether it is the post that will put Sata in State house or the people of Zambia. I bet sata has lost a vote from a young me come 2011.
Sorry people, my boss just working to the office. I have stolen too much of his time. I have now gone back for work. See you in 2011. Yours your good friend mutombela kwipaya. chooh
Kabimba and sata have killed the pack. PF is selfish for wanting to field candidates in both Mpulungu and chilanga
hey guys lets not continue saying that the UPND/PF Pact has failed. what has failed is the PF in the Pact. you know Sata is suffering from verbal diarrihoea and can say anything even before thinking. this without doubt is not a presidential material. let the pipo judge who has killed the PACT. HH is quite becoz what ever he will say will be twisted by the PF vuvuzela. the more HH is quite the more sata will blunder. in footbal we call it own goal
United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema’s special adviser Douglas Syakalima has said “it does not take a rocket scientist” to discern that PF has killed the pact between the two parties.My question is what are you still doing in the pact? Being the Chief Adviser what are you advising HH? to stay in Babylon, let us come out of the Babylon it is fallen, it is fallen… Rev 18: 2-4
Sata always quareling with everyone. As SG of MMD, he offended so many including some of his current suppoters, In PF he has so many rebels. What a useless old man!!
Imwe Ba UPND! What made you think that you can change Michael Sata? This old mudala is a loose head. He chased us from MMD and now he’ll chase you from the Pact. He is not fit to be a leader and yet you supported him. Nangu kuba desperate sure! RB is very happy with this comedy.