Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sata is Back to Thuggery Ways – Joe Kalusa


The Opposition United Party for National Development UPND national youth chairperson has charged that patriotic front leader, Michael Sata has gone back to his old thuggery ways.

The Youth Chairperson has also asked Mr. Sata to back off and not push around everyone just because he feels he is more experienced than others.

Joe Kalusa said that Mr. Sata’s statement to the voice of America describing his UPND counterpart, Hakainde Hichilema as an under five leader is disappointing.

Mr. Kalusa said that the remarks clearly show that Mr. Sata has decided to finally go back to his old ways of insults and character assassination.

He said that Mr. Hakainde has proven his maturity by staying quite and not engaging in the nonconstructive debate which has raised a lot of bickering within the pact.

He said that even though Mr. Sata would try as hard as possible to present himself as more experienced, it is evident that Mr. Hakainde is a better option for a national leader than him.



  1. Apart from calling Sata a thug. I agree with the young man joe on SATAn behaviour. It is very disppointing to those of us who were scotched in the sun on that day of announcing the pact. It is sad that SATAn deceived us all who attended the launch beliving the pact will redeem mother Zambia from MMD. we should not forgive sata for duping us.Infact mostly were yourth who attended the lauch and now he is calling us unde five. Ukamona chimudala iwe.

  2. Please Joe , you may be right BUT let your two parties PF/UPND sides sit down and agree to disagree
    We are ALL DISSAPOINTED WITH BOTH PF/UPND. we had a lot of HOPE now its a HOPELESS SITUATION. Am thinking of now supporting RB

  3. Joe Kalusa you think you are still a preect at Chikola Secondary school dull boy,grow up..we know all you want is publicity..kulibonesha bo bata.HH and Sata will agree and you will be left in the cold for being a prefect in a political party.

  4. #3 we are in this situation because PF/UPND have agreed to disagree. What we need is for the two to agree on the fact that Zambians want change and it is in the best interest for everyone to work as a team.We need unit of purpose here.

  5. muto mbela kwipaya says

    Walasa. we are very disappointed with Mr. SATA. . We therefore urge all PACT members to push these ladies to reconcile.

  6. Boggers please understand that, the worst mistake that has been made is Winter to have declaared that Christ Jesus does not exists and my God will always make such people to behave foolishly without knowing. Unless he repents, no meaningful favour from God.

    On the other side, RB is humbe and doesnt basphem God.

  7. The truth will set you free. It was treasonable of HH to align himself with the Lucifer himself heading PF to doom in hell.Satana only make sense to his brother in-law Telesphore Mpundu, 5th wife Petronella Mpundu, and that anti black power Ku Klux Klan impi called Paul Duff.

  8. Real Issue Man,

    I’m glad you have picked that one because since he said that and Sata endorsed it publicly, i have forewarned PF kaponyas that with such anti Christ demons their leaders, they are cursed with their PF and doomed to failure. That is blasphemous decree is a curse that borders on doom. You don’t mess around with Jehovah.

  9. Under ruling MMD democratic dispensation, free speech is promoted against any scheme of inhibiting responsible minds as long as they are within the laws of Zambia free from infringement. I do not see anything wrong with Kalusa’s straight talk. Sata is a thug.

  10. Sata is Cheating himself that he is a better option than HH. The young is the best stake for the country at the moment and believe me or not, Sata will just die as a commedian and never be the president of this country. HH do not give in for SATAN because it would be the worst thing to do. you will be the president of this country. just forge ahead you have massive support

  11. DEAR ALL,

    Kindly note that a day of reckoning is coming when all of this talking will come to an end. Zambian’s you are good at talking especially from your TV room chairs. Let SATA and HH sort out the mess, I praying hard.

    May the Good Lord Come before our future leaders.

  12. Time of reckoning is coming people will talk in the booth. The best candidate will carry a day.The fact you guys are forgetting is that Sata is a force in Zambian politics.PF is the second largest party in Zambia.

  13. DEAR ALL,

    Kindly note that we have come a long way. Chiluba in 1990 did not become a President of MMD so easily but had to fight with the likes of the winas. That’s the fight we are having now in 2010 come 2011 we are set.

    God bless the Pact.

  14. Tatwaka vote chapwa. Both Satan and under five HH are a disappointment to zambians. I will just stay home on polling day and watch the plunder continue.PEACE mwebekala chalo!

  15. DEAR ALL,

    You may say what you want but the pact is still popular and people are free to air their views just like Joe kalusa.

    God Bless the Pact.

  16. As things stand the only best option is for the two parties to go seperate ways. They have stuck daggers in each other so deep that wounds might not heal in good time considering the fact that elections are only about 12 months away. Boths parties consider themselves more popular than the other and not ready to surrender Presidency to the other, so we have to wait for voters to judge unfortunately by which time we would missed an opportunity of dislodging MMD and sending Mr Banda back to his farm. Either Sata or HH should be bold enough and pull out of this thing in a civilised way and put an end to this nonsense so that those who want to do it solo can go ahead and those who want to be swallowed MMD do so as well.
    It shouldn’t be so complicated to seperate i think. GOOD LUCK.

  17. Quote from today’s post:
    “What about the young men in Zambia, who have been ruling Zambia?
    What do we have? Plunder, corruption. For example now, the young men are diluting the Anti-Corruption Commission where they are saying abuse of office is not an offence. It’s the young men who have sold ZAMTEL (formerly state-owned telecommunications company), who have increased fuel (price) and without considering the people,” Sata said.

    It’s now clear to all that this dagga smoking PF leader has made it clear that young people will have no place in his govt. This is a clear message to all the deluded PF youths who keep supporting this thug. I am sure even Mmembe has started questioning the sanity of Sata.

  18. SEVEN Patriotic Front Members of Parliament (MPs) have revolted against the party’s decision to invite members to apply to stand as MPs in all the 150 constituencies.

    The PF MPs who met on Tuesday night at Parliament Motel resolved to write a protest letter to their president Michael Sata against the decision they described as dictatorial.
    It is understood that the MPs who met include Chishimba Kambwili for Roan, Given Lubinda for Kabwata, Kantanshi’s Yamfwa Mukanga, Jerry Chanda for Kanyama and Davies Mwila for Chipili.
    Others are Jean Kapata for Mandevu and Munali’s Mumbi Phiri…PF wawa…

  19. What is intriguing about all this rumbling by Kalusa and UPND is that even after being asked to leave the PACT if they feel uncomfortable being in pact with the so called thugs. All this bickering is due to poverty in the nation and MMD is targetting some weak minds like Kalusa to distabilize the PACT. The ultimate loser in all this is none other than HH. If HH cannot control this boy, how possible that he will be able to run the nation?

  20. Its sad but real,the pact has died as a result of selfishness of the people involved.Who looses en who wins:My reflection below.
    I am very sure RB will throw a party at plot 1 when he returns from ,Nigeria ,why,because he is the winner in all this.
    The 2011 results are very clear now en will be like this ;

    1.Northen-PF/MMD will share the votes en seats.
    2.Luapula-PF/MMD will share again.
    3.Central-UPND/MMD will share.
    4.Lusaka-PF/MMD/UPND will share.

    From the above ,you can see that MMD will again carry the day,thanx to Winter Kabimba who has managed to cheat his uncle that he can win alone when he has failed on three occasions.
    This may sound biase but the biggest looser in all thi

  21. UPND should tame Kalusa so that he shuts up. PF should equally shut up their rogue elements. Once we have a cease fire, the pact leaders should get to the negotiating table and iron out differences and agree on who should be pact president for next year’s elections.

  22. Because of selfishness among the opposition leaders we all just have come to terms with the fact that we may have to put up with this chongololo President for a bit little longer beyond 201. My only hope now is that both parties grab as many Parliamentary seats from MMD as possible to be able to counter some of this government’s childishness, corruption ,dumbness ,dictatorship.

  23. From the above ,you can see that MMD will again carry the day,thanx to Winter Kabimba who has managed to cheat his uncle that he can win alone when he has failed on three occasions.
    This may sound biase but the biggest looser in all this is Micheal Chilufya Sata who will never rule zambia after missing this glorious opportunity.At 73,Sata needed to win now or it will never happen.In 2016,he will be 79 en I can’t see a sane zambian putting faith in such man.
    For HH,he still has all to play for .His age,maturity ,wealth and education are in his favour.Come 2016,HH will be 45,well known all around and will sweep.
    For the millions of zambians,this was an opportunity to try something new.

  24. 30 IPv6
    Do you honestly expect a seize fire between these two ‘giant’ parties? They want to confirm with voters next year as to who is bigger between the two and then try again for 2016. We just have to be patient change wont come soon with all these vuvunzelas making noise while hiding under their beds.

  25. HH advised to Join MMD

    A Nephew of Senior Chief Mushili of the Lamba speaking people of Masaiti District on the Copper belt has joined calls urging opposition United Party for National Development -UPND- President Hakainde Hichilema to join the MMD.

    Mandela Nkole says Mr. Hichilema is wasting time in the pact and should instead reconsider his political career by supporting the Government of President Rupiah Banda.

    He says forming a pact with the MMD will allow Mr. Hichilema to meaningfully contribute to the country’s economic growth.

    Mr. Nkole, who is also Masaiti Council Chairman was speaking in a telephone interview with ZNBC News thursday.

    But UPND Chairman for Science and Education Lackson Kazabu said it is premature to consider such options, because the pact…

  26. All this is due to politics of poverty. The chap had no job and to keep his new found job, he was given a condition, to be on the attack on behalf of MMD. Look at our colleague in Washington DC, Veteran Senior Citizen, he got tired of spinning records and he was told to be an attack dog, what did he do? Exactly what Kalusa is doing.

  27. I am lost for words in the way PF cadres reason. Since the issue of the PACT breaking up came up has HH made any comment or made any diparaging remarks against Sata? How many times has Sata attacked his “partner HH” in the media? Sata hasn’t learnt anything worthwhile in his political career apart from being dictattorial and bullish. One can work for an organisation for 20 years with only two years of valuable experience and vice versa. As I said, the old man has spent so many years in politics with very little valuable experience.

  28. Just to think of Sata as president of a country is nauseating enough. I mean, the man’s disgusting looks and the vile verbature his mouth is prone to oozing are enough to scare away not just investors but children, dogs etc.

  29. # 35 you are offside, Joe has never been jobless from the first job he got after graduating from CBU. Blogg about his comments and the pact, not his character. Without the pact the MMD will rig the elections easily and both Sata and HH know this. That will be DOOMS DAY for Zambia, another term for RB? Certainly NOT. Wake up Zambians

  30. Sata is a rough neck and although he is a “pusher” he is really not presidential material in modern Zambia.Unfortunately PF is synonimous with Sata so he may carry the day in 2011, God forbid. There is however a way out, ALL the other parties apart from MMD can rally together, elect a sellable leader like General Miyanda or indeed HH and become a powerful third force.Such a force could even weaken PF’s strong base on the Copperbelt and win the day. Time is not with us guys.

  31. The Pact thing is extremely disappointing. Why doesn’t someone get two other leaders to stand for the Pact leadership…otherwise, it will continue to be a ONE party state.

    As for Kalusa; please mind how you air your views. The same people who are encouraging you to go public in insulting your uncle Sata will be laughing at you when you fall down. You are not the only youth in Zambia today.

    Kaya ngatuka vota!

  32. Lusaka Times, ****y your asses ba staninenwe, why did you not publish my previous comments, I am suspecting now that this is a MMD controlled web

  33. Sata need to fix his teeths first maybe he will start talking sense. I cant imagine this old fellow to be a Zambian president.

  34. Loud cry message for UPND: Rev 18:2 -4 ….. Babylon the great is fallen , is fallen,and has become the habitation of devils…….And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins…. [Yes Pact has become Babylon] let come out of this confused pact so that we may not be part of the confusion. Signs are showing you do not need to be Prophet to foretell that the pact has crashed.

  35. #46 Village Concept
    I hear you but the truth is,there was no Pact in the first place.It was a myth, a fallacy just from its inception.It was easy to foretell.One did not need to be an Eistein or a Newton to kow this.

  36. You have totally expressed your fo.olishnes.s both of you the UPND and PF, when the nation is ready for you all you do is show your id.iotic manners………………..MMD will not rig but you have swindled the nation by rigging for them evn before the polls………….they do’nt even need to campaign should you continue with your stup.idity, you are disappointing the nation….MMD is not a solution for Zambia anymore get serious and face reality…….WISH MAGANDE LEFT MMD EARLIER…MAYBE SENSE WILL HAVE COME TO POLITICS..BETTER NOT EVEN TO VOTE BRETHREN

  37. The hour has come for UPND leaders and supporters to look ahead and forget about the pact. Let the will of God be done. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think towards you (HH and UPND members) saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give an expected end. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed;for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee;yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. As Christians let us claim these promises of God our God is faithful is not like us human beings who lie.

  38. Absolutely loving the comedy show known as the ‘Pact’. The star of the comedy has to be the one with rotten teeth they call Cobra , Satan or Snake or anything to do with the devil or evil. Keep it up you guys you are really tickling me. I have been having a laugh about this patch work pact right from the beginning but the comedy has been getting better and better in the past few weeks. Meanwhile in the real world, inflation is falling again. At this rate, RB will be out of the country during campaign time next year, as the comedy actors will be doing all the campaigning for him.

  39. I recall VP Kunda once said listening to pact stories is like watch a movie where King cobra is staring. Tomorrow we shall watch another actors who will come with another comedy. Coming soon is Guy Scott and Kabimba in real action do not miss!

  40. The Pact that never was and will never be. Now the individual parties have to gather their pieces and start all over again after wasting all these months. Meantime H.E.R.B. is delivering and gaining more support daily the more nons.nse people see in PF and UPND, the greater the gains for RB. R.B., the greatest gift that Zambia has ever had, no matter what those who suffer njili say.

  41. # chi colour what ve the bemba done to you?
    just continue being our subject…haha
    and don’t forget to watch a bemba playing againest liverpool which yo tribal mates will never do!!playing football

  42. UPND surely you know that Mr Sata has always been a thug. Even as you were forming the Pact he was a thug. Haven’t you ever wondered why your leader baby H.H. Sata and father Sata have never been able to sit and talk for more five minutes in a month? Well they have nothing in common to share or discuss, na language yonse yalipusana.

  43. I have to say both parties in the pact have shown incedible lack of leadership! If they can’t even resolve small squabbles like this and allow junior members of their parties to take centre stage on various issues they differ on then how can they hope to resolve serious issues of who will be what if and when they wrest leadership from the MMD at the polls in 2011? Both of them DO NOT deserve to lead this country if this is the kind of leadership they hope to offer to Zambians. And I hope Zambians are watching this circus unfolding.

  44. thugs and thieves thats ther STYLE.
    Kaponyas all the way.

    HH no brains too, what do you expect when u form a Coalition thugs????

  45. H.H. Sata says:
    September 30, 2010 at 10:11 pm
    The Pact that never was and will never be [ I like this statement it is similar to Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was,and is not ;and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:and they that dwell on earth shall wonder,whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,when they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is.] The word of God is very live this is what happen to the Pact.

  46. UPND have found the best replacement for the late Tetamashimba in Joe Kalusa. He is the perfect person to neutralise Sata. He is doing a superb job in putting Sata where he belongs and neutralising his nonsense. They are so compatible one would think they are father and son. Unfortunately for Sata the more he responds to the younger man the more he loses credibilty. PF are in a PR disarray they don’t know how to deal with Kalusa. They have tried to use their youth wing to handle him but the strategy couldn’t work so the big man himself had to step in, BIG MISTAKE, to quote Danny’s words. Someone needs to advise ba Shikulu to zip his mouth for his own good.

  47. hehe….you job seekers are mourning now. Just work hard for your girl friends and children, like Kalusa who has been jobless for a good while but now has a job from MMD, you too are shouting the loundest for RB. However he will not give you jobs….you will die in the opposition till the world ends. Just look at the strategy RB is using…Mwansa Criticles is being prepared for a politician after 2011. I pity you guys who are so obssesed with the presidency even when your party is third in popularity.

    he he…. never will you produce a president..never in this present Zambia.

  48. I am sure we all know who has been desperate to be president of Zambia since 2001 and will never ever be president of Zambia.We don’t have to be on MMD payroll or seeking MMD jobs to know that fact.

  49. As long as Joe Kalusa continues to insult Sata it will be hard for the two leaders to sit and resolve their difference.Joe has been hired by the MMD through offering him a job in Kapiri Mposhi. It is a well known fact. If HH joins the MMD it is his end of political carer, May will not forgive him. There is no way Joe can attack Sata each day and when he choses without the blessings of those at the top. Remember UNDP supporters on the copperbelt stated they will not vote for Sata if the pact elect him to stand and the same same was said in by few individuals in Sothern province. Kabamba Kanyama one of the more decent human being I have ever come across recently said Tongas will never produce a president if they dont change and work with others.HH is a nice guy but the people around him.

  50. So QFM has now become a vuvuzela for UPND. I think this is good because UPND needs a platform where they can express themselves.

    Concerning the story, since when did Mr. Sata stop his thuggery ways? You guys went into a pact with PF knowing full well the thuggery nature of PF. This is similar to the PF MP’s who despite being in PF for close to a decade, have never noticed dictatorial tendencies…SMH.

  51. Its very dissapointing to the public by UPND for failing to advice this chap Joe Kalusa who has embarked on attacking the person(sata) he can not even match up with. If they are still in the pact or they are trying to resolve things in the pact UPND should come out and advice their memeber Joe Kalusa to stay away from attacking Mr sata such an essential partner in the pact. Am sure UPND have a spokes person who can say things on behalf of the party if things are not fine in the pact and not Joe kalusa, all he need is fake publicity.

  52. Zambian politics have really go back to the dogs. At this time considering that zamia will be having general elections next year i expect opposition parties to start selling their manifestos to zambians they should tell us what they will do for the country when they assume power and not attacking and insulting them selves in the media everyday. Neither UPND nor PF or pact have told the nation the agenda when they take over. If they are serious of getting ride of MMD, they both parties need to bring politics of issue’s based and not politics of character assasination.


    VICE-President George Kunda yesterday mocked UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema saying he has gone into hiding after being expelled from the PF-UPND pact.

    Speaking on arrival at Solwezi Airport, Vice-President Kunda said Hichilema ignored his advice against forming a pact with PF leader Michael Sata whom he described as a “trickster”.?

    Vice-President Kunda, who was accompanied by several Cabinet ministers, House of Chiefs chairman chief Mazimawe and Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua? Kanganja, said from what the media were reporting, UPND had been expelled from the pact.

  54. “What is happening in the pact…and this is clear from newspaper reports that UPND has been expelled. Now he (Hichilema) has gone into hiding. They don’t cover him in The Post newspaper. Even if he has a press conference, they don’t cover him. They cover Sata,” Kunda said.

    He alleged that UPND had now resorted to pleading with PF to remain in the pact wondering whether UPND was stranded.

    “Why is Hichilema still clinging on to the pact? It’s like they are pleading to ?stay in the pact. It’s like Sata and the pact don’t want them. Are they stranded?” asked Kunda as the crowd shouted “Shemuna bane, shame!”

  55. And Vice-President Kunda said he understood the frustration of voters in Solwezi Central regarding development because the area member of parliament Watson Lumba had not been working.

    “I am sure that you are disappointed and regret that you voted for UPND. That MP is doing nothing. He has just joined the confusion which is in the UPND. UPND is on its knees in the UPND-PF pact. They are busy fighting each other in the pact,” he said.

    Vice-President Kunda, seemingly referring to Southern Province as a stronghold for UPND, claimed that people in the province were defecting in large numbers to ?join the MMD as it was the only party with an identified candidate for the 2011 general elections.

  56. And North Western minister Daniel Kalenga said the MMD had made inroads in UPND’s strongholds in Mufumbwe and Solwezi Central constituencies which would increase ?the ruling party’s chances of a landslide victory in 2011.?

    Vice-President Kunda was in Solwezi for a closed door meeting with His Majesty the Mwat Yamv of Democratic Republic of Congo and his senior chiefs Musokantanda and senior chief Kazembe of Kolwezi.

    Senior chiefs Mujimanzovu, Kalilele, Kanongesha, Musele and chiefs Matebo, ?Kakoma and Mumena were also present.

  57. Am I right in thinking these i d i o t s (PF and UPND) are paid by the government to make sure Zambians are taken for granted. This is just ubbelievable.

    ou tell me these people have not up to now learnt that they can`t win elections on their own?

  58. Am I right in thinking these i d i o t s (PF and UPND) are paid by the government to make sure Zambians are taken for granted. This is just ubnelievable.

    You tell me these people have not up to now learnt that they can`t win elections on their own?

  59. On “The Opposition United Party for National Development UPND national youth chairperson has charged that patriotic front leader, Michael Sata has gone back to his old thuggery ways… Mr. Kalusa said that the remarks clearly show that Mr. Sata has decided to finally go back to his old ways of insults and character assassination” this is a great perception from UPND junior NEC official and it is nice that Mr PF serpentine Sata MC has also gone against the UPND-PF PACT MOU which Wynter Kabimba calls a PACT communiqué.

    AS for UPND elected president HH continue tormenting Mr serpentine’s mind by not responding to nonsense and just keep campaigning so that you improve the UPND members and voter partners for the 2011 elections.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the…

  60. Yesterday as usual I was at my watering hole. The sentiments in general were that without the PACT many of those present will not participate in the 2011 elections. So it is not about these 2, Sata and HH. It is about Zambia. So why cant we form a PACT without these two chaps?

  61. Kalusa ,who the ………are you.I personally think you have being bought and you are an embrassment to Democracy you piece of………You want to enjoy with Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD)F…..mate think about the poor man out there ******we

  62. I am so dissappointed by the Pact signed by two political parties UPND and PF. You guys are selfish *****s who have betrayed innocent Zambians. Sata is such a big ***** and I will decampaign him come next year. Dont thik you are going to defeat the MMD next year. How many times have you failed. It is an insult to many young Zambians to call us under five and think we cant lead the country. Sata is decampagning against himself by uttering such statements. He and Banda must go. We need young blood in Zambian politics after all what can Sata deliver? He is finished donkey and nobody can support him. I am annoyed by his words and I am not going to support him anymore. I am appealing to young Zambians to take his words seriously, He has insulted all young Zambians, let him vote for himself.

  63. Iwe Sandras or whatever you call yourself shut your…….Are you thinking of the poor man out there…Dont be fooled We need Change Ala I lost My mother while some idoits where busy making themselves rich

  64. 63 pafwenamwine greetings, on your “Kabamba Kanyama one of the more decent human being I have ever come across recently said Tongas will never produce a president if they dont change and work with others.HH is a nice guy but the people around him…” nonsense, I am asking you to stop insulting the Tonga people of Zambia (and Zimbabwe also) in general or else I will begin to ask all Tonga people in PF to move out of PF and join any of the other political parties in Zambia. As for Chibamba Kanyama, I think he regrets the day he mentioned such nonsense which he should consider apologising for.

    To Mr serpentine MC Sata, I advise him to stop his Bemba tribalist cadres from antagonising all Tonga people if Sata MC needs to support of PF Tongas.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33

  65. 63 pafwenamwine greetings, on your “Kabamba Kanyama one of the more decent human being I have ever come across recently said Tongas will never produce a president if they dont change and work with others.HH is a nice guy but the people around him…” nonsense, I am on a mission to ask all Zambians to stop buying the PF vuvuzela, POST Newspaper, so that the POST’s sales can drop by a significant margin of almost 19% since Tonga people make up 19% of the total population of Zambia.

    This message of stopping the Tonga people from buying and reading the POST will be start up in Southern Province soon if the POST does not apologise for its bad stance on all Tonga and I hope it will spread to all Tongas in other parts of Zambia.

    Chibamba be careful.

    Be blest all…

  66. The party is over, lights are off and the crowd is gone. What a shame! Why are some people so desperate to go to plot 1? No plan for the nation apart from inconsistent rumblings, ba kwiindi imwe!

  67. To all PF cadres saying no pact, no votes I hope you will not make your favourite man serpentine Sata MC to fail to get even votes above what Bemba NAREP self-appointed leader E. Chipimo Jr will get.

    Please, be careful in your decisions lest PF dies like UNIP died after KK’s UNIP did not participate in the 1996 elections.

    I hope the mighty UPND knows the consequences of not fielding MPs and a president in an elecction year from UNIP’s experience.

    In all, I hope PF cadres will reconsider their position of not voting in the next year elections so that Mr serpentine MC Sata can manage to come out atleast a distant 3rd position from real contenders in the 2011 presidential elections UPND elected president HH and current elected Zambian President RB.

    Be blest all…

  68. Yes kalusa you are right. All righ thinking young people in zambia should not vote for this Satan.its an insult to all of us young people.Its time the people of zambia, especially the Young taught this Satan a lesson next year. he has taken us for a ride and then insults us.Bravo kalusa!

  69. #82
    Maestro Hhehhehhehhe for 2011 would-b President of Zambia HH: Good afternoon. I just want to correct you pang’ono chabe.We are not saying we want Sata for the PACT. No . What we are saying is that it will be no use even to vote if HH and MCS go seperate because the result will be Deja Vu. We want them to resolve their differences for the sake of mother Zambia. You can see the MMD have even removed the ABUSE of OFFICE act from our laws.And you know what? The MMD through th NCC deliberately remove the degree clause from the Consitution so that they incite Sata to stand and cause confusion in the PACT. Had the inclusion of the degree been to their advantage the MMD would have even made it effective immediately.In short what Iam saying is me and my colleagues will not vote because our

  70. Call a spade a spade is who micheal sata is! The man has proved who he is jst like Peter Machunga said, Sata is unliable and a dictator. We thank God that he has proved to be a wrong person if we jst voted him president for the seek of the pact.

  71. …… while they are still trying to figure out who is the greatest, Bwezani and co are busy campaigning and we will still cry rigging !!!

  72. The level of shallowness in some of the contributors is amazing! Nobody remains young foreever! Each second,minute,hour and day that passes we are aging !

  73. Nawakwi is at it again she talks of experience. what experience are you talking about grabbing other people’s husbands or thefts that occurred when you were a minister of finance. You are disaster. What contribution did you make in UDA you even failed to campaign in your province instead you went in hiding during the campaigns. You have failed to run your FDD that you inherited from late Tembo.Chiluba abused you and promised that he would give the presidency after his term but you were dumped. Woman stop dreaming and repent of your sins of stealing money as former finance minister and grabbing other people’s husbands

  74. Its unfortunate PF didn’t consult Nawakwi and her FDD before forming a Pact with the ‘mighty’ UPND. Now that we all know them we can only say good luck to them because it seems they will be on their own for the time been so that they learn some manners not even MMD will swallow them, they are a poisoned chalice. They have to learn to stand on their own not only in their Province but across the Nation. GOOD LUCK ‘MIGHTY’ upnd.

  75. #80 Meastro hehhhhhhhhhhhhe
    ‘ I am on a mission to ask all Zambians to stop buying the PF vuvuzela, POST Newspaper, so that the POST’s sales can drop by a significant margin of almost 19% since Tonga people make up 19% of the total population of Zambia.’ wrote maestro. Iwe are you 100% normal, what has Post to do with what Chibamba said? You think Southern Province is more special than other provinces, huh? kabiye uko wembulwa mano!

  76. Nawakwi is another deluded Zambian. Her statement is full of contradictions. She talks about Mazoka being more experienced than she had. From what we know Mazoka was never in politics, he held no cabinet or political advisory role position and his experience was in the corporate world. Why is it that Sata and Nawakwi are quick to recognise Mazoka’s experience but fail to acknowledge HH’s experience.
    It’s rather bizarre for her to compare her12 FDD MPs to the 49 MPs UPND making her the junior partner to the 24MPs UPND has at the moment compared to the 23 effective MPs PF has at the moment? Why can’t she just join Sata if that is what she wants. One thing that must be clear to her is that Zambians won’t allow a repeat of FTJ era.

  77. #95
    Sata did not allow Mazoka to be a councillor. Yes, he stood as a councillor and won but Chiluba and Sata decided to kick him out of MMD.

  78. 84 Deja Vu, thenks for your “We want them to resolve their differences for the sake of mother Zambia. You can see the MMD have even removed the ABUSE of OFFICE act from our laws.And you know what? The MMD through th NCC deliberately remove the degree clause from the Consitution so that they incite Sata to stand and cause confusion in the PACT. Had the inclusion of the degree been to their advantage the MMD would have even made it effective immediately“.

    The 2 degree-holding claimant serpentine Sata MC/PF appears to have decided to let UPND field in Chilanga for fear of embarrassment that UPND is more popular than PF in Lusaka. Im told PF/SATA MC will apologise to HH also. So PACT continues.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33

  79. The mentioning of Father Paul Duff has reminded me of an occasion at UNZA in 1986 when a Catholic priest working there as chaplin was forced out of office becacuse os his links with the CIA. He had convinced some students to donate a meal for the poor and those willing were given small slips to fill in. A day or so a general meeting was called at which the then UNZASU president castigated those who responded to the call for being neive having not seen what the small slips were carrying; putting the slip against light revealed the CIA emblem which looks like two ‘s’ letters. Students inferred that the priest was an agent of the USA government and that is how he was chased from Unza. Careful with these expatriate priests.

  80. Strictly speaking this childishness we are seeing in the pact would continue in government if they were lucky to form one.Seriously minded people cannot vote for this gang of thugs who do not have an agenda for Zambia.Only fools and the brainless will vote for them in 2011.

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