Saturday, March 15, 2025

PF’s under five statement irks UPND


FLASHBACK: Some United Party for National Development big wigs listening to a press briefing address by MPs Douglas Siakalima and Garry Nkombo in Lusaka

The United Party for National development (UPND) has said it is offended by the under five statement allegedly issued by Patriotic Front (PF) President Michael Sata in the media.

And the UPND has also said it can win the Chilanga parliamentary seat without help from the PF.

Secretary General Winstone Chibwe said it was unfortunate and wrong for Mr. Sata to call his friend he formed an alliance with as an ‘under five and inexperienced’.

He said Mr. Sata was aware when he entered into a pact with the UPND the person he was dealing with.

Mr. Chibwe told ZANIS in an interview that it was important for the leaders to have respect for each other.

“It is good for leaders to have respect for each other whether old or young. How can you call your friend under five when he is over 40, that is not good. It is good to have respect for each other. Let old people show respect to the young so that they are not embarrassed” he said.

He has meanwhile, reiterated his party position to stand in the Chilanga by-election despite its pact partner, the PF also contesting in the same.

[pullquote]“This is not the first time this has happened it happened in Kaoma and Lundazi but we went ahead and beat the PF so we are comfortable again this time to campaign against each other because we know that this seat is ours”[/pullquote]

Mr. Chibwe said it was wrong for PF to decide on competing in the by-election when the working group that was chaired by PF Mandevu Member of Parliament Jean Kapata early this month resolved that UPND stands.

The UPND Secretary General said the party was ready to compete against the PF in Chilanga adding that it had what it took to win the seat without the PF support.

“This is not the first time this has happened it happened in Kaoma and Lundazi but we went ahead and beat the PF so we are comfortable again this time to campaign against each other because we know that this seat is ours”

He said the previous results have showed that the UPND was popular in areas where it also did well during the 2006 elections as shown by the number of parliamentary and ward seats it managed to win in recent by-elections.

He said UPND had defended all the ward by-elections and also managed to grab some parliamentary seats from the MMD while the PF had lost the ward seats even in its stronghold in Luapula and Northern Provinces.

“We will not pull out from the pact; the party which will be offended will be the one to do that. But we will leave it to the Zambian people to judge who between us and our colleague is not committed to the cause of the pact” he said.

Meanwhile, UPND Lusaka Province Chairman, Brian Mizinga said the statement only confirmed that PF leaders have gone back to his old habit.

Mr. Mizinga called on Mr. Sata to take examples from young leaders around the world who have excelled and who have proven that age was nothing.

[pullquote]“We will not pull out from the pact; the party which will be offended will be the one to do that. But we will leave it to the Zambian people to judge who between us and our colleague is not committed to the cause of the pact” he said.[/pullquote]

He cited examples of British Prime Minister David Cameroon, US President Barrack Obama, and DR Congo President Joseph Kabila as some of the young leaders.

Mr. Mizinga has also dismissed assertions by the PF that the UPND was not popular in Lusaka Province. .

Mr. Mizinga said it was unfair for PF to base their popularity on presidential elections results because the UPND was stronger in Chilanga.

He said his party would prove to PF and Zambians that it was stronger in Chilanga by scooping the seat.

The PF leader was quoted by the Voice of America as saying Zambia and the pact could not be led by an under five who was inexperienced and lacked discipline.

The statement was in the past refered to the UPND leader because of his lack of experience in politics when he became the party President without having no leadership position at even ward level.



  1. Zambian politics – Pathetic. Name calling, hows that gonna put food on my table, how are you gonna improve peoples’ lives, housing, education, non existent paved streets in neighbourhoods, sewer system, garbage collection, improve police & community relations, improve the economy, put money in peoples pockets so they can be safe sustaining & be able to determine their own future, health. Talk about substance issues. To both Ba Sata and Ba HH, concerntrate on real issues affecting the ordinary people from whom you are applying the job to govern. Public office is a service to the people & it’s time both you started to recognize and respect the wishes of the people. To be continued…

  2. If either UPND or PF think for one minute that they are going to win next year by going solo,they are in for a rude shock.Sata is a lumpen,he will say anything anytime without realising that he is spouting drivel.This statement about under 5 is surelly the last nail in his political coffin,its an insult to all the youths with political ambitions

  3. think well meaning Zambians must now be tired with this so called pact (marriage of convenience) btn PF& UPND. Its very clear that there is no more pact whatsoever. How can u be insulting each day in & out & u ko it pact, atase. Just prepare 4 yo usual losses in 2011. U cannot fool anyone. voting 4 PF or UPND or worse still magande in 2011 is a worst of vote. R.B will have a massive landslide since therez no united opposition. All these politiIcians have one thing in common= selfishness. Everyone wants a job at plot 1. I was PF but now i better vote 4 this same kamwendomunjila banda instead of worsting my vote like in the past

  4. SATA has NO character to be a President of any country on earth. He has continued to be inconsistent with his statements.The man is so annoyed because what he sought would be clear path to PLOT ONE is no more.HH you have done well to to be silent. Thats shows leadership. I will give you my VOTE…….come 2011.

  5. When i look at the picture above i feel sorry and lack of leadership in Zambia. The picture does not show serious leadership that the country needs at this time. It only shows poverty striken and job seekers UPND members.when will Zambian gona change?

  6. I sense there is something hot going on at ground level in the PACT. It seems Sata has a lower hand for PACT leadership than HH and hence the itching .

    Sata doesn’t seem to care about HH because Sata’s buttocks are heating up on the hot seat.

    HH is convincing most PACT members that he is the right man and thus is more popular than Sata.

    This, friends, reflects Sata’s desparate outbursts against HH, and has gone personal to discredit HH. This is sad.

  7. Circus at its best…..we should strive for a balanced Parliament! The Presidency syndrome is killing Zambian Politics…RB,HH,Gen.Miyanda and MC whoever becomes our President need an effective Parliament for the country to move forward.

  8. Sata is a demagogue who thought he was going to have it easy leading the Pact.UPND has done very well in recent ward and by elections & they have a case.Sata is relying on past glory which is diminishing.

  9. Good comment Namwaka @ #4. I am glad UPND have found the right person to match Sata’s uncouth language in Joe Kalusa. He is rightly putting him were he belongs. No amount of naked deception by PF leaders or bloggers will change the fact that PF is in a downward spiral. They reached their peak in 2006 and now they are descending like an aircraft that has lost control. They want to stick on to past glory like an old man who keeps reminding everyone how handsome he was when young. Sata should accept the reality that Zambians don’t find him attractive as a leader any more. That explains why everybody is ditching him including his own MPs. Now that UPND have ditched him this is the end of him, there is no chance of recovery especially with his age and declining health.

  10. It is sad for My Cycle Fata to think he can go it alone. The man lacks respect, how can he refer to his friend as an ‘under five’? In my opinion the people of Zambia must prepare for Fata’s funeral next year because if he loses i am sure that will be the beginning of the end of his days on earth. Any way ‘Chipuba cesu fwebene’

  11. between sata and hichilema i think HH is more sensible. sata isnt a person one can trust do it at own risk like unpd did. answer for upnd is tom join mmd

  12. You are confusing me who thot the pact would work. Parting your ways wont help. sorry ure just giving the mmd more chances to win.

  13. Kalusa uses abusive language against Sata, UPND is quite
    Sata uses abusive language against HH, UPND is irked
    Are we sincrere to ourselves?

  14. Putting records straight, Sata did not exactly refer to HH. He said all he said against all young people. Young people in Africa must all be jirks. Even when I was to vote Sata, I have withdrawn my vote. I am young, dynamic and transparent. I don’t think young people sold ZamTel. 70+ yrs is young!!!!

  15. HH has never responded to negative comments or attacks from junior PF officials like Guy Scott, Wynter Kabimba or their youth leaders like Sata. Is it right for Sata to respond to Kalusa’s comment? Sata should have let junior PF officials deal with Kalusa but since he likes being at the centre of everything and drawing attention to himself he decides to step in.Well he has got what he deserves.

  16. this shi.t of a paper is annoying. they rarely say anything wrong about mmd, they are ever coping and pasting from daily mail and times. what a shame. this story is in the post too, but LT is too much. they are so partisan. fuc.k LT.

  17. On “And the UPND has also said it can win the Chilanga parliamentary seat without help from the PF.[.. UPND] Secretary General Winstone Chibwe said it was unfortunate and wrong for Mr. Sata to call his friend he formed an alliance with as an ‘under five and inexperienced” and “But PF [self-appointed-]president Michael Sata said his statement in The Post was not targeted at Mr Hichilema but people like Mr Mweetwa and UPND national youth chairperson Joe Kalusa…[serpentine] Sata said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that he was being undermined by Mr Mweetwa and Siavonga MP, Douglas Syakalima” it is clear that Mr PF does not understand English and WE CAN was correct when he said he only take Sata serious when serpentine Sata MC uses Bemba Language.


  18. On “And the UPND has also said it can win the Chilanga parliamentary seat without help from the PF.[.. UPND] Secretary General Winstone Chibwe said it was unfortunate and wrong for Mr. Sata to call his friend he formed an alliance with as an ‘under five and inexperienced” and “But PF [self-appointed-]president Michael Sata said his statement in The Post was not targeted at Mr Hichilema but people like Mr Mweetwa and UPND national youth chairperson Joe Kalusa…[serpentine] Sata said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that he was being undermined by Mr Mweetwa and Siavonga MP, Douglas Syakalima” reported in TImes of Zambia Mr Sata insulted HH even by referring to late UPND leader AK Mazoka who had 49 MPs on comparison to HH with 25 MPs.

    Be blest.
    Matt 6:33

  19. On “And the UPND has also said it can win the Chilanga parliamentary seat without help from the PF.[.. UPND] Secretary General Winstone Chibwe said it was unfortunate and wrong for Mr. Sata to call his friend he formed an alliance with as an ‘under five and inexperienced” hats off to the UPND Team through its senior official Mr W. Chibwe who has categorically given the UPND’s poisition on Mr serpentine Sata MC’s insults that under 5 can not lead the PACT and/or Nation — for Sata MC referred to late UPND leader AK Mazoka’s UPND which had 49 MPs on comparison to HH with 25 MPs.

    By the way, PF has 43 MPs of which 22 MPs are rebels according to the Times of Zambia in “UPND clinging to PF — Veep” story which means that PF has only 21 MPs but UPND has now 24 MPs…

  20. Continuing on “By the way, PF has 43 MPs of which 22 MPs are rebels according to the Times of Zambia in “UPND clinging to PF — Veep” story which means that PF has only 21 MPs but UPND has now 24 MPs since Namwala MP is the only UPND rebel MP” above, PF is a small Bemba-bantustan party which will be beaten badly by UPND in the Chilanga by-election if PF is not careful to withdraw following “The PF president said the recommendations of the pact working group would be tabled this Friday when the party meets” by serpentine Sata MC according to Times of Zambia in light of UPND Sec Gen’s ““This is not the first time this has happened it happened in Kaoma and Lundazi but we went ahead and beat the PF so we are comfortable again this time….

    Be blest…

  21. I am loving this soap opera. Absolutely great comedy. This is a great double act by the senile old man who easily forgets what he said the day before and the under five who is always embarrassed by the old man’s outbursts. The old man wants to perform his abracadabra 90 days magic show but the under five wont let him. I am already looking forward to the next show. At first I thought this slow lingering death of the pact was going to be boring, but boy was I wrong! So far its been a hoot with the added bonus of the insults between those who support the senile old man and those who support the under five. Meanwhile in the real world, Zambia has recorded another trade surplus.

  22. Very sad indeed. Kabila of DRC became president at 27 years, King Muswati became King of Swaziland at 18 years then u call someone over 40 years an under five. HH be careful this man cannot be trusted. A cobra cannot change into chamelion, never. Sata nist is not likely to chnage his old character of vulger language. Imagine if he became president everyone would be insulted. Best wishes those who want to cling to the PACT.

  23. H.H. just keep quiet and listen, leadership comes from God if you are meant to rule Zambia you will become one without any problems. I can’t be surprised because we expected it effact Sata would have brocken a record if he respected the pact.
    This is the reason why people call politics a dirty game,Other countries have mature politics u will never here them insulting each other but in Zambia it is common.

  24. SATA has INSULTED the ENTIRE zambian electorate. Majority of the voters in ZED are in the 40s and below. So they are all UNDER 5s. Chapwa UNDER 5s should not vote for this retiree. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT DOES SATA DO. HAS HE GOT A PROPER BUSINESS WE CAN TALK OFF? Even Nawakwi keeps PIGS at her farm. What does this MAN do that we can say he contributes to Zambian’s economy.

  25. This SATAN is an advocate of gerentocracy which is against the modern ethos of democracy whose pillars are equality for all reagrdless of race, tribe, or age.The people of Zambia should begin to call for generetional renewal in our politics if things are to change in zambia. The likes os this Satan belong to political dust bins…..and we surely send him there come 2011.I never really suppport HH but he looks the better devil of the two. We are ready to crash this serpent come 2011, once and for all.

  26. This is very dangerous and worrisome indeed. We are losing hope in this pact. If Sata and his PF thinks they can go it alone, then Balenyafye ubwakunya. Bufi!!!!! elections. Also if UPND have the same thinking like that of PF, then baleibepaye. it will just give chance to VJ and kafupi to rig. Remember Kafupi wants to continue enjoying the freedom he is getting form MMD/RB. He will do anything to have to rig the elections.
    Its like these guys are not interested in serving the people of Zambia. Their interest is just in getting jobs. Selfishness is killing this pact. We shall never vote for you guys if the pact is dissolved!!!

  27. PF-UPND U guys just give yoselves up to 31/12/2010 to put yo Pact inorder.If nothing happens pliz Part Company at least U will have some time in 2011 to reoganise yoselves as Individual parties.Other wise not all hope is lost U can still work together.God Bless……….

  28. We are still waiting for outcome of the deformation case in which Mumbi challenged Sata to produce bank statements. This may be a defining moment for Sata’s characteristics and trust. I edge Zambians to forget about Sata and Banda, lets have young generation in leadership.

  29. HH also refered to SATA saying that” time for old to rule was over” when he arrived from USA, lets also condemn him. PACT would stand a better chance of winning if they fielded SATA not HH who lost on PACT ticket in 2006. UP and DOWN just accept VP and you can stand in 2016.

  30. These two petty class traitor parties should go and learn the basics of politics, Power. There is nothing new that neither PF nor UPND can tell about each other, to sway my vote in their way. We have been here before 2006 and 2008. If you do the same thing you should expect the same result, MMD Victory. To put it bluntly, none of them is currently popular enough to win an election on their own. Basic politics will tell you that you must evolve when you lose or you shall always lose. Since they can’t work together, I hope they are changing their modus operandi otherwise, the MMD clock ticks on!

  31. 27 did HH also insult the old when he said that comment at airport upon arrival from USA. dont confuse the people. The pact should just go separate ways if they cant agree and enter into a pact after elections depending on who will win the majority seats. for PF 35000 is not to far away. sensetize people to register as voters for now instead of querrelling with UP and Down

  32. Praise the Lord God Almighty for his wisdom is benevolent and always in good favor for mother Zambia. In hindsight I am glad the Electoral Act has not been amended to 50% +1, because this Pact would have brought anarchy with their under five and heart attack arguments.

  33. Sentiments issued by Mr. Sata clearly proves beyond any reasonable doubt that this man is far from being a Presidential material. Imagine he was voted as Republican President today, we would reverse the developmental programmes twenty years backwards for sure. Probably younger people like Lubinda are better placed to run PF. We almost trusted the pact but now its a terrible let down and we wont waste our votes for the fragmented opposition. For now RB and HH continue with your wisdom and dont make unnessary bickering or you will lose your integrity too like your coleague Sata has done.

  34. Ba PF I keep on telling you that 997,308 voters who participated in the 2006 elections did not vote in the 2008 presidential bye elections and that is 28.5 times the 35000 votes you keep on dreaming for Sata to win. Do your maths: 28.5×35000=997,308. I can assure you that these voters are not Sata supporters otherwise they could have helped him win in 2008 and they will not vote for him in 2011. This time round he will lose by a larger margin when those voters plus the newly registered ‘under 5’ voters participate.
    When HH said that younger leaders are being elected around the world he did not insult anyone.That is the truth and it applied to RB but he did not get offended so why should Sata feel offended.

  35. MMD be careful. The PACT is still intact. The two are just playing “tricts” to make you relax in your campaign for 2011.

  36. Its for the reason given by 38 why we needed the pact very much. For now ba sata should forget his dream of running our country. The self -claimed experienced politician who is supposed to be mature in terms of expression is rather getting too old to quickly read the expectations of Zambians at the moment.The probability of success was heavily dependant on the pact.If one runs a logistic model to predict performance of PFin 2010, you would notice that amongst highly significant independent variables is the rating arising from sentiments to the media. As long as PF continues doing this bickering business, Its is preparing for a terrible shock come 2010.


  38. When you against all advise decide to become bed fellas with a serpent, you should not expect the product of such an arrangement to be good. Sata’s history of lies, tribal bigotry, plunder and dictatorship are all very well known to all Zambians but this hood of lousy Tongas decided to copulate with a serpent thinking that by a stroke of miracle, they will sire “umunthu”. Sata is not “imamba i shifyala imamba inankwe”. Satan Zondwe is like the number zero, you multiply is by any other number and the answer will always be zero. Only an “under 5s” can fail to understand this and on this score I agree with Zondwe.

  39. Problem wth sata is tht he lacks can he call HH tht?thng is these 2 parties need each other 2 remove evil MMD.

  40. If Sata is such a bad person, why are we wasting so much time talking about him. He seems to be the most ”popular” story in the Zambian media. He is just getting free publicity for nothing. The say getting old is a nuisance but unfortunately that is the only way of living longer on earth as no body really wants to die young. RB and MC are lucky in that respect.

  41. We told you long time that sata cant develop this country. One thing for sure, sata will NOT be a president in 2011. This man lack organisational skills which is needed to prove that you are capable to be president of zambia. He is now saying Mazoka was experienced man but he is the one who chased him saying MMD can not be led by someone who is not experienced politician. This dog of yours cant even write minutes for the meetings when he was MMD secretary. People of Luapula, northen, copperbelt and part of Luasaka must be ashamed of this *****. He is very old, look now what he is saying to his friend, how do you expect them to form government together. Have you heard David cameroon calling Nick names. I am very happy now that this rotten teeth will be president in 2011….!! stop this man.

  42. Zambian politics are useless,pathetic and selfish…The people trusted the pact but what do we get–at the expense of selfishness you the PF and UPND will sell our Zambia again to MMD..foolish thinking and moves


  44. you lusaka times dont just cot wat someone said,after sata said those words why u didnt ask him that whom are u refering to?and publish it.stop that madness of coting only one person and u publish it,that is useless.wen u recieve a comment of one side try to consult from both sides.your paper must be unitying not distroying others names.

  45. UPND forget the pact you cannot mix water and oil and expect them to blend, you are too different parties and I urge UPND to go it alone even it takes four times to the polls one day if you do not give up you will be in Plot one and change the face of Zambia and the masses will wish they had voted you in earlier

  46. Its a real shame that the pact seems to be imploding and failing to resolve their leadership debate in a mature manner. Is there any need to hold press conferences or to air “dirty linen” in public? Absolutely dissappointing. I have not heard any direct statements ( i may be wrong) from HH which could be percieved to be inflaming the already volatile situation. This is good, and in my opinion stateman like behaviour.

    Surely there are avenues for communication between family members? If a meeting is not possible then why not pick up the phone.

    What the pact are doing right now is exhibiting signs of immaturity and playing straight into the hand of VJ.

    One of the “leaders” will have to sacrifice their ambition for the time being in the interests of the nation.

  47. Fellow Under – 5s, let not support those who don’t see potential in us. If Sata can’t see potential in us, the young generation, then we too don’t see any in him.

    If HH, in sata’s view, is under 5, then how can HH even make a deputy minister, minister or vice president for that matter? So HH and all young people deserve no positions in Sata’s shadow govt.


  48. They say a leopard will never shed off its spots no matter how it tries. Sata will NEVER be civilized. I ve never supported HH but the way the young chap is handling himself in the midst of this nonsense by the PF and The Post is very encouraging. May be the guy has credentials after all!! and you PF thugs better learn before it is too late that your fellow kaponya will never rule Zambia. Period. #49 John Terry why are you burying your head in the sand like an ostrich? Sata was talking about HH. Do you need my 2 year old illegitimate son to tell you that?

  49. #44 Shi Philipo: we are always talking about Sata because that useless scandal sheet called The Post is always writing about him! they have even assigned their photographer Thomas Nsama to always accompany him wherever he goes so they can photograph him as he does some silly things!! believe me, am with the shushushu!

  50. In the next elections, what do Zambians want? Is it change? If so, what kind of change?
    To the Sata supporters…. What do you see in the man? Take a deep breath and don’t make an emotional judgment? In all honesty, does Sata really fit the bill as being our President? The man has always been of confusion…. from the Welensiky, vigalante (by air times)… to Mwanawasa resigning as VP… Mazoka leaving MMD…MMD convention in Kabwe… Chiluba’s 3rd term bid thus the formation of FDD/Heritage parties. Does really believe in democracy? Does really deserve a vote from a sensible Zambian.

  51. HH has really shown how civilised he is and at the same time he has shown how stupid he is for not heeding to the warning against going to bed with Serpantine MC to form HAKASATA. iMAGINE HE EVEN CHANGED THE LANGUAGE TO SUITE SATA….INSULTING ALLOVER…


  52. The statement was caught out of context, if one listens to the interview correctly he meant that not all countries have young presidents(under five) and that it doesn`t take a young president(underfive) to change things.I can see some pipo have collected the smoke instead of the fire (Dreams from my father).

  53. Am sure everyone on the blog dont think in their right minds.I havent heard Sata mention HH,neither do UK & USA president’s be compared to african’s. The gap is 1000yrs.Whoever is bent on demonising Sata wil have to judge their minds honestly & fairly. Or else,thats why we will continue blaming leaders who have tried their best to fight for rights that zambians r enjoying 2day. Of all leaders in zambia-only Sata has the courage to stand up to govt pressure,the rest like HH, will always hide in the big man-makn a name to few electrorates like the many above.Wen it comes to the ballot, no one is forced to vote for HH or Sata or the many others. There may be a few above who think there message will get acrross everyone naive like they are,it wont. I guess history repeats itself,HH#3 again.

  54. The other surprising thing is that only junior members of UPND are issuing comments.Even grave ones. It just shows how disorderly the party is stating with its own leader who will always lean on the ones he thinks are popular and thereby earn some confidence due to alliance members needed to embrass each other for a common goal. i do not doubt that the PACt will work, i just doubt if UPND is ripe enough & mature to carry the day against a seasoned MMD. I am not sure also why UPND will always want to carry the day in every form of election and yet blame PF for there desire to contest. This UPND is so selfish and its members are suffering from inferiority complex. You dont campain on age, its articulation of policies that a leader belives will save the day or else,HH will never rule zambia.

  55. #54
    Anaconda,so the problem we seem to have is with the Post who seem to be covering Sata extensively! ZNBC,TIMES OF ZAMBIA AND THE ZAMBIA DAILY on the other hand seem to equally be covering Sata extentively though in the negative.Tribalism which Dr Kaunda fought so hard against,is slowly creeping into our politics and the sad part is that, it is being promoted by the state media! Today they are saying that Sata is tribalist and when HH speak they turn and start accussing him of being Tribalist…our media is a total shame.

  56. we shall let the fellow 80 year olds vote for sata and all those below 80 shud vote for HH..we shall see ho will win..this man shud have some respect..

  57. Sata likes calling others under 5s but he is the one behaving like an under five. An old man like him should not be responding to any criticism throw at him. It just shows that he is intolerant to criticism and a dictator. HH has behaved honourably by ignoring such silly squabbles but Sata is amplifying issues that people would normally ignore because of his big mouth. When HH responds to his nonsense that he should be allowed to rule because of his experience(or rather old age)he starts crying like a baby that he called me an old man. Is he not old? Why does he think 46 years experience in thuggery, violence, tribal bigotry, dictatorship etc is what Zambians need for a good president? This man is just fit to be a Local govt minister as suggested by KK in 2006!!

  58. 59: Now I believe some of the blogers who said many supporters of sata do not know how to read and write like him. All along sata called HH under 5-age, now you a sying he never meant HH..!! If you think this pact will work with SATA as presidential candidate forget man, you continue crying in your poverty..!! HH is very known by now, the results will be very much different and I can see HH beating this rotten teeth sata, two degree holder claimant!! you teach this thug of yours how to behave, you need HH more than he needs you because him can still stand in 2016 because his age is to his side.!! I dont know weather sata has advisers, how can he say that,,,he thinks he will recover 35000 votes..!! next time will be two votes, may be he will try in 2016 to get remaining two votes..!!.

  59. #62 georgeWbush mudala mina amate. You seem to confuse yourself. What policies does PF have? What issues does their leader articulate apart from hose playing with his friend RB? Am sure you know that your man doesn’t have what it takes to be Zambian president, start searching for someone else from within your organisation to takeover, the earlier you do that the better for you. Have you asked yourself why the old man has never wanted to go for a convention?

  60. Thanks for the positive and great comments from all of you. I think winter greed Chimbwi Kabimba and his phycho matoboto shetani no morals nabofwa.

  61. #59
    Pls understand ! he said when UPND was led by an experienced person they had 49MPs but now they dont have becoz of an under 5 on top (HH). Why do you choose to mislead yourself.
    Balibubulafye bamudala! just condem and advise him than pretending not to have picked what he said.

  62. come on HH don’t answer this I.diot. we know who is suitable for Presidency. Even some MPs in PF they know that SATA is not the Right Person to represent Zambia in this World. And to all the supporters of this Grade 7 PF satana learn that your devil will never lead Zambia! I don’t think he can reason that his time had passed! He doesn’t even know that he need HH more than HH needs him! HH have more years ahead to contest Presidency. This mo.r.on called SaTaNa doesn’t understand all this. IFWE NI PAKWANJA CHABE..come 2011 Satana will be in great shock! HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH for President

  63. Sata has business, but most of it he is not tax compliant. He runs a trust and through his council and local gov days he mobilised a lot of land which he sells to developers at great prices. In other words he is just a Mafiaso.

  64. Its time for this pact to disband.Let each party fileld its own leader for presidency.Stop attacking each other in the media, you have a challenge ahead of you and that is to beat mmd at all costs.Lets accept that the pact has not worked as was planned and still remain brothers and sisters.Disagreements are part of human life.People are differing in their homes days in day out.This is not new its happening every day.Even people of the same family are differing.There is nothing special about the pact.Look to Jesus for wisdom.Zambia shall be politically liberated when time comes.

  65. Shi Philipo Yes, the problem is with the post, times of Zambia, daily mail and znbc. all these fools have contributed top the problems we have in Zambia.

  66. News papers can only sale when UPND and pact are mentioned in their papers,it is business. Of late times and daily are selling more than Post because these two are covering UPND

  67. When is Zambia going to grow politically … all we talk about is who said what to whom…and that makes political news in Zambia.

    Politics of insults … just forget; let the army rule us! There’s too much indiscipline in Mother Zambia. Better still, reintroduce ZNS for everyone… tuleipononako!!!

  68. am equally very disappointed, just like i was disappointed when hh said old pipo are not fit to rule now. hh equally diserves our rebuke. hh will be quiet 4 how long. Idont mean he shud retaliate, but when are they going to solve their problems. Am worried

  69. @#76 Yah

    HH has NEVER said old people are not fit to rule know. What he said was that there is a trend in the world for youger leaders to take over and he gave examples of David Cameron, Obama, Mendelev and Kabila. He was responding to a question from a journalist to comment on Sata’s(yes,the same Sata) comment that Zambia needs old and experienced leaders to rule them.

  70. Whatever it takes, We as Zambians should never allow a sarcastic politician to lead this country. The reason being that such a person is un approachable and very difficult to work with. People like Madyenkuku ,Lubinda,Scot and Kabimba definetely shiver whenever they are with their president. These apparently close men to ba Sata fear him so much that they can not advise him accordingly. Whatmore us ordinary citizens, can we cough in the presence of the senior citizen? Imagine he is Republican President all of us would sought refuge in burrows like rats! Lets think twice ladies and gentlemen! Lets debate without insults and emotions and shame the thinking of so called seasoned politicians!

  71. Greed and selfishness is the reason why all these old spent so-called experience politians thrive on. They should be sidelined or rather flushed out of the political system of our country and usher in new young crop with fresh brains – catch the drift of the world, Britain for instance has young guys born in the 60s, even the new labour leader Ed is a late 60s chap. In Zambia we are mopping about with oldies born in the 30s, 40s and if we are lucky 50s.

  72. was chiluba experienced when he became president?
    was LPM (MHSRIP) experienced when he became president?
    the only experience sata has is ministerial positions. is that enough experience to be president?
    HH has no govt experience but he has shown he is presidential material and can take the nation to be become southern africa’s strongest economy. he can go it alone with PF help, there’re so many people out there (like myself) who believe in him and what he can do for Zambia.
    Wait and see what happens next year. Some PF and MMD (LPM loyalists) will jump ship and Join UPND. SATA, please stop the insults and retire old man. the campaign trail is not good for your fragile heart. it will kill you

  73. Zambians in diaspora will start treking back home next year to exercise their right to vote. we’ll flush this tired MMD party out of office-permanently.

  74. Against the current opposition, the MMD will go through easily. So, far the opposition has lacked in issues and leadership qualities. They have no chance against the MMD. This is game over – just close ranks and work together to develop mother Zambia.

  75. I really wonder the thinking capacity of certain people who call themselves learned on this blog. They think political leadership is the only king of leadership found and approved on earth. HH has been a leader for many organisations and all those top organisations have all proved to be successiful, is that not what we call good leadership. Do not bend it to suit just your egos alone, we do reason on our own. HH is a leader with a truck record and not some who have criminal activities to turn zambia into a war zone. I know many are afraid to see HH on top because the old cheating us today will not have a chance again when young ones prove their successess. Give the youths chance because they are the most affected. Sata would just be another arm of MMD because of been archtect of itsin

  76. Sata was the archtect of MMD’s sins and voting for him would be calling him to complete his unfinished business of brutality, deceit, theiving without signing anywhere and violence. This man sata already showed us who he is when he was number 3 in MMD, hence what more do we want. He is the worste zambia can ever have. Remember the fore going of the constitution for the third term and the Kadobi saga.

  77. Sata is not a good leader for God’s sake, whatever misunderstandings he may have with HH enternally, it is imature to speak bad about you friend to the international media. Look at Isrealies, they have the most complicated politics and misunderstandings enternally but to outsiders they appreciate each other’s efforts. Labour party and Kadima can fight in parliament but never wash their dirty linen outside or internationally. Obama does recognise the efforts of Bush’s leadership. Sata thought he was clever but the person he was talking to realise that he was an imature old fellow without respect for other people’s rights.

  78. OOOOLALA…!!! Hear what this rotten teeth has said MC SATA. It seems people have advised him that HH is more mature than you, because of the outburst he made..!! He will be meeting HH for him to be offered a position of the vice president sata…!!! Believe me SATA will be vice president of the pact whether he likes it not, otherwise he will be history. SATA’s PF has withdrawn form chilanga seat because he fears he will be defeated by UPND, hence, he fears of embarsements….!!!! so he should just accept to be vice president, he said UK took 4 days to form a coalition government,, they are young than you old rotten teeth, they have education than you old man and they have money than you. PF supporters must just humble yourself. Edith nawakwi is just a prostitute…!!!!! ****in beach.!!!

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