Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police arrest Mahtani, his lawyer for forgery


Dr Rajan MahtaniPolice have arrested Lusaka lawyer John Sangwa and his client Dr Rajan Mahtani and charged them with forgery and uttering a false document, Lusaka Times has learned.

According to a reliable source, Dr Mahtani who is also Mahtani Group of Companies chairman and Sangwa were jointly charged for the offence.

It is believed that Sangwa was summoned by police yesterday for questioning after he allegedly presented a forged Bank of Zambia document in the Lusaka High Court.

Dr Mahtani has petitioned the Lusaka High Court to suspend the prosecution of criminal charges against him and suspend the seizure of his passport.

DEC arrested and charged Dr Mahtani with two counts of criminal offences for allegedly being in control in excess of 25 per cent of voting shares in Finance Bank Zambia Limited without prior approval of the Bank of Zambia, money laundering, and seized monies in Finsbury Investments Limited’s accounts on allegations of money laundering.

Dr Mahtani and Sangwa are expected to appear before the Lusaka Magistrate’s court on Monday in relation to the forgery charge.


  1. Mulekenai fye uyu umujita! Alishiba Calculus, ne nsamuchi ishingi! Aresst FTJ first, then RB, maybe sata and come to him later! Leave this old dude alone, race aside!!

  2. #4 I conquer with you the real money launderer is left Scot free with $8million in Zamtrop unexplained. Chiluba and Mhatani they don’t get on well they are enermies and since Chiluba is the darling of RB hence what Mhatani is going through. Finance Bank is at stake.

  3. Pa zambia its free for all just leave them as you have done to others anyway why been selective atase bane.

  4. The court system in Zambia is parallel to the principles of law it only distinct the difference between the have and have nots.

    Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani is man of contrasting demeanours. He is on one hand, a professed and known born again Christian helping communities, while on the other, he is a practitioner of brutal, cruel and evil methods in his business and political dealings.
    In the business fraternity, Mahtani is feared and well known for his hostile takeover of properties and businesses from distressed persons…

  6. Ask his numerous victims.
    His practices are always the same. He pretends to provide financial facilities and overdrafts to lucrative (potential) businesses he eyes, while praying for such persons or businesses to quickly fall into default and ran up arrears.
    The accumulated debt is always his window of opportunity to strip its owners of the assets and leave them bare. He pounces on them by converting the loans and advances into shareholding! Before long, such a business will be pinned to his mantle of his business empire!
    His Business Empire is sustained by a strange mixture in his bowl consisting politics and government business. His propensity for commissions on oil and maize imports and other miscellaneous transactions eventually ran him fowl with leaders.

  7. First President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda locked up Mahtani after falling out of favour with him.
    Second President, Dr. Frederick Chiluba also fell out of favour with Mahtani and also locked him up.
    Learning from his past relations with Presidents, he treaded with extreme caution with Late President Levy Mwanawasa and ensured that he had his complete trust and remunerated him and his party well. Now its the 4th guys’ turn and he is away in Nigeria!
    This relationship blossomed to dangerous proportions with Mahtani enjoying virtual monopoly over government business.
    He sought buyers for the mines and helped government sell KCM at a ridiculous price. The assets that were worth hundreds of millions of dollars but were only sold at USD25million to an Indian group Vedanta Resources.

    The latest victim of Mahtani’s brutal business practices is an Italian family that has settled in Ndola.
    Antonio Ventriglia and his family arrived in Zambia in 1957 from Italy . He set up Ital Terrazzo Ltd a successful stone and tile making company.
    Four years ago he decided to set up a cement plant in Ndola.
    The family approached Rajan Mahtani to organise start up project funds for the cement plant.
    Mahtani quickly proposed a stake in the company and the family reluctantly gave up 49% shareholding to Mahtani. The project required over USD100 million in start up funds. Zambezi Portland Cement (ZPC) was born.

  9. Mahtani arranged finance facilities from the European Development Fund (guaranteed by BOZ) and from COMESA’s investment and development wing, the PTA Bank of Kenya. Mahtani proceeded to source more funds from his own bank, Finance Bank, Finance Leasing and from Barclays Bank. All these funds were never credited to the Zambezi Portland Cement Account. Mahtani however chose to pay suppliers directly for the construction of the plant. Only residual funds to cover salaries and petty expenses were credited to the ZPC account which was also controlled by Mahtani’s appointee, Peter Khana.When ZPC exhausted its borrowing limits, Mahtani p ersuaded the Ventriiglia family to stake their family asset Ital Terrazzo Ltd, and their family houses as collateral for further loans.

  10. MB continue to update us becoz post will never give us that detail since Matani is the major sponsor of their masters in politics – PF.

  11. Mb these are truly interesting revelations here, and sound very genuine. I cant help wonder how you came to know so much detail about Mhatani’s empire. Are you an ‘insider’? Iv recently heard that Mathani has taken a steak in the development opposite Arcades (Radisson hotel) using the tactics you have desribed above………..extend wreckless credit then reposssess the property when the borrow defaults. That is why the development which was schedualed to be completed before the 2010 World cup is now struggling and taking so long to complete

  12. MB do not masquerade. This write up is from one of the famous anonymous analysis (rumoured to be written by that genius Emmanuel Mwamba- wonder why he choses to work for plunderers). this particluar piece MB is quoting is from the dossier, “Dr. Rajan Lekraj Mahtani – Is his day of reckoning nigh?”. so MB ask Lusaka Times to post this anlysis. and whoever writes these analyses, why have they stopped? we used to know things before they happened or what was behind the news.


  14. He will soon be walking the streets of Lusaka .These are the real men of lsk and he knows how the system operates.Am sure FJT will put in a good word for him to Rb.


  16. EXCERPTS CONT/……..
    He persuaded them to register another firm, Cladava Mining Ltd and heaped new loans on the two firms to help finance the cement project. Mahtani imported and employed 120 ‘Indian expatriates’ to compliment the 460 Zambian workers! When the company decided to increase the plant capacity from 600 ton per day to 1000 ton per day, costs ballooned. Mahtani moved into the vulture mode he is known for. The plant needed additional capital funds! He proposed a change in shareholding to 42% for the Ventriglia and 58% for his Group of Companies. Later he revised the shareholding to 25% for the Ventriglias and 75% for the Mahtani Group. The Ventriglias obtained more loans from Trust Merchant Bank of Congo to help service their earlier loan commitment to PTA Bank.

  17. With over due schedules, and without commissioning production, ZPC debts mounted and PTA Bank –Kenya, and Finance Bank placed the cement plant under receivership.
    Mahtani through Finance Bank also placed Ital Terrazzo under receivership claiming that the firm was liable for the ZPC debts! He even registered false mortgage debentures with Ministry of Lands against Ital Terrazzo.
    But Mahtani had designed this ‘novel’ idea to use Ital Terrazzo and raise funds for the project on the pretext that he was distributing the risk! The loans which were obtained for the benefit of ZPC were now to be paid by the Ventriglias!

  18. They police charged the Ventriglias with offences of obtaining money by false pretences. The loans obtained were now sought under false pretences! To date, the matter has never seen the light of day in court! Mahtani has proceeded to encumber the Ventriglias with numerous court actions. He has proceeded to change ownership of Zambezi Portland Cement without bothering to obtain consent nor authority from the Ventriglias. In one case, he even submitted fraudulent photocopies of shareholding forms at PACRO! At the last Zambia International Trade Fair, ignoring the pending cases in court contesting the shareholding of Zambezi Portland Cement, Mahtani informed the country that ZPC would commence production by August 15th 2009.

  19. He stated that the reported dispute with ‘minority shareholders’ had been resolved! (The Post 8th July 2009).
    Clearly, the Ventriglias are fighting a protracted battle with an efficient and powerful enemy. They hope that the courts will establish them as rightful owners of Zambezi Portland Cement and their rights restored. They also hope that the now US$ ½ billion cement plant will be completed and commissioned so that they can meet the financial commitments the plant has accumulated to its creditors.
    Antonio Ventriglia and Manuel Ventriglia have since lodged an official complaint to the police on the Copperbelt reporting the fraudulent manner in which Mahtani changed the shareholding of ZPC.

  20. In their letter dated 23rd March 2009, the family accuses Rajan Mahtani of stealing their shares in Zambezi Portland Cement. The letter states that the family shares were transferred to Finsbury Investments fraudulently, without their consent and knowledge.
    They accuse Mahtani of even forging signatures on the share certificates submitted to PACRO by Mahtani’s agents.
    To verify and support their claim that Mahtani forged their signatures, the family hired Jannie Viljoen Bester of South Africa. Bester is an international handwriting expert and document examiner who is a member of the South African Forensic Society.
    Bester has confirmed and collaborated the claim of fraud and forgeries on documents submitted to PACRO Zambia.

  21. Bester’s report is dated 28th October 2008 and sworn in the Registrar of the High Court in South Africa (Transvaal Division) for authentication for authority.
    This matter was further reported to the DEC, and Police Service Headquarters. When Mahtani learnt of this, he called the family and mocked them that their allegations ‘’ will go nowhere since he runs a parallel government!’’.
    A successful family business of over 50 years now lies in financial ruin and the Ventriglia have their lives shattered by the evil and cold hand of Mahtani.

    Mahtani has always used political power and money to resolve disputes he creates and encounters in business.
    He has consistently used underhand methods to build his business empire. He has acquired prime properties and assets relying on the desperation of his victims. The control he enjoys and the protection he seeks from politicians, runs his well oiled but vicious machinery against his enemies. His schemes are executed efficiently for him by a group of political leaders, lawyers and Bankers!
    He set up Finance Bank Zambia Ltd in 1994. The Bank has grown to a network of 33 branches and 10 agencies. It employs about 600 workers with total assets of USD280million.

  23. In April 2008, Mahtani announced that he had sold 40% shareholding of Finance Bank to Credit Suisse. He also announced a plan to list Finance Bank at the Lusaka, Johannesburg and London Stock Exchanges. He announced that he would raise up to USD 139million in bond issue, before the initial listing at the Lusaka Stock Exchange.
    Recently Mahtani announced that his bank and Credit Suisse would buy CFX Bank of Zimbabwe.
    The previous owner of CFX Bank, Gilbert Muponda has contested this transaction claiming that his assets were illegally expropriated and seized from him by the government of Zimbabwe. Muponda is contesting this seizure through courts of law. He has posted a notice to Finance Bank and Credit Suisse objecting to the impending acquisition.

  24. During the reign of Mwanawasa, Finance Bank and the Mahtani Group enjoyed large scale government business. Finance Bank housed Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and became the revenue collecting bank. It remits over K1trillion to government through this measure.
    Finance Bank also held other government accounts with huge facilities such as the Tourism Development Credit Facility (K5billion). FBZ also obtained through the World Bank USD25 million to lend to small and medium size enterprises. FBZ also became a fund manager to Ministry of Education Bursaries Committee Student loan Scheme worth K15billion. Finance Bank also held the earlier fertilizer import and collateral management facility done through NCZ worth USD10 million.

  25. His insurance outfit, Professional Insurance obtained business traditionally held by Zambia State Insurance Corporation (ZSIC) such as the insurance of ZESCO’s dams and power generation industrial assets.
    Finance Bank opened branches in Malawi and Congo.

    After operating for 10 years in Malawi, the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) on 17th May 2005 suspended Finance Bank’s Foreign Currency Licence (FCL) after extensive investigations. The Reserve Bank also revoked the banking licence for Finance Bank accusing the bank of unsound methods and illegal externalisation of foreign exchange! The Central bank had been investigating Mahtani for years and the allegations it acted upon were not new!
    Through its lawyers, Finance Bank contested this decision and was allowed to continue to operate on the basis of court orders. However the bank eventually closed in January 2006 owing to the waning confidence and dwindling business.

  27. In light of this serious development, Bank of Zambia began to investigate Mahtani and sought details about the circumstances surrounding the fall of Finance Bank Malawi.
    BOZ considered and attempted to enforce the provisions of the Banking and Financial Services Act that bar and prevent previous Directors and Shareholders of a fallen bank or financial institutions from participating in any other financial institution.
    On 10th October 2007, Mahtani wrote to Bank of Zambia, through his lawyers Jacques &Partners. Stephen Malama requested BOZ to ‘ignore’ the ‘happenings’ in Malawi and urged BOZ to interpret the provisions of Section 31 of the Banking and Financial Services Act in a favourable manner!

  28. Malama requested that the provisions of the law should not apply to Dr. Rajan Mahtani and his partner Ali who are shareholders and directors in Finance Bank Zambia. The duo was also shareholders and directors Finance Bank Malawi!
    The letter to BOZ was copied to President Mwanawasa! It is puzzling that Malama chose to copy such a letter to Mwanawasa. This can only be interpreted that the whole thing was veiled in threats and BOZ attempted action to penalise Mahtani was paralysed.
    Zambezi Oil and Tanzania LTD (ZOT) opened in Ndola Zambia amidst strong protests due to its location and proximity to a power plant and public road, and the environmental dangers it posed to the surrounding areas.
    ZOT however opened and started dealing in jet and gas oil, and gasoline.

  29. It was owned by the mother company from Tanzania (Tanganyika Investments Oil and Transport- TIOT).
    In 2004, a UK company – Lukoil International Trading and Supply Company (LITASCO), sued ZOT for an outstanding debt of USD2.6 million in the Lusaka High Court.
    ZOT protested that LITASCO dealt with companies in Tanzania, TIOT and Euro Products who were suppliers to ZOT. ZOT stated that they were third parties to the LITASCO transactions.
    Clearly the legal suit was misplaced and was later dropped owing to contractual provisions that stated that disputes would be dealt with by the London Arbitration Court.
    LITASCO therefore took the matter to London and obtained a default judgement in the London High Court against ZOT.

  30. LITASCO however failed to enforce the judgement against ZOT in Zambia owing to the country’s laws regarding foreign judgments.
    In October 2008, LITASCO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gati Al-Jebouri sought help from President Mwanawasa and met him in London.
    Mwanawasa met Al-Jebouri on October 8th 2007.
    Upon his return, Mwanawasa wrote a letter dated 18th October 2007 to ZOT Managing Director Robinson Malenji directing the firm to promptly settle the claim of USD2.6million due to LITASCO.
    Mwanawasa informed Malenji that LITASCO had appointed Mahtani as a Zambia Consultant for the firm! Mahtani who orchestrated the whole affair, wrote to Mwanawasa on October 4th 2007 informing him that he was ‘the official consultant’’ for LITASCO and proposed a solution!

  31. Mahtani wrote:
    Your Excellency,
    May I make reference to your meeting with Mr. Gati Al-Jebouri, Chief Executive Officer of LITASCO on Monday 8th October 2007 when you were last in London. One of the issues raised was the credibility of Zambia and the recognition it ensued on the international financial market.
    The CEO requested your assistance with the longstanding debt in the sum of USD2, 632,474.90 due to Zambezi Oil and Trading Company Ltd and adjudged by the High Court of the United Kingdom on 29th August 2007.
    I have passed on all relevant documents to your Special Assistant- Legal, Mr. Darlington Mwape and trust he will find an amicable solution to resolving this protracted matter in order to restore the good standing of Zambia on the international market.

  32. I have advised that Finance Bank ltd would be quite happy to assist ZOT in obtaining a suitable facility (to discharge this debt) if they consider this necessary.

  33. Sangwa has it bad! i thought lawyers always play by the rules. any way am well informed enaf to know that to justice demands for the presumption of innocent untill proven guilty… lets wait and see

  34. ZOT MD, Robinson Malenji appeared shocked at receiving a letter from the Head of State who had clearly been turned into a debt collector! He expressed further surprise at the ‘solution’ being offered by Mahtani through the President!
    Malenji wrote to Mwanawasa and respectfully explained that the said debt obligation was accumulated by the two Tanzanian companies TIOT and Euro products. He expressed ignorance on the London court proceedings against ZOT referring them to the Tanzanian companies!
    Mahtani’s attempt to encroach on the assets of ZOT failed when his proposal to settle the debt failed!
    He had a second plan.
    When ZOT management showed reluctance to yield, Mahtani recalled the overdraft ZOT had with Finance Bank at short notice. ZOT owed Finance Bank K2.8 billion.

  35. In its letter to Mahtani, ZOT informed the Bank that the recall of the overdraft was not honest. The company however informed Mahtani that they would be willing to discharge the overdraft since the firm had fuel stocks amounting to over K7 billion lying in their reserve tanks and at filling stations.
    When the one week he gave ZOT elapsed, Mahtani placed the oil company under receivership. Today ZOT has been leased to a company called Samaras Fuels.
    It is not known what has happened to the multi-million dollar assets, fuel stocks and the value of filling stations seized by Mahtani and his action to recover only K2.8 billion!

    In 1999, the Attorney General of Zambia, Bonaventure Mutale on behalf of Zambia, sued Carlington Sales Company for the recovery of USD7.8million for non-delivery of maize.
    The London Arbitration Court heard the matter and later ruled in favour of Zambia.
    In his testimony to the London court, former Food Reserve Agency (FRA) CEO Chance Kabaghye testified that Dr. Rajan Mahtani introduced Carlington Sales Company of Canada and its owner Ali Ben Menashe to Zambia.
    He stated that Menashe told him that as soon as the government of Zambia paid for the supply of maize, he also in turn remit to Mahtani a commission of USD240, 000.00 for ‘’arranging the business’’.

  37. The Taskforce on Corruption pursued this matter and questioned Former President Dr. Frederick Chiluba, and former Finance Minister Edith Nawakwi. Mahtani was also questioned in connection with the saga.
    Following the defrauding of Zambia by Mahtani’s elements in the Carlington maize saga, his relationship with Chiluba degenerated. On October 28th 1997, renegade soldiers seized the ZNBC studios and announced that a coup had taken place. Within a few hours, loyal soldiers from the Commando Unit based in Lusaka West, stormed the national radio station, regained control and captured the renegade soldiers. The following day, Chiluba declared a state of emergency and an intensive investigation commenced followed by a severe crackdown on suspects. 77 soldiers arrested!

  38. Investigations revealed that certain political leaders were informed about the impending coup and the organiser sought help from them to support the coup if it succeeded and seek its legitimacy.
    It emerged that political meetings were held and leaders in the Zambia Democratic Congress were fingered as prime suspects. They were accused of ‘plotting aftermath’ of the coup!
    Dr. Rodger Chongwe and Azwel Banda fled to Australia and South Africa respectively.
    Security wings were quick to round up all those reported to be involved. Opposition Leader Dean Namulya Mungomba, MMD Chairperson for Women Affairs, Princes Nakatindi and Former President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and his security aide Moyce Kaulungombe were picked.

  39. Kaunda was released from Mukobeko Maximum Prison after the quick and immediate intervention by Africa’s elder statesman Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. Kaunda was placed under house arrest.
    Kaunda was finally released and charges dropped against him after an agreed written settlement that pledged that Dr. Kaunda would retire from active and partisan politics.
    On June 9th 1998, eight months after the coup, trial commenced against Dean Mungomba, Nakatindi Wina and the 77 soldiers.
    Before the trial, Police picked and detained Rajan Mahtani on allegations that he used Finance bank to provide money for the coup plot. During the run up to the coup, Mahtani provided Princes Nakatindi with an unsecured overdraft of over K400 million.

  40. After 41 days in detention, Mahtani was on July 9th 1998, released and the charges against him were dropped.
    Mahtani continues to be a divisive figure with many enemies in his wake. His sponsorship of political activities for both the governing party and opposition parties ensures that he always has a safe landing whatever the outcome of national elections.
    He also enjoys and nurses relationships with all that matter, from the police, DEC and cabinet ministers to ensure that no reprisals take place or affect him so that those pursuing him are kept at bay!
    Mahtani seems however to have failed to bring under his influence, the current President, RB. It is for this reason that he seemed to heighten his financial support to opposition leaders, Cobra and UPND leader HH

  41. Mahtani complains that Rupiah Banda has ‘his own Indians he uses from Chipata and Chadiza’’!
    Because Mahtani regards himself as the best suitor and bridge between government and the Indian Community and ‘’no government leader can succeed without him’’
    His continued harassment of people such as the Ventriglias might finally lead to his eventual downfall. He appears to be careless and his renowned calculated methods are cracking and tinged with desperation.
    People like Mahtani have become pests in the politics and governance of this country. They continue to perch and fleece at every new President and accumulating large wealth for themselves in the process.
    Rajan Lekhraf Mahtani, is his day of reckoning near?
    Now from MB:
    Yes, day of reckoning has arrived! You know…

  42. MB thanx,atleast I now know the animal part of Mahtani.I thought it were the Ventriglias playing the Italiano way of business.

  43. MB you have done good and surely, this guy Martani is evil if truly this is what transpired.

    I also like RB! becoz he seems to be no push over for those who established themselves as untouchable in Zambian business and politics. Consider Zambian Airways, some tabloids, some lawyers cum prosecutors, etc.and now martani. For instance, at one point some tabloid controled state house, judiciary, finance ministry, etc – but now completely cut-off! no wonder such outbursts to a point of complete biaseness in reporting (honestly how can you support someone who calls a friend under 5??????)

  44. Thanks MB, it feels great to read some well-written article on the background of Zambian political/economic activities

  45. MB, my point is this is not yr analysis. the praise to u by bloggers is misplced. Accord due recognition to the brilliant mind that gathered, analysed and put up this masterpiece almost a year ago and everyword is the analyst predicted is coming to pass. Thats my point. Thanx u bothered to post it. but it is nt yrs and u knw it. Thanx fr enlightening us anyway.

  46. Why do you berate me Lukwesa Bowa? And that is the problem with most Zambians- we are guilty of watching the dirt go on and on and we continue to watch from the sidelines even when the ball is passed from one mediocre to another (as at FAZ Zoo) . However, I must declare interest: I sympathise with PF (off course) and I certainly don’t work for LT. I am a Zambian national who grew up in Kitwe and went to one of the best schools in Zambia (Frederick Knapp now Rhokana) I even went to National Service and had some of the best education (free to university level) in Zambia and worked for multinationals which took me places. Some years ago I discovered, I couldn’t send my children to Government schools, so I migrated and after my children went into university, I believe this is payback time. We…

  47. This makes very sad reading, I was born and bred in Ndola and I remember the Mathani shop on Buteko Avenue, the shop has produced what has become the Mathani empire, it is sad that he used some underhand methods to build it. I also know the Ventriglias very well, they are a very prominent Ndola family, ba Zimandola stop fighting each other.

  48. #58: MB: well articulated issues. #57 Lukwesa Bowa; thats typical zambian mentality which should change. As far as you are concerned a Zambian cannot articulate these facts, or bring points to the fore so that we can understand the issues further. From MB’s postings, I would tell he is one of those Zambians that have experience on the scene and are aware of the true picture of the political and legal battles taking place in zambia. Jesus, a son of a carpenter was rediculed by his own people, saying “no way umu guys uyu, mwana carpenter to be God’s son?”
    For Lukwesa Bowa, MB cannot say or analyse things as he has done!! Really sad. We need to change this mentalilty and accept that there are very educated Zambians everywhere in the world who can anayse issues. Thanks MB

  49. By their fruits you shall know them… Born Again? Think not! More like wolf in sheeps cloth. Just as a matter of interest, who is his pastor? Which church does he go to, if any ? after bowing to his hindu gods of course.

  50. Ok MB seems to have shined over here , all that info he has down loaded has been on the net for along time ,unless thers something new. Mahtani-Mafia END OF STORY. MB anything new ?

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