Football Association of Zambia (Faz) vice president Emmanuel Munaile has quit his position with the local soccer governing body.
Munaile quit his post this afternoon dealing a big blow to the beleaguered administration of Kalusha Bwalya and brings to four the number of the Faz executive committee to resign after three others did so on Thursday.
According to sources, Munaile is said to have quit due to the wrangles Faz was experiencing but told ZNBC TV that he would hold a press briefing tomorrow in Lusaka to fully explain his decision to quit.
The former Zambia international has kept a very low profile for the last five month in the midst of upheavals at Football House.
On Thursday, executive committee members Pivoty Simwanza, Henshel Chitembeya and Violet Bwalya resigned citing difficulties in working under Kalusha.
Kalu has failed to administer FAZ. Lack of education is really a problem in life. We are watching, eyes on the ball while I make business. Kalu wawa.
Bring out the pop corn this is getting exciting
let me get myself some popcorn this soap opera is getting exciting.l warned on this site that kalu was a fraud who was responsible for most of the problems in the zambian camp in his playing days but l was ridiculed by those who have drunk the kalu cool aid
wOW!!!! This is now serious and something need to be done asap before things gets out of control. Either FIFA or CAF should come in and look into this matter. I know there will be alot of you who will be posting their opinions regarding this development. There is something Kalusha is doing wrong for these people to leave their positions, i know we have called these people names like they are cowards, from the look of things Kalusha is @ wrong with his leadership. ALL ZAMBIANS HOME AND ABROAD THIS IS NOT A LAUGHING MATTER, FIFA IS WATCHING AND THERE WILL BE SOME SANCTIONS COMING SOON. LETS PUT POLITICS ASIDE PEOPLE.
Dictator Or what???
It is democracy! Anyone can resign!
Chipolopolo iye chipolopolo iye
kalus administration needs 2 b checked asap.surely fifa needs to come in b4 things get to the worst
\:d/ No. 7 its years since I sang that – maybe now Kalusha will learn its meaning. And agree with Al says (2&3) I got my pop corn and beer out – havent had good solid entertainment since the world cup ended – this is going to be fun. \:d/
you just talk without proof….ba simataa who had your chance to run football but you chikened out yourself…..those who have been talking if they were made to stand in court and prove that Kalu has committed an offence…none of you would prove it…pa zambia mulanda landa fye …..
Since Kalu took over administration of football things has not been well. Kalu’s team is the most well upported in terms of funds both from Government and the private sector. During the Mulonga’s time they used to manage despite financial difficulties and Zambian soccer was at its best. Kalu must swallow his pride for the sake of the game. let him try politics like George weare.Twanaka naiwe kalu Ikala fye ku South Africa walufyanya bola pafula wee.
Finally we have got the numbers we needed. We just needed 4 members to resign and we have got that. Time for Great Galu to go. This is a poor democratic process in the running of football and FIFA can’t punish the country for following the laws laid down by their constitution. The Government has not interfered and as a matter of fact RB would want Great Galu to stick around. So FIFA cannot punish us.
So since the 4 have resigned , Great Galu has to now dissolve his board and call for elections. That is what the constitution says. And FIFA better make sure he follows the constitution. Its game on now.
This is basically the impeachment of Great Galu and there is nothing wrong with that if it is done properly, and within the constitution rights of FAZ structures, as it is being done now and FIFA can’t punish us for this.
Have owez thot anif adams wud have done a beta job than the ‘great one’
Kalusha bwalya is fax presido but lives in southafrica what a fffffff. How does he manage? He should step down also
slowly our game administrators are closing up to them dogs………..!!!!!!!!!!!God forbid.
Ba Kalu mwafilwa!!! .CAF twafweni, before we lose money!!
We told u that Kalusha’s asssiii stinks so much of corruption, pride, arrogance, selfishness, I know it all me & myself etc. He was one of the best players but the poorest coach & FAZ president ever pa zed. We have not heard of 5 resignations b 4. This bur.ger (Galu) must be kicked out FAZ like a dog. He is an embarracement.
Its not common 4 pipo to resign on their own in zambia e.g 5 responsible pipo like: nkonde, munaile, simwanza, chitembeya & violet bwalya. There is a big problem with FAZ president. This boy (kalu) who operates by remote control from South Africa has failed lamentably. Its sad that there is no sports minister or sports council pa zed 2 discipline the chap. All their tails are down as they fear the boy. Shame
Problema is when you have people like Kalu (thinking they are God’s gift toZed)& sycophants like Kasolo always ready to do Galu’s bidding. We should take pivoty’s apology seriously – he went out of his way to campaign for him last time – i guess that decision was colored by the fact that we all loved kalu (rather than galu) for his exploits for Zed. However, lack of Humility & mentality of “me & me alone is it”, are what makes the difference between Galu & Kalu!! Time has come to start afresh for Zambian football administration – to succeed, we need to overcome barriers that don’t even the playing field – past this nadir, we can all contribute to furthering zambian football, even great Kalu (But not Galu) will have a role to play, we can do it!!!
In all fairness Kalu should be involved with coaching or player development , scouting players any form of teaching even junior level. His played soccer all his life . Lets leave administration to pipo who have done it all thier lives e.g Tom Mtine, David Phiri, General Musonda, Brain Moyo, ,Fred Bantubonse etc. That trip to England was the begginning of the end. That was in excusable to feild students against power house Ghana. Kalu is toast !!
Great Galu!
I have owaz been a great fan of Kalu and really used to eat and breath Zambian football even if I was very young in those days.I was very happy wen he was Zed technical director/Faz VP.Was so very happy wen he was selected FAZ President working along side his freind Munaile.But wth the turn out of events @ Faz Kalu would do the honourable thing 4 us his fans and step down.Just feel so sad for Kalu if hes really wat pipo who have worked with him say he is.Mister me and me alone.
12, you eat RB drink RB breathe RB dream RB, RB is everything and alpha omega to some people.
As far as I know people in Zambia don’t just resign, infact this is a surprise to me ti hear the word resign and a Zambian in public office used in the same sentence. Zambians would rather be fired. For these guys to resign, then there must be something very very very serious that Kalusha has done to even force fellows leader in Zambia to do something they never ever do, that is , resign. This is a first congratulations Kalu. You are one of a kind. Next destination is national politics.
#25 Natinational politics, in your dream mate, let me breakdow the score card for you so far
As a player: Great Kalu 1 The People 0
As a Coach Great Galu 0 The People 1
As FAZ Head Great Galu 0 The People 1
So far 2-1 to the people, by the time this whole thing is over it will be the people 10 Great Galu 1
truly, he is a GREAT GALU
Graet Galu is a goner! True, little education is the worst disease.
I have heard from my close friends at a certain cell company that all these resignees have Lybian numbers on their phone records!!!! I smell a rat!
Lusaka times…….please investigate the Lybian connection.
Wow Cosmos……that some bit of intel!! But if we stop thinking with our PHD caps on and think of it objectively, why this timing? Why now and not LAST week or NEXT week after the game??? I would love to know which of the executives went with the team when they played a friendly in Lybia???? Look at what happened to the GS of Zimbabwe? she got caught up in this lucrative bribery and was fired. If these guys get caught, they have already resigned!!mmmmmh makes for interesting investigation
We said from the beginning that Kalusha is a problem and he has no managerial skills but some blind silly supporters of his cold not see this coming, some of us are professionals we understand these thngs we don’t need to be former footballers to run FAZ, what the FAZ vice President has done is the right thing because this Kalu was going to bring him down with him. people good for standing up to this boy – out he goes let him go back to south Africa even that wife of his will soon find out what sort of a person he is and leave him like the first one
Sorry Abena,
you have the FIFA statues wrong. Please do yourself a favour and go onto and look at statues by which the game is governed………surely you have enough faith in the President to know that he can in fact READ? No?
No 34. Actually no! I think all Kalu can do is count the $$ in his bank account. The crazy misinterpretations of the law are done by the guy who can do some basic reading but can’t interpret -Kasolo!
What are the qualifications for one to stand for FAZ Presidency?
Damn no 35…….I thought the PHD was only with the men!! but for a “berlusconi babe’ to also be jealous!!! Thats really surprising babe. Is it a sin to have money? Are you aware that the presidency of an FA has no remuneration??? I feel sorry for the misinformed. Its funny how your own people hate up on you yet in the rest of the world you are appreciated. Look at Lucas Radebe, admired all over, yet totally unappreciated in SA. Is it an African thing?
I am surprised that no intelligent person has even given a second thought to the Lybian story. Could it be true?
Read the FAZ constitution. There has to be an election. Five members of the executive committee cannot form a quorum hence the need for the council to be assembled.
mr. bwalya it seems the pipo’s views are right and even if they are not just under your own self esteem and respect pls just resign and call 4 re-election.its not about u anymore its about the game and the pipo of zambia.thank you
Ladies and gentlemen those of you who know this Lawyer called Kasolo what kind of a Lawyer is he who can not tell his friend Kalu what the law says he seems to give him wrong advice all the time, the honourable thing to do when you ahve failed is to step down! If Kalu is not listening to the people he will be made to look more foolish than he is, there is no way every one can be wrong on one person it means things are bad at Football house or what ever the call it if your deputy can step down then what can be the worse thing to follow?
You see no wonder George wear could not become the liberian president because wisdom that one exerts on the pitch is different from one in administration.This guy has failed to run Faz, so he might as well hit the road.There is no way one man can lead to these confusions.
KALUSHA – following internal consultations, the committee has co-opted two new members as stipulated in the FAZ constitution.
He said other vacancies will be filled as soon as they finish with consultations.
“Even with the resignation of the four members, we are focused. We are only remaining with two vacancies which will be filled in the coming few days. We will continue with consultations to fill the two remaining vacancies,” .
So new FAZ ex. members are coming in
It’s the beginning of the end for Kalu,am sure govt will now step in to clean up the mess kalu’s selfishness has brought in FAZ.
Kalu calling for re-electon. He is still going to win with a landslide. You people are really jealous for no apparent reason. what things havent been going well in faz except that those resigning are being used by the paper that digs deeper indeed The Post to bring down kalu whom they have not wanted from incerption.. To Kalu plse dont resign so that the Post can even hang the more, so more especially that the PACT has crumbled thereby signaling RB’s Landslide come 2011. the game is progressing 2010 we reached quarter finals in a deacade , more boys are playing the game abroad, we are able to watch live zambian football on world acclaimed supersport, clubs are getting atleast handsome return as a result, Zambia is currently heading the gruop and will qualify with ease, add Boneti to that
At # 45 I meant the Paper that digs deeper is the Post in this regard the Tissue.
Iwe Alinaswe, uli pa zed tell us what exactly is going on mu FAZ. Im sure you tune to radio 1 to hear some debates
Will Nkana switch off Zesco?
No. 45 i think you are just one uneducated basterd like your Kalu are you telling us that all these people who have been complaining about him are useless, what jealous can we have for a former footballer we are professionals and we know better. He just has to step down no two ways about it.
The ‘Great one’ has failed to run the office affairs. Let him just enjoy his marriage in SA.
# 49 I am not a basterd. Both of my parents are still happily married at 73 and 64 years for dad and mom respectively. In addition i am very much educated. I am Chartered Accountant. But What I have said on # 45 is my opinion and the situation on the ground can attest to this. So good lucky ba nambala 49 for wishing Kalusha ill. If you are a professional you wouldnt exhibit that high levels of ignorance on the blogg. according to zambian standard if you attain grade 12 you are educated enough to make informed decisions and even contest parliamentaly position. Kalusha is also a professional in his own field so please dont bring in the calculus in the game. Being an ignoramous as you are is the reason you have kalijo(jealous) mind on the blogg. let the game continue and viva Kalu
Alinaswe,wat situation on the ground are you talking about?tho am selfish,the guys are saying the truth.I am self centred and this is the way i was borne.Just ask Wawa,Modon Malitoli,Litana and the rest will confirm to you that even as a player it was me and myself knows it all.The faz deals i always boast about,no excutive member knows the contents or ever participated in negociations.If you hear pipo like Chileshe of Manning Rangers supporting me,everyone knows as to y
As far as I know most succesful people have great big egos which others might see as self-centredness or selfishness because they dont possess similar talents. It depends on whether when you are in such a crisis as Kalu is in you can use your ego positively to triumph over it. Then you become a great man. So Alinaswe you are speaking sense. Indeed people dont seem to realise that football is a profession. Just because everyone can kick a ball rightly or wrongly doesnt mean we should ignore Kalusha’s professional qualifications. Having said all this he needs to sort out the problems in FAZ
Something needs to be done about FAZ. There is no way veterans can be leaving like that. Someone is not doing his job well.
we are tired of Ba Galu. Well and good, he was a hero where football in Zambia is concerned but this is another story. Ba Galu you can not manage football on phone. mulefwaya ukufwa nga cimbwi uwafwile intanganano. the problem with you is that you are too selfish. there is no way you are in SA and want to be in Zanmbia.