The Untied Party for National Development UPND has discredited forum for democracy and development FDD leader, Edith Nawakwi for demeaning its impact in national politics.
This is in response to Ms. Nawakwi’s advice that the UPND calmly accept their status as a junior partner in the PF/UPND pact.
Nawakwi has also question the possibility of an alliance between the two parties working because of the deceit, dishonesty and selfishness.
But UPND Lusaka Youth Chairman, Brian Hapunda says that it is disappointing that to see ms Nawakwi focusing on the pact problems at the expense of her own party.
Mr. Hapunda describes Ms Nawakwi as a failure in the political arena and advises her to focus on rebuilding her party.
He says that Ms. Nawakwi is not qualified to advise the opposition UPND/PF pact.
The pact leadership has failed to clarify which way forward the pact is going, amid serious differences within.
Meanwhile, the United Party for National Development (UPND) in Livingstone has declared that unless its president Hakainde Hichilema is adopted as PF-UPND pact presidential candidate, the alliance risks crumbling and will not be able to win the tripartite elections next year.
UPND treasurer Winason Ng’uni said if Mr Hichilema will not be adopted to lead the PF-UPND pact in next year’s general elections, then there is no hope of the alliance forming government.
He charged that Mr Sata’s popularity in 2006 was largely dependent on the support he received from former President Frederick Chiluba.
Mr Ng’uni, who was with UPND Livingstone publicity secretary Neto Halwabala, said Mr Sata could not have enjoyed the popularity in 2006 had it not been for Dr Chiluba’s support.
[pullquote]“If the PF-UPND pact has to work, Mr Hichilema should be adopted presidential candidate for the alliance for the 2011 elections.[/pullquote]
He said the MMD is regaining its popularity in Northern and Luapula provinces where Mr Sata claims he has support.
Mr Ng’uni said Mr Sata has realised his diminishing popularity in the two provinces and this is the reason he is trying to use Mr Hichilema to allegedly get votes in Southern Province.
“If the PF-UPND pact has to work, Mr Hichilema should be adopted presidential candidate for the alliance for the 2011 elections.
Mr Sata has lost ground in what used to be his stronghold and in fact Mr Sata enjoyed that popularity because of Dr Chiluba. We all know that Mr Sata cannot win presidential elections and he is panicking because he has realised that he is politically fading,” he said.
Mr Ng’uni said the self-proclamation by the PF that it is more popular than the UPND is only a dream that will never come true.
What Nawakwi and Tilyenji did in UDA was void of selfishness.Logically,it was normal cos UPND had numbers but I somehow support thme cos Sata is not presidential material given his background.
Having read the story in the post,i Should say i can`t agree any more.It is just logical that the party with the largest number of Mp`s should provide the leadership.Even in business it is unusual for a company with the largest stake in a shareholding company to play a minor role.The truth hurts indeed.High time these guys realised that they are doing this for Zambians.
MMD 2011 and beyond.
Well, HH cannot be the adopted candidate because he has too few MPs in the Pact. It’s true he is a junior partner and should take a junior role. However, Sata too cannot be the candidate, the man is a lose canon. Anyone who knows him will attest to the fact that the man is not square upstairs. I mean, is this not the once stinking face of the rotten third term masalamusi? His tribal bigotry knows no bounds and even all the sudden praises on dead people like Mazoka and Lewanika is nothing but crocodile tears to woe votes because all you ned to read is what he said about Mazoka and Inonge Lewanika in the past.
#4 that is very true. How can we forget?
Nawakwi’s case is one of “No wrath like that of a woman jilted”. She forced Christon Tembo out and once on the hot apex just sat there doing nothing while the party crumbled. I still cannot understand why she gave way to HH in polls knowing as she claims today that he had no experience. And talking about her experience, honestly, anyone ought to be ashamed of having been a minister in Chiluba’s govt. She is the one who negotiated the Carlington Maize scandal deal and if this is the experience she is talking about then I ‘m sorry it counts for nothing, zero, period.
These trips Banda likes undertaking, now he has been caught up in a bomb explosion, read this: “The death toll from car bombs that exploded near a parade marking Nigeria’s 50th anniversary of independence rose to 12 on Saturday and reports emerged that authorities had been warned of an attack but failed to avert it”. Next time the bomb will explode in his backside where in never shines.
Nawakwi is another Sata type of politician full of contradictions. She talks about Mazoka being more experienced but from what we know Mazoka was never in goverment, he held no cabinet or political advisory role position and his experience was in the corporate world. Why is it that Sata and Nawakwi are quick to recognise Mazoka’s experience but fail to acknowledge HH’s experience.
It’s rather bizarre for her to compare her 12 FDD MPs to the 49 MPs UPND had in making her the junior partner to the 24MPs UPND has at the moment compared to the 23 effective MPs PF has at the moment? Why can’t she just join Sata if that is what she wants. One thing that must be clear to her is that Zambians won’t allow a repeat of FTJ era.
Who said PF is lossing ground in their strongholds? when did they do an opinion poll? They are now believing their lies and deceit. They want the voters to confirm in 2011 that they are in group three before they agree to be junior partners to PF, unfortunate this seems to be their end, they are on their own
I’m confused, nawakwi doesn’t belong to either upnd or pf! pf has fewer mp’s than upnd, because most of the pf mp’s are there due to an injunction. our politics just raises peoples bp for nothing, at the end of the day they all have serious flaws and with too much power vested in one man, whoever wins will abuse their power
Icho Chise, Icho Chise type of politics. Bushe ni Bakolwe ati balesekana ifipato? Ichandi Chikulu, awe Ba UPND Chikulu? This is it, just let MMD continue plundering because it seems the leadership of both PF and UPND is kinda in a freefall and acting like headless chickens. There was suppose to be an agent indaba between the leadership of the Pact but it seems they are all drowning in their urine. What a shame to the hope that these people created.
LT would do well to get a better picture of Ms Nawakwi than this one which was taken when the lady was attending amalilo.She will be aspiring for republican presidency next year so start showing her good pics now.You know some men can vote for a woman on the basis of her looks alone!May be Nkandu Luo should try her luck!
Dear Zambians, do not waste your time having hope in these politicians. They do it all for selfish reasons. Its never about you and simple me. Those in government are defending their plundering, and source of livelihood, while those in in the opposition, are desperate to access these resources, and similarly abuse them. YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED, YOU KNOW HOW A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN STARVED FOR SO LONG BEHAVES WHEN THEY SEE FOOD. That is exactly how these people will behave if they win, self inteterests first national duty second. Lets just continue with RB, I suggest all those upright people from PF and UPND to join the MMD, and fight from the inside, because this pact is going no where, and Sata and his croonies may lead and destroy Zambia, we have to stop Sata at all costs. God bless Zambia
Love her or hate her, what Edith had to say needs to be given some thought.
If PF want the pact to go ahead let them choose another leader, with Sata as their leader let them forget about the alliance. SATA can never be trusted and his language is not acceptable at all.
Seems to me that the opposition are queueing up to hurl insults each other. Now Nawakwi has joined the fray. How come she is not organising her own party? If she had any strategic thinking surely she would be using the malaise in the pact to her own advantage? Why is it that her party never fields any candidates in by-elections? The same can be said about all the other parties. By the way, does anybody know what is happening with Saviour Chishimba’s party?
Nawakwi is the most useless woman ever in politics. Women who are not married can not advise a married woman how to keep a husband. She has failed to run her party and she wants UPND to be like FDD. The only experience she has is prostitution, husband grabbing and scandals, remember carling tone maize scandal when she was a minister of finance, is this the experience she talking about? You are supporting PF /Sata because you are birds of the same feathers. Both of you are thieves and runners who should by all means prevented to step in plot 1.
Whether people hate a particular person or not, Democracy is a game of numbers. The candidate with the highest number, whether by just one vote, takes the mantle.
I therefore do no for a bit understand how and why some people blow their own trumpet ,and claim to be democrats when they clearly are despots who can not accept the basic tenets and principles of a democratic dispensation
Well said Nawakwi!.
What goes round comes around. I was a hardcore supporter and member of UPND that donate a lot of money to UPND
I was there when all this happened and moved out after Mazoka passed way. Yes, logically you were a junior partner and it very true. Otherwise, the late Mazoka had a lot of respect for you Nawakwi.
HH was among the people that tried to bully those that did not have Fat Bank Accounts.
In fact, Mazoka did tell him off twice to humble himself. He used the same ticks and his money to kick Sakwiba Sikota out.
I am Tonga, but there was a lot of tribalism practiced from many members. The theme was always that the people from the South should form the next government, especially from the Tonga tribe. This is what has killed UPND and it lost its momentum. In the end, these issues starting coming out in the Post about Tribalism.
Mazoka left a large number of MP’s and look at were UPND is now.
I have also worked with HH in the Business World. He finds it very difficult to listen from others. That said, he is a good businessperson – But NOT a Politician at all.
This is why he went into the Pact without making consultations. Going to make agreements with Sata without asking the party was an insult to most of the senior UPND members. A lot of them are still angry with him but have just kept numb.
HH has brought all this on himself. Opportunism will kill. Sata we know he changes goal posts all the time
Frankly, speaking, UPND should look for another leader after 2011. I do not see UPND increasing numbers of MP’s in the parliament by 2011
Moving forward both UPND & PF will need new leaders for the 2016 Elections. HH is now echoing to leave politics and put his mind on his business. He thought it would come so fast to get to State House – but he has been caught off and it has distressed him.
ok its lets go by the party with more sits. PF= 43 – 22= 21
UPND = 24 -1 = 23
PF < UPND, so UPND must provide a leader full stop.
# 20 Point-Of-Order so what? Think and prove from research literature that what u are talking about makes sense. Dont just dream about but talk sense, we are not under 5 s your grand father believes. I dont argue with tribal lunatics who have nothing to talk about but just being tribalist. This is the weapon some people use to label others. Lozi, Tonga, Luvales, Kaondes and Lundas have been labeled as tribal each time they express there views. Sata is on record calling people of North Western Province door mats.
hehe….sure this is playing. UNPD shold face reality as Nawakwi has said. World over, the smaller party takes the Vice. So if UPND finds it to swallow, let the pack and go instead of waisting their time and that of PF. Why waisting time if you can go it alone? Really truth pains…………….I dont think PF as a bigger party can give the presidency to HH, never. So listen well you UPNDs, concentrate on building your dying party than always making useless and silly news on imposibilities. What you are dreaming to happen cant happen comrades.
Can you read my comments again? Did I say anything about someone being ” Under 5 ”
I do not condone Tribalism at all. I was reflecting on what Nawakwi said – which has some truth. I did not refer anything to Lozi, Kaonde & Luvale. I just said that there were issues in UPND that has put limitations to expand on all provinces of Zambia. And how HH pushed around people with his power of money
I was in UPND, left the party and do not abide to any political party. So, stop rushing to judgement. I cannot stand PF & MMD to put is simple to you, especially satnic Sata.
If you any issues about Sata what he said then feel free to address them to him.
I sense you have some anger, frustrations and malice in you. Why mention about my grand father.Who is my grand father?
It’s chaps like you that indulge to filthy comments on this blog. If you have a point just address it amicably.
Find peace with yourself. It will help you with making judgments.
Not worth it with you…..Enjoy the Day
someone tell this woman to zip her mouth!
23 VJ –
Man – You are meandering and loosing track. Point Of Order has a point. This issue has dogged UPND for long. HH has failed to raise the bar. Stick to the subject matter. It is not nice to refer someone’s Grandfather. What about the father to your father. Does he bark like Sata too? why reduce yourself to that level.
Nawakwi has presidential ambitions iand if you read her statement in full you will notice that she is attacking both Sata and HH. She has a bone to chew with HH because he dribbled her for the UDA presidency. She is just lying whe shen claims that she had accepted to be Mazoka’s no. 2, had Andy lived on she could have challenged him for the UDA presidency. There is no need for her to compare the current UPND and the 2006 UPND. The current UPND is a party growing in popularity as evidenced in the recent bye elections results through out the country. PF on the other hand reached it’s peak in 2006 and it won’t expand further. It’s(PF) popularity is dwindling witnessed in the bye elections in Malambo(Serenje) and Chifubu were even if they won they won by a smaller majority they had in…
HIV – Thanks
Not worth it. My advise to 23 (VJ ) is not to get Wind-Up by Sata. He lives by doing that all the time.
The best way to embarrass Sata is just to ignore him.
PF needs to be real. They no longer have 45 MPs in parliament and there is no guarantee that they can win back the seats in a bye elections since Chiluba is no longer on their side. Lusaka will be tough this time round and the best barometer to bring PF back to reality is the upcoming Chilanga elections. We can’t treat what Nawakwi is saying as gospel truth since she is a bitter person. Nawakwi did not campaign for HH or UDA and that expalins why they ended up with 2 seats. How on earth did she expect HH to spend his money campaigning for her to be president when there were clear indications that she was going to lose. Nawakwi was linked to the Chiluba plunder and MMD under Levy were going to finish her off and UPND members would have revolted & voted MMD.
I have to think hard to remember a time this woman talked about sensible things. If she is not talking about women “placentering” in buckets in Kanyama, she is unleashing her wrath at HH for sweet talked her into not running for president and rooting for him instead. Nawakwi is a fool, Chiluba lied to her he will make her president and when the oil of anointment landed on a slumbering Levy she scampered like a scamperer that she is crying foul play. Now it’s HH’s turn to take the heat. Well, maybe its the groinery frustrations, the Tonga “buru” in her bedroom is not delivering the goods.
Nawakwi’s argument are shallow and self serving in a lot of ways. For insatance her argument that…”if you follow the leadership of seniority and experience and the most capable leader, and the fact that we were going to have Anderson Mazoka as leader and myself as vice, it followed then that in the absence of the elder brother I should have followed to be the next candidate,” ..now honestly speaking is that the case in a democratic setup. Aren’t leaders chosen through an internal electrol process? What political experience did Mazoka have? Wasn’t Nawakwi going to use the same argument against Mazoka had he survived? What is wrong with by passing someone who is more senior and experienced for someone who is more capable to do the job? HH was by far the better candidate.
Ms. Nawakwi wants to position herself as a third force in the non-existent pact political quagmire. She thinks that the failure of the so-called pact may work in her favor – unfortunately MMD will win next year with or without the so-called pact. Just one thing on numbers – so PF counts its rebel MPs when it comes to numbers but when it suits them they are disparaging the speaker for not declaring the seats vacant? Very funny. Anyway, HH’s political experiment is dead. His silence should not be misinterpreted to imply wisdom – he does not know what to say. Unfortunately, he spent all his time each time he opened his mouth insulting RB. His senior advisers – like Mr Siakalima – forgot to advise him not to burn bridges.
Her statement that…”But here at home I was being told ‘you are only a woman, you worked with Chiluba, you don’t have a helicopter and indeed you don’t come from a tribe which is larger in the house’. So since my late brother was from my province in Southern Province, I was told it follows that the successor to be president needed to come from the province.”……..
is a clear attempt to use the tribal and gender card and emotional feelings to win sympathy & enable her launch her presidential ambitionl. Nawakwi should just face reality that her linkage to the Carling maize scandal will always haunt her political ambition. The govt has a dossier of evidence aginst her and each time she causes a political threat to the powers that be they will use that as a wipe against her.
#9, Msana wa bupina, you are a dull yob who is devoid of any little knowledge a balanced human being can have.you are so infatuated with sata that it makes some of we wonder how old you were in 1991 at kabwata when sata was quitting unip to join mmd.you must have been at foetus stage otherwise you should have known how unreliable this man is.
On “But UPND Lusaka Youth Chairman, Brian Hapunda says that it is disappointing that to see ms Nawakwi focusing on the pact problems at the expense of her own party… describes Ms Nawakwi as a failure in the political arena and advises her to focus on rebuilding her party” this is great from another UPND junior. HH you’ve done a good job by using the UPND youths to cripple Mr serpentine Sata MC and FDD elected-president Nawakwi.
As for Nawakwi, it is now clear that she was not in the UDA alliance for the good of Zambia but for bad. That is why Nawakwi went into hibernation when she was supposed to be campaigning for HH in FDD strongholds in the 2006 elections times. In short, the PF vuvuzela (POST) have exposed Nawakwi’s selfish behaviour today in trying to attack HH…
Zed Patriot-am still waiting 4 yr statiscal data which u claimed on ZWD proves that the PF is losing popularity?
@#18, be open to yourself,that candidate you talking about as being popular is sata,on the other side you want to lecture us on democracy,sata may have the numbers but doesn’t democracy also call for internal party elections? what democracy are you talking about?. to help you analyse sata. he is a foolish dictator who cant be entrusted wrth any form of leadership by a serious people
On BITTER-FDD elected-president Nawakwi’s “… But here at home I was being told ‘you are only a woman, you worked with Chiluba, you don’t have a helicopter and indeed you don’t come from a tribe which is larger in the house’. So since my late brother [AK Mazoka] was from my province in Southern Province, I was told it follows that the successor to be president [of UPND according to rotating system] needed to come from the province… ” I guess she was subtly referring to HH as having said he was told to be successor of all UPND presidential actitivies including that of the UDA alliance after winning the UPND presidency at a convention in 2006. Surprising Nawakwi is itching to hear that UPND are feeling bad in PACT but UPND is happy with the way they have finished PF…
On BITTER-FDD elected-president Nawakwi’s “… But here at home I was being told ‘you are only a woman, you worked with Chiluba, you don’t have a helicopter and indeed you don’t come from a tribe which is larger in the house’. So since my late brother [AK Mazoka] was from my province in Southern Province, I was told it follows that the successor to be president [of UPND according to rotating system] needed to come from the province… ” in the PF vuvuzela the POST Newspaper, she has simply managed to expose herself as a tribalist who was worried about HH’s tribe instead of looking at popularity which mattered then.
In all, Nawakwi did not have a moral right to need to be UDA presidential candidate becos of her bad-political experience in FJT Chiluba’s GRZ Admin.
BITTER-FDD elected-president Nawakwi went on to say “Nawakwi said she was abused together with her members in 2006. She said FDD members were asked to get materials for campaigns from her when they went to the UDA secretariat, saying the abuse was from top to bottom.
“The country is in limbo because I think that a lot of hope was pinned on this pact but as far as I am concerned I knew from day one that it will end the way it has ended, insincerity and self-conceited behaviour. ‘I am the best’. When they are choosing a captain in the class, do you install it upon yourself?””
Now, did Nawakwi honestly think HH would sponsor FDD activities in UDA when she did not campaign for HH and UPND in FDD stronholds? On ‘I am the best’, does she know what democracy…
Following 22 Vj data “ok its lets go by the party with more sits. PF= 43 – 22= 21
UPND = 24 -1 = 23[…] PF < UPND, so UPND must provide a leader full stop” and “According to a document compiled by UPND, out of 55 by-elections held since august last year [2009], UPND had won 25, MMD 24 and PF only got 11… [the mighty] UPND leadership had compiled a document tabulating its performance in comparison with the Michael Sata-led party to put to rest claims that UPND was an underdog in the pact” reported by Times of Zambia in a story entitled “Pact wrangles expose leadership flaws“, it is clear that the UPND is bigger than PF in government, i.e., Parliament and this situation is not same with FDD’s strength to UPND’s in 2006 time of UDA .
Now, since Nawakwi’s confusion has been addressed carefully without looking at her case of probably having accepted to be a junior wife in Tonga Bull Hambulo’s failed marriage/adultery relationship with her, I will now look @ PF’s fear to compete against UPND in the Chilanga by-election which has now been placed to take place on saturday, Sabbath day to Seventh Day Adventist voters, 30th October 2010 in a rigging manner to disenfranchise UPND voters who worship the real living God on saturdays.
I congratulate PF on decision to withdraw from Chilanga MP by-election though it was out of fear of being known to have lost popularity to UPND in Lusaka — which is regaining its 2001 status in the Lusaka Province. PF/serpentine Sata did well to think of apologising to HH/UPND.
Matt 6:33
Following “I congratulate PF on decision to withdraw from Chilanga MP by-election though it was out of fear of being known to have lost popularity to UPND in Lusaka — which is regaining its 2001 status in the Lusaka Province. PF/serpentine Sata did well to think of apologising to HH/UPND.” which has been received at my central commend post (MHCCP) in lusaka this evening without proper verification I will wait before I can write much of what to expect from Mr serpentine SATA MC which is PF.
Thus, it would be very ambitious for me to ask Mr PF/serpentine Sata MC to discipline his PF senior and junior officials whom he appoints and disappoints any time he likes so that the PF and UPND can now become realistic and then accept that both parties are equal.
Be blest all.
Isabel ntombeshenibuche
I can now see how low you are sanity-wise. Uli chabulwa amano, empty tin.
What internal democracy are you preaching about in your despotic MMD, when a former UNIP zealot, by the name of Bwezani Dziko pambuyo Banda, has shamelessly already declared himself a sole Presidential candidate, even before the convention has been held, and is busy hounding out any perceived challengers with impunity???
Red Card -abena libala south:
I’ve prepared a detailed response & it’s waiting to be posted but ZWD are blocking it. I will post it using another laptop early tomorrow morning.
I think you are better off staying away from our wrangle with PF. Enjoy your temporary peace while it lasts. As soon as we are done with each other i.e PF & UPND we will be turning our guns in your direction
It’s time to stop playing Spin Doctors. This is now some kind of Fatal Attraction. You can all twist words – just nothing will change the tides.
Sata & Wynter Kabinda are just loving it seeing UPND play a Crying Game – all the time
To all UPND Members. Why keep up with insults, disrespect, contempt, scorn and the list goes on? UPND Party needs to stop responding whenever Sata says anything to the contrary.
What exactly does Sata need to say to prove that he does for have time for UPND, thus HH too. Sata knows that his dream has eroded & battered. He is making these comments just to show his silly pride and stubbornness.
Surely, you are giving Sata the upper hand to come back and insult the UPND Party
This is now sounding like a man asking the wife to pack and go – but she keeps hoping that he will change his mind, there sticks around expecting sympathy. We all need to stop kidding ourselves.
UPND & PF – go, regroup and put MMD to task in 2016.
#36 Ntombesheni……..
Am like marmite mate, you either like me or insult me like you doing right now. Am not made in the same mould as abakamba ba Nine Chale who’s nice to everybody (God bless him). Sorry i dont trade insults, last time am addressing you. Goodbye!
#47 Zed Patriot – It is already game over. You will not form Govt next year. Your lack of focus is your own undoing – you will continue fighting each other, even when people will be voting next year. MMD will beat you clean because there is nothing that you are selling apart from crying for change. Right now convince me why I should vote for you – I have no political affiliation, by the way.
This message is for my fellow Tongas, You will not lead Zambia at all because you don’t know how to network. You are such a bunch of selfish people who don’t want to work with others. HH is not like the rest of you this is why he has hard time fighting the battle within the party than outside. The young man has repeatedly said “His party alone cannot win elections”. This is the reason he has tried to network with another party. Your thinking is wrong when you say unless HH is adopted president, you are not going to vote. Sata hasnt lost popularity in Luapula and nothern provinces. He keeps on winning those by-elections and we are sure is going to win in both provinces including; copper-belt, Lusaka and part of central. He has more seats in parliament than HH and he should be the…
Chibamba Kanyama is one of the most decent human being you can sit down with and get ideas from. He is selfishless and that’s why he is liked by many. Recently in Choma he told young boys from high schools that Tongas will never produce a republican president unless they start working with others. Just look at Maestro contributions it is always about Sata and his hate is beyond what he calls him self as a seventh Day.People like Maestro are a black skull of tribal hatred that will never help his Tongas. I know very well there are nice Tongas beyond doubt. Imagine Maestro was heading a company, could he employ a Bemba speaking person? The answer I leave it with other bloggers. Despite his claimed education one may think he can learn self limitation of hate. Maestro kindly change why…
Maestro Hhehehehe, you always insulted Sata. Do you have your father? Kindly show respect to elders even if you don’t like them. Now there has been alot of talk about pact in difficult so and so on. I said in the first place that PF and UPND will resolve this Chilanga issue as mature political parties and partners.
My saliva has not dried, UPND will take Chilanga. So Maestro patience pays and it is a essence of leadership. Now Joe Kalusa what is he going to tell the MMD who have hired him to insult SATA, Scot, Kabimba . In any marriage there are arguements and it is health.
#54 With the way PF has carried its self over the past few days can you honestly say that you foresee a peaceful pact government? If PF can be this arrogant towards UPND now, I can only imagine how they will be after forming govt. If you read the post, even the way UPND has been given Chilanga, its like its a favour been done to UPND. Are you aware that most people in UPND want out, its only HH that is still holding on. Now just think, where these people will cast their vote when Sata leads the pact, trust me your problems are far from over.
53 and 54 Pafwenamwine continue in your delusions of “Imagine Maestro was heading a company, could he employ a Bemba speaking person? The answer I leave it with other bloggers“.
If the rest of your nonsense “Maestro Hhehehehe, you always insulted Sata. Do you have your father? Kindly show respect to elders even if you don’t like them.” is to be taken seriously by any human being, kindly put any single insult that you claim I produced on Mr PF/serpentine Sata MC.
Have a good day though and be blessed all.
Nawakwi playing politics of vengeance and frustration. Remember she tireless campaigned for RB in 2008 and discredited pact leaders. She doesn’t like Sata coz he kicked her out of the MMD and doesn’t like HH coz he couldn’t give presidency of UDA. She claims HH has weakened UPND, how about her own FDD? Late gen Tembo left it a strong party before Nawakwi killed it.
#53 Pafwenabene,
Heey man! ask us who have been long on this blog. MEASTRO HEHEHEHE has got that stinking hatered for Bembas. Goood he is now in Zambia. For those who dont know him his real Name is MWANGA MUNGUNGULU an SDA self proclaimed decon but who hates Bembas. He told this blog that he has no father, his father passed away when he was very young in age. Its like he has never seen his father nowander he behaves like this.
May be he is a love child fathered by a Bemba man , hence his stinking hatred against the Bembas.
SDA brethren in Zambia know that your decon called MWANGA MUNGUNGULU is a terrible hater of the Bembas. Your decon is a disgrace to your church coz no person on this blog can join SDA church.
Fuseke! Ba carlington maize…… Just concentrate on your FiDiDi.
Nawakwi is a frustrated woman. Some people really a short sighted, they do not have a bigger picture in their heads. These politicians sometimes think we do not think and reason. We have also our own judgements and can choose what we want. We know that HH already accepted to be Sata’s deputy because he has only 25 members of parliament while sata has 28 minus the rebels. HH’s popularity is at the same time growing because many zambians are getting tired of seing the same people cheating them every now and then without progress in their lives. As for Nawakwi she is a finished politician who has failed to run her party because of poor management skills only talks no action. How could HH let you run UDA with only 12 members of parliament against more that 50 of upnd at that time.
I know you were the most happy person when Mazoka died, because you thought you could just get there to plot one on a silver platter. You banked so much on the lose but it never proved fruitful. You thought you were so clever by not campaigning for UDA in 2006 but you just reduced your popularity Mama, thats why I say some of you politicians do not look at a bigger picture. Watch this young man HH he has a bigger picture, thats why he never gives up to what he sees worthwhile at the end of the tunnel.
Upnd you don’t want to taste your own medicine, which you mated to FDD. I think you are the most selfish people. Always wanting to have it your way. I tell you that is a good recipe to deny yourself the presidency. This attitude you are exbiting who would want to vote for you so that you come and ukututeka kukalili, no ways, over my dead body. You must be seen to changing your selfish ways
Upnd Tongas, you have skills in denying facts very well. And working on assumptions that Pf has lost popularity. Honestly can you work on assumptions and make dicisions based on assumptions. Lets be serious and accept the truth
Newton Nguni resigned as Secretary General of FDD. Nawaki have ou found any replacement. What about the reports that Hon. Chifumu Banda (although he is Rupiah’s boy) should take up the presidency from you since you have failed. Any comment Madam.
Yes Nawaki should keep her big month. She went underground during the campaign in 2006. She can not be ashamed to speak in the manner she is talking.Where is FDD? let her just keep quiet.
Nawakwi where is ur part? ar u de spoksperson of de pact or what?what is ur opposision party fo, is it of destoying ur fellow opposition or selling ur manifesto?jst drop ur useless party ed join the de pact fo u to be head.if not pliz clean ur house now fo ur party to win de PACT ed de MMD. my be ur alone in ur party if that de case then sell ur manifesto to convice me so that i cn join u if u dont than shut up.unadya chani iwe nosense.
pf bembas do u really think to what u say or jst say anyway let me remaind u that upnd is not only fo de Tongas alone we ar also there dea.what truth do yu want Tongas to acept.