Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ndola Woman Woman steals boss’ 3 children


Police in Ndola has launched a manhunt for a maid who has allegedly stolen her employer’s three children in Chifubu Township.

The children include an eight year old girl and a set of twins who are two months old.

And Police has managed to locate the two babies who were dumped at a named orphanage along Kabwe road and the search for the eight year old continues.

Copperbelt Deputy Police Commissioner, Bothwell Namusuwa told ZANIS in an interview that investigations indicate that the eight- year-old child could have been dumped in Kapiri Mposhi where police is still conducting a search.

“The maid disappeared on Monday, after she informed the neighbours that she was taking the children for under five at the clinic but did not return home,” Mr Namuswa said.

He stated that a case of child stealing was reported by the mother of the children who found the children missing after knocking off from work.

“The information was reported by their mother, Chileya Manda that her two-months old twin (boys) as well as her eight-year-old daughter were stolen by her maid only known as Nakamba,” he said.

Mr Namusuwa further said Police has contacted the Director of the orphanage, who is a pastor, and confirmed that the twins are in his custody.

The woman in question whose identities, remain withheld is also suspected to have kidnapped three other children two years ago.


  1. Mothers of nowadays can afford to leave babies as young as 2 months old for many hours. Mothers of old were not comfortable to entrust anybody within their children as young as 6 months old. Our behavior sometimes facilitates some misfortunes that we go through. Women are among the worst employers of fellow women. Once caught this lady will have a story to tell. Women please guard your children, don’t be quick to trust anybody especially maids. If you really knew what children left under the guardianship of maids go through you wouldn’t dare leave your child. And men try as much as possible to sneak home and check on what goes on. Some maids even host boyfriends in your matrimonial beds in your absence. Don’t say I didn’t tell you

  2. What’s with children being stolen in Zambia?? What’s really going on kanshi. This story makes sad reading, as mother I can’t imagine losing children. The poor mother must be having sleepless nights in tears!! The poor kids must be crying for their parents. My prayers are with this family, we pray that God reunites them as a family. Let’s also be careful with who we bring into our homes.

  3. @Ayatollah our customs didn’t allow us to show a baby to a stranger until some weeks after the cord dropped. Nowadays we have adopted European or Christian behaviors whose values are forced on us by ‘civilization’ That’s why everything is going crazy

  4. If only men could manage running homes ….a woman wouldn’t leave two months old baby with anyone….it takes two to tangle….but some after tangling it’s free fall…..

  5. Children being stolen is a sign of economic development because during tough times no one would consider taking on the responsibility of caring for other people’s kids. Regardless, cage this evil woman

  6. Muzzo it isnt correct It is you who needs to go and read your English Grade 3 lessons properly. I wonder how you find my corrections wrong. I suspect you think because Boss ends in s the apostrophy shouldnt be accompanied by the ensuing S. It has to be because Boss is not a pluralisation so its possessive is Boss’s not Boss’

  7. Really? It is correct the way it is?? What kind of schools do we have in Zed? This is the way it is:
    Ndola Woman Woman steals boss’ 3 children

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