Thursday, March 13, 2025

May God Grant long life to KK, RB and ECL to Witness My Presidency-Kambwili


The National Democractic Congress (NDC) president yesterday bid farewell to his long-standing political comrade, Mr. Amos Chewe, who until his death was NDC Luanshya District treasurer since the formation of NDC. Mr Chewe was also congregation treasurer for the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Mpatamatu congregation as well as a member of the Men’s Christian Fellowship (MCF).

The NDC president lamented the passing of Mr. Chewe. He described him as a man that believed in good political administration, prudent political engagements based on service delivery and keeping of campaign promises like Mr Kambwili practiced.

Mr Kambwili lamented the bad politics currently practiced especially by aspiring candidates for the Roan constituency seat.

“It is hypocritical for politicians to start fighting to finance funerals whenever elections are near. Let us be sincere show leadership by fulfilling campaign promises and service delivery to the people. You can not be fighting to buy coffins at every funeral just because elections are around the corner” said Mr Kambwili.

It is from this cause that he assured the mourners and nation that at an appointed time, he will lead this country.

“It is sad that each time Zambians wake up, they find essential commodity prices increased. Cooking oil, bread, tomatoes, etc are always increasing in price. This is all because of luck of prudent leadership we have in this country. But I pray that God gives Mr Kaunda, Mr Rupiah Banda and president Lungu more life to come and witness what my presidency will be like. Presidency that will ease and improve life for the citizenry” said Mr. Kambwili.

He thanked his followers country wide for remaining firm and increasing in numbers regardless of challenges faced.

“God has His own way of doing things. I have just returned from Germany (jail), Mandela, KK and many other leaders endured it. I will not give up but keep thanking God. Look how NDC has continued growing even after my incarceration, the future is very bright”

He further called on the bereaved family to look to God during this trying time and unite as a family.


    • Thank you I wanted to advise ba kambwili this way: Its better to dream while you are asleep. Dreaming while you are awake is a bit dangerous because while you are day dreaming everybody else is passing you and leaving you behind.

  1. Let him keep on dreaming. Reality will hit when he does not make the ballot in August 2021. That’s when he will wake up & realize that his fellow criminals realized he was one of them & exposed him first.

  2. On funerals it’s indeed shameful that the PF have found it right to jostle to finance them. Last time I asked Kakunkubiti as Provincial Chair to stop this practice. Now every PF aspiring candidate has his own mandamanda! Shame! As for you being President, anyway every man brags about his dick no matter how small! I don’t see you getting it now or in future. Dream on

  3. If he can be president then I will agree with those who say Zambia is cursed. As a nation, we need to change course, we need to do away with this crop.

  4. I sometimes feel like sympathizing with Kambwili, but when I recall his time in government and always defending wrong things, I just ignore him. However the issue he has raised of an every day declining economy are real. The PF government has lamentably failed, what economic stat is talking in their favour to warrant re election. And Former Bank of Zambia governor was very clear that Zambias economic decline started way before Covid.

  5. Be realistic Mr kambwili.How many MPs do you have in parliament?One way of checking
    Your popularity.The best you can do is support your fellow opposition leader who has more

  6. Where in our constitution is the president can be referred to as “president general”, now the real real reason why the opposition and civil society was against bill 10 is slowly popping out and showing its ugly face.

  7. Iwe serve your time first. As things stand, you are a convicted criminal with a pending sentence. Is this the opposition in this country? Disappointing

  8. Sata was once called all sort of names…dreamer, buffoon, insulter and useless….10 years he was constant fighting same fight best known to him….people never paid attention but enjoyed his language of demeaning sitting presidents and other high profile people….but as time went entertainment because sound doctrine….so Kambwili might see it happen…history has showed has!!…am just saying

  9. Sata was once called all sort of names…dreamer, buffoon, insulter and useless….10 years he was constant fighting same fight best known to him….people never paid attention when he started but enjoyed his language of demeaning sitting presidents and other high profile people….but as time went entertainment became sound doctrine….so Kambwili might see it happen…history has showed has!!…am just saying

  10. Why was Jesus so willing to be interrupted, inconvenienced and criticized in order to meet the needs of others? One reason is because He came to earth as a servant: “…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). He willingly set His own rights aside and “…made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant…” (Phil. 2:7). Therefore, when He encountered people who needed His help, He willingly gave them His time, energy, love, and ultimately His very life. He realized that as a servant, His calling was to give of Himself so that others might receive physical and spiritual blessings. He became poor so that through His poverty others might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9).

  11. My goodness! Ati even Sata was called names before but surely can you compare the King Cobra to the buffoon CK? It’s like comparing Seer 1 to Jesus just because both perform miracles. Sata was in his own class

  12. Chishimba Kambwili is a citizen. I cannot fault him for having ambitions to be president one day. That is his right. I don’t have to like or dislike that.

  13. CK you will be President of Zambia only if you disassociate yourself from Sunny Chitombwa. Those will only use you and dump you big time. Start preparing to be the largest opposition party now cause after 2021 UPND will be no more.

  14. It takes God for some to be President, Ask President Lungu or HH they will tell you. what it means to win or to loose elections.

  15. Last I checked this chap was a felon. Not qualified to contest for anything. Needs attention of a headshrinker, it seems to me.

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