Sunday, September 8, 2024

Innovation key to economic recovery – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu recognizes that innovation in the manufacturing sector is key to cementing government efforts on promoting economic recovery.

President Lungu says innovative ideas have little use if they cannot be implemented and commercialized adding that the manufacturing sector therefore, has a huge role to play in transforming innovations into commercially viable products.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma during the launch of the “Buy Zambian Expo” at East Park Mall.

Mr. Lungu disclosed that the government has been implementing various measures to mitigate the devastating effects of the corona virus aimed at supporting the recovery and growth of the economy.

Speaking at the same event, the President of Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM), Ezekiel Sekele admitted that manufacturers have not been spared of the effect of COVID-19 thereby disrupting supply chains as such, the Association has responded to this challenge calling for innovation.

Mr Sekele added that it is for the above reasons that the manufacturing sector has remained resilient and most of the companies that closed are steadily reopening.

He however pointed out that the growth has been muted within the sector registering a contraction of -2.2 percent.

This years’ 9th Annual manufacturers week is themed, “Economic recovery through innovation resilient manufacturing”


  1. I totally agree! You cannot keep doing the Same old things and expecting to achieve different outcomes like the Upnd do. Fielding the same failed hh and expecting to magically win elections .

  2. @Engineer-Who’s the joker?? The i.d.!.ot who had lost 5 times or the guy above who tried first time and beat the i.d.!.ot twice??

  3. Joker for sure…….ever since he lead, every economic indicator had declined , well before covid…..

    On top of that he has just indebted Zambia to the tune of $20 billion and end insight to the decline ……

    What a joker…..

  4. Joker for sure…….

    Lungu is acting like he is a first year president , but the joker has been leading for the past 9 years ….maybe he needs reminding

    ever since he lead, every economic indicator had declined , well before covid…..

    On top of that he has just indebted Zambia to the tune of $20 billion and end insight to the decline ……

    What a joker…..

  5. The joker has just woken from a 7 year hangover only to think he is in his first year of the presidency ……


    He thinks spending borrowed money is same as the economy doing well ……

    When has the economy done well under you , Mr lungu ???

  6. “He said this in a speech read on his behalf by the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma….”

    Meanwhile the l@zy bum is away touring the country

  7. It is easy to criticize leaders remotely. It is quite a different job to actually lead a nation, most especially in these perilous times.

  8. Has he opened the mulungushi textile he promised the people of kabwe in 2016, i think the innovation he is now talking about would have really helped that industry and created jobs

  9. Hmmm. I believe the innovation that has been key is the chaps around him that have benefited through innovative ways of looting taxpayers money. Other than that we are not sure what he talking about. Please fix the economy, stop the looting, stop violence and allow people to think freely then start talking innovation like Kenya.

  10. Bullshit, industrialization is the greatest key to economy stability, how the hell you think K1 was equal to a one pound? We had industries in industries nigga industries, nomba Mwaba fye ama church praying about jobs

  11. Let us all register to vote. As we go to vote. Lets not vote on emotions. Let’s ask those standing to share their manifesto so that we vote or not vote for them based on the ideas/policies they have that affect all of us.
    1. What’s their policy on pay as you earn?
    2. What is their policy on excise tax/ duty?
    3. What’s their policy on corporate taxes?
    4. Whats their policy on Pensions ?
    5.Whats their land ownership policy ?
    6. Whats the policy on education, health?.
    7. What is their policy on agriculture and promotion of local products?
    What’s the policy on easing regulation?
    8. What is the strategy to ending smuggling,???? corruption etc
    9. What is their policy on the rule of law and ending the pathetic cardalism within their parties etc?
    I can go on.
    You can not swim to the shore with rocks double your weight tied to your legs.
    We need transparent leaders..

  12. This f**l started with directives to anyone he came across and thought that is the way to govern.
    What innovation is he talking about. Because he can’t borrow any more money for roads now he wants to move to innovation. Where are you going to get money for innovation infrastructure? Besides he does not find the universities so where is he going to get the manpower to drive innovation? Bring some Indians?
    Bwana kuya bebele. Too much of your gymnastics!

  13. First, he ordered to do less import and more export, then he is bringing foreign countries in Zambia to do business here. I am telling you in the coming years our country will be on top of wealth.

  14. UPND leader HH, who is completely exposed in front of the entire people and his supporters are calling Lungu corrupt. Hahaha, What a joke!

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