Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chief Mukuni told to stop spreading falsehood, NRC Offices in the South were only closed for a day


HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo has expressed displeasure with the rate at which some leaders are going about giving false and misleading information to the Public.

Speaking when he featured on the Red Hot Breakfast Show on Hot FM radio in Lusaka today, Hon Kampyongo said that it is unfortunate that a traditional leader of Chief Mukuni’s standard would issue alarming and misleading statements to the public.

He was responding to a question based on Chief Mukuni’s Media statement yesterday alleging that the Government had closed down all national registration offices in the southern province indefinitely.

“Colleagues I think that there must come a time when we as leaders have to be responsible in the manner we issue certain statements or make comments on certain issues of National Interest otherwise if we issue statements without obtaining facts on the ground then we don’t deserve the responsibility of leadership that our people bestow on us” Hon Kampyongo said.

Hon Kampyongo who is also Shiwan’gandu Constituency Member of Parliament said that being a traditional leader does not warrant one to go about making false claims about national programmes such as National Registration.

Hon Kampyongo disclosed that contrary to the falsehoods peddled yesterday, the Government had only closed down southern province offices for one day so as to facilitate for an internal audit of registration materials and equipment.

Meanwhile, Hon Kampyongo has wondered why issues of violence seem to excite Chief Mukuni who should be in the forefront discouraging the promotion of it.

Hon Kampyongo said that if turmoil was to erupt in Zambia it wouldn’t spare Mukuni’s palace and entire Chiefdom which would render him as homeless as many other Zambians who would be caught up in the web of violence.

Hon Kampyongo further stated that Mukuni’s obsession with him and the Ministry of Home Affairs is quite buffling as yesterday was not the first time he issued a recklessly alarming statement.

“This is the same Chief who not long ago challenged me to go and spend a night at the graveyard like he does himself, now it must be known to him that I don’t need to spend my night at the graveyard to be a national leader and be able to perform my sworn duties as Minister of Home Affairs” Hon Kampyongo Charged.


  1. It doesn’t surprise us. He is fed and bribed by his son hh who will never win an election not even for the position of toilet manager for monza public toilet.

  2. The rights of equal justice secured by political justice are not subject to the calculus of others. Never take advantage of your previlidge to oppress others. The same weapon u have purchased today to fight yo political competitors will be used against u tomoro when u leave office. Ask kambwili.

  3. Chief mukuni has worked very had for upnd . He deserves vice president job. No one in upnd has worked as hard as mukuni… So you hear the position of vice will be given to a person who never campigned for upnd.

  4. Only ghosts, weckeds can spend night in graveyard because they enjoy darkness’s and everything happening there and those in support are fruits of the dark

  5. Indeed people must be factual in the news they spread. You just don’t wake up and start making claims without obtaining facts of the matter. This chief talks too much.

  6. I am not very convinced with the Minister’s response. Where else was there a closure of this nature? The Minister seems more interested in raising beef with the chief than explaining the matter at hand. Why not stay in your lane instead of pouring scorn on the chief and by extension all his subjects?

  7. Closing these offices in one part of the country while they have never done so in other parts raises suspicions, no wonder the chief was concerned.

  8. Zambians, you have a choice to listen to a criminal Minister is not in a position of authority even to his own PF cadre Inno or the chief. I would pick the chief over this criminal. Full Stop!

  9. Leave Chief Mukuni alone,
    He wants to be vice for HH,but that will never happen in Zambia.You can not be on voting boxes since 2006.

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