Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government is committed to reducing poverty among citizens-Kampamba Mulenga


Government has pledged to continue making commitments to reducing poverty and vulnerabilities among its citizens.

Minister of Community Development and Social Services, Kampamba Mulenga outlined some of the commitments as ensuring equal rights to economic resources, access to basic social services, ownership and control of land as enshrined in the Seventh National Development Plan.

Ms Mulenga said this today at a media engagement workshop held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre organized by her ministry with support from cooperating partners.

She noted that her ministry has put in place mechanisms that enhance coordination in the provision of social protection programmes such as the single window system of the service delivery where beneficiaries are able to access services without having to go through difficulties.

The Minister added that in an effort to accelerate the impact of social protection programmes on beneficiaries, the ministry, working with other line ministries and partners is pioneering the cash plus concept which is a method of giving additional support to beneficiaries spelt out in the integrated framework of basic social protection programmes.

Speaking Earlier, United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator, Coumba Gadio who was represented by World Food Programme (WFP) Country Director, Jennifer Bitonde said the COVID -19 Emergency Cash Transfer sets out to ensure that the poor and vulnerable are not left behind as UN combat the pandemic.

Dr. Gadio made projections that COVID -19 pandemic is estimated to push an additional 88 million to 115 million people into extreme poverty this year, with the total rising to as 150 million by 2021.

He implored the media to ensure that the public are provided with accurate information and educate people the best practices of how to prevent the pandemic.

And UK-AID Donor Representative for Social Development Advisor, Leah Gaffney noted that the donor community believes strongly, and wants to see well-managed, transparent, and well-targeted, social protection mechanisms.

Ms. Gaffney indicated that social cash transfer funds have impacted positively on the lives of recipients citing beneficiaries who bought goats and seeds to send their children to school, finding access to healthcare, and helped them to build resilience to shocks.

She pledged that that the UK, and other donors, remain committed to supporting the Government to strengthen the overall, social cash transfer system and ensures that it delivers effectively and consistently for the very poorest in Zambia


  1. This government has increased poverty level amongst citizens. And it will get a lot worse due to debt defaults, and a general reluctance by international bodies to lend Zambia money (citing theft, corruption, incompetence and abuse).

    These PF leaders are only concerned in making themselves very rich.

    We know what to do in 2021.

    Kuya bebele.

  2. Very true my beautiful sister kampamba. You speak so much sense that you make older f00ls like hh and his minions look like under 5s.

    By the way I am still waiting for upnd to show us their beautiful and intelligent women. Here is another one from us.

  3. To reduce poverty in Zambia is to kill off the poor that PF and lungu have created, what a savage president.
    PF must go or Zambia dies

  4. You have been in power for almost 10 years and all you do is tax the poor citizens heavily …2021 is near now even dormant ministries are awake with drunkard Mvunga at BOZ busy printing money

  5. Just because she can afford 10 meals in a day doesn’t mean the government is committed to reduce poverty.

    Can’t she see the economic indicators that the economy is entering final level in space to the point of no return?

    Don’t these whores and give them ministerial jobs.

    PF must go!

  6. Eiiisshhhh………

    olo ni kufuna sisi ,…….

    I don’t who told these Zambian women that those smelly wigs look nice on them……

    Sister , lose the fake hair, free your self and be proud of your African hair.

  7. That hair …….eiisshhhh.

    Lose those stinky fake wigs and free your self …..who told you that you look nice ?????

    Olo ni kufuna sisi……..

  8. Olo ni kufuna sisi , pleas sister get rid of that smelly fake hair…..

    Who told you that you look nice ???

    Free your self and lose that wig.
    Be proud of your African hair…

  9. Olo ni kufuna sisi , pleas sister get rid of that smelly fake hair…..

    Who told you that you look nice ???

    Free your self and lose that wig.
    Be proud of your African hair…

    Lose that fake hair…….

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