Friday, October 18, 2024

Chishala Kateka abandons corporate world to relaunches New Heritage Party, vies for presidency in 2021 polls


Respected Corporate leader Chishala Kateka has become the latest the enter the race for the 2021 elections under the banner of the New Heritage Party.

Ms. Kateka who was until recently Board Chairperson for Absa Bank Zambia has gone ahead to reregister the Heritage Party whose founder Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda had recently deregistered it.

Ms. Kateka, 64, was founder member of the Heritage Party and holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Zambia.

She has an extensive corporate career having been appointed as Barclays Bank Zambia board chairperson in 2017, becoming the first female to serve in that capacity in the bank’s history in Zambia.

She qualified in 1990 as a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (subsequently Association of Chartered Certified Accountants – ACCA), with Deloitte Haskins and Sells (subsequently Deloitte & Touché) and practiced in both Zambia and Botswana.

In 1994 she took over the running of the medium-sized firm of Bena Kateka and Company, which, in 1996, became part of Binder Dijker Otte (BDO) International, which operated in Zambia as BDO Kateka Evans Musonda (BDO-KEM) of which she became Managing Partner.

She was until May 2001 interim manager at Kafue Textiles of Zambia.

She was the principal consultant for the World Bank on the Copperbelt Economic Diversification Workshop Project after which she subsequently became the co-ordinator of the National Economic Diversification Programme in Zambia – a project co-funded by the World Bank and the Zambian Government.

Ms Kateka was also Principal Consultant for the World Bank on the 2002 Consultative Group meeting in Livingstone, Zambia.

Until her retirement in February 2014, Ms Kateka was Managing Director of ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd.

Writing on her Facebook page that when Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda de-registered the Heritage Party, some founder members decided to re-register it under the name “The New Heritage Party”.

“I am leading the party. I wish to announce that we will be contesting the 2021 General elections with myself as a Presidential candidate” she said.

“Dear friends, fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great delight to present myself to you in servitude as candidate for President of the Republic of Zambia in the 2021 Elections. I come with full support from a multitude of Zambians across the country through the New Heritage Party to lead Zambia to be a Premier Zambian Led Economic and Productivity Hub in Southern Africa,” she said.

“I invite you to follow me and the greater family of citizens of this great country through the New Heritage Party as we join our hands, minds and hearts in restoring and preserving our heritage. Together we can and we shall make Zambia our Heritage. In the next few days, we will be making some momentous announcements about our party, vision, manifesto and structures. Stay close, follow us and invite someone in this defining time and season for our country.”


  1. Hahahaha heritage party buti naseka sana. It seems everyone wants to be president. Nomba if we all want to rule then who will be ruled? What is point creating all these small unnecessary parties that bring nothing new to the party? Surely amongst the diverse range of parties already in existence to can find one that matches your ideas and join it ? Anyway we know you have money but why not use that money to help the unfortunate rather than contest an election you fully know is being won by pf? Clear sign that having a degree does not mean one is wise.

  2. The new party and President is welcome.
    Aggressively campaign all over the country and particularly your home grounds of northern province.Northern province has seen very little development under the PF.These people need someone who understands their problems and needs.
    Dont allow the PF to use the people of northern province just for votes.

  3. Its refreshing to hear Zambian respected ladies come out to to give Zambians a break from Dora Siliya, Mumbi Phiri, Jean Kapata, Inonge Wina, Luo Kantu, Godfridah Sumaili etc, lack of decency in their commentaries on national matters. Chishala Kateka can offer not only moral value to women in Zambia but inspires men that can still believe in well meaning ladies.

  4. I would advise patience, building self image and selling self the Zambian people. 2021 is too soon, and like it or not 2021 is about the bull and the mouse. Any new entrants at this stage will only split the opposition vote but not guarantee the new entrants a win.

  5. And I quote “I am leading the party. I wish to announce that we will be contesting the 2021 General elections with myself as a Presidential candidate” she said. Does it remind you of someone? One under 5…it’s me, myself and no one else.

  6. I welcome back our party, you may not win this election mama but we will work hard to see to it that we form government in future. Am fully behind you.

  7. Why is that all people with Bemba names want to be president? is it because they see politics as easy way to steal public funds?
    Kelvin Bwalya Fube
    Harry Kalaba
    Chishimba Kabwili
    Chishala Kateka
    Nevers Mumba
    Felix Mutati
    Chitalu Chilufya
    Saviour Chishimba
    The list is endless

  8. Why not? It only seems impossible until it’s done. She has all it takes, so let’s just wait and see how far she can take it.

  9. I cant really see any solid experience to talk about. The CV indicates that she lacks depth – I mean how do you account for the gaps from being Managing Partner in BDO-KEM to Interin Manager at Kafue Textiles. Uuuuhhhmm! We have no time for job on training or apprenticeships; we need solid experience of economic management and take this country out this malaise it is in today!
    What I can see are little bits of experience here and there but nothing solid to demonstrate her the ability to tackle huge economic issues and mess that Lungu has driven this country into.

  10. The beauty of democracy, everyone has a chance if they so wish. The only problem we have now are the dead wood clogging the arena. How do you keep on losing and you still cling on to the throne as if there are no other Zambians? You even accuse those that have technically served one term and you say they want three terms.

  11. at least ew having new brooms whom we can came and use as substitute in case the new incoming movement also fails us
    Mwayo mwaiseni desist from attacking fellow oppositions like madam Na….Kwi but offer strong check and balances to the gervament
    Please Ma be uniquel. Its good to have you i am sure you understand a lot about economics and how to govern because of your past experience coupled with academics qualification

  12. The C.V. is long but actually full of failures, except the last part with ABSA. ABSA was already doing well, thank you very much. Please show us your success.

  13. Why do some failed political cadres sound threatened? She hasn’t even published her party’s manifesto and they’re already trying to bully her out! You should welcome competition if you feel secure in what your party is doing.

  14. Much better than Lungu. For those that hate HH for no reason please put your vote for her instead of wasting on Lungu. Even KBF is better. Lungu has failed. Sold the country to the Chinese and has no clue on running the country.

  15. The best Kateka would have done is to join hands with one of the already established political parties where she could have contributed a lot. In the meantime, we welcome her to our political landscape. By the its like our Iron Lady is out to dishout the cash she made from the corporate world.

  16. How is it possible to have more comments than views on this article, it not the only article have noticed such a phenomenon take place, editor how this possible?

  17. Kateka is her name, Kateka she shall be. SOME DAY. But definitely not in 2021, because PF is rigging this one come rain or high water.

  18. Bembas and wanting to be presidents.
    All for selfish reasons of wanting to be a superior tribe to other zambians and greedy reasons of wanting to loot the state treasury and bunkrup the country while they take some development to their areas and completely, with impunity disregard non Bemba areas.

  19. Let chishala Kateka build houses out of her money earned from the coperate World other wise she will loose everything in politics. The best she can do is join parties that are there and then stand as a councillors, or MPs or Mayor and then build her political ambitions than start climbing a tree from the leaves…… Hh has been doing…You have to start from the ground and then rise in ranks and not the opposite…She will cry big time…..

  20. 49. Ati banda you …in fact you are not banda stop hiding in the name of Banda. No body has stopped anyone from forming a political party…. Instead of yapping just form a political party with your tribe mates. Shallow mind

  21. The problem with zambian politics is that , they are not issue based . Any rally you attend , its all dancing and finger pointing.

  22. It’s so obvious from some of the negative comments that because she’s a woman some have concluded (1) She doesn’t stand a chance of winning the election (2) She is selfish and out to be a career politician (3) She is a feminist. Firstly, I applaud her for stepping up to the plate to be a changemaker rather than sit behind a computer and post nasty comments about candidates aka being an internet PF kaponya. She is making the effort to restore what PF has destroyed economically and divided the nation so badly that tribalism is not as subtle as it used to be it’s out there breeding and confusing people.

    Before you make condescending remarks about Madam Kateka, take a moment to think about what you are contributing to Zambia as a nation. She has chosen to lead, what have you or will…

  23. I think time has come for Zambia to experience the change so much desired with the leadership of a sober minded leader Ms Chishala Kateka, let’s embrace each other for a better Zambia tomorrow.

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