Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ndola City Council allocates K350,000 to patch potholes on roads


Ndola City Council (NCC) has allocated K350,000 to patch potholes on roads that are in Northrise and Kasenshi townships and part of the Ndola Central business.

NCC Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota said the patching of roads in Ndola city is being done in phases stating that the first phase will done at Jacaranda – Ndeke turn off road.

Ms Mushota said during the first phase, the council will work with the Road Development Agency (RDA) who have already provided materials to be used for the patching of potholes.

“For Jacaranda and Ndeke turn off road we already received some materials from RDA and we are now waiting for more materials so that we can start up the process,” she said.

Ms Mushota added that the second phase which will be done in Northrise and Kansenshi is set to commence during the first week of December.

She has urged the motorists to be patient as the council is finding ways to ensure that the roads in the city are passable.

Earlier some motorists complained of bad state of roads in Northrise and Kansenshi even along the Ndola Kabwe roads.

Mike Musonda a driver in Ndola had earlier appealed to the NCC to work on a big pothole along the Ndola Kabwe road near the golf club to avoid future accidents.

“People’s vehicles, are getting damaged due to the bad roads in the city, the local authority should quickly maintain the roads to help motorists from damaging their vehicles,” he said.


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