Tuesday, January 7, 2025

PF appeal for extension of voter registration


Patriotic Front (PF) in Ndola has appealed to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to extend the mobile voter registration exercise which commenced on November 9, 2020 and is scheduled to end on December 12 this year.

PF Ndola District Chairperson Benjamin Chitondo told ZANIS in an interview in Ndola yesterday that the exercise has not yielded the desired numbers of eligible voters.

Mr. Chitondo expressed dissatisfaction with the low number who have registered in the district, a situation he said would lead to a lot of people being disfranchised in next year’s elections.

“A lot of people are still queuing up to register as voters and only 20 percent of eligible voters have so far managed to register because in a day most centers only managed to capture between 100 and 150 eligible voters,” he said.

He observed the need for the ECZ to increase the number of kits in order for more people to be captured.


  1. Which department use yellow/ red chairs, that kid who was displaying a voters card and NRC as a registered voter was also sitting on a similar red/yellow chair, or is it just a coincidence.

  2. Manje quality of the so-called voter’s card. Its really terrible. I have never seen anything like it from a responsible government department. Just what went wrong? Did they not receive enough funding to do a better job and money just disappeared in thin air and people had to do with whatever they had remaining after the loot – sic. Its a disaster indeed. My portrait is on the far side leaving a white big space on the right. Even school exam ID cards maybe better. Why should we be subjected to such torture????

  3. I trust his assessment. He was on the ground and has a better understanding. However,at end of day it is ecz who will decide. We know that they will do the right thing. For us extension or no extension, we are still winning

  4. There is just something WRONG with Zambians. The other day HH was demanding that the Voter Registration is extended not only for a month or two but until all his perceived Voters register even if it means going beyond Thursday 12th August 2021 because Voter Registration is a continuous exercise by LAW . So he claims
    Why should it take many months for the required 8 to 9 million to register and yet the same number will only take 12 hours to QUE UP and vote on the POLLING day?
    Note that ECZ needs time to Register Voters, Compile the Voter Registers, scruitinise before rolling the register to the general public for verification of the entered details and then going back to recompile the corrected registered voters roll and before subjecting the same to the so called stake holder for…

    UPND are demanding and PF are appealing both of them to ECZ to have an extension. You can tell from above that UPND Governance is that of BOSSING and PF is that of LEADERSHIP. So Voters choose wisely. I would rather vote for LEADERS than BOSSES.

  6. PF always plays catch-up with the intuition and forensic thinking of H H. For the last 5 years he warned PF government to be prudent in securing loans, its caught up with them – defaulting repayments has resulted. Few weeks ago now, he stated voter registration will need to be extended to avoid disenfranchising majority Zambians, its caught up with them – PF is capitulating now and out of shame of KZ affirms that assessment.

  7. @Kaizer Zulu, stupidity is in your DNA. Are you paid to parade your ignorance and stupidity? How someone can be this stupid and be alive beats me. Do you sometimes forget to breathe? You are a true representation of PF and your leader. Dull vikopo vamu komboni. Zambia is looking like a filthy compound thanks to PF.


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