Sunday, September 8, 2024

6000 benefit from COVID-19 social cash in Kalulushi


A total of six thousand people have benefited from the emergency social cash transfer programme in Kalulushi district.

Provincial Social Welfare Officer Chrissy Hilweele said over two thousand people have received K800 per household as opposed to the normal Social cash transfer of getting K90 and K180.

“When we came to register them, validate and verify their names, we told them that 800 Kwacha is under the COVID-19 emergency cash transfer,” Mr Hilweele said.

He told those not appearing on the emergency cash transfer not to worry as they will be put on the programme

And Kalulushi Member of Parliament Kampamba Mulenga said President Edgar Lungu has initiated a lot of empowerment programs aimed at developing the people of Kalulushi.

She said this after checking on the beneficiaries for COVID-19 emergency cash transfer in Kalulushi.

“I expect you to come and testify in six months how this money will be used,” Ms Mulenga said.

“This was an initiative of government and its cooperating partners, so that those people affected by the COVID -19 are taken care of,” she said.

She said the pandemic has affected many business and hoped that beneficiaries will use the emergency fund wisely.


  1. Millions of people have been benefited through several empowerment programs of government. The examples are preset all over. The blindfolded opposition is not ready to look at it and accept. But the beneficiaries will tell this through the ballot box!

  2. We trust our government, they will use the money for benefiting us only. Everything is taken care of by the government.

  3. Still, some dull people are confused about whom to vote in upcoming elections. Can’t they see the hard work of the PF government?

  4. The real purpose of the opposition is to minimize the amount of money the ruling party will have stolen from the people at the end of its term.

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