Sunday, September 8, 2024

EIZ considering standards rates for services its members will be charging across the country


The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) says it is considering coming up with standards rates for services its members will be charging across the country.

EIZ Northern Region Chairperson, John Siame said this decision will help its members provide standards rates for services offered to its clients.

Prof. Siame observed that the lack of standards rates is disadvantaging both engineers and their clients as people determine the rates through negotiations.

“What we observed is that our members have various rates and these are determined by clients and of course after negotiations but by coming up with the standards rates it would be easy for professional engineers to charge the fixed rates everywhere and we will avoid either overpayment and underpayment of services” he said.

Prof. Siame who is also a lecturer in the school of Engineering at the Copperbelt University said this during the EIZ public discussion forum in Kasama.

Meanwhile, Prof. Siame has assured its members in Northern Province that the institution is determined to mitigate the challenges they are facing.

He said the institution is aware of the many challenges its members are facing adding that is why it called for the public forum to interact with them to discuss some of the issues.

He has further disclosed that EIZ has embarked on the decentralization of its services stating that this has seen the institution open service centers at some trade schools including Lukashya Trades Training Institute in Kasama.

Meanwhile, EIZ Deputy Registrar and Director of Operations Happy Msumali explained that it is illegal for any person at all levels to practice engineering in Zambia without registering with the institution.

Eng. Msumali has since encouraged all engineers to register with the institution to avoid breaking the laws of the country.

“Under the law it is forbidden for anyone to offer engineering services to clients if they are not registered with us, the penalty for that is too much so we urge everyone to avoid going against the law by registering with the institution” he said.

And a Kasama based contractor, Kennedy Mubita has hailed EIZ for organizing the public discussion forum.

During the meeting, Chambeshi Water Supply and sanitation Managing Director Luckson Simumba gave a presentation of the engineering works his company is undertaking.


  1. In a free market economy your proposal doesn’t make sense. What’s wrong with each service provider negotiating their fees? It’s not a single factor that determines fees and each one have their unique overheads. So don’t implement what you’ve proposed, it won’t work

  2. LusakaTimes, please get rid of these ads!
    Standardized rates are needed @Ayatollah.
    LAZ has its own rates were junior lawyers, less than 5 years at the bar cannot charge higher than those with more practice. It goes on like that till we get to State Counsels who are allowed to charger higher sums.
    It’s about time that the EIZ did the same, we can’t have graduates charging the same or even more than people with 10 years practice or those with Masters in the field.

  3. Creation of EIZ has not resulted in professionalism but elitism. Lots of big talk and dinner dances in Livingstone whn the country’s engineers cannot even drill boreholes. Sorry, it just isn’t good enough.

  4. @Chiza Chirwa, you can’t regulate professional fees, just like consultation fees for medical practitioners. There’s a difference between renting an office in Libala at Katungu and Rhodes Park Ilunda Complex. We’re not in Mmembe’s socialism. There was a State Counsel on the team of lawyers that appealed CK’s acquittal. It’s up to you to choose

  5. State Counsels are appointed by the Head of State, in the same way the Head of state appoints ministers, whether that warrants their having those titles is neither here no there.
    The standardization of fees does not mean regulating or that everyone accross the board will have to charge the same amount, it creates a truly level playing field and entrepreneurial engineers will still make more, in the same vein that there are lawyers who have had private practice but have nothing to show for it.

  6. Unfortunately capitalism doesnt allow for such regulation. You are just wasting time. They can only be subject to the country’s competition regulations

  7. State Counsels are appointed by the Head of State, in the same way the Head of state appoints ministers, Not true State Counsels are promoted not appointed like Ministers. Junior lawyers for example cant be appointed as SCs

  8. State Counsels are appointed by the Head of State, in the same way the Head of state appoints ministers, Not true. State Counsels are promoted not appointed like Ministers. Junior lawyers for example cant be appointed as SCs

  9. Engineering and about engineering seems not well understood by the majority in Zambia. I do not know how long it takes for graduate in engineering in Zambia before he can be called an engineer. In other words how many years does it take for engineer-in-training to qualify as an engineer. Engineers are paid accordingly to the quality, standard of work and materials used etc; not for how long one has been in the profession. EIZ can regulate practice of engineering, but cannot regulate how much engineers charge because it depends on many factors. For instance, if I use codes and standards already in existence I do not need to be an engineer to carry out that kind of work: so how would I charge my client? It is time for EIZ to fully understand its roles.

  10. If you check you’ll discover that the people that make such proposals have never practiced engineering anywhere, they’re just on paper. According to EIZ even blacksmiths making mbaula must register with them. They want to collect fees from welders in Kalingalinga. They don’t have ideas and want to be seen to be relevant. Take that proposals to professional engineers and they’ll tell that it’s malabishi. Last time Mwine Lubemba took a swipe at civil engineers that couldn’t even fix a pothole properly in Kasama. Get into the market and hustle and see how friends make money nit through sitting allowances

  11. @Canon Justice, one becomes appointed state counsel, the difference may be in our usage of the term promoted, which doesnt apply here seeing as a promotion is more organisation based and does not apply to someone who is in private practice. Consider the award of Knighthood in the UK as the best example of appointing State Counsel. In the UK you are refered to as the Queen or King’s counsel and we call it state counsel here, it remains an appoitment by the authority.
    @See, you are right, regulating of cost chargeable will only apply to the engineer’s experience, certainly, the amount of work, quality of materials and everything else is still subject to the concerned parties. Side note, there is no such title as Engineer Zulu or Eng. Zulu, its only in Zambia.

  12. Rate for professional service are regulated in an organized society. EIZ has always is light years behind… who cares about these bunch of self-praising semi or half baked engineers


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