Sunday, September 8, 2024

Connection of NW province to national grid elates PS


North-Western Province Permanent Secretary, Willies Mangimela has thanked President Edgar Lungu for connecting the entire region to the national power grid.

Mr Mangimela cited Ikelenge as the latest district to be connected in the region adding that it is a clear demonstration of President Edger Lungu’s inclusive developmental agenda of taking development to all parts of the country without leaving anyone behind.

The Permanent Secretary said this in Solwezi yesterday.

“I am so happy to learn that Ikelenge and Jimbe border area have been connected to the national power grid. This is good news to the people in the area and North-western province,” he said.

Mr Mangimela said the connecting of the entire province to the national power grid will boost social and economic activities in the area, adding that people will now be able to follow government programmes without lagging behind.

And Zesco Regional Manager, Cephus Lungu said the power utility company is doing everything possible to take electricity to the remotest part in the province through a number of projects.

Mr Lungu said a number of schools and health facilities in rural districts have been connected following the switching on of the power grid extension in the province.

“We have connected a number of schools and health facilities to the power grid in Ikelenge, Mufumbwe, Kabompo, Zambezi, Chavuma and Mumbezhi area and for us this is a plus as North-western province because we are changing things”, he said.


  1. Zesco has failed to cimplete Mujila Mini Hydro Power project more than ten years down the line yet funds were procured. This would have made it easier to connect Kambimba border post in Chief Kakoma’s chief. Kambimba once operanized will be a revenue spinner since it is getaway to Kolwezi mining centre in Lualaba province of DRC. The border post has remaoned porus yet hundreds of truck pass through without paying revenue to ZRA . The road fromLumwana West is in.a terrible state I wonder why PF GRZ can’t even mobilize ZNS to work on the road yet they are crying for increased revenue.

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