Sunday, September 8, 2024

It is an Act of Gross Cowardice for HH to Hide Behind Faceless Online Media Pages


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. For almost two years now, we have watched without any reaction the hate, insults and innuendo that have been spewed against us by faceless online media such as Koswe and Zambian Watchdog. We have studied their pattern of insults and hate and tried to correlate them to specific politicians in order to try and ascertain the forces behind such spirited and yet baseless attacks against us. We have never cared about the motive because it is clear that the motive is to make us less appealing in the eyes of potential voters come 2021 general elections by lumping all manner of insults and innuendo on us. But today, we are happy to mention that we have been able to ascertain with reasonable certainty the identity of the forces behind these baseless attacks and insults against us using faceless online media.

2. We have little doubt in our minds that the UPND President Hakainde Hichilema directly or indirectly controls the faceless online media such as Koswe and Zambian Watchdog that have been spewing hate, insults and innuendo against us ever since we left the Opposition Alliance. It appears that HH and his army of social media warriors were grossly heartbroken by our departure from the Opposition Alliance that they have been hell-bent on soiling our good standing and reputation in the eyes of right-thinking members of the public. They have therefore gone on a consistent rampage insulting us, our spouses, family and everyone else that is caught up in the line of fire. But we are not going to take such an onslaught while lying down. We have always fought battles and we are not going to be shy to fight this one.

3. For starters, it is an act of gross cowardice for HH to hide behind faceless online media pages such as Koswe and Zambian Watchdog and launch incessant and unprovoked attacks against us. If the man has any bone to chew with us, he should have the spine to stand up, step forward and confront us face to face and not hide behind faceless online media tabloids such as Koswe and Zambian Watchdog and then proceed to insult us from the comfort of a keyboard.

4. Naturally, people might ask to say what is the basis of believing that HH is the one behind the faceless online media tabloids; Koswe and Zambian Watchdog that have been spewing hate and insults against us? Over the past 12 months, we have painstakingly correlated the content of these faceless online media against the online pages of all other political leaders in the country and we have come to a conclusion, with more than 90 percent certainty that the people who manage Hakainde Hichilema’s pages on Facebook and Twitter are the same ones that manage Koswe and Zambian Watchdog or replicate their online content. For us, a 90 percent probability is good enough to challenge HH and tell him to stop his incessant and unprovoked attacks against us using faceless online media.

5. For us, we don’t believe in shadow-boxing. If we are not happy with the behavior of HH, we will not waste our time by also creating a faceless online media to use to launch attacks against him, no. We don’t have time for such a facade. We will just stand up, step forward, point a finger in his face and tell him to stop the nonsense. So if HH has beef against Sean Tembo, the decent think to do is to tell us in our face so that he can get it off his chest and not engage in shadow-boxing by using faceless online media such as Koswe and Zambian Watchdog. We will always appreciate a man who has a spine and not a coward who hides behind the comfort of a keyboard.


  1. Litsen mr Aloof man. You don’t need to create that faceless media people will create it for you if you are popular.its supporters who devise ways and means to fight wars for you. Just like president ECL it’s not him nor the pf secretariat who are behind all those blogs supporting ecl and slandering especially HH it’s their army of followers so stop hating HH because we know it’s likely when you went into the alliance you expected to feed from the cheque book of the trillionaire unfortunately you bumped into a displinarian who has respect for money and doesnt treat it like leave HH out of your frustrations just go back to your cave and nurse them.

    • Zulu Themba Isaac the loss we be theirs so please don’t go to town screaming about or lose sleep over it. What baffles me is why people so obsessed with the alleged losers? A normal human being can’t waste his time striking up a conversation with a mad man that he meets in town, unless he is the real mad one. Everyday it’s HH this UPND that…. seriously why are you wasting so much of your time talking about non entities?

    • Kakoma Nyakutemba Our noisy neighbours need a reminder time and again that they are group D material,they cannever win period.Those old madalas without ideas like for real?at some point HH was Zambia’s false Obama,HH is so inept at politics and obviously an incidental millionaire.

  2. Lately Mr Tempo has not be politically active in organising his party. The only political activity he has been involved in is attacking opposition parties thereby becoming a darling of the Pf. While winning the opportunity to be covered by ZNBC and other pf media, he is loosing relevance to the electorate.

  3. This fool his end will be bad.We know you and that woman are used c….Is HH your relative or friend or does he owe you anything so that we pay you for once.You are a diabolical pathetic evil man full of evil.Go and lick the boots of your paymasters whom we know.You have just 3 months to continue being irrational and stupid.You won’t be told who’s winning come 12th August

  4. Jijijijiji kwekwekwekwe hihihihihihihihihi!

    Kleptoh² is a menace.
    So devious and evil.
    I am loss for words that you, SEAN are just seeing that now.

    Double h has never changed. Ask us who know what the devil he is. So mean and divisive. That’s WHY we can’t make him president. NEVER.

    We were just watching your tuma little little groupings lining up to unite with him. To us, it was like DEJAVU

    Welcome to the party. School never ends!

  5. Sean E. Tembo, imwe ba mudala, just go and plant maize pa farm, rainy season is upon us, this your useless propaganda against HH will take you no where. Ndimwe bakulu, stop embarrassing yourself with this nonsense ?, get a life… ?

  6. Little did I know that you are such a fool, how do you connect HH to these online medias. Stop this stupidity grow up, it’s not HH who took away the brain from your head. Follow those pf thugs who beat you up

  7. Why does Under 5’s alliances struggle? After 12 August 2021 he together with Chimbwili will be ‘Trumping’ to courts with baseless allegations of a fraudulent election. Watch this space.

  8. From the comments above it looks like tukoswe and zambian wild dogs ticks have also invaded Lusakatimes. Most comments sound tonglish and under fivesh. As soon as they settle down here, they will start insulting divergent views. Nipano tuli.

  9. Another failed Zambian politician. Ran out of ideas already. His political issues descend to PF level of talking about individuals day-in and day-out with ‘Pull him down’ syndrome. Hatred for those doing better than you.

  10. Yes, Hichilema is a coward and he’s fond of sacrificing others. He lacks tact and he’s quick to cry victim yet he’s the largest sponsor of political violence in the country. It beats me why he hasn’t been arrested and locked. He’s the devil’s incarnate

  11. If there is a good surrogate of PF is this nonentity called Sean Tembo. Sean Tembo fears HH more than he fears a LION in the Bush. Even Sean Tembo himself knows that for more than 10 years now ZNBC have not covered HH. Thank GOD we have the ONLINE MEDIA now where everyone can express themselves and communicate with others without looking at ZNBC as the only source of information. ZNBC have blacked out HH. The man has decided to himself to the Zambians through ONLINE PLATFORMS which has really worked to his advantage. GOOD THINKING HH.

  12. It is an act of gross cowardice for Sean Tembo to stop petitioning in the streets just after one beating from the violent PF cadres. After the beating Tembo has gone online to castigate innocent HH and UPND. Tembo is hiding behind blameless HH and UPND!!

  13. It’s pure idiocy to undermine fellow leaders on the same platform when you know that mainstream media has been victimized for simple airing opposition views!!

  14. This brilliant opposition leader is using the same media to attack a fellow opposition leader instead of preaching peace and mobilizing his party!! Am sure he has been hired by the highest bidder- pfools to do so!! @sebana wikute!!!

  15. I am an independent and I don’t have any inclination to any party, somehow I feel all the parties, ruling and opposition don’t have a firm plan to move Zambia out of this economic mess, however, it would be good if Mr Sean Tembo starts applying his energy on mobilizing his party if at all it exists. This idea of attacking colleagues does not help the ordinary Zambian who is looking up to you as leaders. And also Mr Tembo, do some introspection and reflection, what you may be calling attacks against you on Koswe and watchdog might be just the said people reacting to your statements which have been very anti HH and UPND instead of addressing the many issues that PF has failed to tackle especially the economy and governance. Pick a phone and resolve out of the public eye – That is a mature…

  16. Bright Musonda Nsukumo please dude I understand perfectly well what Liberal means. If Zambia believed in being Liberal gay marriage would be allowed that’s why your application of the word Liberal in this context makes zero sense

  17. Bright Musonda Nsukumo are you sure you are able to explain what Liberal means in the context you used it? I have a feeling you are the kind of guy that likes to throw around tuma big words hoping to confuse someone into silence to win arguments

  18. Mwimanenwa Kamona ??no sir that’s not the case, haven’t used any big word. Liberal in my context meant that you should learn not only incline to your own opinion but rather you should be willing to embrace other people’s opinions, in short I was telling you to be neutral in your arguments

  19. Mwimanenwa Kamona it has been nice having a discussion with you sir, I like the way you were coming out, I’m glad that in your arguments you haven’t used any strong word that’s how it should be, one Zambia one nation. Patriotism is the virtue

  20. Everyone knows that hh is a slimey crooked tribal snake who will use or do anything to rule this country.tell us something that we don’t know.

    By the way where is charmaine and why is she in hiding? Can mrs mutinta hichilema explain what is going on

  21. It is annoying when some comments divert from the subject of the article. Sean Tembo is the real coward. Why is Tembo making allegations that HH is hiding behind faceless online media pages? Doesnt Tembo know that a good percentage of Zambians can access and use faceless online media pages these days? Tembo knows where to find HH as they were in an alliance before he left this alliance. Why doesnt Tembo go to HH if he has any issues to resolve with HH. Tembo thinks he can be popular by castigating HH and UPND. HH and UPND have more serious work to win elections in 2021. I even doubt HH can spare time to meet you Tembo.

  22. I am an independent and I don’t have any inclination to any party, somehow I feel all the parties, ruling and opposition don’t have a firm plan to move Zambia out of this economic mess, however, it would be good if Mr Sean Tembo starts applying his energy on mobilizing his party if at all it exists. This idea of attacking colleagues does not help the ordinary Zambian who is looking up to you as leaders. And also Mr Tembo, do some introspection and reflection, what you may be calling attacks against you on Koswe and watchdog might just be your colleagues reacting to your incessant attacks on them. Just tackle the many issues that the PF government has failed to address, those are the ones in power and where your energy should focus. Also Pick a phone and talk to HH and resolve as MEN.

  23. Its shocking to note that some Zambians believe PF government will manage the 2021 elections freely and fair, when the ECZ and NRCs issuance they control has not delivered the 9 million voter registration today. PF government is still restricting freedom of assembly and movements to Zambians. Freedom of expression is stifled by law enforcing agencies and campaigns is only conducted by PF regime. Zambians can not pride themselves with all this repression going on, yet some people want to pretend everything is well in the nation. Shocking with this hypocrisy.

  24. These numerous posts with Zambian flags are really a pain. LT please find a way to regulate how often one can comment to stop certain maniacs from machine-gun posting. Meanwhile, I will just stay away from any thread with over a hundred posts with Zambian flags.

  25. Sean Tembo you have clearly made a statement . And this is the kind of debate that we need, to put forwad the reasons for your statement. We need more frank debates and not hide and seek.

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