By Patrick Hatontola
Zambia has dawned a new political dispensation; an era in which one is judged by their own works. Days are past when one could ride on a party’s good name or indeed another person. Politicians now stand to thrive on what they have done and risk for what they fail to, on the mandate received and/or seek to.
Many people are convinced that RB narrowly sneaked to presidency by riding on Levy’s Legacy. There is no doubt that his regime has willfully trashed this legacy they pledge to uphold. Consequently, there is a general uproar amongst Zambians following this betrayal. This has stiffened the political terrain for RB and his regime. To them, the journey is on a constant incline while it seems on a slanting side for Sata and the PF! RB is like a man working against the forces of gravity. Chances for retaining power are daily growing dim. But most intriguing is that against all odds, their insatiable appetite for power remains constant.[pullquote]On the one hand, Sata’s CV is enriched on a rock of success and not on a piece of paper prone to deletion. Despite numerous years of public service, the man has no record of theft. Rather, he has an impeccable track record of service delivery. His strong personality gave birth to a value system in which a revolution was started to free Zambia from a lazy working culture[/pullquote]
Cognizance of their impending fate; the regime has no choice but to hibernate and operate in a desperation mode. The apex of their desperation is seen when Political witch-hunts like Lameck Mangani and Ronnie Shikapwasha acting together with political pedestrians like Mike Mulongoti unleashed all sorts of arsenals on Sata to dent his political career. Political light weights in their amateur days like Dora Siliya jumped on the wagon to reinforce the scandalizing campaign against Micheal Sata. But in all this, it is like trying to extinguish a fire using paraffin!
Running out of time and steam, the regime is moving from the desperation to the destitution mode. In this transition, they have become alien to substance and logic in all their dealings. Consideration to others is remote and tertiary on their agenda while self-preservation is primary and paramount.
This has brought RB to a political mountain- too high to climb. There is no known political muscle to push him that high so that beyond this mountain he can see a re-election. He has a dented name, now synonymous with grievous evils to society such as: Abandoning the fight against corruption; failure to act on the auditor general’s revelations, Tribal appointments; Reducing Parliament into a playing field; lavish spending on international trips and Interference with the judiciary to mention but a few. No matter how much faith one has, it cannot convince them that RB is still in the electro race with Sata.
On the one hand, Sata’s CV is enriched on a rock of success and not on a piece of paper prone to deletion. Despite numerous years of public service, the man has no record of theft. Rather, he has an impeccable track record of service delivery. His strong personality gave birth to a value system in which a revolution was started to free Zambia from a lazy working culture. His message of putting more money in people’s pockets through affordable taxes has proved that he has ideals of the 21st century. Sata is a disciplined man who ensures that his colleagues live by the same and disciplines them when they fall short. Zambia needs a President who can be seen to discipline erring members rather than shielding them. In most ways, Sata identifies with the people and this is an ideal virtual that Zambians have found in him.
We need such kind of analysis from more Zambians. Well said say! foot down.
I don’t belong to any political organisation nor do I support any party but I am with the author here. Good analysis.
The dice will soon be cast wako ni wako Viva Sata Viva PF-UPND pact Viva HH Viva young vote. we did it in 1990 we will do it again come 2011. Abash RB and his Lazo political Consultant Chiluba. Abash MMD.
As far as I know, RB is not panicking and delivering the goods. He is not the one who is constantly fighting with the people he is supposed to be working with. We were told recently by a certain tabloid that RB should not take credit for LPM’s projects which was a stupid comment to make in itself and now this article is telling us that RB has abandoned LPM’s legacy. Seems like Sata’s flip-flopping is spreading to all those who will RB ill. You cant have it both ways.
haaa good luck
This is the type of message the PF Kaponyas on this site should have been spreading to diffend their ‘god’ instead of insulting anyone who criticises him. Having said that I wish to point out that this is a one sided article by a hired political assissin hiding behind a pen trying to make an angel out of a well known devil. Sharp minded Zambians won’t buy this crap. Why has the author selectively left out well documented vices associated with Sata like thuggery, tribal bigotry, association and co-habiting with a well known corrupt criminal FTJ, association with violent political thugs in UNIP & MMD(Chawama hacking), flip flopping on major issues, not having definative stands on major issues but repositioning himself always to be seen on the people’s side even when it’s wrong, etc
Ignorance coupled with self deceit and unpatriotism can give such false hope among agents of personality cult even where they vividly know they are up for a headless race.
MANY political leaders and others in the civil society jockeying for strong positions in governance structures of our country have often used divisive language to mobilise the consent of especially the rural masses for their agenda or course of action.
These leaders usually take advantage of the lower literacy levels of the impressionable citizens in rural areas to sow seeds of discord against the ruling class.
The know-all politics practised by some of these leaders has targeted traditional leaders primarily because of the enormous influence chiefs wield among their subjects.
change is reality………………………….
The message delivered by President Banda yesterday in Chibombo pointed to the need for traditional leaders to realise that if sentimentality was allowed to consume their subjects, there would be no peace to talk about and attempts at development in their areas would always be futile.
Like the president said, Zambians should take a leaf from experiences in other countries where some interest groups have ramped up hate speeches and made development prospects an uphill battle.
In fact this is not a piece of advice meant for chiefs only. It is for all of us to learn to savour the benefits of living in peace and focusing on the future prosperity of our country at all times.
Young man Patrick Hatontola,
Trust me even your wife Nelly Mwakoi is laughing at you at your faceless labor to sanitize Sata of all his corruption scandals from Avondale Housing project KK fired him over, Merzf, Medical stores, Ministry of Local Government money starched in personal accounts for months, Mwanawasa’s resignation to the Luapula land concessionary bribe of US $27,000 still in SA since confistication at SA’s Oliver Tambo Airport. We forgive you for ignorance considering that you unexposed kid to young for basic knowledge. You really see a republican President in Sata out of National elections presided by ECZ? The Zambian electoral constituency is bigger than you seem to know.
In this article, RB is the diablo and Sata angelic! The difference is that they are both 70+ and still young. The Zambian verdict is ‘zwaaaaa – it is time to go’, and fortunately to both!
Spot on Patrick, i can not add or subtract anything, excellent analysis.
this very true…Zambia needs people like SATA!!!
patrick this man is by far the hope of mother zambia, RB will find him a walk over come 2011. HH is the man we should be hoping to bring real hope.
guys, I like plain massages like this one. # 7, 8 “Patriot” and # 11 “Mwata”, you have tried to join those discrediting Sata but guys-you have failed paints down. VIVA Pact VIVA Sata!
This is trash. Sata has no regards for others. He is a dictator and nothing else. Lets give the young man a chance and make every Zambia rich and Democratic. HH has shown that he is mature compared to Sata.
Bull’s Eye analysis.
Thanks Patrick Hatontola for stepping out and stating the truth. I hope the naive MMD supporters heed the message and hopefully there will be the desired cathartic effect.
Keep the PACT alive!
This is trash. Sata has no regards for others. He is a dictator and nothing else. Lets give the young man a chance and make every Zambia rich and Democratic. HH has shown that he is mature compared to Sata and RB.
Massage un opposed. No addition. Sata for for 2011 and HH 2016! Pact yamuyayaya!
I think the author might be one of the junior journalists at the Post.
Sata is miles ahead of RB in terms of leadership, responsibility & achievement. . Facts are there for all to see & be analysed. In this article though, Sata looks more angelic while RB comes on the devlish angle. Which ever way u look at it, Sata offers something better for Zambia. RB doesn’t know the direction & is busy discrediting the platfoam which sprung him to power. Both men could be treacherous, but Sata has consistently shown that he can work throught a career. His has been a record of success, though raising dust which he has failed to settle. RB’s record is nothing more than a disaster. zambia thought of trying him on a bigger scale. Sata hasn’t been fired for failure & is the much-needed ‘urgent of change’ for zambians working culture. RB was always fired for failure!!!!
Sata is strong politically, at least he has managed to withstand the storms,Dr Levy Mwanawasa tried very hard to fix the man he went through detention and the court process, but at the end of the day the two reconciled. Sata defended Dr Chiluba but instead of being grateful,Dr Chiluba today is busy insulting Sata mocking him of being just a mere constable in the colonial era.Then came President Banda, he wanted to ressurrect an alleged criminal offence committed in the 1950s before even Zambia was born to Fix Sata but that has not worked too. We may not like the man but we must admire his courage!
These are hired political assassins hiding behind a pen trying to make an angel out of a well known devil. We will not accept this kind of conspiracy by LT & Patrick. Sata like thuggery, tribal bigotry, association and co-habiting with a well known corrupt criminal FTJ, association with violent political thugs in UNIP & MMD(Chawama hacking), flip flopping on major issues, not having definitive stands on major issues but repositioning himself always to be seen on the people’s side even when it’s wrong.
Just recently – Chilanga was taken from UPND because Sata could not stand for anything thus MoU signed between the pact could not be taken serious. He is a full time dictator. Litunga cannot accept this kind of one sided story.
Abana bala, bala, balala mwisaka bala, mwisaka lyabunga, balala! Sata 10, RB 0. Fair marking Mr. Hatontola
All you chaps supporting Sata, you will have yourselves to blame if this chap enganges in reverse gear. Your children will be moving around ne figamba kumatako. Us guys in the diaspra will even stop sending money back home. Be wise! Some of you are saying Sata will push lazy chaps to work…does the country really need to be pushed to work for its surviva?. You just need to know that you have to work extra hard. I know that most people supporting Sata want to thrieve in chaos and confussion. Shame
All you chaps supporting Sata, you will have yourselves to blame if this chap enganges in reverse gear. Your children will be moving around ne figamba kumatako. Us guys in the diaspra will even stop sending money back home. Be wise! Some of you are saying Sata will push lazy chaps to work…does the country really need to be pushed to work for its surviva?. You just need to know that you have to work extra hard. I know that most people supporting Sata want to thrieve in chaos and confussion. Magande, Chipimo or HH will provide answers. Shame
Mrs Capitalist. this reporter is reporting from Lusaka times leave Post alone. Make your own analysis to prove Patrick wrong, Patrick is the first Tonga i’ve come across, who thinks beyond tribal lines, If he was not realistic in this editorial he would have favoured HH. The truth speaks for itself. There you go Patrick. Its my first time i’m liking what LT pablishes, This is proffesional it should not always be stories opposing the pact or discrediting Sata to satisfy the likes of you Mrs Capitalist, Seniors citizen or bootlicker, Viva Pact Viva HH Viva MC Sata
Lusaka Times has been known to bring on columns that are well balanced and researched and I wonder how this shallow one sided article beat your filters. Read what the #6 said. Why did you forget and ignore that other side of the equation before you can conclude that your tin pot dictator is a saint to take Zambia forward.
A very good analysis indeed.Sata might have his own weaknesses just like everyone else but it can`t be argued that the man has a track record for good perfomance ,wherever he has saved.I have no doubt that his way of motivating pipo to work hard can translate to the Zambain economy.Nizi
I agree with the author. And pls those with data, not propaganda, about sata let them help the state to prosecute him. Same 4 ala b and his links with savimbi. What buffles me is that sata survives all allegation. Those who accuse him in the end look like they just hate him. And if u want 2 say hh is clean, remember the pangas @ the convention that made saki leave. Fact: even if we remove all the acussations about all these guys, sata has aceived more for the public. This we wont take away frm him. And despite his loud mouth, he is the only one who can publicly say’am going 2 reconcile with my brother’
Nice article Patrick… # 11 Mwata write your own article and will have a look.and pls dont personalise issues..just present your views without talking about the wife…Take it easy my boy.
Despite numerous years of public service, the man has no record of theft. Rather, he has an impeccable track record of service delivery.
Really , what were you on when you were writing this article. Tujilijili or Katata or Tobwa? I hope the POST News paper have not bought you guys at LT. We know you small papers are struggling with cash and anybody who come with a tin of cash is welcome to buy your soul. This article is down right poor journlism
#11 Mwata & #24 Litunga – I am very disappointed with your analysis. Both you are armatures in the political arena.
Well analyzed and spot on article. RB has no legacy and he cannot be allowed to ridge on PLM’s legacy anymore. We know what we had put ourselves in with RB. He has run the country on auto pilot. He has no agenda for the nation with his young people apart from flying all over the world. RB’s legacy is based on sale of Zamtel, Chiluba’s corruption charges, flying around and fighting donors – a red card is the best solution for RB. VIVA Pact, VIVA RB.
This article coming from a tonga! I am impressed. Say No to tribalism. Hands up Hatontola! Even Mwanawasa failed to find any fault in his #1 enemy then. The man is clean, especially that he stopped smoking. We need a Man of Action to remove laziness and selfishness from Zambia
I pity the writer. Get your facts right not from one sided view. Its difficult to imagine people thinking they can be democracy in the reign of SATA when the same is not in his own party. Since 2001, he appoints and disappoints all of them except himself! By the way, are you aware there was a report which said he had admitted to a corrupt guilt charge and paid a fine in the mezaf saga? If he was not protected then, he would have been jailed like in the colonial days! Iam not in any party but we also need democracy in Zambia. The man is capable of being worse than Kaunda. Remember the chawama riots he personally directed?
HH should heed to the Post. He must support Sata Immediately and the Sata and the Post promise to campagn for HH in 2016. He will have people’s sympathy and the power of Sata behind him. And also the post which has supported HH indirectly since his first day. Even Kambala Mazoka it supported. Otherwise no pact as even mr. G mpboba has indicated his support for Sata. Now is the time to accept those who is popolar.
Senior Citizen has no energey to defend RB on this one. Even MMD chief bootiliker has found the message as a Tank to crush. Dickson Jerry as well can never respond in the usual propaganda fashion to this well articulated article. As mentioned by all well meaning and Zambia loving bloggers, this truth must be carried to all 9 provinces of Zambia. even MMD cadres must join hands with us all to share this gosple to all.
aThe masses have a very very short memory. Mr hatontola here is a flagrant example of this mass amnesia. We can all write a million articles of analysis about who is in the ascendancy at any time, but what happens is that on the material polling day, the voters will vote with what is fresh in their minds. On that day, they will choose the government of the day if they will have had breakfast on their tables, if they wiol have had sent their children to school and if they would have been well treated in hospitals. If all these are negative, they will reject the government and usher in a new species, for another term. Wait then, for November 2011!
Good Afternoon
LT acces to your site is extremely bad today – it took me half an hour to successfully post this comment after facing massive hinderances.
Anyhow, the lecture at hand is very well written. I personally like the conclusion. We can either continue debating politics to a point of exhaustion or we simply make a choice for a new beginning… with new players and new rules in a new game. God bless Zambia!
Stop cheating your self Sata will never be president. In 2016 he may not even have the power to walk properly……… dagga has done harm to his chest.
Postnewspaer is now considered to be unserious, petty, personalistic, nepotic, tribal, partisan( PF vuvuzela). People have stopped taking this paper serious. in fact the majority of pipo have stopped by this paper hence Times of Zambia, Zambia Daily mail, Monitor etc are becoming more and more useful.
Sata 2011, HH 2016. That is what all people has said. Even mAzoka had personal relationship with sata. I rember even before post realized the tribal politcs in uPND, Sata had seen that they are going nowhere therefore he formed a party. Viva Sata down spoiulers. For Zambia listen to Hatoola. He is elderly adn advices well.
My opinion for the two cents its worth….. This is not an analysis. It’s a very one sided disection of one party and and no critique of the other….but I love it. Lets the games begin. And to think one of my colleagues thought Zambia was boring. I am like – what??
PF must pick another candidate not sata to be supported by people of southern province. sata is not trusted. Which 2016, are you talking about, sata will not retire from politics even 2016. what they said when Banda was appointed just finnish Levy’s term. See what is happening, Let sata win own his own not with UPND. We know sata how he is…!!!hatontola is not his real name. He wrote just to look as if it Tonga who is writing. We had alot of such compromise in the past, just to remind you…!! what happened. This time is defferent my friend. it is not about popular but capable…!!!!!
This article is good but not adequate. It is not exhaustive. It does not look ( and am happy is not intended to) at all political players in Zambia today. It only compares two personalities.
It would be considered too simple for anyone to think that MMD and PF are the only political players that count in Zambian politics today.
I therefore look forward to the same author writing a microscopic view on the other political parties and leaders.
Zambia needs real change period. Not recycled change. Never,never,never and never again shall this beutiful country called Zambia be ruled by corrupt, ignorant, undemocratic and visionless we going to be recycled politicians with experience of the dustbin. We have the moarl responsibility to establish and leave a decent and prospruous Zambia for generation and generations to come. the only way we can guarantee the future of our children’s children is to begin today and now reject this stagnant,jobless recycled politician who can take us no where. Lets all be real and stop denying this wonderful country with alot of resources gchance to develop. Young pipo take up the mantle of leadership and define the course of direction on behalf our future generation. Time is now.
Ma rubbish
Its like people now think any fake articles will gain them mileage, this is why Sata bought shares in post.
Now it looks like PF is paying people on LT
The author nearly had me on board until he started using “more money in your pockets” as good reason for voting for Sata. I happen to be a pact supporter, but i do not agree with these populist, unworkable slogans which are meant to hoodwink the uninformed. Our Tax base is already quite narrow, our public coffers are empty (hence donar reliance). Lets not even get into the personal qualities, which for me make Sata a nightmare as a potential President. The man is uncouth and has no sense of decorum. Having said that, i think at this point RB needs to go, and this can only happen with either Sata or an nuetral that they have both endorsed at the helm.
Too much of Vasco Da Banda flying around with UTH down on its knees due to the strike!!
This is a “myopic view” indeed. It is one sided, it is like a campaign story for his candidate. It is well known fact that the man benefited more than he put from the institutions he headed. We can mention some; whilst at Health, UTH pharmacy now Ridgeway Pharmacy was put in private hands-his late brother in marriage started running it, numerous relatives given jobs in the institutions. If he was a serious manager, he should put systems in place that instead just bulling people.
Psycho matter will never make republican president.) is the man for pogress and peace. He is not living under anyones legacy. He is continuing with the MMD manifesto. Did u shallow minded fanatics of satana expect him to abandon projects that he found underway. His goverment is completing them and initiating his own.) Is sharper than u shallow minded swines masquerading as economists orjournalists or whatever the hell u call yoselves. RB all the way. Mwebana bansonkanda imwe.
This is great analysis. We need more of this.
Pact for 2011 and thats it. Sata or HH no problem. Change is What We Need. No absent landlords like the OUTGOING RB. RB has already won the world record of the MOST TRAVELLED PRESIDENT IN THE 21st CENTURY going by the number of years he has been President. VIVA PACT.ABASH MMD.
Loosers in MMD
Just accept that Sata has a better performance record for all to see in the various capacities he has served in government.
Sata built the fly-over bridge which is up to today saving millions of lives, when he was Lusaka District Governor. As Minister of Health, he inspired all staff in all hospitals and gave Nurses there first ever free complete sets of uniforms. At Local Government and Housing, he built the merzaf flats, whereas comparatively, all we can remember about RB are his aimless travels for CELEBRATIONS, even when there is nothing any sane person has to celebrate about, and his failures in business and ganging up with LAZOs, self confessed drug Barons and of course, for the Ghost worker thief for a wife.
this will be the headline news in the Post Newspapers tomorow. anyone who criticizes HH and props up SATA instantly makes headlines. today its Mpombo and tomorow will be the young man Hatontola. he has found instant fame because of being pro PF. if he had anything against PF his name would have earned him the tag of an HH man because of his tribe. cry the beloved Country for the unborn child who shall inherit our misery.
Mr Hatontola, I doubt that you and your supporters believe in such trash yourselves. Who does not know Mr Sata, isn’t he the guy who was carrying that K2billion cash to the MMD convention? We will not mention what the money was meant for or where it came from, not good to embarrass elderly people.
Amalofwa yafulisha! So many job seekers, I hope and pray that reason prevails over anything else in next year’s elections, otherwise we risk delivering this beautiful nation to good for nothing wolves. God forbid!
Peace Bachaha @ 39 & 44 will do himself and us readers good to start night school when Sata becomes President of a country. We shall then not need intruments to decode what this Lozi chap is writing about. Viva Sata
This article by far falls short of what grade 5 puplis would classify as an analysis . I can’t even make any further comment on this writing. Lusaka times, you should get writers with some depth and just a little skill even on matters of biased writing. You risk being judged on the basis of such shallow writing.
By the way, has Sata provided the financial documents that Mumbi was asking for in court last week? The author accuses RB of being tribal but supports Sata whose party is 90% made up of people from one part of Zambia whereas if you look at the current cabinet it is representative of the country at large. Sata is supposed to be a man of action and yet he has somehow failed to put into action any semblance of democratic practice in his own party for ten years now. A man who blatantly lied about his passport being stolen amongst other things is the one who is going to save Zambia? If Sata is the best that Zambia can do, then we truly are a cursed nation and deserve all the chaos and strife that his tenure as president would surely bring.
This article is useless and I hope Patrick Hatontola was using his real name so that he exposes his failures to his possible would be employers — the Zambian people.
On “On the one hand, Sata’s CV is enriched on a rock of success and not on a piece of paper prone to deletion. Despite numerous years of public service, the man has no record of theft. Rather, he has an impeccable track record of service delivery. His strong personality gave birth to a value system in which a revolution was started to free Zambia from a lazy working culture.” It appears as if this Hatontola was born in the 1990s such that he was too young in 2001 when Mr serpentine Sata MC supported the Massacre of my fellow Zambians in Chawama and other parts of Zambia. MC Sata’s bad behaviour as a clear as…
This article is clearly biased towards Sata and PF , but it’s good to see that L T are publishing it.
It is no different to the numerous pro MMD ones that have appeared on LT . ….Propagandist !
All I can say is that the Autour is dumb!! Portraying Sata as an angel? Man you have a memory of a chicken!! Need I say more?
Are we talking about the same Michael Sata, who was one of the last UNIPISTS to jump ship? The same Michael Sata who did not leave MMD on principal, but merely because he was not anointed as the chosen successor to FJT? The same Michael Sata who arranged thugs to bar 22 of his fellow MPs and Cabinet ministers from mulungushi, because they rightly refused to endorse an unconstitutional 3rd term for FJT? The same Michael Sata who lead panga wielding cadres on a bloody rampage through Chawama directed at innocent citizens? The same Michael Sata who has put government funds into his private account? The same Michael Sata who awarded the Merzaf contract to the highest bidder, without following due process? The same Michael Sata who told us in 2006 that he would drop all charges against FJT?
This all trash! Anyway, this is the democracy we fought for, to give a platform to every Jim and Jack so that they have somewhere to vomit their nonsense. It is better to keep quiet sometimes, you don’t lose anything. Kabwa!
The Author is a trainee journalist at The Post being prepared for Sata’s PR works next year!!! Ha, ha, ha! Nice try but no thank you. Your analysis is not only one-sided, but it is also embarrasingly patronizing. Have you no shame? Clever journalists will try to be neutral while canvassing, not this blatant mental slavery
#66 Ground Zero Imagine, ayi!!
The same Michael Sata who told us Mahtani was a mercenary, but who now takes his money? The man is immoral, educationally challenged, tribal and bigoted, inconsistent, dictatorial and deceitful. These are hardly the qualities one desires in a President. As for his performance or “Man of Action” tag…I challenge all PF supporters to tell us exactly what he has achieved…I also challenge you to account for his 10 years in the upper echelons of the MMD and Government…and also like to hear your explanation for the lack of democratic electionswithin the party since it was formed in 2001.
And while you are at it dear PF supporters kindly explain to us why the PF constitution prescribes that all senior government appointees will be ‘card carrying members’ of the PF…does this not take us back 20 years to the UNIP days of the Party and its Government (PIG)? What will happen to the democracy that we Zambians fought so hard to attain in 1990/1991? How many PF supporters have read your manifesto and constitution? I challenge you all to do so as you will be shocked at the type of Zambia you are advocating for…brothers in UPND, I urge you, too, to lift the covers and see who you have gone to bed with.
To the Author, ask yourself this: “If Mr. Sata were in power today would he let me get away with writing such an article against him?”
We do not want a President that smokes Ganja, Chamba, Mariguana. Because, the minute it hits him hard, he can sent people on the firing squad.
I worked for Sata. I was among the people that Sata sent to Chawama & Kanyama with the police to go and asses the damage after people was hacked with Pangas.
Mind you, Sata imported Pistols (guns) that was given to his underground Mafias and MMD Cadres. Most of the guns have not been accounted. Hence, the guns have ended up in the wrong hands. They are now used for Armed Robberies in the streets of Zambia
I pray that one day I can give evidence against this Satanic Verse. He ordered & commanded those killings. I left Zambia because Sata & Chiluba wanted to silence me and lived abroad for some time until when Levy came to power.
This praise of Sata from this chap Patrick Hatontola makes me sick. I hope he reads my comments
To hell with Michael Chilufya Sata. The man is a murder. When is Zambia going to woke up.
Sata & Xavier Chungu know a lot about Nkhumbula & Wezi Kaunda’s death.
The man who wrote this article lives in darkness. What have you to gain if Sata became president? The good thing is that Sata will never be president. I was once a supporter of Sata like one of these blind followers. But had I known about his bloody rampage through Chawama directed at innocent citizens, I was never goin to support him.
There are few blogers from Zed do they know about this site?
well said sir! u are truelly an interlectual i can even tell from the kabuga, U have thought beyond tribal lines. Those of u cant believe a Tonga can write such truth & sense then know that u are very tribal. this time everyone who has a sound mind and a patriot is thinking of change and making Zambia a better place. MWATA, i think the wife is lucky to have such a brave and analytical man. People like you will die Chimbwi afwile ntanganana, u dont stand for anything and are not man enough to call wrong by uits right name. VIVA Pact.
This man is not Hatontola i Know him he is Chanda.He his analysis is patrhetic to say the least.Sata will never be a decent man no matter how you paint him.He is like a pig that is given a gold ring it will still go back into the mud
Zedpatriot # 6. Who store mulibanoko? Did you? Go Sata, the man who can deliver. We need someone who can instill discipline in Zambia and Sata can. Not only can he but he can deliver as well. Sata for president.
This article is full nothing but truth. Mr. Hatontola, we need more of such frankness. Thumb up!
What kind of analysis is this? You only touched the negative side of Banda and supported Sata. Are you saying that Ba Sata is a Saint. What about the third term? Who was so much behind this and haunted the friend out of the MMD? Ooh, and what about the distribution of pangas in Chawama? At what point did he jump of that MMD boat? Abash biased analysis.
All the comments on Sata is B…T,
All you people present your aeguments like you never entered a class room, that is why Zambia is developing. G……E.
You talk too much, with little action. This Blogging is Bull…………shit.
The trouble with a microscope is that you cannot use it to walk about in life. While you are concentrating on the minutiae you will bump into things because you cannot see the bigger picture! That is exactly what Mr Hatontola has done. He may be better off using a wide angle lens to get a panoramic view. Otherwise, a telescope would do.
Tell them, Ground Zero!!!
Sata is a shameless liar who always hides behind political rhetoric to cover his tracks. In a mature democracy the man would have resigned after the statement he made about Zambian youths to VOA last week. But since Sata, a Chiluba prodigy, knows that Zambians are docile and can be ruled for 30years he used yet another political gimmick to save his face. He systematic surrendered the Chilanga seat, blamed UPND for causing him to misfire and claimed to be acting out of magnanimity while portraying himself yet again as a great leader. As expected his followers were falling on their knees and worshiping the ‘wisdom’ and humbleness of the great leader.
How much was Hatontola paid to try and hide Sata’s bad reputation? Is he another under five or what. Hisd analysis is too shollow.
Zambian Democracy is shit
Wait unil we come back, we will teach you a lesson you will never forget.
Soon MMD cadres will start threatening Hatontola. They are now pissing in their pants. I can see smoke and steam coming out of Veteran Senior Citizen, MMD Bootlicker, Capitalist and the tired and brainless Yaya. Ba Maestro bena bwafya, this coming from a Tonga about a Bemba? Awe, na Bible balaposa.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! First time I have read an article that speaks the truth and is to the point on LT. Viva SATA!!!
The Greatest Thing That Chiluba Did For Zambia Is Not To Give Power To Sata.
Sata is a cursed man. He will keep going round in circles until when he gets tired and gives up
#92 You are very correct. I dislike a lot of what Chiluba did but on not handing power to Sata I salute him. We are not saying that RB does not make mistakes but to insult us by trying to portray Sata as an angel beggars belief. Only those who are already blind to Sata’s defects will think that this article has any merit. Some of us who have long memories will think it is a load of bull.shit. Anyways, kudos to LT for publishing this very sub-standard article. I hope PF kaponyas will no longer accuse this website of being biased towards MMD.
Chief Chitimukulu of Bemba land
Mbuya ! I agree with you. Sata Ni Mambala Maningi.
He may have run a few Government Ministries – that still does not qualify him to be the next President. Northern Province does have good people that can lead the PF Party intellectually, morally and with decency.
what about Eastern with all the prostitution prevalenbt in chipata like in Zwailand
Uyu nyinaa ichiinyoo afuma kwi?sata is beyond redeem.zambia is past tyranny no matter how brutish he is will ever rule zambia and then you pigs by now should know who a populist politician is and must take lessons from zuma
RB nimambala akonda tukazi utu’ngono like Mswati, what morals are those? Nawakwi anadya, Dora is breakfst, lunch and dinner.
No. 96, tomba noko, this is a democracy.
Uyu nyinaa ichiinyoo afuma kwi?sata is beyond redemption.zambia is past tyranny no matter how brutish he is will ever rule zambia and then you pigs by now should know who a populist politician is and must take lessons from zuma
Excellent article!!!! What more can one say? To you all MMD bootlikers, you have always been smilling each time LT publish an article which is against Sata, it is now time for you to mourn until your eyes run dry. This is just the begining, expect more anguish!!! once more EXCELLENT article Mr Hatontola
its very unfortunate that in this day and age some one can use a borrowed computer only to use it to insult progresive citizens? #99, you dont have anything to say but to insult. Hope Sata builds more night schools next year so that illiterates like you can be educated. Course 101 is to teach you how to respect yourself. 102 is how to respect others.
98, wafuma mukunya chikaalah namashinsha ati commando. muleleta ilyasha lya mu chibuku ba fitole ati democracy, mwanyaa tuchili tuleteka tukamyeba nga twanaka.elyo tukaya kuma farm yesu.meantime pasa ulemu
# 96. Shame on u. Ba lusaka times why allow such comments? ISABEL even if u said 100 insults it will not change the truth. MMD will go mad.
MMD party of insultious pipo. I wish u could use your energies for the good of the coutry like the writer has done. we need pipo like him.
still waiting for an answer from our PF colleagues
UPND tells embattled Mpombo to resolve his issues
The United Party for National Development UPND has asked expelled embattled MMD Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo to concentrate on resolving his expulsion from the ruling party.
UPND Lusaka Province Youth Coordinator, Brian Hapunda says Mr. George Mpombo should first deal with his expulsion from the MMD and then join the UPND/PF pact before beginning to give advice on internal matters such as the pact presidency.
Mr Mpombo is quoted in today’s Post newspapers as saying that it is very clear that the Patriotic Front (PF) is much bigger than the UPND, and that this should be one of the factors the two parties should consider in arriving at the PF-UPND pact presidency.
But Mr Hapunda describes as unfortunate that Mr. Mpombo has decided to put across his advice through the media instead of talking to the pact leadership directly.
Meanwhile, Mr. Hapunda says UPND leader, Hikainde Hichilema has shown unprecedented maturity by choosing not to respond to attacks by his counterpart from the PF.
He says Mr. Hichilema has served the pact from breaking by exhibiting a high level of maturity.
Bloggers, what do you make of the calibre of the PF Cabinet in waiting?
Guy Scott
Willy Nsanda
Mumbi Phiri
Jean Kapata
Chishimba Kambwili
Wynter Kabimba
what a shocking bunch of desperate under achievers. I wonder how this motley crew will take Zambia forward…UPND and MMD
The shadow cabinet is a perfect reflection of the of the fact-free, non-issue based and dysfunctional change being offered to the Zambian electorate. Even the Lib Dems had an alternative budget; what’s their take on the SNDP or any short or intermediate development plan?
We’re still waiting for the council report.
#108 Please dont give us nightmares!
MMD bootlickers, it has now dawned on you fu*ckers that your party is destined for the trash. Is it why you have suddenly become so foul-mouthed and aggressive? You’re already getting a feel of how it is to be in the opposition, huhhh? You guys will be crying with pant-loads soon with you dispecable RB. Watch this!
@ # 56, can’t you wasps feel ashamed to measure the construction one useless flyover bridge as a big score.anyway that’s how much people like sata can achieve.there are people who have achieved big in terms of pioneering infastructure development in zambia but are not even know because they dont blow there own trumpets.what did sata do at healthy other than firing the striking doctors?he left a crisis at the ministry before ka chiluba shunted off.were you at foetus stage then and just came to get hearsays.
@ # 101&103, bafikalaa becareful,after chiko chibale finishes dealing with bishop mafi ooh! is it bishop duffy?uyu uwa ku mongu? am sending himafter you.say bye to your miserable families
Just as I suspected, not a single PF cadre can articulate the so called achievements of their “man of action” or what the party espouses. Our colleague at #111 typifies the calibre of the PF cadre…foul mouthed, vindictive and shallow…Zambia deserves better.
May I propose a more appropriate title for the Author:
“Zambia: A myopic view on RB & Sata”
This is well written. Good analysis, Zambia needs a lot of these
With or without the change of government, ony those who are HARD working, ficused with proper vision will make it in their living in Zambia. There is a lot of money in this country only to be tapped by the focused and hardworkers. Never think that Sata or Milupi or RB will ever give you free money or loans when in power. Infact, if you are NOT yet established now! pls forget being established in and beyond 2011. Even in Levy’s era, only those focused enjoyed the fruits of the economy and not people who spend the whole day browsing at LT. Wake up!! No politician will make you RICH!!!! NEVER NEVER and NEVER. Am enjoying my life due to my hardwork and i dont mind who is in government & so is my family.
please fellow Zambians let us open our eyes and ears wide. Lets ask ours what we want in a ;leader and that what we want to achieve. Voting for the sake of… won’t take us anywhere. These leaders we are talking out here are no strangers we know them. Lets think first for our mother zambia and choose the right leader who will continue developing this country together with us the nationals. Insulting who won’t add any value. :o
Good analysis ba daala. SATA is better than RB and Chiluba put together!!!!!!!!
This guy is just glossing around he should limit his activity’s to writing political articles for the daily mail or times of Zambia clearly, the aim is to endorse SATA, but he does that with little or no objectivity, what about the flats in Libala is that what this Guy calls “A ROCK OF SUCCESS”
Patrick Hatontola is a quack, going by his feeble analysis. This article is nothing a biased piece of cr_ap! What CV are you talking about? Sata kept state funds in his personal account so he could siphon the interest; MERZAF scandal; ferrying millions of Kwacha stashed in shoe boxes to the MMD convention in Kabwe via ZAF helicopter; unleashing machete wielding goons on poor Chawama residents…..dare I continue? Chilufya Sata is a kaponya/ goon and will NEVER enter plot 1.He supported Chiluba’s 3rd term while all his principled colleagues opposed it; he only abandoned FJT after he was dribbled over the Presidency! Abash Michael Chilufya Sata, viva RB/ MMD.
Read today’s Post lead story. UPND MPs are quickly realizing that King Cobra is not someone they should be in bed with, whatever the objective. Watch this space, HH will be abandoned soon when all his MPs decide not to cooperate with PF. Sata is a chameleon who can never be trusted. HH is better off trying his luck in 2016 than allowing this dictator goon to take over for the nxt 10 yrs (by which time HH will be on top the political trash pile). RB only has 5 yrs remaining, after which Sata will be too old to be considered anyway. HH, pls use that sharp brain of yours and ensure the Devil doesn’t get anywhere near plot 1.
Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth – Concentrate on MMD internal affairs iwe Chimbwi na mabala
Big Pipe – YOU MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT- MMD(are you one?) will use every trick including buying off MPs.This woman never spoke angainst the PACT before, so is she openning her mouth now?
#114 Ground Zero- Iam not a Sata, RB, Levy, FTJ, KK support, but I will say with the exception of RB the other four have left some good bench marks during their tenure in government. Sata although not a republican president has impressed me with some of the things he did eg the fly over bridge on Great East Road, the NAPSA(of which Iam among many a beneficiary- instead of a piece meal NPF he turned that into a life time pension) Yes he has is bad side just like KK but we should not forget the good their side. After all we all have our bad side but when it comes to politics we tend to amplify the bad in those we oppose and to the opposite for those we support.
Deja Vu, let’s be serious…a fly over bridge? How many bridges, schools, clinics and roads have been initiated by RB’s administration and completed or on the verge of being completed…hundreds. I will concede on the NAPSA on a point of ignorance but you will have to do a lot better to convince me.
And how do you justify that the PF constitution clearly states that all senior government appointees will be card carrying members of the PF? Hardly a move towards democratisation…in fact it is a huge step in the opposite direction.
I’d also love to hear your views on the calibre of the PF ‘shadow cabinet’.
The pact is nonsense! Mrs. Musokotwane is right, UPND should maintain its identity as a party full of intellectuals who have something to offer to this great nation. PF is smething that one cannot describe, let them continue to be in opposition, we need them. PF niba chilandelande fye. I surely can’t be lead by Mumbi Phiri and Chishimba Kambwili, over my dead body though I don’t intend to die any time soon.
Patrick Hatontola
We know you.We know your daily routine.And we will visit you.
having gone through all the 127 points of view, I should say the debate is quite robust and people are realyy expressing themselves. I should say ground zero punches a few holes in the author’s assertions on Sata’s record presented as flawless by the article. Issues about the PF’s constitution and the apperent lack of internal democracy in the party also need to be looked on seriously. And indeed the PF team with the exception of Scott, Lubinda and Enineers and ex-senior miners like Yamfwa and Simusaa doesn’t offer much.
However issues raised about the MMD equally beg for answers. Chiluba seemingly being let of the hook by the state (with the excutive’s invovlmet) refusing to let his matters conclude at the highest of courts. The absecnce of
the abuse of office clause in the new anti-corruption act, implies that particular offence will not be tried by the ACC but state prosecutors, who sadly are constables with no pedigree in law to go against university trained Lwayers.
Then we have the President’s ceaseless travels: The MMD want people to drink their Kool aid by giving the lib that he has to travel to shoo in investors. Well you can get the president of Somalia (if there is one) and shuttle him thru all the 220 states and territories on the planet and u can be guaranteed he would come back empty handed. Good laws and sound policies as opposed to showing your face around is what will attract investment. So while the Prez is taking this time to see the world, he should be seen to be domicile enough to attend to local ills.
And there is the laxity perhaps ambivalence in dealing with the issue about revenues from the mines. The cry locally and Internationally is that the country is being short changed. That multinationals are virtually robbing the country of valuable resources. When windfall taxes were scrapped it was argued thatany extra taxation on the mines should be on net profits. The argument would make sense if indeed net profits were being declared. But what appears on the books is that most of these companies are mere breaking even (such a blatant lie). The fact that copper trading is transacted in tax havens like switzerland and the caymans means they can nicely hide their profits without ever declaring them. This thuggery needs to be stemmed.
#131 to 133, I like your urguments. Good stuff. Good example of objective blogging. We shall learn from people like you. I agree with you and the author in all ways.
such issues just reminds me of the successes sata has ever achieved.the man has his own errors but has always perfected them with success,hes like king midas,remember the story iwe kapala kizito.rb is ful of potholes like muflira or solwezi and see what disaster your rb has made.i bet he only prefers to fly.if he was a bird i wonder wat kind he would pact.makamaka sata na hh,tho hh too idle his party members hav verbal diahreah.
HH should wake up and descipline his members. What kind of a president do we expect from him? he is too soft. African politics dont need such leaders. We need an active and swift leader if things are to improve in zambia.
Which legacy? Levi was also corrupt, also appointed relatives etc. Whatever economic growth there has been is despite all the politians and not because of them.
Sata WORKS , his track record shows it, and remember that the guy is ALREADY supposed to be president, only that elections were RIGGED.
All you guys who are against sata shouldnt worry, he is still going to win next years elections and be president.
Those who are saying Sata has a good CV should clarify their points, guys what do you mean? if I may ask. Kadobi saga, US27,000 confiscated by south African Government, ignoring the constitution of zambia for Chiluba’s third term bid and many more means a good CV to some of you guys, sahme on you. Sata is the worste zambians can ever have and the more he appears on the political scene, many people are reminded of his bad deeds. We will regret and shame ourselves for choosing someone despite the warnings from many that he is a dictator. People warned us on Chiluba in 1990 that he is a thief, but we went ahead and look at the mess he created for us of corruption. Sata and VJ have been in since independence, but have never been convicted of corruption though they are archtects.
Honestly, how can I vote for a leader who says all young ones or rather youths in zambia a corrupt, and to the international media for that matter, on my dead body. I urge all youths in zambia to reject this man, we are in this mess today of lack of medicines in hospitals, poor road infrastructure etc because of his regime’s(Chiluba and Sata led MMD) rule of corruption. This was the time when MC Sata was changing women like dressess. He was just divorcing and remarrying and he thinks every young man or woman in zambia is so careless like him. Up to now he is still in politics because he never prepared for his old age. At 75 he still wants a Job instead of resting at home enjoying his sweat.
#138,i thot such names were intelligent,well let us put u in a clear position.when we say SATA, is a great leadar,take a scale,if posibo weigh his wrongs in all aspects and then letter weigh his is factual to all even deep down yo heart that his wrongs are out weighed,in short his rights serves him best,even from the hands of the toothless,careless judgmental judiciary.they fail to convict him.dont think hes a trickster,thers just no enough dirt on him.unashikiya papa.
Patrick Hatontola
for starters i hear you have settled well in S.A but “Greatmen” as you called yourself your past will for ever move with were among those expelled from UNZA for changing exam grades,what does this say about you and your moral standing??infact you forgot to mention in the premise of your article that a named politician sponsored your wedding sometime last and thus you are bound to bootlick him and his party…i need not mention the millions that you and your UNZA bedmate Kabwata benefited from the same.
While an opinion is like a nose and everyone has one i strongly disagree with your analysis,come to Zambia and in your rightful mind tell me if RB’s government is not doing well
useless analysis,hatontola shld go back to skol
People please.
We all have opinions on political parties and what they stand for. We also know the leaders of these parties and their self belief.
The question that the author is bringing up is what do you believe? Who is the right man to sign on Zambia’s future? Who is the right man to take us from this three year slump after LPM’s death? Are we ready to shape out own destiny.
As he rightly put it, the playing fields are basically levelled for ALL the political opponents. Its every Zambian for himself and God for us all. We could not have asked for a better gift from Levy than that of making the decision of whether we are going to choose production over corruption..
You guys are going to the polls next year. Why don’t you make it a goal to debate this on a national stage?
nkwazi i think u are right,we need a platform 4debates. that NEO somthing,the opinion poll rigger wer is he ,the LT would be a gud platform 4opinion polls using comments from us the pipo.he’s called NEO SAMATANYI.or something similer,but a platform 4debates needs to be formulated.LT,can u organise one so that we debate using the net,of course no insults should b involved.censered if yo points carry insults no participatin.gudluck.
Sata is a fjull who should not at all cost allowed to set a foot at state house and that mit will happen. Zambians are tired of being ruled by odd folks. without HH then better RB
Gift says yo father is a fool too!!!
Among other things the author points out that RB is facing “a political mountain- too high to climb”. Wouldn’t we say that the same political mountain has illuded Michael Sata for three successive presidential elections? RB tried only once and did prevail. And right now RB is in the driver’s seat. The economy is doing well, probably better than ever before. Performance ratings by international organizations such as IMF, World Bank and Ibrahim index of african governance are just about where one would hope they would be, probably to the credit of RB. Contrary to the author’s assession, it’s Michael Sata and not RB who should be growing more desperate about the prospect of winning the presidential election in 2011.