Tuesday, October 22, 2024

It’s a Mockery For President Lungu to say he laughs when people say things are bad


BY Edward Sichali UPND-National Youth Spokesperson

It’s a sad state of affairs that Zambians are going through a lot of suffering all because of a selfish and greedy PF government that have mismanaged the economy. It’s even more sad to hear ECL rubbish the evidently deteriorated Zambian economy. High currency exchange rate aside, Imagine an ordinary Zambian is now getting one egg at K2.50 or K3.00, getting a 25KG bag of mealie – meal at K140, a 1kg pack of sugar at k20, a full dressed chicken is now at k65 or more. It is a mockery to the Zambian people for the Head of State to be heard saying he laughs when people say things in Zambia are bad.

Things have really gone from bad to worse in this country and yet the Head of State has the tenacity to mock Zambian people. The PF does not deserve another term in office because they have done nothing but mess up the economy. People are unable to have a meal a day, talk less of three square meals everyday, yet the president claims things are okay. The PF has totally failed to manage the governance system of this country.

As the UPND youths, we wish to plead with the good people of Zambia to not lose hope. Ensure that you, your family and those around you get Voters’ cards today. It is through our votes that you and I will be able to vote the obviously pompous and power drunk PF out and usher the UPND into office. As the UPND, we pleadge to ensure that our economy is back on track, normalize the prices of basic commodies and ensure equal opportunities for every Zambian. We will also ensure accountability of all public resources unlike the PF that has over borrowed and used the over borrowed money for corrupt purposes resulting into a collapsing economy. There can never be any just reason why a 25kg bag of mealie-meal should cost K140.

Our plan as UPND is to make sure that within 30 days of being in office, all basic commodities are reduced by 60%, we will provide subsides which will ensure that our citizens get basic needs at low prices and we have a solid plan on how we are going to realize this plan. As UPND, we are passionate about our people’s well being and want to reclaim Zambia’s dignity and lost glory.

Come 12th August, 2021, turn up in good numbers and reclaim Zambia’s lost glory by voting for the UPND under the leadership of Hakainde Hichilema (HH).


  1. “…we will provide subsides which will ensure that our citizens get basic needs at low prices…” WHERE WILL THAT MONEY COME FROM, UPND WILL BORROW SOME MORE???
    “…and we have a solid plan on how we are going to realize this plan…”
    WHAT SOLID PLAN??? WITH UPND, IT ALL ENDS WITH PLANS THAT THEY FAIL TO PUT INTO DETAIL FOR THE ELECTORATE TO UNDERSTAND. As usual, useless article targeted at tarnishing the ruling PFs name for political mileage.

  2. More than a mockery. Ba boss bathu aba balubana zoona beyond redemption. With the debt crisis, failing to pay council workers, kwacha loosing value; and you see someone laughing and chuckles when people say things are bad? Maybe I know the reason, ba boss receives wrong information from the people that surround him, but even if that was the case, you mean ba boss balibe critical mind to process things and reason out? Or these guys that have surrounded ba boss have also drugged ba boss into the mud so deep so that ba boss can’t say anything? I cry for my country Zambia. PEOPLE HEAR ME!!!!! LET’S REGISTER TO VOTE SO THAT WE KEEK THESE GUYS OUT.

  3. Zambian citizen AKA Antonio mwanza


    It’s called sound economic management.
    You thieves have enslaved the Zambian population by offering hand outs and bribes instead of jobs to citizens….

  4. Zambian citizen AKA Antonio mwanza


    It’s called sound economic management.
    You rats have enslaved the Zambian population by offering hand outs and bribes instead of jobs to citizens….

  5. Subsidies? Oh, no! UPND, please do not use that horrible word EXCEPT if you mean subsidising PRODUCTION. Never subsidise consumption.

  6. That’s no leader!! A true leader would empathize with the people or actively be looking for a solution to the people’s suffering instead of laughing while drunk!!

  7. I don’t any difference between ECL and the President of Lusaka HE Bulldozer Lusambo, their behavior is the same. Again, unfortunately Hichilema isn’t anywhere nearer an alternative. So get it that when we say ECL must go we don’t mean that HH must enter.

  8. @Spaka: Sound economic management….fancy terms is upnds way of hoodwinking Zambians. Levy’s MMD was very good at that while they let mine owners ship out billions of dollars and blew taxpayers and donor money to pursue their political opponents in that anti corruption fight. Zambians won’t fall for it. Why has “sound management” in upnd killed democracy within the party?? Why has it broken the party constitution and allowed hakainde to be still president after 2 terms???

  9. @Spaka: Sound economic management….fancy terms is upnds way of hoodwinking Zambians. Levy’s MMD was very good at that while they let mine owners ship out billions of dollars and blew taxpayers and donor money to pursue their political opponents in that anti corruption fight. Zambians won’t fall for it. Why has “sound management” in upnd defeated democracy within the party?? Why has it broken the party constitution and allowed hakainde to be still president after 2 terms???

  10. Subsides COST money. No subsidy = world class roads,= more clinics and hospitals like in rest of Africa. Please travel and compare

  11. Yes we all laugh especially when it is coming from a leader of the opposition who amassed billions at the expense of poor Zambians. How hypocritical can you be? We also laugh when it is coming from upnd f00lish diasporans who don’t even live in Zambia but think they have a better idea of the situation people are going through in our country. Fuseke

  12. I have watched so many sci-fi horror movies and I see how villains always give out that evil laughter while clenching their hands when they think they have achieved their plans.

  13. HE ECL gets intel reports on what is happening on the ground but the only problem is that leaders don’t see things they way wen see them. They want to hear only good things to their ears. This also extends to our church leaders, when they alive at their congregations, they are received with pomp and they dress with spouses as though they are going for fashion parade. They drive posh latest vehicles and are surrounded by hefty body guards. This makes our leaders not see the suffering their people are going through. The so called special advisors to secure their jobs don’t give proper advise instead they behave like image builders or public relations corps. So blame the pipo that surround our leaders, they only realize that things are not ok on the ground when its too late to save the…

  14. Ba Bene , the choice is yours. The majority of Zambians have had enough of pf thuggery and corruption.
    They don’t deserve any new term but harsh prison sentences.

  15. KZ don’t be so obtuse. Your president is drunkard and thief by profession. What does he care about the general populations suffering.

    The wealth that he has accrued by STEALING will lead him through courts and hopefully prison should a capable, ethical judge put him behind bars.

    As for you flaunt your wealth, very soon you will be crying when you end up in prison. Hopefully your time in prison will be a moment of self reflection.

  16. Black scouser good to see you back. I was beginning to worry that covid had wired you there abroad. We hear things are very bad there. How can you run to a country that is failing to manage a pandemic which Zambia has managed to fight effectively? I will not even reply to your nonsense because as usual it is just kaka

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