Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Government has neglected Dr Mumba-MMD


MMD Vice President Reuben Sambo has charged that the Zambian government has neglected the plight of Dr Nevers Mumba who has been arrested in the DRC.

Reverend Sambo revealed that Zambia through its Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji who not even made any follows up to ascertain Dr Mumba’s health and safety.

He said Dr Mumba, being a former Republican Vice President should receive maximum level of attention from the government especially when he is held on foreign soil.

Reverend Sambo said it is disheartening that the party and the nation only got to find out about Dr Mumba’s situation in the newspapers.

“Does this now mean that all matters of government interest will be communicated through newspapers? We have to now get everything about government through the paper?”

Reverend Sambo said the MMD will today seek an official engagement with Mr Malanji to get official government position on the matter.

Asked what Dr Mumba was doing in Lubumbashi, Reverend said he had travelled there on private business and nothing to do with politics or the party.

“You know he is in the property business and he also preaches, so he was in there on private business. Let’s not confuse the problem politics going on in the Congo with Dr Mumba’s presence in that country.

Reverend Sambo said he has been in touch with Dr Mumba who has assured him that he is safe and in good spirits.

Dr Mumba has been holed up in a Lubumbashi hotel room from last week after Congolese authorities detained him as they investigated his presence in that country.


  1. Nevers tomfwa, he knows quite alright the issues he had/ has with the DRC how on earth can he even think of going there? The man was dropped as vice President by the late Dr Mwanawasa MHSRIEP among the reasons was the issue he had with the then DRC President Kabila, how can he deliver himself like this please? Tabomfwa aba.

  2. I don’t think he has been neglected at all… In the first place he is the one who didn’t do the right thing by informing the foreign ministry or indeed the Zambian consulate in the DRC….. Why should he cry foul now. Let’s learn to do things well

  3. What exactly do people think the Zambian Government can do? demand for his release? all they can do is find out what happened and what he did, if he broke the law that side, he will be punished accordingly and there is nothing Zambia can do, DRC is a sovereign state like Zambia and they have laws. Jt bcoz the US can pressure certain countries they help financially to release their arrested citizens in those countries does not mean Zambia has the same capabilities, there is no country on Earth that depends on Zambia for help, such that we can pressure them to do anything. All we can do is plead and beg them to release him , nothing else.

  4. Obviously there are protocols observed when entering DRC. Did he abide by conditions of his visit especially that we have covid 19 around. The government can only do so much with the help of the consulate.

  5. He is ok let him save himself from what ever he did that side. As we don’t have any issue DRC Congo.
    DRC Congo is our good neighbor it’s just that ka misunderstanding or who is supposed to maintain that road that we built in their country otherwise we appreciate our relationship.
    First of all, Dr Mumba didn’t say bye to us when entering that country why should we be involved now after all DRC Congo government has offered him free presidential security in that country till further notice.
    Let him enjoy his stay there. We are busy here voters registration for now maybe after the exercise we can check him their in DRC Congo.
    For now the country is busy making sure that all eligible citizens register to vote next on 12 August 2021.

  6. Its like He went for some clandestine activities, now its backfired and what do you want Government to do?
    Yes if there are legitimate issues and the man had observed all protocols but ended up being arrested without firm grounds,yes the government can intervene on his behalf because it’s the duty of government to able to assist its citizens in foreign countries wherever it can.

  7. I have been to the DRC for business several times and I haven’t been arrested. Get Pastor Nervers Mumba a private lawyer if you want things to move, Govt machinery doesn’t operate like that. Nervers has indicated that he’s not been arrested, what’s his wife doing? She’s supposed to be in the forefront. Govt doesn’t move based on media reports

  8. When interact with Under 5 you start thing like him. This shot video saying everything was fine and mission he went was accomplished. So what’s the matter now?

  9. Nevers Mumba is a crook he stole furniture at the Zambian Embassy in Canada and Mwanawasa fired him because of his mischievous deals in Congo and not listening to the President,,he is a big thief…he is just wasting votes for HH

  10. Its obvious our government wants its citizens to serve it but is reluctant to do so to its citizens, it’s by nature for a country to take keen interest in whatever situAtions it’s citizens go through wether bad or good, in or outside its territory. At least that shoes sovereignty and unity….

  11. Dr Nevers Mumba been a former vice president, he knows the procedure of how he should go to DRC so my question did he inform the foreign affairs Minister when going to DRC???. Dr Nevers Mumba what’s so special about DRC kanshi?? first you lost your job as vice president because of DRC now you have been arrested in DRC..

  12. We are called a useless government by the same opposition party so why would you need help from a useless government? By the way, Mumba has said that he is merely restricted and not under arrest. Until he swallows his pride and owns up to his situations, there is nothing we can do. How do you help someone who does not want to be helped? Let him tell us what he was doing there so that we know how to support him. Pride will kill this man

  13. But Mumba himself has said he is not under arrest. So surely what can government do? Maybe we wait until he tells us that he has now been arrested. In anycase, it might be our own government that alerted the DRC authorities of his presence there.

    Maybe he can just pray in tongues and God will save him?

    Let him ask Bushiri how God miraculously took him to Malawi.

  14. Government machinery isn’t moved by press statements, go and engage the Minister at his office. Where is Nervers Mumba’s wife? She’s supposed to be in the forefront because she’s the next of kin. Let her travel to the DRC she’ll be told why her husband is being held

  15. Neglected ,How?? Was it Govt which sent him and what did he travel there to do?Imwe bene ba MMD help him pantu namwishiba efyo akonkele

  16. This man was the vice president of Zambia, that means he had access to privileged security information. It would be a mistake to leave that information on foreign soil. It can easily be pressured out of him. Therefore the government should make an effort to retrieve him even if they dont like him

  17. Nevers may be a fooooool and a corrupt moron which he is but he is a Zambian and a taxpayer ….if he was stuck in the Congo Forest whilst looking for a handout from one Kabila we have an obligation to assist him even if it means using ZAF helicopter or Gulfstream Jet. This is what I like about Americans …they will send even the Navy to come and rescue their own or send a lawyer through the embassy provided you hold US passport.

  18. All that is required is for government to establish what the issue is and help Nevers but NOT because he was Vice President. The government should check on all its citizen when they are in trouble in foreign soil, so the pronouncement by the MMD that the government should check on Nevers because he was Vice President are totally out of place.

  19. Analyst – We have a govt of undesirables…this is a standard procedure which the embassy should be acting straight away without waiting for instructions from State House. They want to use this opportunity to blackmail Mumba so he sings praises for that la7y bum Edgar in exchange for his freedom.

  20. There is an obligation on the Zambian embassy to at least establish the circumstances and where to help, if at all. Just like for any other citizen who gets into some bother in a foreign country and indicates they may need assistance, Unless the Congolese were perhaps ‘tipped’ – to find out the reason for someone’s presence?

  21. What was he doing there? leave him there, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise for the MMD to sort itself out. Was he representing the Zambian government with his shinanagans in the DRC? We kicked out the likes of Malema and Maimane for making noise, did they ask the ANC to intervene? DRC cage the mambala maybe this time he will retire for good.

  22. they should learn to inform the Government everytime they are travelling out of the country but these guys they hate the President of Zambia but when they are caught they want Government to intervane……Anyway he was quarantined because of COVID….19…..Tell him to source for funds via Zoom live… it is very dangaerous to go out when covid19 has reached alarming rates….

  23. The response by MMD veep in this article just underlines what we have always known. There is no credible opposition in Zambia. If the former Vice President takes a private trip for whatever reasons without informing anyone the Govt must dream and know what he went to do in DRC. This is not right. This cry baby syndrome will not help anyone. The expectations are not realistic.

  24. Going through the comments is heart breaking. Where are the Christians in Zambia? When Jesus asks us to visit prisoners, He does not say, only those whose crimes are known, or those who told you about their wrong doing. He just wants us to feel for them, care for them without justifications. Dr. Mumba is a human being, He may have made a mistake by going there, but that does not justify our folding of hands. Put yourselves in his shoe, and read your comments each one of you who posted negatively. Who is going to be helping others, who would come to aid? If we are all like this? Christianity is about helping first, questions may arise afterwards. Lets join hands and pray for him to be released. He is our brother. Tomorrow it could be me needing help from my home country. Lets be…

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