Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Student nurse murders fellow student


A second year Student of Chitambo School of Nursing has allegedly been murdered by her boyfriend who has since committed suicide.

Confirming the matter to ZANIS in a phone interview, Central Province Commissioner Chola Katanga said Mapalo Masiku 21 was supposedly murdered yesterday around 14hours by Kaluwaya Mwika 29 a third year student at the same institution.

He said Mapalo must have been strangled and later hit by an object as she appeared to have a deep cut on the forehead.

Mr. Katanga said investigations are underway to fully establish what happened but added that Police are looking into a recorded call made by Margret Chimfwembe to Kaluwaya where he confirmed killing Mapalo by strangling her.

He said in the recording, Kaluwaya said he killed Mapalo because she had ditched him for another man despite him putting a ring on her finger.

“It seems Mapalo did not want to continue the relationship with the man and so he killed her and later killed himself by hanging,” he said.

And commenting on the matter Chitambo School of Nursing Principal Tutor Jonathan Kasoka described the incident as saddening especially that the girl was in her second year of college.

He said the institution has rules were students are supposed to be in school at all times but Mapalo opted to go out in the bush with the gentleman and such was the end result.

“We always tell our students to be in School at all times but failure to adhere to rules often ends badly,” he said.

He urged the remaining students to be security cautious and should not get involved in intimate affairs.

And Chitambo District Commissioner Jeliaty Ntembwa said the deaths of the two students is disheartening as well as disturbing especially that both had advanced in their quest to become Nurses.

Both bodies have so far been deposited in Chitambo Mission Hospital awaiting post-mortem.


  1. What a tragedy. What’s going on to these youngsters nowadays kanshi? They seem to have no sense of direction or guidance in life issues. I remember in my teens when a girl gives you a basket (ditches you), you simply carry it, hold your head high and chug on to the next one.. there’s definately one out there waiting for a man like you. No need to murder or get suicidal. Now he has left 2 families in grief and sorrow. May he not rest in peace.

  2. I warned you young men that if she puts your dick in the mouth it isn’t for love but rituals. If he says let’s cut our index fingers and mix our blood please don’t. These alien rituals have caused so much confusion amongst the youth. That’s what has caused this tragedy, the Convenant. Stay safe

  3. Love hurts but don’t let it be the end of your life. There is more to life than the love of a woman or a man. Think about your parents. A break up is just that. There are more fish in the sea. Sad.

  4. Martin Mumba, there is no hell my brother.

    This is the only life you will ever get.

    Live your life wisely.

    Vote wisely.

  5. @3 Nine Chale,

    The problem with young people today is that they are not listening from their parents. They are believing in their piers on the streets and shying awawy from their parents advice. This is western ways of life they are adopting. Because they think it’s cool to rebel their parents who have years of experience in life. This is the problem of parents too who are westernising their children. I was shocked we had a family from Zambia with two children who couldn’t speak any of the Zambian Languages. It’s un heard of for an Asian, Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, Polish children not to know their mother tong just because they live in London or just because they are apamwambas in their countries of origin. We all must know that the heritage of any culture is encoded in a…

  6. $ex outbreak in Zambia, and someone at state house is laughing that “all is fine”.
    These girls can’t sleep without a d!ck in their anus. Christian nation.

  7. @3 Nine Chale,
    We all must know that the heritage of any culture is encoded in a language. So, even if you are in your own country however speaking, say, English- you are simply learning the English culture. Some cultures find it easy to kill a person while other cultures talking the problem over is the norm.

  8. @9 It’s got nothing to do with state house. It’s a problem with adopted foreign (mainly western) culture and the main culprits are those who travel outside the country and all they copy from wherever is walking naked instead good ways of managing our economies.

  9. It’s so sad…. This generation is in may be lost completely…. Parents and tutors must start taking interest in what is happening in the lives of students so that remedies maybe sort before it goes to worse

  10. No need to travel out of the country the culture is all over cable TV and YouTube.
    These tu ma girls these days are so lazy, selfish and eat with both hands and from different plates. They can do nothing for a man and actually believe just opening their legs to any man should earn them all the gifts, goodies and an easy life .They are motivated by greed and not love. Any wise man should know this and not shower these girls with goodies after breaking their backs to get a little cash. They should leave room for disappointment
    What a cowardly act by this foolish guy.

  11. It’s horrible and tragic that things ended this way but for the principal to say; “the institution has rules were students are supposed to be in school at all times but Mapalo opted to go out in the bush with the gentleman and such was the end result”, is also atrocious. Is this a natural consequence of ‘breaking school rules’? This could still have happened within the college. I believe there are a number of underlying factors that need to be dealt with to prevent such acts – not merely condemn.

  12. This Principal Tutor called Kasoka was my junior at Lusaka School of Nursing and it is sad that he can tell students not to be involved in intimate relationships. Not only he seems to be telling the world that the lady met her death because she did not follow his instructions. That is wrong management style. The Principal Tutor is wrong and should withdraw that statement. Student nurses are adults who should be allowed to have intimate relationships. STOP TREATING STUDENT NURSES LIKE CHILDREN. The male student nurse was just criminal minded and we should not blame the murdered lady. The good thing is that he killed himself too. Let him rot in hell. May Her soul Rest in Peace

  13. These children are just stupid. Parents are struggling to find money to pay for their tuition fees and accommodation in this covid erra but decides to start fooling around. The nation would have benefited the least of services from such irresponsible and selfish cadres. May God help their departed souls.

  14. Very, very sad… That want love but witch craft… There are somethings nowadays people do in these relationship. When I read this witches advertising in paper about bringing loved ones back, fast in processing marriages , etc.. only demons can do that. It’s not natural. The end results is this

  15. I wonder what went wrong, I guess we’ll never know. It’s hard to comprehend why he had to do such a senseless thing, leaving both families with grief and unanswered questions. May the soul of the lady rest in perfect peace.

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