Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Nevers Mumba released, gets back home


Authorities in the DRC have released MMD President Dr. Nevers Mumba after the intervention of the Zambian government.

Dr. Mumba crossed the Zambian border at 21:30 Hours.

His Special Assistant Clement Siame confirmed Dr Mumba’s release last night.

“To God be the glory. We thank the government for the role they have played in ensuring his release is effected,” Mr Siame posted on his Facebook page.

Dr. Mumba was picked up, detained and declared a restricted person by the authorities in Lubumbashi region.

Dr. Mumba stated that he was in the DRC for business opportunities while authorities there accused him of allegedly holding illegal meetings with former President Joseph Kabila who was visiting the region at the time.


    • He is free to go anywhere he wants, he does not need to look for votes all the time. Is it possible that you can find a small piece of land growing tomatoes, I doubt dwelling on Nevers Mumba will improve your life that much.

    • Nevers, no body should intimidate you or cow you into not travelling, you are a very free man, move where ever you want to and feel free to even visit the Congo as many times as you want in future. Only criminals should be scared and you are not one

  1. Good news, however, Nervers never learns and he’s a hypocrite. He’s one of the Pentecostal zealots that hounded late Mannaseh Phiri from ZNBC. He later betrayed the Opposition Alliance and got himself a job as VP which almost got LPM impeached. He might soon end up in jail. MMD’s existence is under threat because of his activities

  2. Nevers Mumba uletola no bwapona….
    Next time those Congolese will castrate you, and you know how PF government is, they will just laugh off. Even if Congolese killed Mumba in “hotel” jail, Edgar won’t even attend funeral.

  3. Phinias Nalikena – What was he doing in Cobgo of all countries without following diplomatic etiquette? You realized that this man is a former VP? And he chooses to go there when Kabila is in the region. That is Congo bwana – a UN SG lost his life trying to solve problems there, it is a very difficult country. Our former VP is an embarrassment.

  4. Your sustained discussion on Nevers Mumba will not stop further deterioration of the exchange rate, inflation, GDP contraction, depletion of reserves though we will start buying gold now which is essentially our own asset, buying your own asset from foreigners. Governance in Zambia is at its lowest ever and the economy brought down to its knees by the PF and you are busy here discussing somebody who was in Congo doing his own business.

  5. I hope he learns his lesson. Leave Diplomatic visits to the Government in power. This is what you get when you think you’re smarter than you really are. Good luck with your political career which is headed no where.

  6. Look at that crocodile smile.Political prostitute, now watch him switch party alliance. What a useless man. How do Zambians tolerate such nonsense for the likes Mumba who have embarrassed us time after time?

  7. Nevers is okay. By far better than P Chanda, A Ntwewe, D Pule or C Mumba. These are chaps who claim to have their own political parties whose names of the parties even themselves don’t know them as they have never talked of their own parties not even a single day. Money talks. But Nevers talks of his party and has even branded it new hope and he has weeded out the disgruntled chaff that was causing confusion

  8. Nevers Mumba stole Embassy furniture in Canada and Mwanawasa fired him because he is a crook……big thief and hypocrite…..

  9. NerVOUS Mumba village ***** asking for prayers from his zealots. Did the ***** make the same plea when he sneaked out of the country?
    Shameless man CONVICT

  10. And he will continue calling this government useless etc. Yet without us he would still be stuck in Congo. This is a warning to all of you evil diasporans that one day you may need this government to help you.

    • Look at this type of thinking, thinking rescuing Nevers is of more importance than rescuing the economy. Anyway it is a capacity issue, or lack of it. Need to usher in people with the stamina, capacity, competency and intellect to come and sort out this mess

  11. I am PF but I am voting for Nevers Mumba in the next elections. I think he is not the best but I think he can beat our man who has put all economic perimeters in negative.

  12. Which intervention of the government the man was explaining yesterday that there was no contact from either the embassy in Congo or the government in an interview with Simon mwewa stop lying

  13. Can I get a reporter’s job on LT? I can do a better job than all of the reporters you have. Contact me.
    At which border post did Mumba cross into Zambia?

  14. When PF maliciously deregistered MMD it was Nevers who looked for 400,000 kwacha and rescued the party, when disgruntled MMD members were busy stealing party vehicles and aligning with PF for protection it was Nevers doing the donkey work, talk of the many legal fees to fight the sponsored loose canons, though I don’t belong to this party but I think the guy has worked. I am not even sure why small minds are worried about the non issue of his restriction in Congo.

  15. Ba Marjorite – actually, the embarrassment is you – the fact that you can’t see how your Pastor has embarrassed himself.

  16. This Tupac beard styled old man has’nt told us what he was doing there. Inasanuka!!!!
    Do you see how our friends love their countries? Here any foreigner just comes in digs up all the gold while mining copper and secretly sells off the gold without declaring to government and under declares their copper exports – all because Lungu naena BANAKWE!!!

  17. KZ Zambian passport is worthless. It’s better having a European/ American passport. These passports are worth more than what a Zambian passport would offer interms of government and embassies providing support as well as no visas required to travel European countries.

  18. Rubbish! It’s worthless to you who doesn’t travel and thinks holding a useless British document means you have made it. I’d rather have my Zambian passport than any of these foreign countries. I can fly in and out of southern, central and east Africa with no issues. Try that with your useless British passport…and by the way am out of the UK every 3 to 4 weeks using my Zambian passport

  19. DOKOTA MUMBA Takabwekeshepo ukuya ku Zaire. Bamuchenjesha!!! kanshi he went to see Kabila in Lumbashi? i wish he was vaccinated for corona virus before he crossed into Zambia.

  20. Black scouser agony is being proud of a passport or citizenship of a foreign country which sees your kind as second class citizens and likens you to monkeys. If a footballer earning millions can be subject to monkey chants and bananas being thrown at them, what more you a black nobody. Continue cleaning backsides of pensioners there. I am proud and free here in Zambia.

  21. Black scouser agony is being proud of a passport or citizenship of a foreign country which sees your kind as second class citizens and likens you to gorrila. If a footballer earning millions can be subject to gorilla chants and bananas being thrown at them, what more you a black nobody. Continue cleaning backsides of pensioners there. I am proud and free here in Zambia.

  22. It is sad that someone tweeted that the ‘ZAMBIAN GOVT HAS NEGLECTED NEVERS MUMBA’. Remember that diplomatic negotiations are complex especially where human life is in danger. Diplomacy is executed quietly – never open for public consumption. The Zambian Govt, has proved that it values human life. In this regard, Dr. Nevers Mumba himself will testify to confirm that the PF Govt served his life in DRC.

  23. Nevers Mumba is just okay. He is back home because there is nothing wrong he committed in Congo. Please leave the man alone.

  24. I hope Nevers has learnt one or two lessons, DRC is a very unstable country. He should have gathered more intel before venturing there. As for the PF GRZ they must be commended to have done their best through diplomatic channels to save Nevers Mumba’s neck. I know how the system operate in DRC, very pathetic, everything goes through corners nothing straight when dealing Congolese.

  25. Entering DRC through Kolwezi before getting to Lubumbashi was in itself suspicious. Direct route is Ndola to Lubumbashi via Kasumbalesa?

  26. African politics change…what is wrong with him meeting kabila. Always afraid of former president. African politics have even spoiled donald trump .

  27. Ba Kaizer, when your son gets in problems it’s your responsibility to save him out even if you are not in good terms with him.
    Dr. Mumba is as Zambian as all of us, we are a family.
    Let us not politisize what happened to him because it was a matter of life and death and I don’t think Zambia would have felt good…….

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