Friday, September 20, 2024

It’s very clear that the PF regime did a very bad job on KCM issue


By Percy Chanda

Looking at what is happening on the KCM issue, it’s very clear that the PF regime did a very bad job. The issue was rushed there by overlooking the implications of the agreement binding the two parties together. ZCCM IH may have a very genuine grievance against Vedanta of protecting the interest of the Zambian people.

But the manner it executed its grievance procedure will most likely be very harmful and costly to the Zambian people. Two wrongs cannot make a right. We therefore wish to advise the PF regime through ZCCM IH to swallow its pride and take a deep reflection on the matter before the Country is plunged into deep financial crisis.

PF should stop misleading Zambians that it has a good case on KCM. If that was the case why did the Court of Appeal stay the winding up process of the mine and referred the matter to the arbitrator in South Africa? We are aware that locally PF does not respect any law, but this madness should not be taken outside its boundaries. PF’s arrogance has led this Country into very deep financial crisis. PF will leave too many problems behind as they leave office next year.

The financial implications that will come as a result of disrespecting the terms on which the mine was sold will not be borne by PF, but ordinary people. If the investor was found wanting on the agreed terms and conditions first, we should also have been the first ones to lodge a complaint before the arbitrator against the investor.

When we sold the mine we did so on terms and conditions that we agreed with the buyer. People must stop being irresponsible and careless when carrying out such sensitive duties, don t use emotions.

PF has very serious problems in monitoring the activities on the mines. It’s like when things were going wrong in KCM the whole Government machinery was sleeping. Only to wake up when it was too late and now they want to use draconian methods to cover up their inefficiency. The case of KCM is just one example of how rotten the PF monitoring system is.


  1. Does the PF ever do a good job any where. Go and see a simple shelter called a toll gate on the Ndola Kitwe dual carriageway road that cost the Zambian tax payer 4.3 million united states dollars.

  2. are these the same guys who entered chingola blasting gun powder like outlaws entering a town without a sheriff? now they have just realized that corporate business ain’t business like any other, its not about muscles but wits.

  3. But lungu is supposed to be a lawyer ?

    I am comfused.

    From signing the wrong constitution , to not understanding contracts , to being unaware of human rights… this the same lungu who graduated as a lawyer or is this one the imposter , mutawre ????

  4. Everything is rocket science to PF;

    Watch “Leaders of the Opposition & Members of Parliament Press Briefing On Governance Related Issues.” on YouTube

    Watch “American- Zambian On PF Ministers In 2021” on YouTube

  5. They weren’t asleep, they were just drunk with jemasoni. The PF think that Zambia is their motherland alone that’s why they do as they wish but time to reckon will come soon and most will think that the world isn’t fair.

  6. I know that nobody is perfect, even the new government taking over from PF in 2021 wont be perfect, but what baffles me is how the PF has failed in everything, that is the biggest worry for more, I can lay bare the economic stats brought about by the PF in case somebody wants to needlessly argue

  7. It is possible that Edgar Lungu who graduated as a lawyer is not Edgar Chagwa Lungu who is the President. If it is the same person, it is possible that years of imbibing Jameson has taken its toll on the grey cells. This could also explain why he laughs when people are suffering. He is either drunk or is not Zambian enough to care for the plight of the Zambian people.

  8. One wonders what the handlers or advisors to PF GRZ do. Are these educated fellows just there to get their checks at month end or its the politicians who don’t take professional advise like was the case with Ministers get salaries after parliament was dissolved. This KCM vs Vandetta case is going to cost the treasury a fortunate. There is lack of seriousness on part of government advisors and politicians. Everything is just falling apart. I cry for my beloved country Zambia, Zambia What wrong have we done, our Leaders start on a good note but from the blues they do all sort of crazy things like they live in another planet.

  9. Imwe ba FI COLOUR leave our working government do their work! government is protecting interest to Zambian people first, why do you want to implicate things? otherwise ba upnd tatwakamivotele ba kolwe. KCM this! kcm that! why?

  10. Imwe ba FI COLOUR leave our working government do their work! government is protecting interest to Zambian people first, why do you want to implicate things? otherwise ba upnd tatwakamivotele ba kolwe. KCM this! kcm that! why? ….

  11. Imwe ba FI COLOUR leave our working government do their work! government is protecting interest to Zambian people first, why do you want to implicate things? otherwise ba upnd tatwakamivotele ba kolwe. KCM this! kcm that! why? .

  12. When many Zambians in diaspora commented that the KCM was not being handled correctly, many Zambians at home said Zambian in diaspora are not royal to Zambia. Now, In May 2021 will be two years since this case started. PF government and ZCCM-IH have handle KCM issue badly, and just before ZCM issue fired the CEO of ZCCM-IH who happen to be a good leader with right substance. Zambia had a good point, but mishandled the issue. PF government is failing us by starting Zambia Airways which will add no value in the next 5 years, but will increase Zambian debt.

  13.  Ackim Michelo
    December 15, 2020 At 3:12 pm

    “….PF protected the jobs of miners who were going to lose employment for nothing …let’s be reasonable….:”

    Where is the reason in paying hundreds of millions of $s compensation for trying to save jobs that cost a fraction of the eventual cost ……?

  14. F**k the law. We don’t want Vedanta and Indians. PF did a good job whatever the outcome of the arbitration, we not paying the Indians.

  15. PF did a very good job, dont just talk about things u dont know, the situation with the indians was very bad. Without intervention by GRZ things would have been worse

  16. Sorry , I take my words back….

    Lungus GRZ acted decisively in the intrest of zambia and we should all get behind them on this one.

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